20253158? ago

It's a clear message - "Cover Up" in progress - no laughing matter.

20248688? ago

Really you're mad about this? You think you wouldn't have suggested covering the window just like the other agents if you were in their situation? They weren't even that quick about it but come on-- they were being watched by a drone in the video. It's funny for sure-- but not really something unreasonable.

20247671? ago

FBI is Unconstitutional and exists under the broad interpretation of the commerce clause.

20249536? ago

The Fed is unconstitutional. So are dual citizen (Israel) congressmen. If the constitution was followed we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

20245438? ago

In looking at the Drone videos and general pics of the Little St. James Island, the capital required to build that level of infrastructure leads me to believe that a very large corporation or a Government was behind it. The cost and logistics of just getting building equipment and concrete out to an island has got to be very expensive. From the details that have come out, it does not appear that Epstein had an income generating that much capital but his employer might. Surely there are purchase records, building permits etc...How is power being generated?


Was Little St. James Island actually a CIA facility? Its off shore of the continental US, centrally located between South America, Central America and the US. Not too far from Cuba, next door to British Virgin Islands which helps facilitate joint operations. A lot of land in that area was donated to the US Government by Laurance S. Rockefeller in 1956. Just asking...

20245872? ago

These are good fucking questions. Would make a lot of sense.

20244846? ago

The FBI/DOJ/CIA/SD are all still infested with DS operatives and totally corrupted leaders. Until they are all purged, justice will continue to be a pipe dream.

20243794? ago

Who is Rusty?

20252250? ago

What is the range on his drone? Where is he at? Any idea?

20243714? ago

FBI was caught on camera just days after las vegas shootings applying asphalt sealer to the bullet marks.

why did the FBI cover up all the riccochet marks from the las vegas shooter in the parking lot? FBI does asphalt REPAIR? since when???? maybe they'll recoat my faded driveway with some black sealer.

20243380? ago

I see a dick in the window, and something else I cant quite make out...

20243372? ago

In their defense, for all they know it could have been an Epstein associate/ ally trying to spy on the raid

20242595? ago

Its ment to protect to agents anonimity.

20242300? ago


20246924? ago

"Dammit! I knew this would happen! Steve, you told me I wouldn't have to use my hair gel today! "Don't worry about it", you said. "No one will even know we're there", you said.

Now see what happens? I'm going to be all over the Web! My modeling career is ruined!"

I'm sure that's exactly what went down.

Or not.

20250120? ago

^^This^^ is why I come to voat. For the snark. Top kek.

20241714? ago

They look like weirdos. They used to look like Efrem Zimbalist jr.

20241624? ago

I think I saw one of them walking around eating before they put the blanket up. What a joke.

20241378? ago

Rusty better have security. .

20241157? ago

I'd love 4chan weaponized autists identify the "agents" blocking the view of the search.

I'm picturing huge billboards with his name and "what were you hiding" on them...

20244702? ago

somebody dox these FBI agents fellow anons

You're glowing, nigger.

20240971? ago

It wasn't a raid, it was a paid FBI conference on evidence disposal and crime scene obliteration.

20278985? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3392974 Arrivals, 1997-2006 - Interactive Google Map

20241647? ago

We will use this federally funded island as test subject.

20240957? ago

Don't you dare watch a public official in a public role fulfilling a public investigation on behalf of the public!

You don't definitely want the suspect to have no idea what evidence you may or may not have until the last possible moment.

20241791? ago

Court procedure: "motion of discovery"

As a defendant, you can request the prosecution to provide everything they plan to use against you (names of witnesses, objects, testimony, etc) . If they omit anything, it might not be admissible until more motions are completed, such as submission of evidence, for which you can again request discovery.

If you (or counsel) object to any of it, a "motion in lamine" can be made outside the presence of the jury to determine if whatever it is will be admissible in the case.

20241930? ago

I am aware of discovery. That is what 'until the last possible moment' means. Nobody is even charged at this point. Discovery doesn't come until after charges are file and the court case begins. Why would you want anybody to know what you finding before anybody is even charged?

20242690? ago

Ah. I see where you're coming from now. You're referring to the others who are involved and haven't been charged yet. Yes?

Side note: wait a min... does the FBI ever do a public investigation?

20242857? ago

Side note: wait a min... does the FBI ever do a public investigation?

