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20253924? ago

Facinating. What do you make of the recently released Navy research patents?

20254294? ago

Such as? I've seen the "TR-3B" one...that one looks more like misdirection than anything.

Which patents were you referring to specifically?

20254548? ago

Oh...I mean....this was the post that I was referring to condescendingly in my post....I don't know how much validity there is to this one. What makes you think that this has anything to do with the US Navy?

Also...Just skimming the patent, I read the following:

"The answer comes from experiments done using the ancient Chinese form of breathing known as Chi Kung. Using this breathing technique, we have been able to levitate the human body over six feet in the air."

So I don't know anon...I'm actually one of the more open minded people out there when it comes to this kind of thing. I think Chi Gong and breathing techniques can have tremendous healing effects on the body...but nothing that get's you to levitate in the air.

I know the inventor had "Q" in the name...but I don't think this is a real one. Sorry.

20255690? ago

Thank you for your response anon. The more I looked into it myself since it was posted, the more I think you are correct.

I suspect that whole post and the people it behind it are either easily misled or controlled opposition or both.

I had earlier read that the patent described was some how tied to the Navy.

Thank you though. My apologies if sent anyone down a rabbit hole with what turned out to be a MacGuffin at the bottom.

20255747? ago

No problem man. There are still a ton of patents out there that have yet to be realized by the broader scientific community. I think there a lot to be said regarding TT Brown's patents. Hell, just check out some of Tesla's patents when you have the time.