20254715? ago

They lost me when they started talking about the "Greys" seeing them blow smoke into hyperspace.

20254549? ago

This is why the Malaysian flight went down?

20254463? ago

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20253994? ago

Patent uses gravity in formulas. Ehhhhhhhhhhh

20254865? ago

They're complex looking formulas that's for sure..

20253953? ago

Any knowledgeable physics anons want to tell us your thoughts on this?

20253381? ago

i AGREE WITH ANOTHER POSTER. Looks like a fraude to gain grant money & sell investors.

20253393? ago

Possibly, possibly not. Don't know..

20253320? ago

And THE DAY you make this post, the patent is now abandoned?!? That is odd...


Application status is Abandoned**

20253361? ago

I know. To be honest, I hadn't noticed that until someone else pointed it out..

Edit, all the links have the same status..

20253053? ago

The answer comes from experiments done using the ancient Chinese form of breathing known as Chi Kung. Using this breathing technique, we have been able to levitate the human body over six feet in the air. The internal temperature of the stomach is around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. By simultaneously squeezing the diaphragm to bring hot air up through the lungs, and breathing through the nose to bring cold air down, rotating vortices are generated in the lung passages when these two air masses meet and twist around each other as depicted in the famous Yin-Yang diagram. Because the lung has variable diameter passages from the large diameter at the throat to the final small air sacs, there is a spectrum of rotating frequencies.


20252847? ago

If it's on a patent, it's not true. Why you would want the whole world to see and understand how it works?

20252796? ago

Eh..google the Polywell Fusion Reactor. Now there's something grounded a bit more firmly in reality.

Didn't really look over this patent to be honest, but whenever you're dealing with opening a theoretical 'worm hole'...you're already wayyyy into Star Trek land. Even if some of the theory to this patent is sound, I can almost grantee we at this point couldn't produce enough energy to make it a reality.

20252836? ago

Same anon here...just took a look at the Teleport patent....just judging by the pictures shown I can almost bet money that this isn't based on anything in reality.

Please, if you're actually interested in what some might consider 'hidden' technology, google the Polywell Fusion Reactor. Hell, just google some of Tesla's patents if you're interested.

20253159? ago

It's just something I stumbled across today and thought it was interesting that these patents had a Q at the end of his name when other more mundane patents didn't. They were also all abandoned today after some years of what looked like no action taken on them..

I've been meaning to check out Tesla's stuff for a while, been too busy elsewhere to do so..

20252392? ago

Don't Patent approvals still require a working model to validate the claim?

20255819? ago

Patents did require working models about 100 years ago. This is not true now. The hole in this story is that patents publish your technology in exchange for 7 years of protection from competition. A patent with military applications would be ignored by everyone. The race for alien technology and gold would be ON!

20252302? ago

I guess the green new deal of zero emissions is possible in 12 years....

20252248? ago

Funny how the diagrams look like Masonic symbols!?

This is fake!

20253932? ago

That's partly why masons use the symbols

20252236? ago

Hello??? Star Trek is not real. Gasp! Teleportation was created so they didn't have to make too many sets and could quickly get to the planet de jour. If you want to discuss this patent look no further than the movie "The Fly". Do you really think we are even close to being there except dreams on paper or a $ money hole for the Defense the Department? Think how many twisted up 'errors' nightmares there would be. Perhaps Dr. Mengele types already created many Frankenstein type creatures during his time?

Shills and company must be believing their own BS.

20253222? ago

Incredible, you speak with such factual authority so you must be correct. As such, we'll all shut up for you and marvel in your factual correctness.

For crying out loud.

20257417? ago

"Stupid is as stupid does", Forrest Gump. BTW, if you are all for the slimy creatures that come from such an experiment, then you obviously won't like the Lord's accounting.

20252280? ago

Lol such a stupid comment

20252215? ago

The Philadelphia Experiment was the prototype to this technology. However it has yet to be successful. Many have died by the hands of DARPA.

20253238? ago

I remember seeing a film based on that in the 80s.. Maybe the film was disinformation and they were successful in secret..? Who knows these days..

