20492897? ago

Makes me wonder about Hotwheels' wife, whether she was part of flipping him.

20490411? ago

Is it possible HotWheels and Watkins engaged in a little disinformation? Nothing is as it seems, disinformation will be necessary. Just asking.

20488492? ago

Anybody got a picture of said mutant, I avoid Vice like the plague so haven't seen said mutant?

20489191? ago

Oh this is the guy who claimed Q broke into his house and left him a giant plush Q right? I always wondered why he would get something and no one else would.

20489225? ago

Yup. Rumor has it he staged that whole a-Q-was-left-in-my-house incident.

20488274? ago

Thank heaven for JW.



20487912? ago

So the crippel sold us out.

Well maybe he was threatened, but come on not like they can break his legs or something, at very worst he would commit Clintoncide.

20487119? ago


20486993? ago

I can't help but thank the creator of 8chan.

20486542? ago

Is it wrong I want to know what it said pre edit?

20486156? ago

Hotwheels isn't running the show?

20491472? ago

Hasn't run it for several years. He was at most indifferent to Jim Watkins and 8chan for quite some time. Somebody very likely deposited quite a sizable chunk of change in his accounts to get him spewing the hate. It's the only tactic they've got, except for threatening to murder you and your family.

20486647? ago

Hot wheels was always under kike control. Poor little feller.

20486504? ago

Running ain't his strong suit

20486671? ago

Fuck you you piece of shit. I hope you die in a fire for making me laugh so hard that I snort. Fak u.

20485703? ago

Sometimes crippled are that way, because of failure to fight or victim benefits

20485421? ago

Hmmm. Blue Q, blue check mark. NOT BUYING IT! Q would have made the Q GREEN, or at least GOLD! Blue Q in J. gematria best matches with 297 Epic Tool, Black as a pit, and no good in him. Better numberfags invited!

20488445? ago

FYI (to others), CodeMonkey is Ron; Jim is 8chan owner.

20489604? ago

TY. Grateful for the Infinite Chan board allowing Q comms. Only ever saw Q mention CM, so my bad. Still think the blue Q is a LARP.

20489740? ago

Well, it was to you also, didn't mean to make you feel excluded. :)

20484755? ago

You were talking about/referencing 8chan - Anything goes!

20489019? ago

8chan where a lot of news on the criminal blackmail ring and pedo island broke, the story was coming out .... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3412105 Thousands of documents related to the Epstein case are being unsealed throughout the next few weeks

20484731? ago

Edit: Conscious has gotten the best of me. It's not cool to disrespect someone for being disabled. But seriously, good fucking riddance.

Fuck off with your gene pool weakening bullshit you goddamn kike.

20488051? ago

Well...at least nazifags make it clear....Jews have compassion & empathy....while nazifags don't.

Nazifags need someone better at PR. You're terrible at this.....

20484853? ago

Kikes top the gene pool totem pole. Fucking loser, we control you. בְּשָׁל֑וֹם

20484629? ago

re:your edit.

Yeah, upvoats from these degenerates tends to cause some introspection.

20484445? ago

The thing about 8ch is how the fuck do they pay for it?? No way its paid for with fleshlights and Animeporn subscriptions...

20484120? ago

Can anyone tell me if Watkins is able to monetize 8chan? How does it stay afloat if it's free to use?

20485005? ago

I wouldn't be surprised if funds come from other "sources". If Q is the real deal...

20484412? ago

It breaks even. His asian porn site bring in big bucks as does another chan. He has several sites.

20484098? ago

Edit: Conscious has gotten the best of me. It's not cool to disrespect someone for being disabled. But seriously, good fucking riddance.

These guys looking the way they do certainly doesn't help our cause, tho. I get it what you're saying. When MSM is smearing 8chan as a porno-and-pedo peddling site rife with nazis and mass murderers, it would help if they looked a bit more Chad to throw off the normies.

20485960? ago

This bihahshaha I agree

20484083? ago

My bet is that he has been threatened and has no choice.

20483962? ago

The founder of 8Chan now an ex-partner had absolutely nothing good to say about Jim. He trashed him in an NBC article 8Chan Founder Dissing Jim

20490106? ago

Christchurch posted pics of his weapons on twitter 3 days prior and all his fb posts were all made within an hour period 3 days earlier.

