20444504? ago

Why would we need to watch it when you just told us the entire plot and spoiled it?

20434558? ago

I believe that forgiveness comes directly from God.

20432769? ago

Fox News tonight with Shannon Bream

Had “Dorian Gray” as the name of the hurricane 8/2

It will hit YouTube tomorrow.

What message are they sending?

20420695? ago

Here is some fresh bread from The NumberFag.


20420469? ago

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except by Me." Jesus own words. Over 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament prove he is the savior of mankind.

"That by the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, upon earth and below earth, and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD to the glory of GOD the Father."

There is a great judgement day coming...God promises it. Jesus said: "I have come that you may have LIFE and have it to the full." That means in this life, and in eternity as well. There is only one way to Heaven and eternal life: Call on the name Jesus and believe in your heart he is the Son of God, and you will be saved. Saved from what? Judgement and hell. Budda can't save, Muhammad can't save, Confucius can't save. There is only one savior for mankind...that is Jesus, the Son of God. He is a merciful and loving God who died for the sins of all. Salvation is a free gift. Accept the free gift today.

20423721? ago

and below earth


20420835? ago

And confess with your mouth that...

Jesus Christ is Lord!

20419208? ago

I'll pick up the DVD on your recommendation Anon....I was wearing my Red Dawn one out anyway :)

p.s. Wolverines !!

20418701? ago

Good movie to be sure, but Angela Lansbury is an awful screen presence.

20418517? ago

I have seen it. Very spell binding but I prefer to never see it again. Too much evil to focus on. The current Satanic abuse stories of the Cabal are enough evil for me.

20418496? ago

I don't want to read past the first two paragraphs, as I don't want to know too much before I see the film. I think I'll see it, then come back and read your entire post. I too love the real old stuff. Thanks for taking the time to make this post.

20418379? ago

"Blessed are the feet..."

20418201? ago

I will watch this! Thank you for the recommendation!

20418165? ago

Thanks for the share Patriot. I've added it to my list of must watch asap!

20418121? ago

Yes it’s an excellent movie. I first saw it in my teens and was profoundly affected by it. In fact I was reminded of it in some of the recent photos of Jeffrey Epstein where the lines of dissipation in his face are greater than what would be as a result of normal aging.

20417999? ago

Book is much better

20417971? ago

What a wonderful full description of what is important. Thank you. I'll go and watch the 1945 version.

20417879? ago

Thx op.

This post got shilled hard. Must have them scared.

20417764? ago

Cyclone Dorian Gray

20417214? ago

Dora the Explorer is also an excellent movie and full of Q proofs.

20417082? ago

The novel, by Oscar Wilde, was a standard on high school reading lists for years. Both my mom, who was in high school during WWII, and then later me as a boomer, came across it in classes. Fifteen years ago, my son was assigned it in a British (inc. Irish) Lit class in college. (I guess a dumbed-down university is the new high school?)

I saw a public school reading list this year, and Dorian Gray's portrait did not make it. More like 50 Shades of Gray! It is a mess of prog indoctrination that has all been published in the last few years. The plots include LGBTQ protagonists with cheating cops, a repackaged version of Druid mysticism as the standard for deciding right/wrong, dysfunctional families where truth-tellers are bullied, and white shaming as a girl discovered the secret sins of her Southern ancestors during the Civil War. (Apparently Queen Elsa's Let it Go that was taught in elementary school does not apply.) Our public schools are cesspools.

Any homeschooling parents should consider including *The Picture of Dorian Gray * in the curriculum.

20416860? ago

Exactly OP. "Justice for thee, but not for me" is not the mantra. We're all guilty of some malfeasance. Justice desired must be for righteous and proper means. Punishments meet for the evils propounded.....

20416825? ago

Pray for those who wrong you.

20417332? ago

I can't. I never understood this part.