20253386? ago

Actually they were not successful. Many sailors died and were melded with the ship.

20253433? ago

I can't help thinking it would have seen sensible to start with something smaller and use rodents to see if it worked.. Though wasn't it an accident? They were expecting something else to happen?

20253548? ago

They did use rats and chimps first.

Rumor aboard the ship was that the generators were designed to power a new kind of magnetic field that would make the warship invisible to enemy radar. With the full crew on board, it was time to test the system. In broad daylight, and in plain sight of nearby ships, the switches were thrown on the powerful generators, which hummed into action.

What happened next would baffle scientists and fuel decades of wild speculation. Witnesses describe an eerie green-blue glow surrounding the hull of the ship. Then, instantaneously and inexplicably, the Eldridge disappeared. Not just invisible to radar, but gone — vanished into thin air!

The U.S attained this knowledge from the Sumerians and their writings. They also gained help from the Fallen. In 1896 and 1897 they passed this info to the U.S. government. Albeit the U.S. Government had no clue how to use it yet. However much of the knowledge given to the U.S. and other governments propelled the Industrial Revolution on earth.

20253966? ago

Added to this... there was a "40-year" marker. Supposedly, if memory serves, the ship re-appeared in the same location 40 years later where two scientists were aware of. The technology worked, it just didn't want to end up in the wrong hands... hence the series of events laid out there by 3548. If others know what I'm referring to and can expand on it, please do.

20253628? ago

That's right, I had forgotten the story.. So instead of making the ship invisible to radar, it disappeared then reappeared with the crew merged with the ship.. I should try and find that original film again. There was a recent version but the ship kept popping up in different places, including at the top of buildings.. Crappywood sensationalising things again..

20252190? ago

I teleport all the time from point A to point B with no recollection of inbetween it called ADD

20252737? ago

But it appears you skip points B and C and arrive at point D twice? Perhaps if you focused...

20252065? ago

Seems our Patent owner has some issues:




But, achieved his owner status by Assignment on 2015-06-07 from:


(Think that's John St Clair perhaps of a company "REEL/FRAME"?)

20252064? ago

Confirms Everything Max Spiers, Phil Schneider and countless others have been saying for years, they've had this technology since it was stolen from Tesla.

20251853? ago

This is old news, I saw all this 140 years ago.

20258186? ago

Oh lord, Dear Dr, what shall we ever do....

Timelords shelly, Timelords.

20263496? ago


20251920? ago

Sounds like you're doing well for your age then..

20263507? ago

You should see what I look like in 75 years my friend! Marvelous!

20252483? ago

Not too shabby for a middle aged man, I’d say...

20253908? ago

Wuss. Live to 900 like Adam.

20252993? ago

Good for you lol..

20251843? ago

All politics (election drama/climate/immigration/Q/storm included) are false flags designed to distract you from the fact that aliens are assembling an army to take over our planet.

20253689? ago

With the help of Project Bluebeam..?

20251823? ago

Watch THEY LIVE. Research electrogravitics

20251906? ago

I haven't seen that film, will look out for it.. Electrogravitics is interesting, another 20's discovery that looks to have been pushed under the carpet..

20252741? ago

I got a massive pile of links but am on mobile. Repky and when I get home I will send it. More than you can imagine.

20255083? ago


20251696? ago

Ah, so the UFO researchers couldn't make any more money selling books, so they got government grants instead.

Just once, I'd like to see a disclosure that involved giving away the information, not a freemium package where they tease the information for free and then try to sell you something. I would be convinced wholeheartedly. FWIW, I am certain that alien life exists, but not too sure about UFOs being alien travelers.

We definitely need more money into exotic propulsion, as long as there is sufficient oversight.

20251395? ago

thats how they jump to mars.

20251367? ago

Space is a medium, not a vacuum.

20251232? ago

This is very strange. But reading the description, it does have some sense to it with the mathematics and different fields of our own DNA style ways to accelerate and slow down our bodily transfer across space and time.

20251310? ago

They're very detailed descriptions aren't they? Makes me wonder how he discovered these things. Accidentally or on purpose?