Ban nosebook and twatter

20486543? ago

Who's the father son pedo team that fled to the Philippines? I tried looking up Jim and the founder's names but I can't find the articles from a few years back saying they built the site to share kiddy porn and fled the country.

20503464? ago

4chan and 8chan are not the only 'chans'.

I used to have a list of chans and what they were known for, good/bad. Some of the others would fit your story for sure.

20504669? ago

Read up on how they lost 8ch.co for not complying with courts on reporting child porn. They all fled to Philippines, the most well known place for traveling pedos. Watkins had 16 years in the army but lives in Philippines. Doesn't take much to question intent.

20488384? ago

LOL. yes, let's play the "vaguely accuse others to discredit them" game... since you're obviously a libtard, that means you're projecting. So, if you don't mind, stop diddling with kids you fucking pervert.

20488981? ago

LOL. yes, let's play the "vaguely accuse others to discredit them" game... since you're obviously a libtard, that means you're projecting. So, if you don't mind, stop diddling with kids you fucking pervert.

kek, "I feel therefore I exist". Hotwheels created the site because 4chan was cracking down on child porn. Why do you think, if you can, Brennan and Watkins moved to Philippines? Why do you think they had issues with 8ch.co?

You ultimately learned how to say words but you haven't figured out the difference between opinion and fact, so you throw in assumptions (like I'm a "libtard") to not question something you think you know.

Ultimately you're a pedophile just trying to get loud so people stop drawing the association.

20489626? ago

kek. ""I'm not a pedo perv, you are"

Right. Keep believing your own bullshit.

20488043? ago

you sound like Amderson Cooper AFTER the Q question gets asked.

20484505? ago

This little shit said that he got a Big blue Q dropped off in his house at one point. Its funny as fuck because Q tossed out that 'safe and fun' thankyou thing and then this guy 'got a blue Q'. It was bait and he took that shit.

20488038? ago

"got a blue clue"

I legit don't get the inference. Like that show "Blues Clues"? I don't get the relevance/connection. Was there a bad guy on the show who got "blue clues" or something?

The guy is a literally the little mutant Spartan outcast that sells the Spartans out to the Persians with the flanking goat path.

20489794? ago

No... There was a thing where a big blue foam letter Q was suposedly delivered to his home in secret. Blue... foam... about a foot tall...

20489923? ago

Dude, pretend I am retarded....only thing that is coming to mind is Smurfs? Help a fellow Patriot out and just tell me what those ".....'s" mean.

20494851? ago

the guy was trying to link himself to Q by pretending that 'someone' mysteriously sent him a Q for helping out. the three dots are elipses.

20485035? ago

I remember the post but please elaborate on the bait and switch

20486138? ago

Well, my vague understanding is as follows... This guy creates 8ch, sells it to watkins, probably for a song. Watkins keeps it going. Q shows up and tosses out various tricks and traps meant for various people. Some of them are for us anons. Some are for operators, some are probably chaff.

One is a trap whereby Q thanks Anons/bakers/board owners for their work and says they will get a cool and safe ?message? in the near future. Now in reality Q is not going to do a goddammed thing and, you know, if Q did do something, many would not post it. So this guy is feeling left out and takes the bait... Making up a story about how Q left a Q in his house when he was away... No one else EVER said anything similar. No one else had anything of any kind happen... So thats it! He faked it and is butt-hurt and now is talking shit because he sold the site before it was cool and now its cool and his ass is out so he is kvetching... Pretty fucking funny if true, who knows if it is. Could be though.

20487629? ago

same here and it was not obvious he sold it at first

he pretended to still own it

20486649? ago

I can relate,


Pete Best

20486280? ago

Sounds about sour-grapey enough to work for me!

20486274? ago

Makes sense. I may add that "Hotwheels" didn't think 8 chan would be aboard the Trump Train pissing him off.

Loss of support

Loss of money

20486515? ago

All spewed forth from my weed-addled mind but you know, it seems likely,

20486530? ago

You have some good points. BTW get off the weed so the rest of us can engage with the real you.

20486595? ago

I never sleep if I don't. Like 3-4 hours a day at random red lights and when I am eating... shit like that. Its awful. Then there are the nightmares... Yeah I could give you nightmares telling you about my nightmares. You wouldn't interact with me AT ALL because I would be mildly incoherent. Instead I mix weed I grow in honey, heat it in a covfefe maker for 6 hours eat a bit before bed and sleep like I am dead EVERY. FUCKING. NIGHT. Its absolutely amazing. Like, I pass out at 9:30... Like now... and wake up at about 7:00-7:30 every single day. No alarm, no nothing. Fucking bliss. No side effects... free... no jew pill to kill my liver. You should think again.

