20264031? ago

Do you think it's possible that the Navy has been testing their own cheaper and more promising forms of atomic fusion reactors in secret for decades?

Not only that. I believe that something similar is already being used to power antigravity craft.

20256042? ago

Done some heavy dives into the Cushing Convector, very interesting to say the least.

20372952? ago

Can you describe what that is exactly? Done some preliminary Googling and couldn't find anything

20375667? ago

Lyrics to Cavern by the band Phish, not a real thing. Trying to be cute.

20382443? ago


20255578? ago

I read an article several years ago about the US Navy using one million of my tax dollars to pre-order an "e-cat" (fraud) cold fusion reactor. Never seen that money, or a cold fusion reactor "the size of a microwave oven" since.

20255245? ago

I want to see more money put into thorium reactors, because you can use old spent fuel as the source fuel and it's waste has an 8 year half life instead of an 8000 year half life.

20255276? ago

I'm the person who made this thread, and I agree.

Molten Salt Thorium reactors are a proven technology...no need for Fusion, just safe and effective Fission for the time being. Fusion would be even better though.

I'd be fine with pursuing Thorium reactors as well.

20255291? ago

You're OP because your postID is purple and you have a [Submitter] tag next to it ;)

20255299? ago


20254725? ago

Looks like the reactor they use on the safire project - https://www.safireproject.com/science/phase-one.html

Plasma universe guys are well aware we are still playing around the paddle pool and denied access to the deep end in terms of tech paradigms.

20254855? ago

Ya, I think that's a Fusor they have there. Not quite a Polywell model though. It's missing the electromagnet coils arranged in a polyhedron.

Not entirely sure about these guys specifically, but I think there is some validity to the 'Electric Universe' model in general.

20254009? ago

If the Rulers can't make mega-bucks off of something it is buried.

20254447? ago

I agree, but they can't make if obvious that it's been buried. So what they do is funnel a bunch of our tax dollars to needlessly complicated solutions that may never actually pan out. Like the current High Power laser Energy Research facility (HiPER) in Europe....it costs billions to build and test. It takes up enough energy to power a few city blocks to test.

The Polywell method is much much cheaper...and actually more promising as well from what I can tell.

20253924? ago

Facinating. What do you make of the recently released Navy research patents?

20254294? ago

Such as? I've seen the "TR-3B" one...that one looks more like misdirection than anything.

Which patents were you referring to specifically?

20254497? ago

How about "water memory"? Any info on why that was not pursued? Then again, you specifically were referring to patents, that exist, so this may not be relevant to your query.

20254613? ago

Water memory? You mean like storing data in what molecules some how? I'm not really familiar with that line of study...so you have any supporting material to reference?

Was it something along these lines? https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/186797-the-liquid-hard-drive-that-could-store-a-terabyte-of-data-in-a-tablespoon-of-fluid

20254953? ago

No, more of a medical thing. Start with this guy, .Victor Shauberger and then Prof. Luc Montagnier. I believe the research was stymied by the "Medical Mafia".

20254548? ago

Oh...I mean....this was the post that I was referring to condescendingly in my post....I don't know how much validity there is to this one. What makes you think that this has anything to do with the US Navy?

Also...Just skimming the patent, I read the following:

"The answer comes from experiments done using the ancient Chinese form of breathing known as Chi Kung. Using this breathing technique, we have been able to levitate the human body over six feet in the air."

So I don't know anon...I'm actually one of the more open minded people out there when it comes to this kind of thing. I think Chi Gong and breathing techniques can have tremendous healing effects on the body...but nothing that get's you to levitate in the air.

I know the inventor had "Q" in the name...but I don't think this is a real one. Sorry.

20255690? ago

Thank you for your response anon. The more I looked into it myself since it was posted, the more I think you are correct.

I suspect that whole post and the people it behind it are either easily misled or controlled opposition or both.

I had earlier read that the patent described was some how tied to the Navy.

Thank you though. My apologies if sent anyone down a rabbit hole with what turned out to be a MacGuffin at the bottom.

20255747? ago

No problem man. There are still a ton of patents out there that have yet to be realized by the broader scientific community. I think there a lot to be said regarding TT Brown's patents. Hell, just check out some of Tesla's patents when you have the time.

20253328? ago

Running out of some days. Maybe the wind-da-mills will save the green new kids on da block./fs<<<<<

20253352? ago

Are you drunk? Or just a bot? Your words don't make sense to those of us who like coherence of thought.

20254422? ago

"Some day" never comes. They will always find a new way to keep you down, ie green new deal. Live in today with what you got and be happy about it.

The misdirection is that the government has it and won't let us have it. They don't have anything hidden, except new ways to kill people. They are the Wizard of Oz of technology. A paper tiger.

20254457? ago

Ok...I assume that WAS the case, in a way, under the OLD regime. I think the future looks a lot brighter though. Remember, we now have a president that looks willing to take down the FED...it doesn't get any more revolutionary than that.