20281219? ago

We've got individuals that have access to handy photo-editing tools, yet they haven't taken the time to find out how and why these photos could be outed as being entirely photoshop'd.

If you were in their shoes and you knew that this photo was going to receive a lot of analytical reviews by anons and other concerned entities, wouldn't you want to know how, and why, your edited photos might be found out?

20279644? ago

I I started signing my name Barack Obama it would be more real than that Hawaii birth certificate.

20276446? ago

First, I don't see any mention in comments about the possibility of messages hidden in the pixels. It would be interesting for photogfags to look into that.

Second, kinda weird how her eyebrows resemble a 'Y head.'

Lastly, her glasses resemble owl eyes.

Hidden in plain site.

I know, I know...fuck off, right?

20276502? ago

Q gave us an app called pixelknot (I think?) to find hidden messages in photos.

Never seen anyone use it to find anything. Hmm?

20281323? ago

Straight from Pixelknot's mouth, we need the codes and that is the difficult part to figure out.

Have a secret that you want to share? Why not hide it in a picture? With PixelKnot, only your friends with the secret password can unlock your special message.

20281554? ago

I assume we've been given the codes somewhere. Surely something Q released/Q related is unlockable with that software.

20284382? ago

I agree, Pixelknot is for simple messages to be conveyed, but the files Q has hidden in the shared images would likely be video/audio/pdf/image files. (Not just a string of text)

Pixelknot is an Android application that allows users to hide short text-based messages in photographs and share them across trusted channels. ...

20276292? ago

Maybe it's deliberately sloppy so that the white hats get a message

20276266? ago

I looked into this for a long while. Her lawyer stage the photo op. He most likely was the one who cleared up the garbage can that was present. The photo was taken from two sides one facing the street and one facing the dealership. Not sure why the bus stop poster was replaced, but this like the Amazon review are most likely messages to her C/A Mossad handlers

20276097? ago

Where did this 3rd picture come from anyway? Not from The New York Post...?

20275985? ago

Those pants kinda remind of Temple

20275860? ago

its done on purpose to draw attention to the fact the photo has been faked

20275588? ago

worst inpainting job ever

20275827? ago

I could have done a better job with free online image editor.

20276025? ago

i did better completely plastered after a 1/2 bottle of 50% alky rum lol

20275550? ago

Why did you photoshop out the best parts?

  • The legal attache/portfolio case she is sitting on (guarding it with her life). And the fact the bad clone job carefully avoids blurring the case.
  • The dogs leash she is also sitting on.
  • The words "TRADE" and "OWNED" clearly readable in the background.

20278365? ago

This is what happen when you pay for cheapass CGI and hack jobs, crap from Pakistan, Vietnam, Brazil, India etc the Pajeet street shitters can't photoshop

20275493? ago

I think they've done this on purpose. I don't think they were scrubbing anything of much importance it was just a way to say "Haha, look how shit newbie we are at photoshop, haha...ha....ha" By doing this we not only focus on this part and not others, we don't expect that they're actually really quite good at editing photos, meaning that the stuff on the right with the "Good boy" poster seems less suspicious to the initial observer.

20275357? ago

The photoshopping is so bad, makes one wonder if it was deliberately sloppy (meant to be detected). If so, why??

20275432? ago

The Jew gets what he pays for.

20275256? ago

Most memes have better photoshop work. Obama's fake birth certificate had better photoshop work.

20275182? ago

maybe someone was sitting beside her

20275085? ago

What's the point? She wasn't at the burger joint? Why fake her location? Why doesn't she just say it: "I've got dirt on all y'all --- so phuck off."

20274976? ago

The spouse said that was a man.... I said, NOPE, that would be Epstein's madame. --Well, looks like a man to me...

20274757? ago

The other photo without the glasses... her skin looks to be a woman in her early to mid-40s... no surgery. She has to be pushing 60... something is up.

20274372? ago

Shopped photo says message, non shopped photo could be coincidence.

