20489023? ago

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20463744? ago

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20461279? ago

Any word on the July 2013 flight logs?

20458583? ago

Are they?

20457468? ago


20456116? ago

ZeroHedge's article and discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3412097/

20456088? ago

Investigative reports that mention hundreds of people

Jeffrey Pagliuca, a lawyer for Maxwell, said the sealed documents include “literally hundreds of pages of investigative reports that mention hundreds of people.”

“There are hundreds of other people who could be implicated” in the documents, Pagliuca said.

Pagliuca said he wanted a month or so to determine which documents go in which categories.

Preska rejected that idea.

“You know we got to get this done,” the judge said.


20454543? ago

And? Matters not one iota.

20453675? ago

You mean destroyed or lost right?

20455615? ago

kek, loike the Apollo tapes?

20453249? ago

next few weeks...next few months...next few years...…………………………………………...

20453156? ago

...without knowledge whether these are real or complete documents. Always in the dark we are, always in the dark.

20455607? ago

Mushroom Management: "Keep them in the dark, and feed them shit."

20451608? ago

Why is "Soon!" the most common word?

What is this focus on a dead child molester trying to hide?

Have you noticed the news from the real world is still almost 100% against us?

Their grip is still tightening everywhere you look. Speaking of 'look', Hey, a squirrel pedophile! 👈 👉 👆 👇 ☝️

20455598? ago

I know....let's tell the enemy exactly what we are going to do and when. Idiot.

20456465? ago


My goodness, you're clearly a highly intelligent individual.

20455594? ago

20454479? ago

”Soon” is a common word here because we’re almost a full year ahead of the public. The plans that later result in action are identified and discussed before they take place. For example: How long has Brexit gone on?

We’re battling extremist factions and decades of brainwashing here. These things take time.... but when that time comes, its a blitzkrieg.

20454792? ago

While I don't believe in Q, that's a fair rebuttal.

20451367? ago

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah .. No it's not coming. Lol

20450927? ago

Let me know when it's "documents related to the Epstein case have been unsealed today", otherwise it's as good as nothing.

20450893? ago

my body is ready

20450870? ago

Wow. Sounds explosive. Wow.

20450768? ago

Weeks. Months. Years. Impact has been negated by 2 major factors. One - Epstein's murder. Two - Snails pace to access. Willing to bet not one document is made public before election.

20450643? ago

Get ready for #pizzagate to go even more mainstream. Here's the intro for newfags.

Pizzagate 101




Newfag rundown on the players


It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker


Comet ping pong connection


Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further


On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail


And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL


Comet ping pong false flag shooter



HRC Moloch sacrifice chicken. Comet Ping Pong #ChickenLover


Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL


Men Who Hate Women: The Franklin Scandal and the Truth About Our Leaders





Unknown source, NSFL



They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband


It's all about the adrenochrome


Justin Beiber snaps because he was (((pimped out)))


Child actress Heather Orourkes, 12,  raped to death by (((Hollywood executives))).


The Child-Rape (((Assembly Line)))


The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System



Sex trafficking of children on YouTube


More #pizzagate






Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet


Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate


Israel children farming


Allister Crowley and human sacrifice


20455017? ago

Holy shit. I've known about Pizzagate for a while but there's some mad stuff here that I've never seen before. Like the emails with hillary Clinton mentioning the sacrificing of a chicken to Moloch in the backyard??? I'm going to try and find the actual Wikileaks page on that email because that is just absurd. Fucking absurd

20455348? ago

the excuse will be it was a joke... but who the hell even knows about 'Moloch' unless your a satanist or researcher.

20455581? ago

Joke? There's truth, in humor!

20450411? ago

Its habbeningggggggggg.

20450225? ago

Some of you need to read the last sentence of the story.

20450182? ago

This all reminds me of this neighbor bar that I used to frequent. They had a sign in the corner that read “ free beer tomorrow”.

20455588? ago

then leave

20455563? ago

Two 80s Canadian bands (eh?); one made it, the other, didn't. Both were "marquee riffs":

"Free Beer" didn't make it

"Barenaked Ladies", did

Thus: wine, women, and song, in reverse order. :)

20450065? ago


20451406? ago


20450616? ago

I shit my pants

20455541? ago

a "regular" occurence :)

20450006? ago

The next wave approaches and this one will be bigger!

21082343? ago

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20452269? ago

Certain icon, art and symbols at the ranch? is there a connection to world wide blackmail, the Vatican, the Jewish Occult .... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914/20333312 The grotto group or Movper is a crypto-Iranian mason group. One of the Devil Satanic Lucifier branches is Zvi/Zebi or Sabbatean Kabbalism, again it has the Persia, Arabia connection, Amsterdam, Arabs, Dutch White cult followers and some Jewish admirers of Sabbatai Zevi. He was a Jewish Ottomon guy who said he was the next Jesus but was something of an Anti-Christ, the burn of London to the ground in 1666 who burned London? The other guys are the Shriners, the Mystic Shriner is in many places connects to Saudi Arabia and US Presidents and Hollywood, the Dollar taken off the Gold Standrad and Saudi Oil then owned the Dollar, they wear those red hats and drive in childrens cars, Jesters the hedonistic, maybe criminal, maybe they are the blackmail operation ... all of it is part of the Mystery Babylon crap.

20455524? ago

My background in software can tell you: the default port for the Perforce version control system is 1666.

No idea if it's a reference to the "London's Burning" Clash song...

20449984? ago


20451629? ago

Believe all jewish puppets!

20455608? ago

and not the antisemites

20449780? ago

yes goyim, its always coming in weeks

20455571? ago

crawl back into the bit bucket you glowing fag

20452245? ago

There were lots of symbols at his property. That island temple. what is the meaning? is there a connection to the Jewish Occult? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399620/20333765 Most Masons haven't a clue what goes on at the higher degrees....they're naive, lowly foot soldiers following orders from the [Order] at the top (see: Vatican, Jesuits/Joosinsuits, aka Synagogue of Satan)

20452131? ago

You do realize a shitload has already been released? Are you cheerleading for darkness or in this for the long haul? Get off your ass.