20551230? ago

LMAO If this is the best dems have GOT against trump thats priceless.

Nobody gives a shit about trumps hotels in the real world. Nobody believes that Trump is secretly poor. Thats one of the dumbest and most pointless arguements I've seen libtards make PERIOD.

Any Rs that think it matters are clearly too dumb to be in office.

Whoever thinks Trump wont be around for the 2020 ballot is an idiot.

If you were real, I'd say your bubbles are about to burst.

As it is, I'm glad i found the Reddit stain

20551905? ago

Please actually read things before injecting your piss poor opinion.

20536182? ago

Absolute bullshit....solid effort though

20533661? ago

This StaffAnon is fake. He popped in here around the same time as the fake FBIAnon. Whoever is doing it is trolling us. Don't bite. He has no clue as to what the Plan is. The GOP will cut its own throat if they abandon Trump. The Dems already know that impeachment is a losing issue. They will find out the same way the GOP did when they tried to impeach WJC. People just don't like it. They will turn on the party and the candidates that vote for impeachment. It is dead in the Senate anyhow. It ain't gonna happen.

Trump is going to win 2020 with a Reagan 2nd-term landslide. Who do the Dems have? Nobody? Their one hope is Michelle Obama and they should know that we will go all out with the tranny stuff to defeat her. Lots of black Christians will not go for that. Black Christians are largely anti-gay and they know that Trump has done more for them than Obama ever did. A few more pardons at key moments and Trump will win the black vote by a comfortable margin. The Dems aren't going to know what hit them.

20539633? ago

I never claimed to know The Plan, I am just sharing the info I do know. So, read it or move on, I don't really care, I get nothing from this.

20534238? ago


20533729? ago


20532904? ago

Fuck you OP. You're trying to sow discord and bring down morale in a round about way. Go fuck yourself. Delete your account now instead of later.

20539643? ago

Thank you for your input, I'm trying to prepare people and show what is coming, this is all stuff that can be contested and fought, so maybe it's you that has no morale?

20539943? ago

And I thought you were deleting your account?? Of course not.

20539935? ago

You actually believe Trump is not going to run in 2020 because of the Dems? Right in the thick of WAR? Come one man, use your head!

Trump is going to run, and he's going to win in a landslide. He's also not going to be impeached. They've got nothing on him. All the sealed indictments will eventually be unsealed too don't forget.

20540222? ago

I'm just informing on what I'm hearing from the other side within the halls, it's not my actual opinion, so calm down.

20532954? ago

Ok, thanks.

20532692? ago

I dont see how any of that can cause him to resign or how it would hurt him.

20531796? ago

Remember, if you delete your account, you will not even be able to read at voat. No lurkers without accounts. Jus sayin.

20531632? ago

Freddy, is that you? Tell Toots hi!

20531599? ago

This reeks like shill bullshit..."yeah, they have a super secret evidence they have been sitting on for three years"...I think we got ourselves a fake.

20532899? ago

Not what I said.

20531472? ago

Trump can pardon himself and his entire administration. Obama did it. Nothing the Dems do will work. LOL!!!

20531447? ago

This backs up Mooch's claims that there must be some larger effort against Trump in DC.

20531350? ago


20532066? ago

Gotta admire the persistence of this one thou

20531270? ago

Whatever happened to Epstein? Any questions about his death in the halls?

20531206? ago

Yeah, no. They can think Trump isn't going to run all they want.

We The People think differently. They can fuck the hell off.

20531165? ago

Regarding Point 1, I came upon the following from July (credit to @kayemsur in the v/theawakening Voat - Trump Wins Big in Emoluments Lawsuits: Two Down and One to Go

President Trump has won the second of three lawsuits alleging he violated the Constitution because foreigners and state officials patronize his businesses, such as the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal dismissed the claim by Maryland and the District of Columbia that Trump was violating the Constitution’s domestic and foreign emoluments clauses.

In throwing out this latest suit, the Fourth Circuit chastised the plaintiffs for wasting the court’s time with a plainly meritless case.

The court also scolded federal judge Peter Messitte, a Clinton appointee, for not throwing out the case sooner and for refusing to let the president appeal his erroneous rulings. Judge Messitte’s faulty reasoning “blinks reality,” the court said, and his actions “amounted to a clear abuse of discretion.”

How many times do these idiot Democrats want their ass handed to them over and over again?

Not knocking you StaffAnon; thanks for the O.P. Keep up the good work and please try to get information to us in future if you can.