20274335? ago

Yet retards on reddit are trying to claim it's not photoshopped, and it is "roller paintbrush over graffiti" that caused the white clone stamping and brick work fuckup.

My god those liberals are fucking low IS morons.

I still don't know why they half ass chopped that photo... very strange timing and reasoning.

20274548? ago

Makes me wonder if the obvious photoshopping itself is part of a coded message to the right eyes.

20276746? ago

Maybe some kind of steganography. The repeated bricks could produce a code of some sort.

I could see wanting to shop out the trash bin if this was like a model shoot or you just wanted the photo looking nicer but you wouldn't do a half ass job if that was the case. I could do a better job in 5min than this.

20278139? ago

No. Her 'book reviews" pertaining to that C_A book on Amazon and other books, and the CAPITALIZED letters in her 'reviews' ARE the messages.

Their messaging method has also been compromised by Q. Please pay attention Anon.

20276615? ago

They literally "took out the trash" (can. Sloppily). I'll bet you that's why they left the obvious top of the trashcan they chopped over there, and didn't completely take it out....

20276193? ago

Definitely a message. Question is, to whom?

20275941? ago

The book reviews she did on Amazon are the coded messages. And Q Team took them over (added Gematria messages) and Trolled (((them))) with it. Go back to yesterday's post on here for details.

20278166? ago

Does it link to this? The book she was reportedly reading (even though no title was visible in photo) sold out on amazon after the WaPo article came out.


Book was - "The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives"

20278440? ago

Here's another link that might interest you. Please read carefully.


20278215? ago

That's it. Then her reviews lead us to other books she has "Reviewed".

Note the CAPITALIZED letters for the first letter of each word in her review. Hard to do by accident. Q realized and added gematria results matching the capitalized letters of her 'review', to Troll her.

20278462? ago

I promise I'll try to wrap my head around your very interesting post... tomorrow, after several coffees :)

20278673? ago

Here is some sauce to study.


20278650? ago

Thanks Anon.

We will discuss further c. tomorrow, and I will answer all your questions, and teach you the code ("Learn Our Comms.").



20276575? ago

link pls ?

20277700? ago



NumberFag here.

Please go and read every comment on this thread.

I have posted many of the answers you are seeking.

Kindest regards.

The NumberFag.


20281867? ago

Many thanks!

20289787? ago

You are most welcome my Fren.

20275022? ago

Yes, otherwise why even include that part of the image. If theyvwere realky trying to mske a convincing fake they cojld have just cropped that part out

20274609? ago


20274322? ago

What a dumb bitch

20274080? ago

The other pics with the book show people to her right or the viewers’ left. This photo would have shown those people behind her.

20273924? ago

Most definitely. Look at the bricks to her left side and compare to the bricks on her right side.

20279672? ago

No bricks in either image angle have those generated bricks. Why the shop? Why the table change in the angle change, the bricks on the ground d dont add up equally from under her to the wall.

20276349? ago

The photoshopping is so painfully obvious that it makes me wonder what else we are missing in this image. OP has cropped the original photo and only showing you half the image.

So here is the actual link to the uncropped original photo: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/08/16/19/17367590-7364957-image-m-113_1565980458923.jpg


Now ask yourself why would such a ridiculously obvious talking-point be placed so clearly in the image?

We all know the classic magicians tactic of misdirection. Make your audience concentrate on your right hand, so they completely miss the subtle movements in your left hand.

20279757? ago

Should be able to see the camera man in cats reflection.

20277714? ago

Si.ebodybposted an AI link that creates a fake person face and a background. The Brock background looks just like what that is does. Also the pebble stone behind her ass shouldn't be there.

20276517? ago

Found another photo from a different angle. There was a trash bin behind her right-side that they photoshopped out.



Note the trash bin in front of the red/yellow IN-N-OUT sign. Now look at the badly photopped one. You can still see the remaining pixels from the base of trash bin, and the beige top half is still intact in the photo.

