20562277? ago

Still looking for an epub of Pale Horse that wasn't formatted by monkeys.

Though it's easy to find hits in an search, archive . org's pair of epubs is ridiculous, and none of the rest are much better. Somebody just ran the PDF through some OCR software and called it a day.

20551282? ago

Good reminder. There is a 1992 CNN interview here where he says: he had a Q clearance, and there is a public and secret space programm ... sounds very Q to me. ....

20548243? ago

I'd love some legitimate sources for this information. A single meme with no citations isn't much help for me to open up more eyes.

20549860? ago

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3192279 34 radio shows, lotsa other stuff. patriot for sure, load into phone and podcast youll not regret it.

20555941? ago


20556089? ago

my pleasure, babylon series ;)

20549133? ago

Go to Barnes & Noble and buy A Pale White Horse. The book they killed him for writing. In it you will learn much.

20549431? ago

Well, I'm not going to give my money to B&N but I'll see if I can find a digital copy somewhere. Thanks

20549494? ago

You're welcome. I suggest B&N just cause there is one in every damn town pretty much and you can have it in hand right away. Amazon is a dick but also has it. Ebay maybe? It's an amazing book and highly recommended.

20550843? ago

IRC, Torrents, ebook ftps....usenet..

Keep it phree.

20548494? ago

agreed, more sauce for these tendies please

20547753? ago



20547613? ago

Wasn't he shot almost on his doorstep? Like his front yard or something?

20550896? ago

They came to get him, he was wise to em, told em no.

The police then murdered an American at his home who was harming no one.

Because of his speech.

No one was ever arrested over it, no one served time, only the internet cared.

It would be easy to call this a failure, it would be easy to call it standing ground.

The real lesson is the warning, "look, look what they will do to us...any of us... all of us... whenever it suits them...with impunity"

I dont know if that even crossed his mind, but I hope he knows we see him now and we are listening.

20547515? ago

Bill Cooper made some uncanny predictions. Miss you Bill RIP

20549140? ago

He was in the intelligence agencies. They were not "predictions". He knew the plans.

20559674? ago

Agree anon. If anyone is skeptical, check out Bill's book for yourself:

Behold, A Pale Horse

William Cooper - Behold, A Pale Horse





Audio book:


Q anon on the topic of Bill Cooper:




20546139? ago

I'm feeling similar to him today. This is some DEEP SHIT, and the elites (covert) directing it are DEEPLY EVIL (antichrist-like).

20551059? ago

What is the cult of Mystery Babylon, Luciferians and the Synagogue of Satan? a vast network of tentacles from Arabia, the Vatican Rome, London, Washington, Israel Jerusalem but little seperate groups of elite salmost like a terrorist cell it's a need-to-know for workers and movers and compartmentalize knowledge for plausible deniability.

20565166? ago

little seperate groups


20559711? ago

And I was in a stupor (pop culture induced) for a LARGE part of my life, when I SHOULD have been awake! WHY was this allowed to occur? Certainly wasn't MY choice! I would prefer to be prepared rather than BLIND SIDED. Why God?

20545691? ago

Gezz he died really shortly after 9/11. Coincidence?

20551066? ago

Why the Red Shoes? https://voat.co/v/anon/3284388/20214748 Alice in Wonderland

20545638? ago

Looking for a source for those. I haven't found it yet but I found this video. Interesting.


20544706? ago

Barry Soetoro is Barrack Obama is Osama bin Laden.

What languages does he know? His parents?

20545952? ago

The last comparison is clearly not valid

20546823? ago


How sure are you?

20544352? ago

Looks like alex jones

20546499? ago

Nah Bill Hicks is Alex Jones.

20550870? ago

Completely ridiculous.....

sees pictures side-by-side

"Holy shit...."

20544125? ago

On Nov 11 Bill committed suicide by cop.

20551531? ago


20547523? ago

assassination by cop.

20548171? ago

Never trust the police.

20548354? ago


20547487? ago

November 5th

20545639? ago

Another magic 11 number, who are these Shriners they pray to a mahomet perhaps...and the Jewish Occult and Masons is there a connection? https://archive.ph/wa3nX Social media page shows Epstein's House Keeper hanging out with Chris Tucker known for movies such as Silver Linings Playbook, 5th Element, Rushhour the movie. What was the island temple?

20549123? ago

Mammon, Moloch, and many more. Shriners are Masons and are controlled at the top by Luciferians and the Synagogue of Satan.

20544376? ago

oy vey! suicide dosent get insurance, unless your a goat-fucker or a member of the tribe, goys!

20543938? ago

One of a kind - RIP

20544453? ago

No resting in peace until those responsible are brought to justice

20548981? ago

That's a pipe dream, unfortunately. Those responsible have only been rewarded thus far.

20544629? ago

We should live so long.