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20531165? ago

Regarding Point 1, I came upon the following from July (credit to @kayemsur in the v/theawakening Voat - Trump Wins Big in Emoluments Lawsuits: Two Down and One to Go

President Trump has won the second of three lawsuits alleging he violated the Constitution because foreigners and state officials patronize his businesses, such as the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal dismissed the claim by Maryland and the District of Columbia that Trump was violating the Constitution’s domestic and foreign emoluments clauses.

In throwing out this latest suit, the Fourth Circuit chastised the plaintiffs for wasting the court’s time with a plainly meritless case.

The court also scolded federal judge Peter Messitte, a Clinton appointee, for not throwing out the case sooner and for refusing to let the president appeal his erroneous rulings. Judge Messitte’s faulty reasoning “blinks reality,” the court said, and his actions “amounted to a clear abuse of discretion.”

How many times do these idiot Democrats want their ass handed to them over and over again?

Not knocking you StaffAnon; thanks for the O.P. Keep up the good work and please try to get information to us in future if you can.

20532159? ago

Those dismissals are based on legal technicalities like inability of the court to provide a proper remedy (i.e. what is the court gonna do, take away his hotels?) and standing (violating the constitution is sort of abstract and it's hard to say who it "harms" besides the citizens in general and you can't just sue on behalf of all US citizens).

Congress wouldn't have such issues in an impeachment hearing as they can just decide to say the president is violating the constitution and they're kicking him out for that. Technically they could kick him out for not liking his hat if they wanted to.

20533060? ago

Technically, you are right Patriot but....................I’ll tell you why these rat bastard democrats will never vote for impeachment. #1: The majority of the American people are against impeaching POTUS. #2: If they do and send it over to the Senate, McConnell will take it and throw it straight into the trash can.

If I was McConnell I would let a trial begin. Now comes DISCOVERY, DEPOSITIONS, CROSS EXAMINATIONS etc........ The first subpoena I would issue would be to Jerald Nadler and the right down the democrat bastard ladder. Think these pieces of shit don’t know that this outdated be a distinct possibility? A MAJOR FUCKUP and they know it!!!

20534264? ago

They don't need impeachment for that though. Congressional committees and subcommittees have the authority to issues subpoenas and hear testimony at virtually any time. They're not a court and impeachment isn't exactly a trial although there are some similarities.

They can find anyone who doesn't comply to be in Contempt of Congress.

20532653? ago

I guess you're right Anon; I was just trying to be positive here.

If the Republicans in Congress weren't so spineless, then you could say that they would go after the next Dem President in the exact same way. Dems would be playing with fire here. That's assuming there will ever again be a Dem. President. One can hope.