I'm no expert on these matters, but I am guessing that the FBI gives its results to the DOJ, and the DOJ determines what is available to the public. For example, the FBI did not release the Mueller report. The report was given to the DOJ, and then AG Barr announced the results to the public.

20243472? ago

That's kinda what I thought too.

It stands to reason that if these high profile investigations were indeed public, it would be extremely difficult to get uninfluenced jurors. The appeals process would be horribly overburdened and cases would be getting tossed out a lot more often. It also seems reasonable to expect the public to misunderstand things even if they are in 4K.

Also, somebody's drone flying around like that would irritate me no matter what job I had.

20243913? ago

Also, somebody's drone flying around like that would irritate me no matter what job I had.

Very true.

20240955? ago

On foreign land at that.

20242717? ago

I guess... sorta

Does that really count? Maybe half-n-half? They do have 16 zip codes in the US postal system.

20240661? ago

Doesn’t matter anything they “find” will have been planted


20240593? ago

You conspiracy theorists are all now on Trump's red flag list. Israel will be arresting you.

20240805? ago

Will they supply lox and bagels? I like mine without capers, thanks.

20240825? ago

No normal white person eats bagels.

20240884? ago

Oh come on man, it's cold-smoked salmon on chewy bread with a slice of tomato and onion. If you don't like bagels you haven't eaten a real one. Crappy ones are just round bread. I suppose I can't eat pita bread now either because towel heads eat it?

20242740? ago

Oh, fuck.

Now I have a specific craving. I want to eat that.

20241005? ago

Why not just have a asian cali roll or whatever instead?

20241123? ago

Seriously? I hope you're just trolling me because this conversation is ridiculous.

20241168? ago

Boycott all things jewish

20241231? ago

Bagels were an evolution from the German soft pretzel. Stop giving them credit for everything. Plagiarized like everything else.

20241261? ago

You actually know your stuff. Troll motor disengaged. Everything jews claim was stolen from white nations. Carry on.

20242748? ago


20240315? ago

Where was this at?

20240404? ago

Epstein's "Little ST. John, Isle"

20240467? ago


20240394? ago

Little St James Island,

FBI raid, AFTER his death

20242756? ago

He owned the big St James island too, didn't he?

20240543? ago

Ah, thanks.

20240756? ago

On 8/12. You can check out the footage of it too. Just search Rusty Shackleford on YouTube

20240236? ago

And why was NYPD there too?

20240631? ago

I think it has to do with jurisdiction of the search warrant, i.e. it was served in NYC where Epstein was formally charged and was being held. They have jurisdiction over this particular crime, the FBI/DS is just there to ensure protocols of information are disregarded.

20241079? ago

Makes sense. Thanks

20240398? ago

I know, effing incredible

20240029? ago

Yeah that was not much of a raid. They didn't even check out the underground tunnels that were filled in with 29mm worth of cement.

20241984? ago

the CIA arent the only "clowns" ... jeez, throwing up a home depot unfolded box because your fake inspection got documented, what a bunch of hacks

20245736? ago

Now, we have to say the White hat FBI, or The black hat FBI. Looks like a fake scene.

20245955? ago

"white hat FBI" are the ones that the ppl behind Trump are going to let live in exchange for their cooperation

20239976? ago

"I said get large boxes!"

20239913? ago

Listen like that blown dried D-bag likes to say, we are not talking about the rank and file FBI that work hard for the American people, we are talking about every last damn one of them! The FBI Is an organization headed by criminals run by the servants of criminals.

20247686? ago

They should all get the gas IMO. The only good cop is one that fucking QUIT and is no longer a cop and hates that shit and talks shit about it.

20243114? ago

Royals, Hollyweird, Mossad, Saudi and Frogistan is not innocent. illegally kept details of Epstein's plea deal from victims, aged 13 to 16.

Epstein’s been sex trafficking minors for decades.... How? #FollowTheMoney. Barr? Space Bible https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/222988367 Published by Fawcett/crest (1974)

ISBN 10: 0860000249 ISBN 13: 9780860000242

You can download the book for free if you sign in (here).


20242026? ago

The press is identifying them as the police are doing nothing? https://i.imgur.com/TjwVD2S.jpg Kevin Spacey, Walter Pearce, Ray Chandler https://imgur.com/a/DObsT ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3128268 Nada Marcinkova: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

... Tennis Court? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3390084

20239861? ago

Sure those were FBI and not DS looking for something now that he was wacked...

20240554? ago

You are not up to speed, they are one in the same, LOL

20242733? ago