20251099? ago


20251565? ago


20251955? ago


20252015? ago

Is that u Q??

20251085? ago

Relativity is garbage. Working models =/= underlying theory is correct. Mathematical gibberish. They have us chasing ghosts with bullshit math. Tesla hated Enstein for what he did to science.

20251432? ago

They teach us very basic, dumbed down physics at school. I guess they don't want us to ask too many questions in case we find out the real answers..

20250648? ago

Application status is Abandoned

20250739? ago

It was abandoned today for some reason, they all were..

20250622? ago

There is no requirement to prove your invention will work to patent it. This shit is all dumb.

20250718? ago

You are incorrect. Your idea must be reduced to practice in order to get a patent. In other words, you must prove that it actually works and is not just some harebrained scheme. Are you trying to willfully mislead or are you just ignorant?

20252510? ago

ok, so how di this guy proved the teleportation device?

20251250? ago

Not true at all. I was granted a patent and never had to prove it worked at all. It was all theoretical.

20251886? ago

Hmmm - I too am a holder of multiple patents and worked for a Fortune 50 company in the patent area for many years I think you are prevaricating.

20254624? ago

As am I, what is your point? My assertion stands. There was no requirement to prove the invention works. The only requirement was to describe how it might work.

20250660? ago

So quick to judge..

20250537? ago

Just reading through one of the patents, what on earth do you say to this?? It's written in the water energy one, the applicant goes into a little personal history and experiences.. Normally you would think someone is off his head coming out with this stuff but it's writing into his patent so you can only assume that he did experience this..

'Refer to my patent applications such as Dipole Moment Spacecraft, Dual Potential Hull Spacecraft, Photon Spacecraft, Electromagnetic Field Propulsion System, Full Body Teleportation, Magnetic Vortex Wormhole Generator, Electric Vortex Wormhole Generator, Sulfur S8 Wormhole Generator, Cavitating Oil Hyperspace Energy Generator, Rotor Inductance Propulsion System and Triangular Spacecraft.

Many of these patent applications involve wormholes and hyperspace which are not well-known concepts in the scientific community. Hyperspace consists of those dimensions which are co-dimensional with our spacetime. The reason I know about hyperspace is because (1) I have been in hyperspace on a number of occasions and have experienced Einstein's time dilation according to his General Theory of Relativity, (2) I have experienced more than one full-body hyperspace teleportation over a distance of 100 meters, (3) we have been able to create a wormhole between space and hyperspace with the magnetic vortex wormhole generator in which smoke was blown through one side of the coil into hyperspace, a first contact verified by the Grey Aliens, (4) I have seen the green mist associated with moving out of dimension and crossing over into hyperspace, (5) I have looked into another dimension and have seen another building, a car and a man who waving at me in the presence of an artificially-intelligent Cyborg with the “high-tech look” from the Pleiadian Defense Department, (6) I can remote view through hyperspace subgeometry to distances of 100,000 light years to the edge of the galaxy and have made first contact with around 500 extraterrestrial civilizations involving the use of patent applications such as Remote Viewing Amplifier, Quantum Dot Energy Cylinder and Walking Through Walls Training System, (7) I am the only person on Earth who has communicated with the designers of the crop circles found in England and explained their design to them in terms of subspace geometry, (8) I can walk through walls as a hyperspace energy being, and (9) I have discovered how anti-gravity is possible using low density hyperspace energy, not to mention all the other research work on these electromagnetic field propulsion vehicles.

For my work in developing the geometry of the subspace manifold known as the tetrahedron diagram, I was given the Aphysics award by the Admiral, who is third in line to the Admiralty of the Pleiadian Defense Department. For my work in Revelations, she awarded me four beautiful galloping white riderless horses of the Apocalypse. The reason that the Pleiadian Defense Department was involved was that the Admiral had the task of creating the energy being that would protect the subspace manifold during the battle of Revelations which took place in the year 2001. So these are some of my personal experiences in the field of hyperspace physics.'

20250438? ago

You ever see the police camera footage of a "ghost" man walking through a security fence in New Mexico?

