20340343? ago

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20275264? ago

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20235153? ago

Jew nited States of America

20233423? ago

did you see the muslins who killed 68 people today.. how many did the jews kill today?

20235963? ago


20234572? ago

Also, who is leading the effort to import third world muslims, en masse, into once homogeneous white western nations, leading to destruction and chaos, with an end goal of white genocide?

20234805? ago

you dont even speak english.. be gone troll.. die muslim die

20234948? ago

You amuse me, rabbi.

20234958? ago

praise jesus. christian roots are in the hebrew torah.

repeat " i renounce satan allah and all his evil works and all his followers" praise jesus

20234966? ago

Do you adhere to the Talmud?

20234980? ago

no sane person follows the talmud nor the quran. both are documents for baby raping psychos. both are satanic books

20235003? ago

Cannot refute that.

20235034? ago

only facts.. now, i encourage you to learn the difference between the talmud and the torah.


20235042? ago

I know the difference.

20235068? ago

obviously not at all

20235112? ago

John 8:37-45

20233837? ago

Maybe you'll get a present and find out that it was 68 Jews. I am sure that would thrill you, hater.

20234817? ago

palestien isnt on any world map.

20233455? ago

Many more than that in a more sophisticated and subtle manner.

20233648? ago

Islam is a golem for the Jews, to pit their enemies against one another. When is the last time Al Qaeda ISIS has attacked Israel?

The Jews dominated the slave trade, dominate in mass murder (fomenting war), dominate the pedophilia trade and dominate human trafficking.

Try harder, rabbi.

20234808? ago

mohammed raped eisha when she was 9

.. cant have mohamned without HAM.. go pray to your sandwich .. and try not to rape any children

20234954? ago

Jews suck on infant foreskin wounds.

Try harder, rabbi.

20234968? ago

talmudic satanist do. it all originated with the british royals. and practiced buy muslims and talmudic satanists.. mohammed raped eisha when she was 9

20235033? ago

What on earth has led you to believe I am muslim?

I am not, and despise them along with the jew because you guys are so similar.

20235038? ago

no torah jew has any love for anyone, except christians...and no true christian has hate for torah jews.. as christianity has its roots in the torah.

20235967? ago

Get out, judaizer

20233159? ago


One Of Many Jewish Patriots Is Daniel Lee :)

82,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/dnajlion7/videos

Bitchute at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/q2fUoqZcQbbj/

Twitter at https://twitter.com/dnajlion7

Website at http://www.Spiritandtorah.com

All his content is 100% free, support him at http://spiritandtorah.com/Donations.html


They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


20235973? ago

You're late, CLK

20233019? ago

Excellent post. Thank you.

20232776? ago

So let me think, are the people running the Vatican and the English Royal Family Jewish????

20232896? ago

Are they Christian?

20232250? ago

Nice list. Didn't Ben Franklin mention something about a nation's solventry and the printing (minting) of its currency?

20232853? ago

Most all of the founders and early public servants were vocal about the importance of fending off a central bank because they knew full well where it would lead. The Constitution is clear about the coining of money as well. It is no coincidence that the unconstitutional Federal Reserve, the unconstitutional Federal Income Tax and the confiscation of gold (as well as Social Security ponzi scheme) all occurred within such a short span of one another.

20230996? ago

Remember what it was like to think and sojourn without ego or fear.

The wor(l)d can be wonderful.

20230683? ago

What the Government has permitted the Federal Reserve Board to steal from the people should now be restored to the people.

20230681? ago

So it is always the Jews? Try a new one please. This is old. The Jews are not the enemy. Bad jews yes. Bad black, white, Asian, Indian, Mexican, latino people yes. But not everyone is bad. Not one single race is bad in of itself.

Need i remind you of Q telling us

They want us divided by race religion politics

20234431? ago

Give it a rest Mr. Preacher. We know what Q said. It doesn't mean however that we can't call out the evil the Jewish Cabal has perpetrated on mankind throughout history. It was the Jews that convinced the world that they were the persecuted ones, all so they could scam the people and take their money. The Jews as a whole are not all evil nor are they as a whole guiltless. So stop your fucking moralizing. I am getting a little tired of it and I normally NEVER say one damn word on Voat about the Jews. Enough is enough though and you are perhaps the divider and I see your posts here everyday. No one on here put in charge of this assumed and self appointed mission.

