20506075? ago


OP, this link of yours was a turning point refered to here- https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3418160

I can verify and expand a little. We spent a long time, probably an hour looking on his phone for the origional interview footage and found nothing. Every search term possible, nothing. Get on voat, find this link, and we watched it several times together. The dude's got his head nodding the whole way through and doing thumbs ups as major valid points were made. Big fuckin red pill on who's being censored, and for talking about what. Feels good man.

Well done Anon, well fucking done.

20499791? ago

how best to donate to Jim for 8ch operating costs?

20496134? ago

Still NO 8chan.

20492826? ago

Jack P spread fake info to try to "debunk" Q. Spook.

20490190? ago

Love how Israel isn't mentioned, but Russia, Iran and Syria are.

20489653? ago

Why did OANN hire that asshole?

20489559? ago

Lol they asked him if he had relations with every foreign intelligence agency except israel

20492684? ago

This ^ is the key to everything!

20489875? ago

I noticed that to, kek.

20489384? ago

Great interview - 8chan couldn't have a better owner and calm spokesperson.

20489371? ago

God... why did oann give him a mic... he is a shitty interviewer!!!

20489309? ago

Excellent video. "Pro-actively censoring.... Americans don't do that."

Small suggestion for anyone viewing the video: Change the playback speed to 1.25 if his slow manner of speaking starts to drive you nutso cuckoo.

20489145? ago

Appears that Watkins is a straight forward straight up kinda man. He has no issues with transparency either way. Be it with the powers that be, and with those who populate 8chan. He lets us know that, yeah, i do cooperate with the FBI. He was, i'm sure, the same with the Congressional weasels. Which must frustrate the hell out of them. Nothing they can grab onto. Crooks grilling an honest man. Gotta be interesting to be the only truthful voice in the room and all the rest going through their dissembling contortions as politicians are wont to do. They are terrified of transparency, much less honesty. They make bank off of our money we actually worked for, and this fella says oh i made about 12K. While they make 120K+. Freaking foxes in the henhouse. No wonder they want to try to keep shut down a site that exposes weasels, and worse.

20490343? ago

The chans were a lot of info on the island, black mail, the abuse, Epstein's crimes would come out ... now they want gab, kiwifarms, voat and 8chan shut? https://voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/3404322 Two cameras broke, one that malfunctioned, another the video was corrupted and did not record?

20492817? ago

Yup. How convenient. Getting too hot so action was taken. They lie like a rug. And TWO people falling asleep? Naaahhh.

20489068? ago

Do you remember when that child trafficking site was found in Arizona I think it was (they found trees with child-high straps on trees for restraints), and POSobiec tripped all over himself to prove to everyone that no child trafficking could ever have happened at that site?

We all know POS to be a Mossad agent, as all AJ associates are, but he truly is such a slimy POS for trying to debunk the obvious child trafficking camps.

20490396? ago

I remember they posted on farcebook and then it was deleted.

20488979? ago

Didn't ask about Israeli intelligence.

20490182? ago

I'll guess every single person integrating him was mas anyway

20492102? ago

He was interrogated, not integrated. Pay attention!

20492237? ago


20488788? ago

Super, Jim!

Thanks for the comment, proactive censoring is not american, and protecting free speech here.

20488571? ago

Thank you Op for posting the interview. Very good.

20488453? ago

AHAHHAH. WHy didnt Jack tell the 8chan owner Q was his friend, MicroCHip.

20489062? ago


20488899? ago

Jack and WeAreChange have both been jokes since that debacle

20489223? ago

Jack is a spook

20488437? ago

Lol, they tried to spinn the russian hoax again, but in russia 8ch is blocked. This ppl are stupid.

20489442? ago

Have you noticed when voat is temporarily down, you are shown a map of the world and the territories where voat is most used are colored light to dark blue??? Russia is always the darkest blue which means more Russians use voat then any other country. I'm surprised to see the United States be a light shade of blue.

20490003? ago

That's teh bot net moran

20491737? ago

moran moron

20492305? ago

get a brain moran

20490000? ago

The map is showing where the ddos attacks are coming from when itโ€™s down. Not where actual users are

20490275? ago

Okay sounds good, is China dark blue? It seems as if they are being pushed as our greatest enemy right now. I haven't seen the map in a while.

20488414? ago

Jim still wearing his Q pin on his collar yet Jack completely avoids any comment/question...

20496481? ago

Yet Jack would talk shit about Q in twitter.

20496156? ago

No Q pin. Sorry.

20493201? ago

Holy shit he is wearing a Q pin. What an embarrassment Jack is, not asking him about Qanon after all his railing.

20489072? ago

Jack is a fucking faggot. The worst kind too! Dude licks shit off dicks.

20488803? ago

posobiec has it all .mp4

20488396? ago

If Q is real, this makes me wonder why Watkins hasn't been suicided.

20488629? ago

I have no clue, but people like him, I can only compare to KimDotCom and with his money he built a bunker, he was arrested in his safe room.

These guys are paranoid, how can you not be managing an image board like 4ch/8ch etc. Shills attack free speech with porn, child porn, child violence, innocent people being harmed, violence, goreporn etc.

If Q is real, he is paranoid, Q doesn't directly talk to many people but one of the few public conversations are with board and board owners

20488430? ago

Still plausible deniability.

20488177? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=oFqNrfHYxEU :

8Chan Owner Jim Watkins on OANN With Jack Posobiec September 7 2019 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20488174? ago

This went better than I thought.

8ch is coming back!

A big fuck you to preemptive censorship!