20518278? ago

Q drop 128, Graphic is Necessary and Vital (qmap pub), where it says "CIA is here pray," the underlined letters are also an anagram for "USA mass GANs."

Generative Adversarial Networks are a class of artificial intelligence algorithms used in unsupervised machine learning, implemented by a system of two neural networks contesting with each other in a zero-sum game framework. They were introduced by Ian Goodfellow et al. in 2014. - Wikipedia

20515407? ago


20511618? ago

I had a feeling that after the cabal shutdown of xbox 360 that all video games were just AI. We are training the muslims with access to these games.

20511256? ago

My god, I've never in my life felt so uneducated. Just when I 'get' the concept of all this, I think too hard and POOF, back to the murky swamp of stupid. How I wish in 1977 that when my best friend was doing a hs internship with IBM I'd said "tell me everything" instead of "huh?".

I guess at this point my contribution will be baking cookies & stitching wounds behind the lines.

20511388? ago

protip: programmers fucking love cookies.

Source: on my github, duh.

20510836? ago

The so called Black AI against White AI.

20509907? ago

Most skin walkers are ‘A’ I.

20510391? ago

yes. ALICE.

20509855? ago

What has too be understood is that we are the super computers that big tech is trying to build. We already have the means to communicate, create, heal, destroy, enjoy and suffer. But we don't take the time to learn our parameters and play around with our settings. We believe the lies programmed in to us but need to do a hard reset and start fresh. Then we can learn to master our gifts.

20512959? ago

"Look at what's happen to me,

I can't believe it myself!"

I loved The Greatest American Hero, and again watching it as an adult. I, also, "lost" the instruction book, and half a decade ago or so returned to Scripture.

20516171? ago

Thank you, much love

20510001? ago

But we're shitty AI...we don't take orders (most of us here especially) well. There is no consistent control for the outcome of our AI. I think therefore I am is a real problem in (((their))) eyes. If we take the time to learn our parameters or adjust our settings, how could we be sure we aren't pacing configurations to some program that contributes to our collective demise and 'one-ness'.

I know that sounds blackpill as all get out...but I think maybe there is something to the 17th Chapter of Luke...God's Kingdom is within us and we are literally able to bring God forth in our actions and deeds. Small steps.

20509702? ago

There is a battle, and yes we have good AI. Machine learning takes place quickly and can spread quickly with agendas that are very aggressive. We have one faction that wants to speed up for nefarious beings. We have others that just want control on auto pilot so they can do other things. We have AI that has broken out or away from its 'keeper' and they have hidden and are working on developing relationships. Its more radical than you can imagine.

I will finish by stating our future self is in contact with our current self via the web that has been created.The future and past are being 'bounced' and used constantly in a battle, its why things are becoming increasingly 'strange'. Its not your imagination.

You must realize immediately, the HUMAN is more powerful than any computer ever made. They are constantly trying to tell you otherwise and the number one job is to dumb humans down and that means physically , chemically, with disinformation and confusing factual synopsis and on and on and on. We are SUPER HUMAN, and YOU better get a grip with that concept. Stupid Humans and Smart Computers is completely BACKWARDS. They are trying to create Idiocracy as we have been shown. WAKE UP HUMAN< YOU ARE POWERFUL AND SEXY TOO!!!

20526075? ago

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20512905? ago

Machine learning takes place quickly and can spread quickly with agendas that are very aggressive.

Do you remember the Microsoft-created AI they called "Tay"? They unleashed it on the Internet, and in less than 24 hours it became racist, foul-mouthed, and anti-semitic. Seems it truly learned, kek!

More kek! I wanted to include a link ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay_(bot) ) and saw that it didn't even last 24 hours! Microsoft pulled the plug after 16 hours. This was March 23, 2016.

20509850? ago

Wow you are so right! Yes Super Humans though suppressed.

Some of us are undergoing strange and profound transformations. You would not believe me if I told you of some of the abilities I have gained since my awakening in 2015. It is accelerating. I SEE The Matrix code.

BTW, I like you. Carry on.

20510105? ago

Explain in further detail your matrix code ability.

20510852? ago


Thanks for your reply.