20532159? ago

Those dismissals are based on legal technicalities like inability of the court to provide a proper remedy (i.e. what is the court gonna do, take away his hotels?) and standing (violating the constitution is sort of abstract and it's hard to say who it "harms" besides the citizens in general and you can't just sue on behalf of all US citizens).

Congress wouldn't have such issues in an impeachment hearing as they can just decide to say the president is violating the constitution and they're kicking him out for that. Technically they could kick him out for not liking his hat if they wanted to.

20533060? ago

Technically, you are right Patriot but....................I’ll tell you why these rat bastard democrats will never vote for impeachment. #1: The majority of the American people are against impeaching POTUS. #2: If they do and send it over to the Senate, McConnell will take it and throw it straight into the trash can.

If I was McConnell I would let a trial begin. Now comes DISCOVERY, DEPOSITIONS, CROSS EXAMINATIONS etc........ The first subpoena I would issue would be to Jerald Nadler and the right down the democrat bastard ladder. Think these pieces of shit don’t know that this outdated be a distinct possibility? A MAJOR FUCKUP and they know it!!!

20534264? ago

They don't need impeachment for that though. Congressional committees and subcommittees have the authority to issues subpoenas and hear testimony at virtually any time. They're not a court and impeachment isn't exactly a trial although there are some similarities.

They can find anyone who doesn't comply to be in Contempt of Congress.

20532653? ago

I guess you're right Anon; I was just trying to be positive here.

If the Republicans in Congress weren't so spineless, then you could say that they would go after the next Dem President in the exact same way. Dems would be playing with fire here. That's assuming there will ever again be a Dem. President. One can hope.

20531105? ago

This is all so discouraging.

Please, do you have anything positive to tell us?

20532923? ago

I'm hoping my boss loses so I can move out of DC.

20533291? ago

That's no help. You don't like your boss?

20533738? ago

I love my job, I hate DC though

20537656? ago


20532894? ago

He's doing that in purpose.

20531080? ago

Dear staffanon, do you realize and acknowledge that jews are ruining the world?

20531002? ago

Trumps not going anywhere. He’s not the only one that could run the new media outlet.

Wilbur Ross isn’t going to resign over a fucking black mark on a poster. Anyone who thinks marking an inaccurate weather forecast is an enforceable crime needs to examine reality especially the reality of Brennan and Clapper whom are actually on record perjuring themselves in front of Congress.

20530897? ago

I call BS, again. Nothing you've ever posted ever came to fruition. As a matter of fact, I can tell by your writing style and word choices that you've posted as other '________anon'. Fuck off, Clown.

20530775? ago

Staffanon, please tell your boss and other congress critters that there are more important things going on in this country then nonstop harrassment of Trump. We the people are fucking pissed off how much of our money you all waste playing politics. We are all tired of their clown show.

20531459? ago

And here are our tax dollars hard at work - spending their time scaremongering on Voat instead of what they were hired to do.

Even our clueless DC politicians can see the size of Trump rallies. StaffAnon's scenarios are ridiculous. Sounds like just another demoralizing DC asshole.

20530581? ago

Buwahahaha last week you were NYT's Journalist fired anon. The week before you were D.C. Attorney Anon. And ... the week before that you were D.C. Firefighter Anon.

See a psychiatrist.

20530699? ago

You are delusional. I've been active here for a long time as myself.

20530737? ago

Yeah right. Nice try. So tell me. How many sock puppet accounts do you really have?

20530765? ago

I only have one account. You can't create new accounts now for a while. Thanks though.

20530858? ago

Know that. You created the sock puppet accounts back when you could. You know. When Shreddit banned the Great Awakening. lol You all came here.

20530574? ago

Weak effort.

20530570? ago

If the guys going to get impeached, why wouldn't he just start declassifying everything??? He has that Magic Pen! use it to declassify everything important. Then use the pen one last time to remove the presidential Power of executive order. Executive orders should have never existed in the first place. it's too much power for one person to have. Are you trying to say no one's going to get arrested????

20530719? ago

It's very possible, and if it gets too far down the road Congress will remove and limit powers off the presidency. Mitch is not opposed to this and has brought it up in meetings - it would be an easy, quick vote.

20535192? ago

Congress will remove and limit powers off the presidency

bitch, please....

20531075? ago

That's why he should do it all fast and at the same time! so they have no time to react. It needs to go down that road or they are going to bankrupt his entire family as soon as he's impeached. I'm pretty sure they're not going to let him just walk away a billionaire.

