20342067? ago

I didnt notice anything too out of the ordinary. ... what do you think @MrPim?

20340045? ago

We are doomed for failure, every since man was born into sin. There is no way out except death and awareness.

20339962? ago

Have noticed that all of a sudden I'm limited only one single comment on Voat for any 24-hour period. No exceptions. Only recently realized this is a censored site.

20339275? ago

I don't have a problem with it... It's just the ebb and flow of rhetoric. I am writing a thesis to get my doctorate and BS in Social Speaking. I borrowed $250,000 for this education. Lucky for me, i found a way to voat.... Legally.

20339400? ago

YOURE A DUMB FAGGOT. Go back to school for engineering you stupid fuck

20339673? ago

I hate trains .... Dipshit

20339827? ago

I like running trains on chicks. I like being in last place

20339355? ago

That's a lot of money, I wish you the best. At least you're voating legally and not like some freebie grabbing, Irish/German immigrant. I'm Irish/German, so everyone can fuck off with the bullshit.

20339580? ago

Fuckin slaves

20339610? ago

I got more of the German than the Irish, but you are correct. Irish were one of the original slaves.

20340730? ago

We were also the original "Rednecks".

20339409? ago


20339452? ago

Incorrect, I just didn't spend my money on a bullshit degree.

20339267? ago

Does anyone see that hot little boy posted on NEW

20339215? ago

Yep, it was pretty obvious.

20339067? ago

Who wants to lick my dirty bhole?

20339192? ago

Nope... Only like clean buddles

20339091? ago

Your mom's always game.. You obviously have no other options, so I figured I would fill you in.

20339014? ago

Every place Anons have went has been infiltrated and controlled. It's unavoidable. Inform YOURSELF. Trust YOURSELF. Question EVERYTHING.

20339053? ago

I am questioning what you are saying. Is it legit?

20342401? ago

Let's see.

What happened to GA on Reddit?



20339572? ago

Don't know, what does your research say?

20339754? ago

I'll share mine if you share yours.

20338989? ago

Voat has been contained by Mossad, FBI and CIA. Putt was replaced. This place is a case study by jewish psychiatrists.

20341387? ago

Contained? Its just newspaper clippings from other sites. There is minimal research presented on here that hasn't already been posted to twitter or some other site. I can't imagine qrv being much use for any agency specifically in that this is just a bulletin board. There are maybe 100-200 upvotes on big stories. When you look at the twitter link they came from it has 1200+ retweets and 25k views. If I was in a spy agency, qrv isnt where I'd be focusing much of my time because its just not the place where information is generated.

20348907? ago

Voat has been removed from public view and contained. No new members can sign up. Think about that.

20340292? ago

Putt = SBBH

Putt likes to threaten dissidents.

20339287? ago

You know, I don't agree that the Jews are the problem that runs the world, but I sure as fuck don't doubt this is some kind of "case study".

20340342? ago

You know, I don't agree that the Jews are the problem that runs the world

It IS the Jews

20339216? ago

A case study 😂 but I don’t doubt it.