20393832? ago

Thanks for this!

20393618? ago

The third picture from the top, with W. Oprah and the blonde chick. That is totally creepy. The proverbial a picture is worth a thousand words.

It's like, how do you want (her) served, rare, medium or well done. And (((they))) all been through the same "processing". Freakin' meat market.

20391597? ago

Who is the blond girl. Seen this many times and wondered. Also notice the triangle of the pricks shirt. Every time

20391089? ago

Here's my theory: Melania, escaping Communism, did what she had to, to get out. Trump found out in the process and felt bad for her. They formulated a plan, sealed it with Barron. She told him everything and he turned. He told others who mattered. Fast forward to now. Same thing happening in the BRF with Meghan Markle and Harry. No idea what direction he/ they will go? But they are all DS honeytraps....

20390817? ago

So you are hoping others will assume, based on pictures from the past, and implications drawn by your hoped-for particular mindset bias, that a person cannot reach a point where he acknowledges the truth [like for example when a good friend is murdered so a competitor can run for political office], cries "enough" and determines to risk his life to change things? Your attempt at demoralization is obvious, and hopefully will be unsuccessful and a waste of your time compiling and carefully selecting pictures to create a particular impression. Recent events give the lie to that fabricated impression.

20389437? ago

And we are suppose to believe in the plan after all these pics of TRUMP. If symbols will be their downfall what the fuck are those symbols Trump is portraying? Are we supposed to believe in some symbolism but not all? How does one explain this? If these symbols aren't to be taken seriously than why shoul the others? I'm disheartened...someone explain???

20389343? ago

ok, I'm an idiot I guess.... But, who is the blonde?

20390648? ago

Rita Sahatçiu Ora she's a singer, a Yougoslav Turkic Albanian, a singer who connects with sports clothes and fashion tv programs. There were rumors of young girls like 'Rita' and Emma Watson etc music producers and movie guys like Weinstien running a casting couch people say, a dirty movie as leverage. The conspiracy says they control their puppets by way of blackmail Rita connects with Beyonce, Calvin Klein, Madonna, close to the Neo-Con Bush era British leader Tony Blair and Cherie Blair, wants open border refugee politics also the music/political group LiveAid Band Aid or whatever its called, she also did Eurovision which has become kinda faggot and baphomet satanic like in its ceremony, also the bloated transexual Kardashian rats.

20390507? ago

Rita Ora. Long ago dated Rob Kardashian. Then suddenly, out of nowhere...became a famous 'singer'.

20390799? ago

Where did the cash come from? victim or part of the culture her manager, Sarah Stennett @salvia_d @NinaSparrow @darkknight111 @noworldorder Rita? grew up in Notting Hill, one of the richest most posh parts of England in West London

20390713? ago

Thank you patriot

20389168? ago

I miss 8chan but qresearch has been good for QRV. Brings us up a whole octave (Buddy)

20388822? ago

And there it is how Oprah moved up.

20389258? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3288926 Two Grammy Winning Producers DEAD in 3 Days // I'm Sure It's All a Coincidence or Pop Music is tied up in Pizzagate, can't decide....

20388323? ago

Ay Tone? Whatduya Mean 'They're All Connected

















All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

20394146? ago

Great post BTW. One thing we need to think about is the fact that those pics were taken many years ago. DJT was young, a multi-millionaire and living the high life. So it would be common for him to rub elbows with a lot of the elite. Most of those politicians were probably courting him for his donation monies. If he was actually a part of their program, then they would have dirt on him. You can bet your ass that they do not. Or they would have presented it by now. They hate him with a passion and I can only think that it is because he has the dirt on them and they have nothing on him. Therefore they PANIC!

20399533? ago

Yeah, any rebuttals to this? No? Yeah me neither. Open and shut. I actually used to feel that people complaining about shills were crazy or read far too much into stuff... but now I believe, my word. Always great to see rational de-constructions like this one attached to the posts in question, keep it up!

20399694? ago

Yes, with no constructive arguments presented the shills have nothing. I reassigned all the shills last night with my post titled. Attention shills your work here has been compromised. HAH! Look it up for shits and giggles. I think you got the same 5 downvoats i got. Thank you! And you keep it up too!!!!!!

20389544? ago

Coming from snopes...most likely photoshopped.

20389582? ago

They are all authentic. Nice try anyway.

20389712? ago

Haha even the one with Trump and Ivanka by the motorcycle? No, Epstein was not there, nice try anyway.

20390845? ago

Agenda? What, nawwww. . . . Not that it's obvious or anything.

20389796? ago

Nice try. Let me guess. You do not know how to inspect element or back research source. Hehehehe Troglodyte on steroids.

20389150? ago

Wow. Sad but true

20388690? ago


20387793? ago

wow Oprah really looks demonic in this picture

20388962? ago

20389228? ago

thank for the reply/link, I had forgotten about that one...

20389129? ago

Not the same style of ring

20387776? ago

At this point we must assume that all women on TV and in movies have sucked and fucked a many little jewish dicks and licked jewish assholes yuck

20387768? ago

Whoa whoa whoa, let's not be a bunch of "conspiracy theorists" now. That's just a coincidence!

20387799? ago

yep, one of 6 gorillion😱

20389304? ago

is that more or less than a brazillion?

20389532? ago

more of course. more 'victims' are always better!