Walking through walls training system

US US20060014125A1 John St. Clair St Clair John Q

Priority 2004-07-14 • Filed 2004-07-14 • Published 2006-01-19

This invention is a training system which enables a human being to acquire sufficient hyperspace energy in order to pull the body out of dimension so that the person can walk through solid objects such as wooden doors.

I wonder if that's what this was about?


20250397? ago

Just trying to find out more about the abandoned application status. Found this https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/what-does--application-status-is-abandoned--after--4277089.html

This answer stood out. I wonder if it was a way to protect the application from theft and now that doesn't matter? Though I've also read in the past that if you don't want your ideas stolen, don't file an application for a patent..

No, what it means that an application for patent was filed and for some reason the application did not issue as a patent. Typically such an invention would effectively be dedicated to the public.

If you would like to proceed with practicing the invention, I suggest you consult with an explanation of patent attorney would can advise you in confidence.

20250764? ago

You are correct that companies often choose to use "trade secrets" rather than patents in order not to disclose an invention.

20250858? ago

I do find it a bit odd that nothing seemed to happen with them since around 2006 and now today, their applications have all been abandoned..

It's that Q that has me bugged though.. This guy also has a load of other more mundane patents listed under his name without the Q at the end too which makes it more mysterious..

20250338? ago

We already have a working teleportation system: It consists of 3 parts:

  1. A heavy-duty garbage disposal mounted beneath a janitorial sink and connected by plumbing to the public sewer network.

  2. An assorment of tree-pruning and cutting tools.

  3. Two big and mean men from New Jersey.

This teleportation system will disintegrate your body into lots of little bits (not quite atom-small but small-enough) and transport them to the central sewerage processing center for your city. Then you are responsible to reassemble yourself.

20250376? ago

Hmm, let me guess, that system is somehow associated with certain deep state types first initial beginning with H, middle initial beginning with R and last name beginning with C?

20250308? ago


On January 16, 2019, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and confirmed that a list of 38 papers examining exotic propulsion technologies is genuine. The FOIA request was made from the anti-secrecy group the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), which filed it on August 15, 2018 and later issued a website update describing the documents received from the DIA.

in a January 17 announcement, Steven Aftergood, who wrote the original FOIA request to the DIA, described what the DIA had provided:

From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent $22 million on the activity, formally known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program… Yesterday, the DIA released a list of 38 research titles funded by the program, many of which are highly conjectural and well beyond the boundaries of current science, engineering — or military intelligence. One such title, “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy,” was prepared by Dr. Eric Davis, who has also written on “psychic teleportation.”

Aftergood’s original letter to the DIA had asked for information concerning “a copy of the list that was recently transmitted to Congress of all DIA products produced under the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program [AATIP] contract”.

The DIA released a document with five pages, which included a January 9, 2018 letter by the DIA to Senators John McCain and Jack Read, the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. In the letter the DIA provided a list of 38 reports in response to the requests of the respective staffs of Armed Service Committee leaders. The DIA letter stated:

There are 38 reports associated with DIA’s involvement on the program documented in the list. All are UNCLASSIFIED/ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY except for attachment 37 which is a SECRET/NOFORN version of attachment 38 State of the Art and Evolution of High Energy Laser Weapons.

The list of 38 reports was publicly leaked on July 25, 2018 by TV journalist George Knapp and his investigative unit, the I-Team, in a story covering Dr. Hal Puthoff’s description of studies funded by the AATIP titled “Exclusive: I-Team obtains some key documents related to Pentagon UFO study”:

In June, physicist Hal Puthoff made the first public presentation about the UFO study. He was the chief scientist for BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), the Las Vegas company which won a Pentagon contract to study UFOs and related mysteries.

In his presentation, Puthoff listed the subjects explored in dozens of scientific studies initiated by BAASS: Star Trek worthy topics — warp drive, invisibility, metamaterials but the titles and authors have not been released — until now. The list made public for the first time includes subjects such as worm holes, antigravity and how to track hypersonic vehicles, and more….Puthoff said his group has studied unknown materials recovered from crash sites.

