restorefreedom ago

tip to save info, in opera browser, right click and save as pdf, keeps all the urls

srayzie ago

Nice! Thank you

restorefreedom ago

excellent, thank you!


srayzie ago

Good idea. I’ll put that in the link. Thank you!

Banky1974 ago

Wow. Incredible post. Thank you, srayzie.

srayzie ago

Thank you Banky :)

TippyHome ago

Do yourself a favor and watch Andrea Breitbart on YouTube about Hollywood, that was recorded in 2009.For me, the fascinating take away from this interview is that he changed from being a (college) indoctrinated liberal to a conservative while observing the Clar ence Thomas Supreme Court confirmation. He was how a decent human being was raked over the coals and impun ed mercilessly. He became woke while watching that set of senators trying to ruin him over Anita Hi ll. Andrew was not book bright, but very common sense bright.

srayzie ago

That’s interesting. He was awesome. Very brave.

TippyHome ago

Thanks, srayzie. I happened upon it just as a happenstance. I knew he was onto Podesta but did not realize how it started. He had his “aha” moment like my family did, when our very liberal doctor revealed about human/child, drug, blood,organ and weapons trafficking. So July 2016 FBIAnon was the confirmation for us. Then q on Oct 28, 2017. Another confirmation are David Baldacci’s books. He writes fiction, but you have to know he has friends who are helping him with plot lines, with truth stranger than fiction.

dTTTb ago

Bill Cooper library. Saved.

I'm a big fan of the Mystery Babylon broadcasts

srayzie ago


standwithuQ ago

Thank you for this post, it is a treasure. William Cooper is a hero. I wish there would be justice for what they did to him. it breaks my heart.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! Me too. I remember watching a true crime show about what happened to him before I even knew who he was. So sad.

feli00 ago

This was a hero and an informant so they killed him. That's so that the Qtard stops talking about the misinformer rotschild illuminati assange.

SpreeFeech ago

Good stuff. Thanks.

Bleubird66 ago

Thank you!

Shiftworker1976 ago

Awesome linking. This is a treasure trove of truth.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I love Bill Cooper.

Vindicator ago

Would love to see the same info in this thread I mentioned in this comment:

A couple of questions:

  1. Who is Fritz Springmeier?
  2. What are his sources?
  3. How do we know he's not part of the disinfo racket?

(Not trying to ruffle any feathers with the question...just seems to me that a compilation like this would be most useful if it included a "review" of his reliablity. Genuinely interested.) :-)

The fact he called out AJ long ago as @Nomochomo mentioned below would be relevant to question 3, for example.

@kestrel9 @pby1000

feli00 ago

What I know is that the advice of the 13 Illuminati that controls the world is made up of families that we don’t know and that guy doesn’t dig into that. He talks about Rotschild and Rockefeller but those are level 2 so he may be in some way misinforming. Bill Cooper was killed for revealing the antigravity UFOs used by governments to this Tio. That’s revealing.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, the Navy just filed for a patent on that technology.

srayzie ago

I don’t think I’m going to get into all that. I want to make a collection of different resources, not debate. They can debate amongst themselves in the comment section.

I won’t want to go thru all the time and effort to put all this together just to argue about it, or try to convince people. There are people that will like it, and some that will bitch no matter what. I usually ignore punks like that. They can make up their own minds.

If you want to make a list like that go for it.

Vindicator ago

Understood. I hope this does happen in the Comments. Debate is the only hope we have of sorting the truth from the disinfo. :-)

srayzie ago

Yeah. I just get sick of arguing and being attacked. They can have at it in the comments all they want.

Vindicator ago

I've gotten so I like it. :-) The more they attack, the more they reveal.

srayzie ago

Lol. I’m into arguing with my enemies, but I feel most punks starting crap here are just being paid and a waste of my time.

Vindicator ago

That's true. I just ignore those.

srayzie ago

Yeah, me and you are magnets when it comes to shills!

Vindicator ago

More like kryptonite!

srayzie ago

Please see parent

@kestrel9 @pby1000 @Nomochomo

EyeOfRA ago

Type in pestle and mortar on Google maps.

Start in lady town, Ireland, and check out the dominos pizza warehouse nearby. Then work down the list going to windsor, Isle of Man.

It's code for child trafficking and pedo hot spots.


Could you link to original comment?


^Two instances in which Will Cooper exposes Alex Jones lying and slandering his name

srayzie ago

Thanks Nomo!

srayzie ago

Thanks Vindicator!

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

I don't recall if it was the same pdf link but parts of the book were missing. I think it was part of the appendix. So, I ordered the book from someone on eBay.

pby1000 ago

Mark Passio is another great source.

pby1000 ago

Great post! This information is critical to waking up. This is a war of consciousness. So far, the evil people are generating reality because they work together to implement their evil plan. The good people are catching up, hough. It is why they banned those reddit subs- we were linking our consciousnesses together to affect reality. The Masons call it the generative principle.

