I'd just like to thank Jim Watkins for his service to humanity. And for buying 8chan from that little mutant parading around on Vice. (QRV)
submitted 5.4 years ago by 3415760?
Edit: Conscious has gotten the best of me. It's not cool to disrespect someone for being disabled. But seriously, good fucking riddance.
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20484755? 5.4 years ago
You were talking about/referencing 8chan - Anything goes!
20489019? 5.4 years ago
8chan where a lot of news on the criminal blackmail ring and pedo island broke, the story was coming out .... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3412105 Thousands of documents related to the Epstein case are being unsealed throughout the next few weeks
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20484755? ago
You were talking about/referencing 8chan - Anything goes!
20489019? ago
8chan where a lot of news on the criminal blackmail ring and pedo island broke, the story was coming out .... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3412105 Thousands of documents related to the Epstein case are being unsealed throughout the next few weeks