21064692? ago

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20244689? ago

Berlin became a trendy moral cesspool during the Progressive Era. It led to the rise of the national socialists and the communists. That's where we are in America today. Hollywood is the cultural cesspool and our politicians are totally corrupted. If Trump and Q fails, we are going the way of the Third Reich and our end will be equally disastrous.

20240667? ago

submitted 0 hours ago by 3389866?

DUBS Confirmed. Evil is ancient. ("nothing new under the Sun") IMO: Good is inclusive / Evil is exclusive. "You will know them by the fruits of their labors." We are One people, the 99%, because WWG1WGA!

20240245? ago

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.

20239182? ago

Inversion. If they can convince the public transgenderism Is normal then nothing is real.

21064705? ago

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20239721? ago

Agree with you on that, everything we see these days is about the normalization of evil. People are literally trying to bring hell here on earth.

20239141? ago

Don't forget Rap.

21064721? ago

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20240749? ago

millions of Dollars, Shekel, Pounds, Euro $$ ££ have been spent on this Propaganda acorss the West, Why? .......... and Who do you think it benefits? https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3055877

20239995? ago

I'd like to forget rap! But that nasty crap is everywhere!

20240901? ago


Oh so close. (Almost quads) There's no accounting for taste anon. Rap's just a flavor of tunes, no thing is inherently 'evil', ("evil black rifles that kill") its how you use them that counts! Many black Frens I know where red-pilled by Jay-z going full illuminati. Don't forget: "Keep your money Trump tight!" Q+ is a shining star in rap-world... you know that right?... asking for a freind, because WWG1WGA! (THE 99%!)

20242797? ago

I understand more about the "nothing is inherently evil" idea than you can imagine. Fingernails running down a chalkboard is soothing compared to c-rap. Airplanes aren't evil either but on 9/11 they were used for an evil purpose. Music isn't evil but it can be put to evil use.

20239890? ago

Rap is pure degeneracy. And to think, HRC while running for president enlisted none other than Jay-z, who brags about being a criminal, a gangster, and a drug dealer. This is who she had perform and help her at her rallies, and people were OK with it... How fucked is that?

Imagine Trump did that? At least Kanye isn't a bonafide criminal from the streets.

20239732? ago

Black society was destroyed back in the 50s through with the birth of the welfare state. The hand that gives is the hand that destroys.

20239016? ago

Polymorphous Perversity? WTF dig into that these fuckers are sick! Oh, and they are all about the sexualization of Children evil evil evil.

20238947? ago


20239050? ago


20239057? ago


20239971? ago


20238941? ago

They are all satanists

20240730? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3217676 It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM.

20238932? ago

They are all on the same propaganda team. Hitler was excited about movies as was Goebbels because it made the spread of propaganda so easy.

Propaganda: Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is presented.

20240775? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3133816 The Jewish Role In The Porn Industry by Mark Collett

20238928? ago

It's pretty obvious to anyone who has read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

20241286? ago

Exactly: zionists are elitists, exclusive. We the People are inclusive, We Are One People, The 99%, The Patriots of every color in every Country! United We WIN, Divided We fail. "We stand for each other."~Q Winning Bigly!

20240351? ago

20238811? ago

They are literately Programming people.

20240740? ago

Rituals, initiation into the Occult ...before it was kind fringe, underground but Everywhere you watch, the cremony, the music teens & kids go to, its everywhere now? In the movies in the Tv shows? https://voat.co/v/anon/3070669

20240724? ago


Double DUBS Confirmed. They are literately Programming people (NPC's). Q + THE WALL = criminals of ALL dimensions GTFO!

20239037? ago

And they are targeting children to raise a generation that rejects 4000 years of human experience.