To me, this is the critical teaching of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, etc.

feli00 ago

jesus maria jose buda krisna shiva trinities invented by the elite Jew.that good people are gaining ground according to you if all the great bankers and politicians are Jews


Remember, this dude called out Alex Jones as Controlled Opposition decades ago.

feli00 ago

alex jones assange snowden CIA MOSSAD

EyeOfRA ago

Type in pestle and mortar on Google maps.

Start in lady town, Ireland, and check out the dominos pizza warehouse nearby. Then work down the list going to windsor, Isle of Man.

It's code for child trafficking and pedo hot spots.

think- ago

It's code for child trafficking and pedo hot spots.

How do you know - genuinely curious.

Northern_Soul ago

I am EyeofRa.

Because the weavers of our reality have my acient garments.I got skinned alive when I was 8 years old in one of my past lifes and ever since the dark magicians dress up in my garms to use animals to play ping Pong to influence world politics. See Katy perry.

That's the 33rd degree masonic secret they don't want you to know.

Sorry for my bad English.

Vindicator ago

@Nomochomo, be advised this information is coming from a probable shill account.


How do you know acient soul is eye of ra?

Vindicator ago

They said the exact same thing.


Thank you Vindi

Northern_Soul ago

Promise you Bro I am no shill.

The whole industrial area (ladytown) is a Den of thieves.

Dig into the storage facilities, i.t networks and transport links.


Do you know what the ether is and how it corresponds with packet data,i.e pixels.

I do. I built my mind to withstand the pulse weapon and hack into the main frame to bring it down its knees when the time is right.

The Prince of the air.

Vindicator ago

Open the pod bay door, Hal.

Northern_Soul ago

If you get visions... I'll teach you to snake your right eye.

Northern_Soul ago

Outnumbered...Why we love timesplitters.. LIGHTS OUT!!!

Maryland Cookies... backdoor where all about to close.

p.s... thank fuck for us :) & my girl, jem777 says hello (no regrets)...check my t.v transmitter in Bolton, winter hill 777 meters above sea level.

you see where i am going with this.



then why the fuck are you switching between accounts like a bot/shill?

Vindicator ago


I find it telling

Vindicator ago

:-) I try to stay frosty

Vindicator ago

How did you know to "type in pestle and mortar on Google Maps"?

EyeOfRA ago

When I was just three years old, a spec of dust hit me in my right eye and it sent me all the way back in time to the very point I made mankind.

Ever since I have been fighting tooth and nail to save our children from powers and principalities.


Domino's Pizza Naas Commissary Domino's Pizza Naas Commissary 1 The Willows, Ladytown, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland


@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed

"Maybe get something for the pizza...or icecream!!!"

"Not open to the locals before anyone thinks of trying"

EyeOfRA ago

Type in naas Pizza Google images.

Pedo symbols everywhere..

EyeOfRA ago

Naas stands for.. Network as a service Network as a service (NaaS) is a business model for delivering enterprise-wide area network services virtually on a subscription basis.

Imagine that. My bet Naas in Ireland is a trafficking hotspot.

Vindicator ago

This needs it own submission in v/pizzagate. Please include an explicit description of what you are seeing. We should dig further.


pby1000 ago

This is true. I researched it before.

ZombiClown ago

T/Y saving for sure!

rickki6 ago

BARR is a BAD ASS today !

IamJulianAssange ago

This should be a sticky and everyone should download and archive!

BitChuteArchive ago - ( cooper ) - ( William Cooper-Behold A Pale Horse ) - ( MB00 02111993 The Dawn of Man ) - ( Alex Jones Show - interview William Cooper (cir... ) - ( Bill Cooper predicted 911 ) - ( Bill Cooper predicted 911 (it cost him his life) )

WhisperingPine ago

only 2 of these links work.

NoBS ago

This is a gold mine that requires the time and energy to verify content.

I suspect the NSA has already corrupted the files.

USAMatters ago

Thank you - I always read your post because I know they will have important information.

srayzie ago

Thank you! I appreciate that!

kestrel9 ago

Excellent idea, thank you!

EyeOfRA ago

Type in pestle and mortar on Google maps.

Start in lady town, Ireland, and check out the dominos pizza warehouse nearby. Then work down the list going to windsor, Isle of Man.

It's code for child trafficking and pedo hot spots...

kestrel9 ago

I just ran across a name associated with the Isle of Man related to my other posts (involving pedo networks, Tavistock…)

srayzie ago

I thought so too! You’re welcome.

bopper ago

Found this video of you making your bed with your cat.

srayzie ago

😂 That’s so cute. I always do things around my cats too!

bopper ago

Haha! I thought about you.

This Barr guy sure does remain cool under pressure.

He's great with these faggots today.

srayzie ago

Omg I’m pissed listening to these snakes! I don’t know how he stays calm.

bopper ago

I think he's pretty amazing. Yeah I'd reach across and punch that Booker and Kamala out lol.

srayzie ago

I would like to slap a bunch of them 😂