So far three of the papers on the 38 documents list have been leaked to the public. The first two were leaked by Corey Goode who was given the papers by a Washington DC insider, apparently within the DIA, who said they would help him open up the public to the truth of his secret space program testimony.

Goode described being given a number of documents, two of which were from the list of 38 that the DIA officially disclosed. Goode was told: “This series of unclassified DIA documents are said to be used to slowly “read in” certain people in the DOD/DIA to Special Access Programs.”

In his numerous interviews and articles, Goode has frequently referred to some of the advanced technologies described in the DIA papers, wormholes, warp drive, etc. The two papers leaked by Goode were therefore important corroboration for some of the exotic propulsion technologies he claimed had been actually developed by major defense contractors, and were in widespread use in secret space programs.

In an earlier article, I described how Dr. Eric Davis had confirmed the two papers leaked by Goode were authored by him. He was thoroughly puzzled over how they had been leaked into the public arena. The point Davis made was that only a genuine Washington DC insider could have had access to the documents and released them. Essentially, Davis was confirming that Goode’s DIA/Washington DC insider was authentic.

In addition, UFO activist Mike Waskosky has provided the first detailed account of Goode’s role in being the first to release the two DIA papers, and the response of different UFO researchers to this development given widespread disbelief among them over Goode’s credibility as a witness.

The DIA’s FOIA response now makes it official. The two papers first leaked by Goode are among the list of 38 that had been commissioned by the AATIP program in 2007, under its former name of Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program. The DIA’s FOIA release has therefore provided important corroboration for a key aspect of Corey Goode’s testimony; that he was chosen as a conduit for information about secret space programs to be first revealed to the general public.

Goode’s possession and release of the first two of the 38 advanced propulsion studies goes a long way to establishing his bona fides as an insider with accurate information about multiple secret space programs.

As a DIA FOIA officer lamented in responding to Aftergood, the DIA anticipated further FOIA requests for all 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents. Not only will this add a further layer of corroboration for Goode’s DIA/Washington insider source, it will provide greater insight into the Warp Drive, traversable wormhole and other kinds of exotic technologies that he claims are being currently used in multiple secret space programs.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

20258172? ago

Told you faggots. OPERATORS are standing by.

20253710? ago

Corey Goode is a charlatan along with his accomplice David Wilcock. I dont believe a word either of them say, just telling people what they want to hear for a price

20255068? ago

Who also aren't mentioned anywhere in the patent applications so technically have nothing to do with the conversation. Personally, I think they do a good job of opening peoples eye to the possibilities of this stuff being true..

As for the price, everyone has bills to pay. Their conferences attract a certain 'believer' I suppose but it's all part of the same disclosure effort. Q has also linked to one of Wilcock's books in the past so perhaps there is some validation of his work..

Then again, some people are just close minded to what could be out there and that could be possible.

20255403? ago

Actually I am very open minded and ave watched several of the videos of their presentations that are available online. And just in my opinion many of the explanations that are given strike me as phony as can be. I would love for the claims made by these men to be the truth, but they set off my bullshit meter repeatedly.

20253742? ago

You are using character assassination to somehow move context out of real documents which where disclosed. In legal system spoken testimony is evidence and with documents present its really strong evidence to talk to.

20253769? ago

Anybody can file for a patent on anything, whether it works or not

20253808? ago

Again you are using misdirection, I ask you why you do this since its visible.Speaking about context Corey was talking about those technologies before they were disclosed, so why he 1) he knows how they operate in real life and talks about them 2) documents are officially disclosed after he was doing public testimony about those I kindly ask you to respond on point.

20253909? ago

the only documents I see are patent applications, and like I explained earlier, you can file for a patent for anything, as long as you pay for it. Patent applications are meaningless in this context. David Wilcox and Corey Goode are charlatans out for money, thats all

20275659? ago

I willingly suspend my disbelief. Understand?

20250324? ago

I remember reading about this.. I wonder how much of this was theoretical and how much actually worked.. And if it works, do they use it? And if they use it, why the hell can't the rest of the world use it? Security I guess, people around not grown up enough to be trusted with it..

