20257501? ago

Hang on a sec, so you're telling me Gaia.com is a disinfo site?

Do you have proof?

Also, what do you think of the website whatdoesitmean.com?

20256215? ago

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20255476? ago

Jeez, once these UK newspapers get ahold of the pictures the whole world will know of it. We couldn't have bought this kind of coverage at a million a minute offer.

20255442? ago

PS: Sorry to the gamers out there who were unaware of the Blizzard Entertainment/ActivisionBlizzard involvement in global corruption, that pill took me by surprise too.

They're not the only ones. [ E.A. ] You heard it here first.

20255594? ago

They're not the only ones.

Well aware. Got more on this coming down the line myself.

20255418? ago

Thanks for this great info. I will be on the lookout for these sources in the future.

20254214? ago

This counts for the cunt spamming whatdoesitmean Sorcha Faal articles. This is a known CIA disinformation site set up by David Booth, a CIA psyop specialist. It claims to be Russia, but the Russian government accused it of being a MOSSAD/CIA operation. It's address is an empty lot in Las Vegas and it's phone number is registered in Washington DC. It's owned by Occulus Mirandi ... or "all seeing eye" ... and it's logo is a masonic square and compass .... these shills are stupid.

20257513? ago

I think you're a fake.

You're the disinfo agent, you shill.

How much they paying you?

20261825? ago

You "think" ...and that there is the problem. Did you do any research? Name one thing I said that wasn't accurate and easily researchable.

20262668? ago

I've read some articles from whatdoesitmean. I dont see how it's disinfo.

Lets pick the latest article http://whatdoesitmean.com/

Color Revolution Seeking Overthrow Of Trump Being Led By Fluoridated Mind Controlled Democrat Imbeciles


You saying that this article is disinfo?

report circulating in the Kremlin today warning about the “crazed leftist mobs controlling America”,

You saying the leftist mob is normal? That article states the left are crazy, and they are mobs, and they want to control America.

who are now even targeting President Donald Trump with “color revolution” regime-change tactics

You stating this is disinfo? This was from a meeting of the NYT, saying they are changing from fake Russia Hoax to racist witch hunting.

You stating this is disinfo?

It speaks the truth to me. You stating its not?

I can keep going, but that article is long, and its only the first sentence.

Ok, lets keep going shall we ...

“Is Fluoride Potentially Neurotoxic?”, has just pounded the proverbial “final nail in the coffin” in the vile fluoridated water destruction of young peoples atrocity by research scientists conclusively linking it with lower IQ’s in babies and children

Are you stating this is disinfo? You are saying flouriated water is good for you? From what I know, fluoride is not good for you.

You see the pattern? How is that article disinfo? It speaks more truth than the fake news websites.

20262695? ago

"report circulating in the Kremlin today" ... how does whatdoesitmean define "Kremlin" .... hint ... it's at the bottom of every article. If this is not enough ... read their disclaimer that their news is fiction .... if this is not enough ... consider that you have failed to refute a single point I made and instead put together a defense of their fake news.

20262877? ago

Kremlin is Russia. Who cares where they get the info.

Read the info and judge for yourself.

You are definitely a shill 100%.


Everybody knows Fluoride is toxic, and you're saying its fake news.

Everybody knows the fake news new your times are targeting Trump with the racist card.

How much they pay you shill? Is it worth it? You brushing your teeth with toothpaste? Your gums bleeding when you brush? You having gum problems?

20263257? ago

"Kremlin is Russia. Who cares where they get the info." ... that makes you a liar. You couldn't even address my point.

"Read the info and judge for yourself". - same retard shill ... never addresses the point. Tries to defect.

"You are definitely a shill 100%." - says the cunt who is twisting and squirming like a worm on hook. Define "projection." PROVE ONE THING I'VE SAID IS WRONG, CUNT.

Stupid little cunt thinks talking about fluoride is hiding the fact he's a shill traitor from anyone reading and they can't see he's trying to avoid the point and change the subject. This is the same cunt who constantly defends Sorcha Faal and admitted it is fake news ... that he posts and defends because he hates Qanon.

20270795? ago

I've proved you're wrong shill.

You said its fake news. I told you its real.

That article is TALKING about Fluoride. I've told you Fluoride is toxic. You're the shill that's stating its fake news.

You're the shill. I see through you. Judging by your language, it must have hurt a lot to be called out!

Are you a pedo? Is this why you're a shill? You know lots of pedos getting caught right? It's a mental illness. You need help.

20276057? ago

Same old lying cunt. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR ARTICLE ON FLUORIDE. You introduced an article about fluoride to change the narrative and avoid addressing my points. Any one can see that. You have yet to address a single one of my points. You have used the same tactic for over a year ... and of course ... you then resort to accusations and name calling when you have nothing left to argue and are exposed for the lying cunt you are.

Still waiting for you to prove one thing I've said is wrong. You can't do it ... and it exposes you for the traitor you are.

20285828? ago

Is epstein still alive?

20285031? ago

Truth hurts pedo?

I've already proved you wrong.

Lets pick the latest article http://whatdoesitmean.com/

Color Revolution Seeking Overthrow Of Trump Being Led By Fluoridated Mind Controlled Democrat Imbeciles


Do you understand english?

You're a bot! A Pedo bot!

20285320? ago

You are just another lying cunt who is deliberately pretending to be retarded because no one is as fucking stupid as you. NAME ONE FUCKING THING I SAID THAT WASN'T TRUE. I'm not going to ask again, cunt.

20285804? ago

wow triggered much? Bot boy?

I told you already, you dumb or something bot boy?

20290470? ago

Sub human scum proves he's an enemy of the people and a traitor yet again. Notice how he doesn't address any point or offer any argument. Just constantly changes the subject like a little bitch.

20300101? ago

You're definitely brainwashed shill pedo.

Who are you talking to? You here to prove that you have no logic?

If you read my message, you asked me to prove the site is legit.

I went to the very first article, and sent you the link, and proved that the site is legit.

You're the bot that just can't use logic to analyze it.

20301190? ago

Fucking cunt ... you've proved nothing ... NOT ONE FUCKING THING. You've ignored everything I've said and like the retarded traitor you are, attempted the switch the narrative like the good little trained cunt you are. For every article you post, I could post an article full of easily provable lies ... which I've done in the past and you conveniently ignored. You are a fucking spook and like the twisted little cunt you are, you'll follow the handbook until we fucking end you. You are a liar and traitor.

20301481? ago

wow bot triggered. So easy to trigger you. I'll call you idiot pedo shill bot.

Fluoride is a poison you idiot pedo shill bot

20301803? ago

only a leftist faggot uses "triggered." like i said, you are nothing but a traitor.

20305575? ago

hahahaah triggered

This is you, being triggered


20306289? ago

Get cancer and die, traitor.

20312566? ago

That hurted your feelings?

Why so nasty?

Do you believe Fluoride is a poison, yes or no?

20316277? ago

Switch the narrative .... check.

Resort to personal insults .... check.

Do not attempt to dispute facts .... check.

Do not address the topic .... check.

Shill handbook ... these cunts are stupid.

20325395? ago

Thats you. You checked all your checkbox. lol

Why you so nasty?

20326137? ago

Lying cunt, Nevada.

20326834? ago



20254234? ago

This counts for the cunt spamming whatdoesitmean Sorcha Faal articles.

Funny how those 2 posts preceded the gaia.com disinfo, no?

20253761? ago

Thanks for the information Patriot.

20254198? ago

S'okay, there's another way I can get everyone's attention on this again if it gets buried.