20238900? ago

Not sure how you see my post every day seeing how i dont post. I don't comment every day either so i guess your mistaken me for someone else. I dont preach either. I just know what the Bible clearly says about the Jews at the endtimes. They will be persecuted once again. Anti semitism will increase. Israel and the Jews has been and always will be the apple of God's eye.

Trump supports Israel and the Jews.

The fab 4 Dem ladies hate Israel and the jews. So are you with them or are you with Trump? As a Christian i stand with Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. I do not stand with the bad actors or the cabal of any country, which im sure every country has its own cabal including The USA and Israel.

WWG1WGA Stand United not divided.

20300319? ago

Jesus made it very clear the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan.

20302798? ago

Yea you should probably read the rest of what Jesus says. Not just use a piece of Scripture to make your case.

Its like the fake news media that will only play a portion of something Trump says to push their narrative. But when you watch the full video you get the real picture.

Nice try shill troll but that shit dont fly with me.

20230928? ago

You are right, it is old, many thousands of years old.

Who do you think the THEY is?


Synagogue of Satan.

Good vs Evil.

Dark to Light.

Banned how many times and counting now?

20230030? ago

Depends on what the definition of "IS" is.

20229882? ago

Jew red pill? How about you are kin with satan who hates the Jews and their country Israel? Since you are at war with the seed of the Jews, you side with satan. BTW, Jesus annihilates satan and his minions. So welcome to the dark side, dickhead Jew haters. Now go apply @ CNN or for the D party in congress.

20230912? ago

Jews were the first Christians. Those who remained Jews sided with Satan.

20229693? ago

I don't want to hate on a group of people, but many Jews I meet tend to exhibit this behavior.

20229549? ago

Interesting - just reading this:

It is interesting to note that the Geneva Reformers- men such as John Calvin - expressed opinions in the marginal notes that would be simply unacceptable to the "scholars" of today. For example, the passage in Genesis 12:2-3, that reads:

"And I will make of thee a great nation, and will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.I will also bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed."

Our ministers today tell us this refers to Jews. That isn't the way the Geneva translators understood it:

The world shall recover by thy seed, which is Christ, the blessings that were lost in Adam. 7


20232398? ago

This bit was also super interesting.

Geneva was an anomaly in 16th Century Europe. In the days of absolute despotism and constant warfare, Geneva achieved her independence primarily by constant negotiation, playing off one stronger power against another. While other governments allowed lawyers to drag out cases and took months and years to get rid of corrupt officials, the City of Geneva dispatched most civil and criminal cases within a month and threw corrupt officials into jail the day after they were found out.

20234016? ago

Geneva was a state-city then. It seems independence was possible at these times. May be the geography played s role too. Still it is impressive.

20232390? ago

That article is really interesting and informative. Thanks for posting it. I’ve heard of the Geneva Bible but hadn’t looked into it much. I just downloaded it from archive.org. I’m really curious.

In the church I grew up in the pastor studied Greek and often discussed word translation issues. The Geneva Bible sounds like it’s more true to the original Greek.

20232991? ago

For s long time I had an issue with the question- which is the primal source of information. Until I have my own revelation I need to rely on information, facts. I know that always we lose something in translation but the spirit of the true meaning can be preserved if the translator is inspired himself and is a trustful person. So I began my research to find the motive for writing King James Bible. As it is explained in the link and I believe so the reason is establishing the power of the Anglican Church. Also I read about the character of King James. Obviously by inserting passages and changing the words a lot can be accomplished. I know that the first source is the Bible in by Aramaic but I don’t have an access to the Vatican’s library. So the closest truthful source seems to be the Geneva Bible judging by the reasons of creating it.

20230887? ago

Absolutely, this pertains to the Jews who became the first Christians. Those who have remained Jews are still lost and must go through a period of tribulations and even then few will be saved.

20229144? ago

But... but... I thought (((they))) were our greatest allies?

20229112? ago

The top of the Cabal may be Jewish, but all Jews are not part of the Cabal. The poor Jews of Russia, Romania, and other nations are not part of, and do not benefit from, connections with the Cabal. The anti-Semitism directed at all Jews is misplaced aggression. Do not hate anyone who believes in the God of Abraham.

20230990? ago

Your concern should be focused on the atheist and Satanic Jews who hate Christians and other Jews who believe in the God of Abraham.

20240462? ago

Both are bad, most religious Jews follow the Talmud, the most vile book in existence.

20229090? ago

So what can we do?