20257744? ago

Corey Goode is a pathological liar and full of shit. I watched the guy’s rise to Internet “fame” and used to talk to him when he was just peddling his creative stories on forums. He can’t keep his own shit straight, and tries to shut down anyone who points it out. A David Wilcock production.

20275642? ago

But if he were legit, and if YOU were a CIA shill, you would have to say that.

20275864? ago

And if you took the time to look into his shit rather than finger-flapping at me, it might not matter what the fuck I tell you.

Btw, Hal Puthoff is ex-Scientologist, ex-NSA, and close ties to the old MK ULTRA crowd. Look him up too before calling me a shill, you faggot, unless YOU'RE the shill.

20251330? ago

Fuck that! We funded the fucking manifestation of it! It’s rightfully ours!

20251406? ago


20250636? ago

Not security, greed!

20250651? ago

Yes, that more than security.. And control over the masses, as if they think they rule over us..

20250834? ago

100%. It's the age-old adage - the people are too stupid to be responsible for themselves. This, and control.

20250411? ago

Star Trek was based on facts. Many Sc-Fi stories as well.

20251307? ago

Listen to what Ben R. Rich had to say. (Former CEO of Skunkworks)


20253853? ago

"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

I think this is what made Tesla stand out from everyone. He perfected his inventions in his mind before truly applying his brilliance. I've gotten to this mindset that anything conceivably possible is possible. My problem is I'm lazy with initiative and perhaps haven't tested my creativity enough. I'm a truth seeker and propagator that guides others. I'll start to dabble with my creativity soon though with my greenhouse construction from 0 woodworking knowledge :)

20251398? ago

Forgot about this guy.. It's all out there, isn't it..?

20251486? ago

You make a good point. Yes it is, BUT the only search engine is Google (for all practical purposes) and it buries everything. What we need is something along the lines of the NSA, something that can literally find the needle in a haystack. WE, the people, should have and need to demand, that we have access to the collective intelligence of the internet.

20251543? ago

You're right there. Google being an arm of the 3 letter agencies, it's probably in their interests to ensure we don't see certain things.. Hopefully Trump is in the process of changing that..

20251605? ago

Q says we have more than we know. While that may be true, we have to be able to access it and put the pieces together and that is an impossible task under the current situation.

20251641? ago

It still make me wonder what on earth we don't yet know, especially as he's also said it's all bigger than we could ever imagine.. When you consider things that have been imagined in movies and so on, just how big is it all??

20258543? ago

yep, it's just mind boggling to think about, especially when so many people are still asleep. Can't wait until EVERYONE is talking about Q, think it will make it easier to deal with what we know...

20251916? ago


20250487? ago

So I believe, didn't Gene Roddenberry sit in with the top brass of the day and was given access to all sorts of high tech info? Something like that..

20250519? ago

Exactly, or comic books from 1940s-1950s.

20250553? ago

Perhaps not so much the figment of vivid imaginations of the day, rather disclosure disguised as entertainment.. And I believe it still goes on today..

20250725? ago

Pray tell, where is the line between disclosure and propaganda/brainwashing?

20250794? ago

The line is probably confused on purpose.. Just think, most alien type movies show the aliens as an advanced race hellbent on destroying the earth but from what I've read, they generally a friendly bunch who want to help us but can't because of some intergalactic law that says they can't, something like that..

Then we have the likes of chemtrails that have been a wacky tinfoil hat conspiracy for decades until very recently when they were revealed to be true..

20253888? ago

The "intergalactic" law they're bound by is likely critical mass theory. If Satanists spellbound people to absolute retardation, we must slowly wake the population before we "shock" their consciousness with aliens. People need to be dosed with the truth. Too much understanding is not well received.

20253945? ago

It was something along the lines of not being allowed to do anything without being invited.. Sounds like a vampire lol.. I do wonder if it would be a case of 'about time' if they decided to land somewhere..

20254018? ago

Possibly true. The leaders of the world must invite them... if leaders are Satanists, chances are: "oy vey let me accumulate my bank notes in peace"

20254890? ago

Would rather they were invited by the likes of Q and team. They're aligned with the human race, unlike the satanists..

