20274582? ago

Yep, it's been happening to me as well. As soon as I refresh the page/thread, it's a number.. But it does always get a giant WTF from me.

20274003? ago

Haven’t seen anyone name

20274659? ago

I haven't seen anyone else's either, but I have occasionally seen my own right after submitting a reply.

20273862? ago

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

It's isn't, in fact we love Jews more than our own mothers and will literally sacrifice our integrity and the future of our children to placate their feelings. The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

20274990? ago

Fuck off you nigger faggot kike.

Who do you think (((THEY))) is?

20273669? ago

Jordan Lance Jones 29, Broken Bow Oklahoma

Look at his fb whatever you people do and everything he is also this persona ceasar naples. He straight up names agents and handlers. Dig and you will see. Hes is scrambled to hell.


Please this guy needs some help he talks about bomb making has code in profile pics. He needs eys on before they activate him. He has two CIA handlers Matthew John with brexeffect.com under his profile pic the other is Mike Sherner. they meet him at the public library. His grandpa owns a big corporation in OKC.

20275003? ago

You're glowing.

20276778? ago

Nice redirection shill. We all know glowfags dont name names. This Jordan guy checks out as a legitimate lead. Good job op. The shills just gave the stamp of approval by trying to silence you.

20273658? ago

We've already logged most of your usernames anyway, it doesn't really matter at this point. You guys are fucking careless

20273688? ago

This is why I delete my account and make a new one frequently. Not sure if it mattress.

20274112? ago

I don’t care that the NSA knows who I am. Same team.

It’s the shillfag collective and DS chucks that I don’t want knowing me.

20275031? ago

Same team.

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman who grew up in Boro Park speaking Yiddish was tapped by NSA as its first chief risk officer

Anne (Chani) Neuberger an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman who grew up in Boro Park speaking Yiddish as her first language and attended Bais Yaakov of Boro Park was assigned head of Cybersecurity at the NSA, becoming the highest ranking woman in the entire NSA. She formerly was the NSA’s Chief Risk Officer and head of the Russian elections fraud department and is the wife of Yehuda Neuberger, who serves as AIPAC’s Chair on the Baltimore Executive Council.

All of Neuberger’s grandparents are Auschwitz survivors. Seven of her eight great-grandparents did not make it out. Her parents were survivors of the 1976 “Raid of Entebbe” when Israeli commandos stormed the now legendary Air France flight to Paris from Tel Aviv.

20275529? ago

Ok so what? Jews in the NSA?

Big deal. There are Jews in DJT’s family, too.


That’s the kind of thinking DS pushes.

20275556? ago

Head of cybersecurity?

Perpetuating the holocaust myth in an unbelievably over the top way?

Trust her?

20274086? ago

I know who you are but do I even know who I am?

20273651? ago


20273605? ago

your name should convert to a number if you refresh the page

20273627? ago

The moment I see my name show up, I delete.


20273602? ago

Ok so I disabled ANON mode for the thread, but it seems it was forced into ANON anyways.

This is the desired behaviour. Always anon.

But I swear there have been many instances lately where reply’s show your actual effing username.


20274988? ago

Yes, this is definitely happening. I was on Voat day and night for the first two months after we got kicked off of Reddit. Never one problem with anon posting on QRV. Returned here after 8chan was taken down and have had to delete moar than one discussion bc it showed my handle. Seems to happen randomly. NOT your imagination, anon. Now when I post, I watch carefully to make sure it's anonymous. Has never happened to the same posting twice in a row so far.

20273824? ago

I have it happen a lot too. Not sure, but I thought someone commenting that clicking on links can disable the anon function so be careful about that.

20273642? ago

Yep. Happened to me a few days ago. Definitely didn’t like that shit.

20274807? ago

Are you wondering on over to the 'theawakening' thread by accident?

20275870? ago

Are you wondering wandering

20280688? ago

Some of us gotta work for a livin' and don't have time to baby sit the Auto-correct.

20280925? ago

If you paid attention, you wouldn't need 'autocorrect', which is often wrong anyway.

20281789? ago

Auto correct is annoying. If it thinks it should be one thing, but I want another word, the dang thing doesn't let me! I have retype it a couple times before it will acquiesce.

20281875? ago

Actually knowing how to spell has its advantages.

20282935? ago

My computer (Mac) doesn't autocorrect. Are you anons typing on a friggin phone? Fuck, I wish I had your eyesight!

20273834? ago

Lol you Qtards do realize the faggot feds have been on here for quite sometime lately right?

20274316? ago

Well duh. I don’t really care, they know where to find me if they really wanted. I just like things that work the way they’re supposed to.

20274114? ago

"Qtards...for quite sometime lately...:


They have either:

A) Been on for quite some time.; or

B) Been on lately.

Pick one please. I'll forego the name calling.

20274099? ago

Lol you shareblue cunts do realize that you have a considerable amount of sand in your vagina lately right?

20274187? ago

Lol you Qtards still haven't realized that everyone who isn't a Qtard is a shill. Voat has been infested by the feds for quite sometime though, just a heads up.

20274269? ago

Lol thanks agent Smith I just realized that you are a shareblue shill. Voat has been infested by shareblue fedshills for sometime though, give me head.

20273595? ago

Works fine for me. Sounds like a web browser issue for you

20273588? ago


20273578? ago