Doesnt explain why they did such a rushed photoshop, but it is clearly just an ugly trash bin that was removed.

20277747? ago

It was an AI creation of what it 'thinks' the BG should be. It is pebble from the seat created , the brick was re created also.

20278009? ago

AI ??

Do you know what 'photoshopped' means?

20278377? ago

Yeah it's a photo shop ai creation.

Hit this and watch the background (BG). https://bgr.com/2019/02/15/ai-face-generator-looks-100-percent-real/

20278581? ago

Ok that is an interesting link. But it has nothing to do with creating fake backgrounds for photos like you stated.

That ai is just creating random human faces from massive data-sets it has been fed. Interesting, but this is a different topic entirely to OP.

20279490? ago

Ok look at the bricks o. The grout d between the two angles. Distance to the wall is way different. She was not in the same location for both images.

20279350? ago

Here look at the tree, the background creation. It's not an image, it's not even leaves.




20279264? ago

20278791? ago

Yes it's part shopped and part generated, I am harping on the obvious generations.

20278757? ago

No it does the back grounds too. Look at the crazy pieces of hair N shiet that it creates or the weirded lines I produces. It's the same thing. It's using what it has for textures and using that, that is all and it's obvious and of it not obvious for you, keep learning about artificially produced imaging.

20290548? ago

Yeh ok. Interesting...I guess it couldve been used here.

But whatever did it, that mess was put there to distract us from the real message which is in other parts of the image.

20286105? ago

ummm the hair is on their faces, nothing to do with the "BG". All the backgrounds are just blurry colours with no detail whatsoever.

I hope you arent in IT.... or a bricklayer

20276712? ago

Ok this story just got more interesting. v/pizzagate seems to be giant leaps ahead in actualy digging on this.


  • The first picture of Ghislaine Maxwell in more than three years was staged by her close friend and attorney, Leah Saffian, DailyMail.com has learned exclusively

  • A dog, understood to be Saffian's dog named Dexter, is at her feet. Saffian's social media accounts included pictures of her dog Dexter, who also has his own Facebook page

  • Saffian, 60, is president of Meadowgate Media Investments Inc. According to the photograph's metadata, the photograph is tagged with 'Meadowgate'

  • Maxwell is reading a book in the picture but the title is not visible. The New York Post named the book as, The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives

Regarding the photoshopping.

The Mail on Sunday reported this weekend that one of America's biggest outdoor advertising companies alleged that at least one photo of Maxwell had been altered. Behind Maxwell can be seen a bus shelter displaying an ad for the movie 'Good Boys' which opened in the U.S. this past Friday.

'We think it was Photoshopped,' says Zipp, in New York. 'We do not have any records of this ['Good Boys' poster] being posted there.'

More fuckery regarding the origins of this photo is exposed in the dailymail article above.

20276648? ago

Dog missing in this pic.

20276739? ago

It is there...you can just see its paw under the bench.

But regardless the whole thing has just been busted as a fake photo-shoot setup by her friend/lawyer (Dog belongs to her friend)

See here:


20276734? ago

Its there, you can see its paw sticking out from behind the center column of the table

20275381? ago

not bad, anon--the mismatched "masonry" is definitely noticeable. not subtle.

20281430? ago

Hey, why did i get downvoted? Coz i didn't get moar detailed in my critique? so butthurt.....

20277766? ago

And AND look at the grout lines, ai installed extra groutlines and randomized the rows of bricks dimensionally.

20278128? ago

lol you...ai installed extra groutlines. Good one.

I thought you were being serious for a second.


20278335? ago

Look at it. It's not of any type of nigger rigging that could be passed off as a sound short wall. Sorry the mortar lines are fucked. They go through the brick and on an angle too.

20278422? ago

Do you know what the term 'photoshopped' means?

20278704? ago

Jew suck my dick. What I am saying is the ai made alterations that a person would never have done. Now kindly shove your dick up a jews ass.

20274528? ago

union work

20274492? ago

I see what you did there!