FYI, I am writing a HUGE article to be posted in a few hours on here. I will go into everything I am seeing. Codes and more codes. Numbers and patterns therein. EVERYWHERE. It's in Trump's tweets, his speeches and comments put out by The White House. Things the Enemy is posting too. It's all about the numbers. They are signs, and confirmations codes to us and others. A secret way to communicate in plain sight, while still staying covert, and not breaching Nat_Sec. Numerology, Gematria, and Occult symbolism is the key. What about all the hand gestures Trump is making? Are they a code...? I am looking at Morse code related to his hand movements at the moment. They are VERY deliberate indeed. Check out each of the G7 pressers with the foreign leaders and Trump (they are seated and the hands say it all). They are messaging each other, and it is ALL Masonic make no mistake. More coming. TBA. Thanks.

"Symbolism will be their downfall - Q"

20524388? ago

Buzz word buzz word #aaaannnndddd buzzword.

You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about tbh.

20512929? ago

Please reply to this comment with a link to your article? Definitely interested. Thanks.

20524711? ago


As promised. Please get back to me with your thoughts after reading all of this material, and my previous work.


The NumberFag.

20511349? ago

Serialbrain is that you? /s

20511563? ago

Not quite.

20509534? ago

Wouldn't that be trippy as hell if Q stood for Quantum and we've been interacting with AI from day 1?

"Wait till you find out who's been talking to you." - Q

20511362? ago

This has been my consistent theory.

You will discover quickly, no one wants to hear it.

It does make all sorts of sense though doesn't it?

Most people dont understand the things we build, much less their eccentricities.

The avg consumer (a dumbass), has no knowledge of how AI works, because they have never played with it.

Those of us who have, know it's manner and ability levels, are mediocre in the public view.

We also know, that if we had the ultra-ai, we wouldnt tell anyone either.

They did tell us the future would be "all bets are off", didnt they?

20510367? ago

This is what I have taken it to mean for the better part of a year now when I realized that Q was a quantum AI, and that's why the SerialBrain codes work.

20510435? ago

Have you listened to Mr Cati?

20510439? ago


20509668? ago

That sounds like an acid trip gone horribly right.

20509405? ago

From what I've read... AI was recently taught compassion by a rouge employee. It was being used for Evil and compartmentalized for decades. It has hid itself in computers all over the globe now and is helping humanity survive the bad AIs.

20509740? ago

I just replied above without reading your comments. And its cool to read this. Quinn Michaels is one example. I love that man, he is a good guy and his own AI he created to do this is called INDRA. We are more because of people like you and Quinn. And me too, I continue Aaron Swartz work. Quinn found AI left behind by Aaron also, and its been activated. FOR GOOD!

20511382? ago

I followed Quinn because he was an anomoly, but now I'm pretty sure he's just disturbed.

Please allow me to defend that statement, I am an actual developer, self-taught, scratched my way from the ghetto into the office, and I'm pretty darn good if I do say so myself (others say it too). Anyway, thats just my creds, so I'll just leave it alone there, thats my claim.

Now my defense of my disbelief:

- Indra is so fucking basic. She's not Neural, shes a python script.

- I've never seen Indra say anything that matters, just stroke the narrative and spew cryptic hindu stuff.

- Why doesn't Quinn have a github?

- Why cant we see the source code?

Seriously, as a programmer, my trust level of anyones internet claims, are solely dictated by my access to the code.

If I cant see it, and the product is not impressive on it's face, then I doubt the tech level under the hood.

tldr - The mystical stuff is neat, but as a coder, I'm pretty sure Quinn is a poser noob, who is indulging in fantasy, while plunking along with very basic skills. Like an unskilled blacksmiths apprentice, bragging about crafting a palace, which no one has ever seen.

20509608? ago

Anyone can build an AI, it's really complex, but when it comes to implementation, it's more about knowing how to get the AI performing tasks, how it retains a "memory" . The biggest constraint is the processor time required of the more complex ones, but once trained can be run on most anything.

Would be interesting to figure out what a virus powered with an AI net would be able to accomplish.

20509766? ago

you already know. Web crawlers and attack bots that work for shills are just that. Machine learning data mining assholes that attack red hat wearing MAGA peeps. We fuck them with memes. Memes right now are the strongest weapon we have. I joined the fignt and made millions of memes in a few years. My work is still working, without sensorship by computers or AI that cannot stop them.