20228676? ago

OH SHIT; I thought all you muh joos faggots were over there at whatever trying to look edgy and posting about how you are going to make Voat so much better by blocking QRV, GA et al on here. You fuckers are some LARPERs on a whole other level...

Ok so on your clear muh joo rant where you quote GW answer me this...why'd GW trust Haym Salomon (A JEW) so much and why did that Jew finance the initial uniforms/armament used by GW and his forces that led to several military victories and footholds? Muh Joo faggots never cease to amaze in their selective memory and asterisk worthy posts.

Why was Christopher Colon (AKA Chris Columbus) a Jew? Fucking BTFO you ignorant hate peddling nigger kike. SoS will not divide us and will not win this War.

20231195? ago

/GA is cancer.

How has trusting any money changer jew worked out for this country? For the world?

George Washington was also a Master Mason, doesn't mean that is a good thing.

None of your triggered rant negates the fact that the Jews have infiltrated every position of power and influence in an effort to enslave the world and destroy all which is good.

20232477? ago

Thanks for not answering the question....slidefag

20232508? ago

How was the question relevant to the entire point being made?

How retarded are you, rabbi?

20234599? ago

Fuck...you’re thick...do you know where you are? This is voat...lurk about before getting your twat in a knot, brainlet.

20234747? ago

Just disseminating information freely, what brings you here?

20243145? ago

some electricity, a VM, a VPN, and Brave browser...sadly no tendies

20234265? ago

oy vey

20228467? ago

There are bad Jews, I don't think anyone debates that. There are bad Christians, too.

Etc. etc.

Fine, but enough with the painting every group with a broad brush.

20237737? ago

Which cockroaches are the bad cockroaches and which ones do you want living with you?

20242186? ago

Again, I don't accept the premise that they're all cockroaches because it's simply not true.

That's where we disagree. Your central foundational argument upon which you build all other arguments is bullshit to begin with.

Go after shitbags, arrest and try them. Leave it at that. If most - or even all - the shitbags turn out to be x or y, fine.

But you don't start from a place of such broad-based targeting. It's fucking simple minded.

20227944? ago

Abraham Lincoln Vs The Schekelbergs

20227766? ago

Printing of money should be controlled by the national treasury, and no other.

This function needs to be removed from the banking system.

That's a start.

20227540? ago

I won't say all Jews. Only those that believe the Talmud. Feel free to be a Jew, but don't believe, follow, or practice your Holy Book.

Hatred for practicing Jews is spiritual Wokedness.

20228224? ago

ROFL! Naive!

20227438? ago

Seem like good company? No? What about Stanley Morgan and Rockefeller what about skull and bones that didn't allow Jews to enter until the 60 70s? The prescotts the bushes? They get a pass? What about Hagel was he Jewish? For all these people just Pawns of the Rothschilds?

20227052? ago

MUH JEW SHILLS! You goys better bow down and worship israel and your jewish masters.

20227049? ago


20227346? ago


20227394? ago


20227003? ago

Hear Hear! No places left where this truth may be spoken! And still, there are good jews that are slaves as well, but the Goyim perspective is by Satan and be abolished as well as Islam must be revised.

20226970? ago

This needs to be a part of middleschool curriculum.

20226800? ago

*some Jews

It's fact that only a fraction of total jews have committed evil acts against humanity. All humans are free to believe whatever they want...literally anything at all. Their actions are all that matter.

We are ALL responsible for our own actions. Beliefs/ideas/religions, race/genetics or upbringing are no excuse for an individual's actions. We can all choose not to act evil.

20227190? ago

Right! Claiming that ALL are like this or that, is extreme and certainly untrue! The Danger Lies in the fact that those "almost all jews" did nothing, nothing to stop it, but plenty profited, and the Goyim notion must be eradicated from the jewish minds. It resembles Islam, where as most muslims are decent people, until they are majority..then the eradication begins...like in Israel...A Satans Zionist Unholy state of Usurped Jerusalem....On the other hand... the western population who has elected the politicians that propagate War&Destruction are as such accomplices to the crimes, me not included though, as I havent voted for them, nor profited. It certainly doesnt name you evil what religion you choose....unless satanism ofc

20227229? ago


People are free to hold any belief they want. Actions are all that matter. Individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Your justifications mean nothing. You are an enemy of MAGA whether you know it or not. WE are better than that.

20235254? ago

Individuals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

By that logic, if you murder, rape or rob someone and get away with it, are you innocent?