20420968? ago

My mother abused me when I was a child. I was taken from her at around 2 because of neglect. Then around four years old my father and mother sobered up, got a rented house and regained custody. That's when the real abuse started. Thankfully, my mother and father parted again and my father took me on a long train ride and then abandoned me to my Grandparents once more. Fast forward 50 some years and a caregiver at a nursing home contacted me and told me my mother was in her care and had tasked her with finding me. I had for many years imagined the woman was dead and felt not much at all, or so I thought. At the news she was alive I was shocked and in emotional turmoil. Outrage that she would attempt to contact me, anger and other emotions I couldn't deal with. I wrote back about all the abuse that had been done to me. Over facebook I went back and forth with the caregiver as liaison for my mother and I. Oh, she would make it up to me I was told. That just enraged me more. Then, the caregiver told how my mother admitted everything and regretted how she treated me and had wanted to reach out to me for years. I began to soften. I just wanted to know why. Why? Why the torture, the unkind words, the constant terror I was put through during the time I was with her? Why? It was actually very simple. My mother grew up abused also, abused in many ways and felt a sense of inferiority. When she got me back from my grandparents she was paranoid of losing me again to them and felt like my affections were for my grandparents. In her own twisted way she was trying to force me to be loyal to her. I was told she now knew how wrong she was and how badly she behaved. She was sorry for the pain she caused me and just wanted me to know that. Emotionally, I couldn't give her the one thing she really wanted and that was a phone call. I just couldn't speak to her because it was too upsetting but I let her know I forgave her and wished her to have peace in her heart. Soon she took a turn for the worse and I stayed quiet for a couple weeks knowing what was coming. The caregiver told me that hardly a day went by but what my mother spoke of me. I had hand carved her a cane from an orange tree that really was quite nice looking. She was able to use it for a time before she became too ill and she proudly went around to the other people in the nursing home showing off the cane her son had made for her. She spoke how she always knew I was the smartest child she had and maybe she was a bit jealous of the intelligence I showed is a thought I have.

So, one day, being confined to bed and too weak to get up she asked the caregiver for an ice cream cone. She seemed to enjoy eating it and then when finished she told the caregiver, "Thank you for finding him for me." Smiled and then died, just like that. The doctor was called and sure enough, her heart had just stopped.

So, I'm glad I was able to forgive her, glad she died in peace and very glad to be released from years of suppressed anger. I was also able to pray for her and asked God to receive her with my recommendation. For the first time I do understand praying for someone who has wronged me.

20438278? ago

Thanks, what a great story.

20441736? ago

The caregiver sent me all her photos she had saved over the years. Some, I have no idea how she got unless my brother and sister passed them on. Apparently she had been through several more failed marriages and had several more children, one she gave up for adoption by a family she knew. What's odd is that about the time she was living rough in a desert community and skinning rattlesnakes for a living I was out of a job in my home town 500 miles away doing the exact same thing. Hunting snakes in the day to skin and sell the meat and hides. I kind of pitied her always getting married with losers and then divorcing when they mistreated her or abandoned her. What a rough life she led. I'm glad she found refuge in a nursing home and more glad she had a caring person to look after her in her last few months.

What's funny is that my brother flew out to visit her and show his "kindness" and true to form, he became abusive very quickly and upset her during his frequent calls. She finally told the caregiver to block all access to my brother. I laughed and told the caregiver I expected the fat bastard to be that way and I also have nothing to do with him. She then sent me a message where my mother said she always thought I was the best and brightest of her kids. LOL. I was trying to learn to read before I ever was in a class room.

20423686? ago

That brought tears. Thank you.

20422941? ago

Your post is very heartfelt and beautifully written. Thank you so much for writing. And the responses to you are all so caring, reflective and touching. Reading this is so helpful to understanding forgiveness. We are all connected. I love you all. WWG1WGA is very, very true.

20422636? ago

Arg......I too must settle some parental forgiveness issues re a sociopathic mother.

I sincerely thank you for this post.