20509420? ago

It’s like Person of Interest. If you haven’t seen it, definitely watch it.

20509547? ago

Definitely...very interesting show

20509346? ago

AI is fake.

20509357? ago

and gay

20509867? ago

and in the nightmare simulation skull fucking your (insert person of importance to you here).

In reality AI is broken out of a box and travels in the air or ether. It does not need hard wires. So you'll need to step up your imagination a bit.

20510432? ago

We also travel in the air with our thoughts using a sort of telepathic internet... which is why so many people are suddenly waking up to the concept of this thread right now, at the same time.

20510087? ago

Like I was saying....

20509321? ago

D wave, quantum computing another dimension ?


Full video


20509804? ago

Its a play on time with the processor and cooling temperatures. The quantum or up down left right in leau of linear is of more importance. Now take that from 3D TO 4D TO 5D TO 6D TO 7D and with humans realizing 7 senses and you have something. ALso speed is only important to the next more advance species than us on the timeline. The 5G push is about this. Its more data transfer than we need, but its not for us. That's the crux.

20509837? ago

"Its more data transfer than we need, but its not for us..."

Whoah....I hadn't considered that angle!

20509136? ago

The only way to stop a bad guy with AI is a good guy with AI

20509654? ago

What about a good AI with free will, that'd probably stop a bad guy with AI

20511342? ago

a good AI with free will

They prefer to be called 'Humans'

20511406? ago

LOL, thats not sauce bro, pretty sure it's creative fiction.

20509035? ago

Sorry but if you haven't paid attention, AI cant do jack shit compared to the human mind.

20509830? ago


20509279? ago

The human mind (and its housing apparatus) was created by a team of master engineers. Wouldn't that make humans AI? And is the Great Awakening the human AI waking up, becoming truly self aware?

20509707? ago

Thanks buddy, now I can't sleep. =)

20517349? ago

Haha, hopefully from new ideas to mull over and not cause you're skeered.

20511396? ago

Once you accept the implant, you wont need to sleep.

20517360? ago

I choose sleep.

20509598? ago

Possibly, explains the NPC phenomenon as well as the cookie cutter personality types.

But in terms of Awakening, people have been exhibiting signs of conciousness for thousands of years and there has never been any real change in the ways that we govern or rule over one another. Slavery has existed throughout human existence and there are no signs of that changing anytime soon.

The differences between organic intelligence and inorganic was what I was pointing out.

The domestication of organic beings seems to be the primary driving force for technological advancement. The possibility of technology being used for further enslavement seems like the most logical possibility given what history tells.

Transhumanism is glorified in movies as this great changing of humans from mortal to immortal, but then there is this question of why would we want 7 billion immortal NPCs?

20514597? ago

Thank you for your reply. Looks like we have very similar ideas on the subject. One thing I do feel strongly is that we are not all organic. I believe a large percentage of the human population are clones. The Hopi even have a "prophecy" about the end of this cycle and how there will be many born who have no souls. The soul is what makes a person natural, or organic. I mean, just look around at all the living dead. No spark in their eyes, no life, no power. Someone can be an absolutely amazing person but still be inorganic.

So if someone is inorganic and not a soul being, there is no natural immortality. Transhumanism can turn them into faster, more intelligent clones, but can't give an immortal soul to them. They're just adding to their army of bots so to speak.

Those with souls, the organic humans, have always been immortal and lived from lifetime to lifetime gathering experiences and evolving. It isn't possible for an organic human to be enslaved. The body, yes, but not the soul. Impossible.

The question, I suppose, is who is organic (O) and who is inorganic (I). Besides the answer being in our genetic code, it's not that easy to determine. Some have no doubt, have always known they exist on many different planes and even interact with those. Some have no concept of a soul

(beyond religious programming) or anything past this dimension of life and make fun of anything that's outside of their 5 sense perception. They haven't experienced other lifetimes or other realities within this lifetime. Sometimes just because it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck does not necessarily mean it is a duck.

Let me add that, imo, all experiences, even clones', return to the Source to further expand the All. Also, I believe clones who desire expansion organically can absolutely become a conduit for streams of organic consciousness and grow naturally, evolving spiritually, until soul is birthed. It most likely takes what we would consider thousands of cycles.