20532962? ago

This is correct

20530549? ago

Megaanon was one of the only real anon's out there...along with Q team of course ;)


20530875? ago

You're joking, right?

20531476? ago

...i don't think Q ever called her out. Please site post.

Megaanon just didn't realize Q was a military sanctioned psyop at the time. She just said that the pics from supposedly Air Force 1 weren't actually from af1, because it would have been technically impossible to send them. Also, a huge security risk I would imagine. I'm thinking there are devices on AF1 that disable phones so pics can't be sent...and tracked

20533050? ago

No, he called her out indirectly after she tried claiming Q left secret messages just for her in Q posts. Never posted again after that.

20537497? ago

Ok, can you give an example?

20538865? ago

I could, but it would take too much time to look up & I'm not willing to do that for MegaAnon.

20538936? ago

Lol, you're a lying queer...just admit it.

20542320? ago

By all means, look it up yourself.

Why the fuck should I spend time & energy looking up a fraud just to convince you of their fraudulent claims you could easily do yourself?

No outside comms, you fucking amateur.

20542892? ago

You're the one who made the claim that Q "called out" megaanon and that's the reason she went dark. The burden of proof rests on you fren.

I agree that there are "no outside comms" but megs wasn't outside comms, she appeared to be an analyst who was just spreading info that was already known entirely to whatever intelligence community she belonged to..nothing that would have been considered specifically "classified" even...just a more accurate perspective on the reality of how the world is actually ran.

That's just my perspective anon, you don't have to agree with it. But if you're going to make a claim like "Q called her out" then the burden to provide proof of said claim rests with you.

20543513? ago

That's not a claim, it's what happened. Again, I'm not wasting time digging up the specific Q posts or MegaAnon posts just to convince YOU. If you were following Q posts from the beginning, you would already know this.

I believe Mega had made a post implying Q was a LARP. No one knew for sure back then. Someone asked Q about MegaAnon & he responded with something along the lines of, "careful who you follow. There are those trying to mislead this movement."

The general consensus at the time was that Mega was probably a female journalist LARPing for the sake of making the newly formed Q community look bad by proving how easy it is to convince people you are an anonymous insider. Most of us saw through her bullshit quite easily. Obviously, she was able to convince others who apparently didn't quite get the memo.

We all knew what Q meant, MegaAnon posted her response that she "found" secret messages in Q posts specifically meant for her & she disappeared with her tail between her legs. It's assumed she realized Q was the real deal & she decided to stop playing games she's not qualified to play.

By all means, keep believing in the fraud that is MegaAnon. No one is stopping you.

20543686? ago

I mean...most of what she claimed and what Q claims is one in the same....I don't think she was intentionally trying to detract from Q, I think she just didn't get the memo like you said.

Her timeline's were off...but so are Q's if you think about it. They didn't seem to disagree on much though. Q is much more vague, Megs was a more down-to-earth approach...which honestly I find more helpful.

She called Q a LARP when she saw the pics of Air Force 1...and she was probably right to say that those weren't actual pics from af1. I'm not sure how much you know about networking/information transfer, but sending pics from AF1 while it's in transit is most likely a huge security breach. I don't even think those pics were real.

But I'll leave it at that. At least you explained yourself.

20530523? ago

Trump will likely not be on the 2020 ballot

Nice try Shekelburg...

What are your thoughts on the white house leaker? (Mike Pence) I'm thinking that he won't make it as VP in 2020

20530586? ago

I would be surprised if he is still VP by the election.

20530986? ago

Wait, why do you say this?

I've always been suspicious of him, so I'm really curious.

20530865? ago

Damn. That would be a quick escalation with the election 18 months away

20530467? ago

Thanks for posting. Few more questions:

  • So, at this point, you seriously believe Trump will not run for re-election and set up a media network instead?

  • If Trump doesn't run, and people on the Hill know this, surely the Republicans must have someone prepared to run in the 2020 election, who would that be? Who is the Republican establishment's candidate?

  • Can you give us the name of some of the RINOs who are anti-Trump?

Thanks again man. Don't know why you need to delete your account lol, but I can understand if it is related to safety issues.

20530673? ago

My boss said, and I quote, "Nine out of ten Republicans in Congress are ready to get back to business as usual." It will be shocking to me of he is on the ballot with as many challenges as are being prepared.

As for who they will suddenly support, it is 100% Sanford, and he is a backup for other people for sure.