20425807? ago

I will say it was hard. Really hard emotionally. I didn't even realize I had that much stored anger. A side effect is that I am now more able to talk about and deal with the further abuse that happened after my Grandparents regained custody. None of my other relatives ever apologized or recognizes how abusive they were. I didn't start fighting back during the frequent beatings that occurred during my childhood until I was about 15 and I had just had enough of it. I wouldn't take it anymore. I literally fought my way out of the abuse by my grandparents an uncle and my two siblings.

20420924? ago

it's understandable but its hard. very hard. especially if you've been deeply wronged and i have been hardcore wronged in my life. i won't lie, i've had the best time of my life anticipating the justice dealt to those doing horrible things in this world. it's a real high. But that's all emotion and we're supposed to do some thinking here.

The reason we're to forgive those who wrong us is because we were forgiven a debt we could never, ever pay. we, ourselves were on "death row" in a spiritual (and everlasting) sense. you could compare degrees of sin and we haven't committed ones so horrible as some others but that isn't the point. The point is that we were forgiven.

Now our forgiveness doesn't equal God's forgiveness nor does it equal the enemy's repentance. they will get the eternal future they chose,,but our forgiving them is an expression of gratitude to God that we, ourselves were granted far better than we deserved.

It doesn't require feeling any certain way toward anyone. It just requires our acknowledgement and prayer that the enemy can attain forgiveness as much as we did. Don't fret the anger. You can't make it disappear. Just be grateful.

20423791? ago

“I forgive you. Not for you, but for me.

Because like chains shackling me to the past I will no longer pollute my heart with bitterness, fear, distrust or anger.

I forgive you because hate is just another way of holding on, and you don’t belong here anymore.”

– Beau Taplin // F o r g i v e n e s s


Forgiveness is an emotional and spiritual thing.

Justice is also important, if available, and has nothing to do with forgiveness.

20419108? ago

The way I think of it is, imagine whoever it is who wronged you as a newborn baby or a little kid, long before they did whatever they did. At that age they’re as innocent and wide-eyed as you were at that age.

Then imagine the kinds of things that had to have happened in their life to change that sincere innocence into the personality that wronged you. The nasty stuff they had to go through, before they’d done you wrong. Afterward, sure, they’re a dick and they acted like it. But what “dick-ified” them?

Pray for that little kid who’s still innocent, but is in the process of being distorted into the image of the dick you know. With a little effort that little kid who’s never hurt anybody can be seen as sort of “existing” right now, embedded in their past.

That’s who you pray for.

20419067? ago

You HAVE TO. Here's why: Not only are you surrendering what they did to you to God to handle, you are removing the subconscious burden of their sins back onto them and off of you. They no longer own that part of your mind and spirit where they wronged you, and in doing so they are the ones who bear the burden of the wrong they committed against you. It is the ultimate "payback" because you are relieving yourself of the evil that was committed to you and giving it to God in total faith that he will handle it. And I promise you on the name of Jesus Christ, he will handle it.

20416719? ago


20416699? ago

Thank you, OP.

And while cleaning up ones life and reflection and repentance is important, true forgiveness is only found at the foot of the cross

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” Acts 16:31

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, washeth away all sin”

20420235? ago

Monopolizing forgiveness? You cannot trap God in a book and sell him. You are a false prophet

20416913? ago


20416650? ago

No thanks I'll pass. You Boomers can watch that crap. I suggest the movie IT.

20417150? ago

You come off as snobbish with that comment. The story dates back to 1890. Boomers' great-grandparents could have read it.

20417271? ago

I was just play'n. You old Limp Noodle. Lol

20417044? ago

I suggest the movie IT.

No thanks to you. Passing on that. You niggers can consume shit. I suggest E.T.

20417103? ago

That is a good one as well. Except ET doesn't come from space. They are under the ground and emerge out of oceans, deep lakes, mountains and volcanoes. They are also under Antarctica. That is where Satan's base is. Aliens are the Fallen Angels.

20417025? ago

Brain dead weighs in.....

20417037? ago

Another good movie is Saving Private Ryan.