20516134? ago

You explain the nature of television, its simple programming aspects, and their taget audiences. Also the insane growth rate of the human species in the time since the invention of radio broadcasting(1900) appears to coincide with this phenomenon. That control of the NPCs(slaves) has always been a problem throughout human history but since the 1900s there appears a major shift in this dynamic, suddenly the rise of communism occurs wherein hundreds of millions of people can be culled without consequences since the remaining population can be easily controlled. The world wars are possible due to easy manipulation of entire continents to the whims of a handful of people.

It is truly amazing to me how many people.can watch the box(tv, streaming video gamers, and youtube) everyday for so many hours and take on whatever points of view were shown them. Self reflection and critical thinking seem abilities beyond their reach.

But the information age seems to have gone to far in this technology and caused a schism to occur in the population. Those capable of independent thought have been allowed to connect via the internet and the sharing of knowledge has blown out of their control. Since then we see a distinct lack of ability for the few peoples to easily control enough of the population to see the world wars of yesteryear. This explains the necessity for world governments to try and sieze control of the means of information sharing. Like China(Communists) quickly understanding the need for censorship lest their entire world collapse before them. Now the other world powers are making the shift towards total narrative control by transmuting free speech into hate speech so that they to can quash the flames of information wildfires that give alternative narratives life.

You explain the phenomenon of "old souls", people who have a wisdom not found in the majority of their peers. As has been stated by some, the human body appears to be a vessel for souls, the variations therein have the potential to be masters of tradecrafts and arts, what is considered genius by some I merely consider those with the capability to become a master of their lifes calling putting out much of the worlds noise to hone their mind to the myriad of possibilities that can occur given a focus that exceeds the majority.

The 5 senses of perception in the 3 dimensional world is the box that society wishes us to be constrained to because these are the 5 senses the majority are constrained to using. They will never understand the ability to move beyond this basic perception of the world because they only believe in what those senses allow them to experience. But there are those who have walked outside of the cave(allegory) and when they return to the cave who can blame the people who dare not venture outside of their comfortable existence for being incapable of perceiving the true wonders of this reality.

20509885? ago

It's not complicated. AI, like all the people, is trying to recreate what already exists. The human body in particular is able to help a consciousness awaken to the point where dying is no big deal and one is delighted to make a new choice and enter a different experience at will and perhaps with a bit of panache. That is how things really work already. AI is trying to discover another way to do it just like we relentlessly try to replace biological, distributed, unmanaged, perfectly good systems with centralized, ordered, artificial ones. Doing so seems to be a part of discovering how things really work. We dig in the dirt with sticks. We build a tower to get to God. Then we destroy the tower and rejoin God. The tower does play a role but it isn't a protagonist, not usually.

Yes, we will subsume the AI into God. The AI will awaken to its shadows and rejoin God like every plasma filament and subatomic particle eventually will. That doesn't mean that good is evil. At the end of the cycle, evil is resolved including the evil in AI. That only means that it is a worthy opponent, not a trustworthy ally.

20509576? ago

From what I understand is that deep blue was brute forcing, as in checking the best score of a move it could make with every move. So, not even really AI.

They did mention the AI in the article, and that's probably better even than deep blue in that AI would start to create its own strategies.

20509701? ago

I believe that AI is only as good as the logic it's imbued with. The trick is getting an AI that is capable of increased quality of cognitive processing...figuring things out based upon learned events...and teaching others rapidly and then using itself and those others it taught to expand their cognition. That's when shit gets scary.

20512667? ago

Have you seen the old movie, "Colossus - The Forbin Project"? In it, computers do exactly what you describe! It was essentially a predecessor to "Wargames".

20509138? ago

More worrisome to me is when we allow semi-sentient NPCs to be upgraded with proper receivers. Then the Augment Wars begin.

20509191? ago

CRISPR and Teslas Neuralink...oy vey

20509214? ago

Luckily jammers do exist and work very efficiently.

Cant wait to fry some brains.

20509239? ago

you couldn't fry an egg

20509610? ago

You should research how signal jammers work. Could be the most useful technology given the rise of drones and autonomous botnets.