"We have a storm coming that we are neither talking about nor preparing for given that we, as a country, are more financially vulnerable than we have ever been since our Nation's start and the Civil War," Sanford wrote on Twitter on Sunday. "We are on a collision course with financial reality. We need to act now."

The RINOs are overwhelming. Look at what the former tea party folks are doing.

20530833? ago

  • You have observed the preparations Dems have made to potentially impeach Trump. Q has mentioned that there is obviously a lot of documented corruption among the Dems (eg Maxine Waters). Have you observed any preparations among the Republicans to launch counterinvestigations on Dem leaders?

  • Ok, the RINOs are overwhelming......what about any Repubs who arent RINOs and are actually pro-Trump, or at least, good people lol? Any of those? Any examples? I'm thinking Rand Paul must at least be one of the few honest ones, even if doesn't always agree with Trump.

  • Q has described Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of US political circles? Have you observed this at all? What about Israeli infilitration?

  • What are your thoughts regarding Seth Rich and his demise?

  • What are the attitudes on the Hill to the Jihad Squad (AOC, Omar, etc)?

Thanks again lol

20531009? ago

(Good questions... hope anon replies)

20530446? ago

StaffAnon please post some Staff Proofs like Q proofs.

20530684? ago

I already have, check my last post.

20530475? ago

He did already in a previous post, a photograph from the senate barbershop

20530496? ago

Thanks i ll check it out. Its hard to follow a single anon here on this board.

20530384? ago

How does it feel to teabag yourself daily?

20530346? ago

What percentage of the people in DC are Mason's? We know we are dealing with NWO traitors. Not sure why you say Democrats and Republicans.

20530344? ago

Thanks for sharing. I can only hope there are other unknown items which help Trump that you're not aware of.... time will tell.

Thanks anon.

20530299? ago

If they think President Trump will resign, I would speculate that is more wishful thinking than anything else, As for the Irish and Scottish Sites? If Maxine Waters is overseeing this along with Elijah Cummings , I almost want to laugh! The gerrymandering and NOAA issues are curious. I know what it is like to work in an environment similar to yours and would suggest, to you, that it can feel like a bigger storm than it is in the echo chamber where everyone is just scared all the time about losing the cushy gig. I could be wrong. I was once. But hey, thanks for "appearing" to be on "the right side of history".


20530290? ago

Since Q hasn't posted in 5+ weeks, the dis-info. agents are coming out of the woodwork. Bet Q posts tomorrow, on 9/11 and watch the rats with posts like this disappear. The Trump resorts versus the AF etc. has been reported on. Trump has had a standing agreement about this resort with the AF since 2014 so bullshit on you OP. Fire up those memes anons, Q will be posting tonight !!

20546491? ago

Looks like he didn't come back.

20546981? ago

Very surprised. Date seems important to most patriots. Quite the puzzle.

20552369? ago

Q has backed themselves into a corner and given control to Jim Watkins. Watkins wants money to turn 8Chan back on. This is a problem.

20530364? ago

I hope he does come back.

20530212? ago

If Trump can’t take the country back, then we sure a fuck will.

20530244? ago


20530473? ago

However necessary to secure the existence, liberty, and security of the American people.

If that means hanging 535 traitors, then so be it,

20530800? ago

So if Trump loses your going to go to DC and hang all of Congress. Good luck with that, I can't even hang a painting in my office without a work order.

20530857? ago

Remember for whom you work, civil servant.

It ain’t the politicians.

20531063? ago



20530451? ago

Maybe it's time to file multimillion $$$ lawsuits. It's the only language they understand.

20530812? ago

Against who, and for what?

20531085? ago

How about deriliction of duties.

Gross incompetence.

Or because I feel like it.

If it's good enough for the swamp rats in DC, it's good enough for me. Collectively, we could instigate so many lawsuits, we'd force them all out.

20532827? ago

I don't think you fully understand the law.

20530206? ago

Moves, counter-moves, Art of War, Art of the Deal. Plot's getting good.

20530152? ago

All of this will backfire so wonderfully in their faces. What they have failed to realize is over 60% of this country now knows that the Demoncrats are a bunch of liars and will say anything to make Trump look bad.

The general populace knows something isn't right. They know the MSM is a propaganda machine for the Deep State at this point.

If they chose the route of impeachment, they will expose themselves. So I say bring it on. It will destroy the democrats forever.