And yes, jews are anti-American, very much so, thank you for pointing that out. All we have to do is turn on the tv, pick up a newspaper, look at the blue checks on twitter or have a look at the voting history of the Israeli dual citizens in the US government to see that very clearly.

20237167? ago

Yes. You are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. What don't understand?

20237197? ago

You are correct, that is how the law allegedly works in the US. You also said actions are all that matter, yet just said actions are irrelevant as long as you get away with the crime.

If you commit a crime, you are a criminal whether caught or not, in the purest sense. And the jews are swindlers, thieves, murderers and rapists, yet massively underrepresented (as defendants) in the court system. Why is that?

20226953? ago

All Jews get the oven

20226987? ago

You are a low IQ LOSER. Our leader has already spoken. We will do no such thing. We are working towards MAGA. We will not make the same mistakes as puppets of the past!

20227846? ago

The mistake of allowing jews?

20228017? ago

Emotional idiot or shill?

20228086? ago

Jews are cancer to society, would you leave a little bit of the cancer in your body?

20228404? ago

Now go sit back in the corner little guy

20229532? ago

That's not something I would ever do. You're projecting

20232605? ago


20232913? ago

just can't help yourself from projecting, can you?

20234718? ago

I know you are but what am I!?!?!?

20228389? ago

You are the enemy. Our leader has already spoken. I'm sorry.

20228447? ago

i am the enemy of the jews, now fuck off shlomo

20232597? ago

You are the enemy of America

20232891? ago

i'm not a fucking jew, so no, I am not the enemy of America. I dont charge usury, I dont rape murder and eat children. I dont control the media, the banks, the pharmaceutical industry, the porn industry, education, and blackmail all of the government representatives. You know who does do all of those things and more? The jews

20234735? ago

So emotional! Ooooh!

20234731? ago

Didn't think so.

Your posts are very low IQ. So sad.

20234726? ago

All Jews? Every single individual?

20227056? ago

We don't have a leader.

20227076? ago

Speak for yourself. I elected him! Along with many others here!

Q is simply an extension of POTUS.

20226781? ago

Sums it up nicely 🇺🇸👍

20226707? ago

It's time to burn their empire to the ground. God really doesn't like the way they function.

20226389? ago

You jerks believe everything, as long as it fits the narrative. Who the fuck still believes the bullshit written by ghostwriters and Jesuits?

20226633? ago

Thanks shill,

Why are the people of USA in debt to the Federal Reserve Bank?

Usury and theft is how we are have all been ruined.

Let's take the example of College debt, no one cares about what degree you get or what return you will receive from said education.

College Students and their debt is the only industry that matters. College debt through the influence of the money changers passed legislation to make their debt slavery legal and profitable. Over the years legislation was passed that continually benefited the issuers of debt and burden the debtor. Till now we have come to a point in which the debt incurred as one transitions into becoming a productive human being are nothing but the chains of debt slavery. College debt is the only debt that cannot be removed through bankruptcy.

What is the result of this system we have been enslaved by?

Ever increase cost of a College education not bound by supply and demand or the value on return of education received. The cost of the education is meaningless, what matters is how much debt can you issue to students. The result is people now our burdened with usury debt through out their whole lives. Debt does not matter, the interest will always be paid.

The people who benefit from this intentionally evil system have earned there place in hell.

20226289? ago

Other people spending OPM on Other People.

20226266? ago

Excellent Post! This is the Red Pill that ALL of America needs to swallow!

20228179? ago

Excellent red pill on the Jews. Here's some more.


The seat of global power and control will be Jerusalem with the Jews in charge


They will disarm you so that you cannot prevent it.



White Genocide Is Real In Their Own Words Full Documentary


They've genocided before and gotten away with it

Armenian Genocide: A hundred years ago, Jews lead the Muslim genocide of 1.5 million Christians


How Zionists Divide and Conquer



They are replacing you...


The U.N. has a full report on how it's happening



It all started with The Kalegri Plan for the genocide of whites


Kalegri, Rothschild, U.N. connection/plan for the genocide of whites.


Kalegri plan impact on the UK.


Prominent Jews openly admit to advocating and enacting white genocide through mass migration.

Jews freely admit to their central role in the mass migration of military age African and middle eastern men.


Prominent Jews state that the goal is to create a global race of brown people with lower IQ and easier to control.


Rabbi Haviv at the World Jewish Conference reiterating that the goal of mass immigration is the end of the white race.