20256052? ago

Probably were if true. Disclosure time and dosing the masses as we wake. Slow for us conspiracy realists.

20250626? ago

But speaking of your link teleport do exist. Look at all the people that claim they worked on mars or other bodies in solar system or other galaxies.

20250732? ago

I've read some claim teleportation, others claim being transported in the triangles with also seems to be patented by this mysterious St Clair John Q..

20250289? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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20250099? ago

I have two of these. Bought the schematics and went to Home Depot and got most of the parts. Had to pick up some of the more complex electronic parts off eBay. They work pretty well except it unnerves my neighbors (intense purple burst of light) when I fire them up.

20251645? ago

Pics or GTFO.

20251559? ago

Which ones did you make?

20250078? ago

Some people claim there is one in Las Vegas that goes to Alice Springs. Never any proof though.

20250214? ago

With patents like these, who on earth knows what's possible? I'm still even more curious about why their application status's has been abandoned today after several years of no updates.. And the fact that the applicant's name has a Q on the end of it..

20250230? ago

I'm pretty sure if this device worked, then it would be seized and classified by the government for "national security" reasons.

20250260? ago

Q did say everything is bigger than we could ever imagine, perhaps this is all part of it.. Can you imagine walking onto a platform and finding yourself somewhere else in the world..? No transportation costs, no pollution and instant travel.. But then all the jobs that would be lost as no need for airports, planes/boats/cars, check ins, customs, travel reps, fuel etc..

20251419? ago

If we can teleport like this as a species there would be pretty much no need for jobs anon. Nobody would need one because u could go anywhere in the world at any time and acquire whatever it is you are looking for

20251466? ago

I'd be happy with that, saves wasting life getting stuck in traffic and roadworks breathing all the pollution in all the time..! Lots of places to see in the world..

20250567? ago

No need for employment. Food and housing could be replicated.

20250398? ago

There are rumors of replicator devices that can basically copy the atomic structure of items and make new ones. Imagine a society with something like this where there is no shortage of goods, there's free energy, there's cures for all of the diseases, and as you've mentioned, there's near-instant travel. We would no longer be debt slaves constantly worrying and stressing. We would be free to create, explore, and improve.

20251427? ago

We would be free to create, explore, and improve

Which is what we are supposed to be doing.

20251613? ago

Sounds like a plan.. In between, we could pop over to the Caribbean for a morning swim, an afternoon ski in New Zealand this time of year, an evening meal somewhere equally exotic then home to bed..

20250634? ago

The Democrats version of hell lol, they wouldn't be able to control anyone..

I've heard these things are going to be disclosed once the deep state's 'reign' over the world is over.. The sooner, the better, bring it on..!

20250064? ago

A list of other applications by St Clair John Q

All appear to have the same status as of today's date, 'Application status is Abandoned 2019-08-20' after several years of no event/update.. How odd.

20251439? ago

Maybe the space force has seized the patents for some reason?

20251942? ago

Or, it got classified. How that relates to Patents, though, is unknown to me.

20251501? ago

Maybe, I doubt we'll ever find out.. Interesting to speculate about it all though.. I wonder if Q is reading this at all. I'm sure he has more important things to do though..

20249969? ago

Application status is Abandoned

What's your point

20250039? ago

Didn't notice that, looks like it was abandoned only today.. The post was that there seem to be two St Clair Johns and the high tech stuff had a Q on the end of his name. Thought it was curious..

20250862? ago

His middle name is Quincy. The end.

20250888? ago

Fair enough.

20251124? ago


You might find this interesting

20252534? ago

A software engineer developed stealth aircraft tracking tech, independently - got it. He obviously had a lot of time sitting on his hands . A business owner having not what else to do creating a business plan to getting money from un-existing market . Seems like a good business strategy. The stealth aircrafts are our secret and he finds a way to track them. I wonder why.

20251210? ago

Just like the alleged 'run a car on water' patent that was classified to protect the oil industry and similar things.. I think the bloke was 'bumped off' too.. Thousands of patents that have been classified could change the way we all do things..

Strange that these patents, though not approved were still at least visible to read about.. I guess the full details aren't available to see though..