14826578? ago

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14735480? ago

How did I know Blizzard was on this list

14734890? ago

Tried to load file on my desktop.

The image "https://files.catbox.moe.llx5tf.png" cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

14734514? ago

Nice work!!! I think what we see time and time again from these graphics is that (((They))) only do business with (((Themselves))) and (((They))) have a desire to control what you see.

14734722? ago


I do see things a little bit differently to what you're saying, but that's because I'm looking at a whole lot more than is presented here. No doubt, there are (((many))) involved - it becomes more complicated as you take France, China, Qatar, [Iran & Turkey] into account, though.

That's a story and/or map for another time lol.