20530224? ago

You are wildly overestimating people's beliefs in this country.

20536204? ago

That's a telling statement right there....your closely held "belief" stated like it's fact.


20531825? ago

Even if you are who you say you are, especially in fact, it shows you have no knowledge of the American people to suggest such a ludicrous scenario. Go polish Mitt’s knob or whatever gets you off.

20530642? ago

I don't think he's "overestimating peoples beliefs in this country". The highly populated cities like LA, San Fran, etc.. will always lean toward the handout puppet masters whim. The rest of America understand the Constitution. When you get out of the Cities, especially DC, then you'll see Americans hard at work.. being Americans!

20532775? ago

Which is crazy because those particular cities have gone down the shitter compared to how they were. I guess the boiling the frog strategy helps.

20532928? ago

It's mind boggling to watch these crazy leftists have their rights stripped more and more, incrementally every day.. while they cheer for more... and actually try to defend those actions claiming benevolence, or say it was the "other guy before them".

20532060? ago

The midterms contradicts this optimism. If the next election would happen today, Republicans would be fucked as they're polling even more poorly than the midterms.

20535153? ago


20530752? ago

I am from a flyover state, I'm not a DC local.

20530149? ago

  1. Maxine Waters is overseeing this along with Elijah Cummings - these people are morons.
  2. SharpieGate is as about as effective as Two Scoops, or Is Trump afraid of Stairs?
  3. Gerrymandering has been done forever by both sides. It would be crazy to get agreements from judges in a quid pro quo. Super high risk with little benefit to Trump. I don't believe that for one second.

There is nothing here that will get Trump impeached.

20530237? ago

I didn't say there was, I was explaining what they are going to do.

20530747? ago

Don't take it as a criticism.

Thanks for your update!

20529921? ago

King of South Dakota here. What, you don't think I really am? I said so. Look at my first sentence. There, now you have to believe it.

20530129? ago

Welcome, your highness.

20529974? ago

Write a nine paragraph post first and I will take a second look. Could be about anything. Just put a little effort in. Tell us some rumors from S. Dakota. Or you can run away and talk crap on the next post.

20530394? ago


20530301? ago

You dare to challenge The King?!?

20529915? ago

Republicans and Democrats are nearly all traitors. At least the Dems are open about it. The course of action described by StaffAnon above would lead to Civil War, as someone said above me. No way are Trump/the Military/Q Team letting it get to that stage. It's getting about time that Patriots take there gloves off.

Start with declass, then leaks about all the crimes that dirty Dems and Rino's have done, followed by leaks about all dirty foreigners, Hollywood celebrities, etc. Destabilize everything. Let the chips fall where they may.

20530156? ago

I honestly don't think it will result in any kind of war. The majority of people don't want that.

20530783? ago

No one wants "war" but you're describing a takedown of a popular president based on, what amounts to, a bunch of political bullshit. Perhaps Trump should have known better to take on a goverment run by attorneys for attorneys that peddle in fear mongering. It's a disgrace.

What you've described sounds like it's all a done deal with the intent to take down Trump. I'd like to believe Trump has a few cards to play to prevent this bullshit from being anything more than a comedy.

20532033? ago

what amounts to, a bunch of political bullshit

violating the constitution (which prohibits profiting from the office of president) is not "political bullshit". In the past candidates and presidents have been very careful to avoid even the APPEARANCE of profiting from the office while they occupied it. Carter famously sold a measly peanut farm before swearing in.

POTUS's arrogance and feeling that the rules don't apply to him may be his downfall...

20533284? ago

"Orange man bad" got it

20538399? ago

What he said is basically what most republicans are saying.

20538785? ago

We've had 30 years of presidents that have "gotten away with" a slew of cover ups and highly questionable actions. Since they were all attorneys, their misdeeds are hidden behind NDAs, "Secret" classifications, and loyalty to a party. Now there's a president, whuch is, bringing prosperity back to America and seems like to be doing very well once you get behind the wall of negative press.... and as it's been shown since the early days of America, one party will shame, fabricate, and shit on the other opponent for political power. If the Govn'r of VA can keep his job after his blackface shit, if the govn'r of Baltimore and lose 18Billion, if the Givn'r can misappropriate billions from a failed train project then divert the $$$ into "impeach Trump" activity and the previous administration can shit all over the FISA court to spy on Trump..... then i dont care if Trump has Trump continues to make $$$ on his hotel business world-wide. He had an existing business in the private sector. The others are in gov't abusing the gov't and stealing tax dollars to remain in power.