20487637? ago

if it is caused by war and pts seek religion and beauty as well

gain faith in life and EARTH. you were just a cog in the machine,

and watch damn Jordan Peterson for clarity annd forgivingyourself

20486935? ago

I will say that one of the few things pot helped me do when I didn't take a pill to sleep at night was to actually help me sleep. I have other issues that go beyond what pot can offer though, so I'm stuck taking a sleeping pill.

20484149? ago

Those who scream the loudest

20483951? ago

You said parading when rolling woulda sufficed

20486318? ago

Parading like a Killdeer

20483700? ago

Serious question: why are guys like Watkins and Notch living in the Philippines? (Part of me wonders if it's because of the adolescent prostitutes TBH.)

Cheap cost of living could be the prevalent reason, but I'm trying to figure out what's so great about a shit third world island full of Asian niggers.

20488419? ago

Basically, if you can benefit off it, the powers that be will tell you it's bad for you. Meanwhile, the powers that be will abuse the shit out of it too. People are generally too stupid to realize they're being played.

20484469? ago

Cheap... not cold. It is popular for military vets with a VA pension or retirement because for 1k US one can live well in a third world shithole but here in the states you are a homeless hobo with no money and your teeth falling out... like me!

20484919? ago

ah, good point about it being popular with vets. I forget that Watkins is a vet.

20489976? ago

Exactly this. A close friend is a vet who married a USA-born Filipino gal. They are both planning early retirement in the Philippines because you can live like a king there on very little $$$. English is widley spoken and tropical weather year round with beautiful beaches. Why not?

20485074? ago

It pissed me off when they closed our bases down there. Disclaimer, I never been to PI

20484220? ago

city of "brotherly love" ?

also, see germ warfare, first introduced to the native american indians not by 'accident'

20484390? ago

I've read Guns, Germs and Steel.

No idea what you're referencing WRT city of "brotherly love", though. What does Philadelphia have to do with it?

20484427? ago

Who do you think "founded" the city?

A hint, they were french.

20484463? ago

Ya lost me, my dude.

20484480? ago

I'll come at it this way then; Phree masons, and Court Masons.

Spelling is deliberate.

20483818? ago

Got decent income in US standards and you can live like a king in a place like that... who wouldn't wanna live on an island? ...except those who can't afford to live well there of course

20484735? ago

I've rode out my share of hurricanes on the mainland. Fuck that shit on an island.

20483840? ago

The living like a king is a falsity

20484137? ago

Im married to a filipino wife (american born). If you have a fair amount of savings 50k you can indeed go live as a king there. Yes there is sex tourism, but there are decent people too.

20496158? ago

City living is different to province living

20484095? ago

Not if you're Notch. Dude literally has the ability to live like a king. He recieved billions of dollars when he sold Minecraft to Microsoft.

"Q is legit. Don't trust the media" - Notch on twitter just before M$ banned him from Minecon and removed his name from all MC splash screens.

20483546? ago

I had to suscribe to qrv to get in strange things are afoot. Had been using the search bar to get in Anbody know why?

20484801? ago

I didn't think it was open to new subscribers?

20494143? ago

Ummm voat isnt qrv apparently is which means you have to have an account to sub to a subverse.

20483263? ago

You guys are so fucking gullible, it's unbelievable.

20488422? ago

Found the faggot shill

20485124? ago

I regret I have but one down vote to give

20484159? ago

How about you share your thots fag muffin?

20483675? ago


20484315? ago


Go back to reddit, faggot

20484464? ago

Downvote again

20484547? ago


20485646? ago

Tea bag faggot

20484453? ago

Blocked and reported

20484536? ago


20483359? ago


20483162? ago

I'm sure Jim has no ill will towards brennan. So let's just move on.

20482822? ago

Hell yeah, fuck that crippled midget.

20486631? ago

Dude he's just trying to be normal and get some pussy he doesn't have to pay for

20497801? ago

His only chance is the dumpster behind planned parenthood.

20484147? ago

This made me snortle.

20490512? ago

who owns voat?