20251960? ago

Disney is Illuminati family. Just look at shit they produce.

Monsters Inc - adrenochrome / loosh production.

Entire Disney princess series - programming for masses.

20252058? ago

what is Loosh?

20251580? ago

Why the hell somebody would overstate revenue? You would pay more tax than necessary. Except you do it to launder money I guess.

Stock price manipulation would be one other obvious reason.

20253584? ago

Stock price management or manipulation, attract better debt terms, spin off IPOs. There’s a lot of motivation to overstate revenue. If you can establish a fake revenue stream, you can smooth out earnings peaks and valleys - preventing stock price shock.

If the drawback of paying too much in taxes outweighed the benefits of the above motivations, you would have never had Enron, Crazy Eddie, Worldcom, etc

20255264? ago

Good points. Executive bonuses and wealth accumulation through stock options are another reason not mentioned.

20251435? ago


20251495? ago

Sex slaves & rituals?:

Roth oversaw Disney’s subsidiary Hollywood Pictures’ Evita film. Evita has as its main start “Material Girl” Madonna. Madonna is in reality a mind-controlled slave who has appeared in numerous underground porn/and ritual porn movies. (This author has an underground catalog from a porn business, that has recently changed its location of business. The catalogue offered a film of Madonna performing an actual blood sacrifice.)


20251616? ago

box office receipts are a perfect cover for money laundering, especially offshore

20251257? ago

Companies like Disney don't pay taxes, they just make sure they have as many write offs (or more) than they have in profit at the end of the year. Overstating revenues is more about artificially inflating (or keeping afloat) the stock price. Effectively that means existing stockholders are robbing new investors by over charging for their stocks.

20251424? ago

or it means to pump black money into it for whatever projects, like MK Ultra, re-edjucation, etc?

20251120? ago

Idk man.

Q said "Disney is a distraction."

So is this the game atm, tie up american focus on Disney money laundering when bigger fish to fry should be focused on?

20251222? ago

And Q#3499

Former Walt Disney VP Sentenced to Prison in Child Sex Abuse Investigation


Former Walt Disney VP Sentenced to Prison in Child Sex Abuse Investigation



25 Jul 2019 - 12:59:37 PM




20251196? ago

A distraction from uglier things might happening behind the science. Dont you remember the Disney Cruise Line / JE island connection?

20251097? ago

Something to dog into alot deeper then Anon. But nice work to get us started!

20261658? ago

Something to dog into alot deeper

a lot

20251550? ago

“The fact that the SEC has asked for more information more than once and conducted interviews suggests an inquiry is underway,” Jordan A. Thomas, a former attorney in the SEC’s enforcement division, told Marketwatch.

20251023? ago

Underground activity, literally

20251015? ago

Disney is one of the best deceptions of the Illuminati.

Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. The real money made by the Disney brothers in the 1930-1950’s came from the merchandising of Disney products, the production of underground hard porn, and the kickbacks from various groups which used Disney for mind-control programming, and money laundering.


20251104? ago

sigh You Christians have a lot more in common with White Mages than you give credence too.

The worst part is, you all refer to the KJV and don't go any older for finding your knowledge.

Actually, no, strike that. The worst part is when you butcher and horrendously misrepresent Christ and what he stood for, what he represented. Your Lord was just as much a Mage as any other of us who were trained in the Old Ways. You're a daft, blind fool when you besmirch magic on the face of it my friend. Jesus was trained in the methods, you don't find it curious that his adolescence and young adulthood are completely stricken from the record? Funny how we can follow his entire lineage and history, just not within the Bible nor the modern Scriptures. Almost as if they're trying to keep you lot locked up and retarded.

Best part is, from my view anyway, you keep clasping these chains onto yourself and you angrily and violently lash out at anyone who calls to attention the wrought iron collar around your neck.

20251004? ago

'A Disney spokesperson told Marketwatch that the company has reviewed the whistleblower’s claims and found that they were “utterly without merit.”'

Nothing to see here then.....