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20314423? ago

I hope Chelsea sleazeball Handler is implicated in something and found guilty in a court of law.

20314848? ago

The Anons of Voat followed this shit for years, ever since Bernie was screwed over and the wikileak before the election, some knew the conspiracy many years again before. Weird parties, Masonic Symbols, human smuggling you name it ... 'pizzagate' was modded by some corrupt mods who wanted to take the sub in a different direction and focus totally on some pizza restaurant and not the winder details of a possible network ... the posts with info ....

yup. was thinking more along the lines of the daughter's origin story. - was she born with epstein's tastes - did she turn him out, or he turned her out? - if her, who groomed her from within such a large family circle

People in circles obviously know who she is. I imagine nepotism, with the type of leverage these people have, certainly extends to something as minor as getting away with sex crimes, or whatever—

it's a sitter

preservation of "international waters" (where criminal laws don't apply!)

.. how many connections do we have to make?? Human Trafficker with Ties to the Elite Maxwell is Jewish and it was, after all, a Jewish wedding. Even with lots of plastic surgery, Chelsea still looks like her biological father: Webster Hubbell data search technology company used by the FBI ! Interesting, for some reason I remember Aerojet Corp being a CIA front op. Not sure where I read this in the past, but I do know they have a location in Camden, Arkansas, funny enough near Little Rock. Isabel, is connected to the World Economic Forum and Muhammad Yunus. FBIAnon mentioned Yunus.. link muhammad yunus & grameen bank + norway connection + tied to organ/sex trafficking of women

Many links within post.

Members of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Habsburg and Soros families supported nonprofit founded by Ghislaine Maxwell fresh money coming in via ... Swiss philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss, of the #WyssFoundation has pledged to donate $1 billion over the next 10 years to fund conservation efforts.