Again, Jews openly admit they are behind the immigration of Africans and South Americans into Western nations with the purpose of genociding whites.


More pervasive proof Jews are behind the immigration push and genocide of whites.


Itemized list of Jewish pro immigration organizations advocating for mass migration into the West.


Compilation of Jews advocating and implementing migration policies to genocide whites.


US Jews demand Israel export unwanted African migrants to white nations.


Jews advocating and enacting mass migration into white nations to genocide whites. Mega compilation.


More extremely prominent Jewish figureheads openly advocating for genociding whites.


Multiculturalism is bad for Israel but good for everyone else.



Diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy society from within.

1. http://magaimg.net/img/7gcn.png

2. http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png

3. http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg

4. http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg

They popularized the melting pot lie that laid the groundwork for the mass import of non Europeans in the 1960s and beyond


Whites on the chopping block. The Jewish lead genocide.


They destroy our institutions from within



Destruction of white identity by historical revision and installation of white guilt

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.


Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion. (Validity disputed)


At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish. (Validity disputed)



75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.


The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.


The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.


They destroyed the Catholic Church by installing sleeper agents to corrupt and destroy trust in the church from within


Media in all forms

This is the main mechanism through which the Jews maintain control.







Why do you think they've been kicked out of 1,030 countries over the last several thousand years?


20227978? ago

I'm pretty sure we've already gotten it, but it came in suppository. Oh, sorry, that was the Blue Pill suppository we got.

20226221? ago

You forgot one.

With JEWS you LOSE

  • Jesus Christ

20228001? ago

Actually, because the Jews turned away from Jesus, Gentiles were given the gift of Grace. They are a blessing to the rest of the world for turning away from God.

“Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written,

‘The Deliverer will come from Zion,

he will banish ungodliness from Jacob;

and this will be my covenant with them

when I take away their sins.’

As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For just as you were at one time disobedient to God but now have received mercy BECAUSE OF THEIR DISOBEDIENCE, so they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may nowe receive mercy. For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.”

Rom 11:25-32

20228979? ago


20226711? ago

Yep, I feel bad for all the people that cannot see that.

People need to watch the Jesus movie and just listen to him.

20226256? ago

The Mason, jihadi Shriner rituals and Jew ... is there a connection?

20226178? ago

So, by the word "Jew", do you mean every single Jewish person on the planet, or are you speaking more broadly like the corrupt Zionist/Satanist contribution to efforts surrounding world domination? Hmmmmm?

20226279? ago

I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

  • John 8:37-45


I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

  • Revelation 2:9


Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

  • Revelation 3:9

20226376? ago

Ok, so not all Jews, but the ones that say they are Jews, but are actually of the synagogue of Satan? Is that where you are going?

20226488? ago

Wrong again, though this clearly illustrates why the mossad ADL clowns here love to copy and paste Revelation 2:9, a verse when seen on it's own is handy to jewry because they spin it to try and say "it is only the banking elite jews, who aren't even really jews"

In actuality all of those whom currently occupy Israel are not really "jews". You have no right to that land. All of those living in America, Europe, and elsewhere, who are most often marked by God with physical features like sloping head, hooked nose, hapsburg jaw, sunken eyes, short broad frame and curly hair, are not really "jews" in a traditional sense. It is referring to the bloodline or genetic marker you all share. The schizophrenia and evil tendencies that is inherent and passed along to your children. All of the blue checkmark journalist jews pretending to be white people, as the slowly and persistently spread their ideology of white genocide to the sleeping masses, are not really "jews" in a traditional sense. You are all children of Satan and you act accordingly, in unison, as one giant Hivite shapeshifting unit that will happily play any role or pretend to be any race, so that you can infiltrate and drain it's life like the parasites you are.

That is what is meant in the bible. And that is what was meant by Jesus, whom your people murdered. You are all descendants of Cain, Canaanites. A specific bloodline. Enemies of humanity for thousands of years.

20226572? ago

You're gonna be ok. You did what we call Orange Sunshine. In a few hours it will all begin to make sense. Because you are either on acid or a complete hate monging piece of trash. Sorry dude, but go fuck yourself.

20226607? ago

Alas, this is not an argument in any sense of the word. Something your kind has to be constantly reminded of. Thank you for playing. For all of those reading, you lose.

As always I have no intention of trying to talk sense into a Jew, something that is impossible. You're being used as a sounding board for truth and you played your role perfectly. Low IQ indeed.

20230165? ago

My kind? What a shit stain...