20417804? ago

Don't forget the porn version; Saving Ryan's Privates.

20437592? ago

I don't watch porn.

20417072? ago

Yeah. That one's pretty good.

Even though pervert Hanks stars....

20417178? ago

We Were Soldiers. Valkyrie, Lone Survivor, American Sniper. Fury, and Hacksaw Ridge are well done too.

20416629? ago

Great job teasing the movie and I enjoyed reading your post, BUT, and Lord please forgive me for playing the "Devils Advocate";

- when viewing my soul, do only "mortal sins" count?

-what if I have just confessed, to my priest, of these "sins"? Would I look ok?

-If "I" think I am a pretty decent person, how would my soul look?

-If I "THINK" I am free of "sin", would I be surprised?

Please, no need to respond. Just, like I said, that "advocate" thing. Thanks for the post, I want to check the movie out too.

20416364? ago


20416409? ago

Before the Opium wars? earliest known blood transfusion is attempted. 1665 and in year 1666 a report on the first recorded successful blood transfusion occurs in England has a Physician Richard Lower who keeps dogs alive by transfusion of blood from other dogs

20416320? ago

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20416306? ago

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20416302? ago

They'll start realizing very soon that divine intervention is real. This will be the Awakening.

20416334? ago

like the wiki leaks its not the 'art' ... blood transfusion anti aging?

20416285? ago

Thank you for the recommendation, summary, and analysis. It received excellent reviews, downloading the movie right now, will watch it tonight. :)

20418508? ago

20420845? ago

Thanks. Just finished watching. Makes me wonder why our modern Dorians seem to have no soul at all.

20422521? ago

It's not the one op referenced. Prolly more entraining / modern. How was it?

20416379? ago

What was that story about marina abramovic cooking up paintings in human blood?

20416119? ago

It's not that either, OP. It's "The Razor's Edge" with Bill Murray

20416117? ago

Fasinating, will need to see that. Thanks for the summary.

20416482? ago

Red Shoes King of France, the dude Jean-Baptiste Denys, an old physician to King Louis XIV of France, on June 15, 1667 he transfused the blood of a sheep into a 15-year-old boy. The Vatican bans the new science, Blood transfusions were thought to have taken place in under ground places, ritual experiments and spooky science for the next hundreds of years, dirty scary jack the ripper stories. However the elite bloodlines of Europe were weak, the Kings and Queen had illness and disease, blood transfusion to treat haemophilia? Edinburgh a city known for a long history between English, Celts, Anglo Saxons and Masonic roots, it later became the home of the first blood donation and blood transfusion services, some Austria Jew finally wins Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in the 1930s for a science people already understood hundreds of years earlier?

20416242? ago

so its basically FBI, Mossad, Mi6 saying sorry we got ugly, were so demonic we trafficked children for 'intelligence'

20416113? ago


20422920? ago

The books are always better!!

20416352? ago

and the Crypto Esoteric meaning .... marina abramovic painting in Blood

20416204? ago

I stopped watching movies for a long time. Now I watch on the basis of research. They drop so many nuggets in films you are remissed if you don’t see it.

20416878? ago

You are correct Anon. There are many many recent films that have Q references - notably "US" with several references to 17. Also the recent final scene in "One Upon a Time in Hollywood" Sharon Tate is wearing a football Jersey with the number 17 on it. The final 6 episodes of House of Cards. Several Netflix series and movies. There are many others. I believe these references are visible signs that WE are taking over the film industry and its influence.

20416418? ago

not if you already know

20416656? ago

I have all the proof I need to be convinced, that is no reason not to study your enemy.

20416147? ago

This is probably the same troll from above.

20416506? ago

troll harder troll again

20416066? ago

nobody cares

20416361? ago

a transfusion....the Art rituals ... Someone in the wikileaks cared enough to paint in blood?

20416142? ago

You cared enough to reply.

20416192? ago


20416210? ago

You cared so much, you replied again.