Trump needs to drain the swamp. Again, I call bullshit on the shaming tactics. Its bullshit, it's been bullshit and will continue to be bullshit because the left want power at all costs.

20530876? ago

Maybe, I hope so too, but there is certainly a process and laws that people will follow. there are enough secret anti-Trump Republicans running around to make any of these votes suddenly very passable if they come to fruition. And no one will face any consequences because it will be fully legal.

when Clinton was impeached they thought he would be shamed into resigning, but he did not. From what it looks like will happen, Trump will have to face either resignation or all of his finances coming out to the general public, which he may or may not care about, but it seems that he does care very much about it with the lengths he goes to keep them under wraps.

20531295? ago

SO , in your theory:

Bill Clinton did NOT have enough personal shame to resign after being impeached.

And you further suppose:

DJT has MORE personal shame than Bill Clinton.

Honestly man, are you even conscious?

20532878? ago

It's not shame, it's the continuing success of his empire. If Trump is ruined in the eyes of his supporters he will lose money making outlets for his children. It's not a shame thing.

20533997? ago

-IF- Trump is ruined in the eyes of his supporters...


20533991? ago

I don’t think you’re thinking this through. Trump and his family are already in the crosshairs. The Rubicon has been crossed. He has to see this through and arrest enough deep staters to cripple their network or he will get no peace.

20531128? ago

I came to the conclusion he doesn't care.... but it was a great way to find out who was leaking info.

20529869? ago

I've just read my last post from this LARP.

20530169? ago


20529861? ago

Nothing to see hear.

Rumor and hearsay.

DC bullshit.

20530013? ago

Isn’t that about half of what we’ve got?

20529850? ago

I have some serious doubts about this. It's clear that Trump is indeed planning a 2020 campaign, and I believe it's entirely possible he will win. If and when (PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE!!) declas comes, the Demwit Party will probably be in such disarray that they won't even know where safe places are for them to go.

20532828? ago

I agree. I think the OP hs here to sow discord and bring down morale in a roundabout way. "my boss says... My boss says". Get the fuck out of here motherfucker. Delete your account now instead of tomorrow, how about that OP.

There's no way Trump just decides not to run because reasons. They're in the thick of it right now. Come on, use your heads. They also have tons of sealed indictments and are in the middle of a covert war. Why would the president abandon ship now??

20531094? ago

He IS running and his base is only getting bigger. He won in a landslide. Hillary cheated to get the votes she got.

20529808? ago

If that's all they have, they have nothing.

20529758? ago

Are there any Q proofs you can give us from the inside?

20530379? ago

Q is rarely discussed here.

20531136? ago

Q says Pelosi tried to take the comms down before 8chan was down, so we know there is talk...but the Hill being much more silent than openly fearful seems legit. How worried do they really are? How much do you believe in Q?

20532856? ago

I believe, I don't think they do. There is no real concern that I've seen at all.

20530498? ago

Rarely? What has been discussed then?

20530782? ago

Mostly how many followers there are and how they overlap with different belief systems.

20530953? ago

It's good they know this aspect. As a former liberal, this is what they should fear the most. POTUS already has 2 more votes in this household who never thought in a million years we'd vote his way in 2016.

All the AI, big tech & gerrymandering can't change the fact that people are waking up to the BS.

How many followers do they estimate? Does it scare them how diverse we are in our various backgrounds, geographical locales & beliefs?

20530834? ago

It's almost as if each issue will be created and tracked to see which issues will generate the most interest for a democratic contender.

How much is AI and NLP and big data discussed in the halls?

20530894? ago

I wish I could share half the stuff I've learned recently about where artificial intelligence is these days.

20531152? ago

Just point in a direction (book, article, etc)

20532219? ago

If it's confidential or classified info you can't do that, "hints" are considered just as good as giving out the info. You can sort of give hints but they have to be INCREDIBLY vague and even then you're taking a risk.

20531104? ago

The Q team has stated millions worldwide. Is that an accurate assessment?

20532838? ago


20533241? ago

What's your estimate?

20529749? ago

so, prepare for civil war 2.0?

20529742? ago


20529699? ago

FBIAnon here, StaffAnon is a LARP.

20529972? ago

Porn anon here. I concur.

20529745? ago

PleiadianAnon here;

You are all living in a simulation.

Life itself is a LARP.

20531091? ago

SelfStimulatorAnon here.

Pics or GTFO