20226471? ago

There is no distinction to be made. They all reject Christ, who said they are of their father the devil.

20226542? ago

Ummm....Christ was a Jew. I mean, his death rend the veil into the Holy of Holys. It's a brave new world.

20226924? ago

Christ was not a Jew. This is another lie told to christians by jews.

20230173? ago

Oh, that's right. He was a Christian. I guess...

20227549? ago

lol yes he was

20228796? ago

(lol === boomer alert) Jesus was a HEBREW from Galilee. His bloodline through David who was from Ephraim, the son of Joseph, brother of the subversive Judah who ended up bowing at his feet in featly and fear.

You stupid Boomers swallow whole the lie that because Jesus was a citizen of JUDEA that must means he was a Jew.

Jews know this boomer generation is coming to a close and they will not be able to hide behind and operate through your ignorance, greed and selfishness - partially why the are accelerating their genocide plans....

20228964? ago

Right, a Hebrew. A Jew.

20236428? ago

When you say Jew today, it refers to mainstream Judaism - aka Rabbinic or Talmudic Judaism.

You can argue if Jesus was a "jew" or not (he wasn't), but one thing is for certain, he was not a Talmudic Jew. In fact the pharisees he called out and the ones who murdered him were what we today would call Talmudic Jews, because the Talmud is the oral traditions and laws of the pharisees put into writing.

Jews today = synagogue of Satan.

And you don't just have to take Jesus's word for it. Look at what they always do to their host nation, look what they did to Weimarr Germany, look what they are doing to the USA. They have committed endless crimes against humanity and murdered hundreds of millions.

20237118? ago

Yes, I agree about the wickedness of Jews, but in scripture, Hebrew and Jew (terms) were interchangeable. I'm using 'Jew' in that sense.

The apostle Paul and the gospel writers knew a lot more about the subject than we do and the terms to them meant the same.

Yes I know the Talmud is the "traditions of men" that Jesus condemned.

20226194? ago


20226200? ago

Both then?

20226643? ago

Apparantly so. It's a fucking shillfest in here today.

20225999? ago

20225942? ago

here is one more...... https://files.catbox.moe/dj7pii.png

20227261? ago

I listened to a lot of history lectures, know about the Edomites and all the old conflicts now. I wish we had an education system that actually taught children useful things.

20233914? ago

Edomites were descendants of Esau, who was known for his red hair. The jews used to be known for their red hair as well. hmmm

20225695? ago



“These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of the newspapers and the columns in those papers to club into submission or drive out of office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government.”

  • Theodore Roosevelt


“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, … and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

  • John F. Hylan


“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

  • Henry Ford

“By remaining behind the scenes, they (the Rothschilds) were able to avoid the brunt of public anger which was directed, instead, at the political figures which they largely controlled. This is a technique which has been practiced by financial manipulators ever since, and it is fully utilized by those who operate the Federal Reserve System today.”

  • G. Edward Griffin


“We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It [the banking problem] is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects are remedied very soon.”

  • Robert H. Hemphill


“In the United States today, we have two governments. We have the duly constituted government and then we have and independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System operating the money powers which are reserved for Congress by the Constitution.”

  • Rep. Wright Patman


“I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”

  • General Douglas MacArthur


“Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means… We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government… This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group…is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.”

  • Senator William Jenner


“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

  • J. Edgar Hoover


“Most Americans have no real understanding of the operations of the international moneylenders… the accounts of the Federal Reserve have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and … manipulates the credit of the United States”

  • Sen. Barry Goldwater


“[The] abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit…. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holdings illegal, as was done in the case of gold…. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves…. [This] is the shabby secret of the welfare statist’s tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the ‘hidden’ confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.”

  • Alan Greenspan


“How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department!” . . . “The governments alone are responsible for the spread of the superstitious awe with which the common man looks upon every bit of paper upon which the treasury or agencies which it controls have printed the magical words legal tender.”

  • Ludwig von Mises


“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”

  • Congressman Larry P. McDonald


“The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system at all, but rather, a criminal syndicate.”

  • Eustace Mullins


"where, although room existed, the Jews were crowded together to an appalling extent, and in practically every room there was a pile of garbage in one corner which was also used as a latrine. The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Of course, I know the expression 'lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes which disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency."

  • General George Patton


And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

  • Matthew 21:12-13


And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves; And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple. And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves. And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.

  • Mark 11:15-18

20227491? ago

20226794? ago

Great posts