19224830? ago

the bank that supports an endless war? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3224621/18889818 Perpetual war Conspiracy? Clermont France. The Roman Catholicism, the Knights Templar, Kabbalism, Freemasonry, & the NWO. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Government Lies

19224865? ago

Ask what do these people at these secret meeting really worship @IanTheTerrible @Wazhappenin1 silly conspiract talk @Blompf @llliilliilll @MrDarkWater ... is it all just theatre and cosplay?

19229715? ago

I don't know it would seem to The vast majority of initiates it's just a social club.

19226854? ago

What's up, you @'d me in your comment there. You need something? Or are you just throwing around random usernames to try and get attention?

19225547? ago

I’m not well versed in the whole Q movement, and I’m not sure what you meant in your comment, due to the formatting. Were you asking me a question or simply referring to what I said earlier as silly conspiracy? Just curious, no hostility from me.

Edit: IanTheTerrible here

19253635? ago

This happens often, it's some weird bot shit

18598006? ago

I am trying to make this a short story of 6,000 years in a few paragraphs. The Bible specifically describes not one, but two "Babylons." Not long after the great flood, one "Babylon" was founded—the ancient city-state established by a man named "Nimrod" (Genesis 10:8–10). The second Babylon is a modern church-state system described in Revelation 17 and 18. Its leaders will literally fight Christ at His Second Coming (Revelation 17:12–14)! For some the RCC come into focus. Well it is not just the RCC but the children of Rome that includes Protestants and Evangelicals.

The practices of today's churches are not the same as the early true church recorded in the New Testament. There has been a purposeful mixing of false pagan practices with the true teachings of Christ, the apostles and the Bible. Notice how today's churches have sprung from the same root as paganism! Satan has created an entire system of "counterfeit Christianity." He has cleverly guided vain religious leaders to introduce completely pagan ideas, concepts and practices into "Christianity." Since the word "Christianity" is stamped on the outside of the package, most people assume that the religion of Jesus Christ is being offered. Little do they realize that totally false concepts of God, of Jesus Christ and His message, of the purpose of eternal life and of the way to eternal life—have been wrapped up in a package called "Christianity." A "counterfeit" Christianity that has cut most of mankind off from the true God, and has caused enormous confusion, suffering and death! Keep this in mind "Christianity as you know it did not destroy paganism; it adopted it.

"Babylon" is a symbol of confusion and the mother of all paganism. The formation of the Roman Catholic Church and then the later appearance of dozens of "daughter" churches has certainly brought about a spiritual malaise of conflicting denominations, doctrines, creeds and practices—all supposedly "Christian." Yet none of them corresponds remotely to the Christianity that the original Apostles and the early Church of God followed for decades after the death of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus had said his kingdom was not of this worldly order, and talked much of the world and the Church being at odds until his return. The vast majority of professing Christians do not genuinely study the Bible. They do not really dig in and try to "prove" all things as God commands. Therefore, even many evangelical Christians—and their ministers—will eventually be caught up in the euphoria of this powerful Babylonish system! For it will be part of the "ecumenical movement." It will seem like "the thing to do." What you have witnessed and will continue to witness is the exstension and revival of Babylon.

18597237? ago

Where did the Babylonians get this from? From something that pre-dates both Babylon and Jews, I suspect.

18597739? ago

Most likely answer is Non-Terrestrial Entities.

See:Fermi Paradox and then study up on Irish Mythology, you'll learn that the Ouroboros was thought of as something that the flat earthers dub "The Firmament". The "Firmament" could just as easily be an energetic forcefield placed on the planet to stop us from escaping. We could be cattle, or worse, and not know. The movie THEY LIVE is a great example of the world we might be in.

18598243? ago

That's one possibility, with many variations, all of which can't be true at the same time.

18597013? ago

No doubt these pagan groups draw on ancient symbolism, practice, doctrine, etc. but there is no certainty that they are of a continuous lineage. Let's say they are all connected because they all involve some satanic ritualism. But just because some independent Masonic lodge will tell you they are part of an unbroken tradition going back to ancient Egypt doesn't mean they really are. I could start a cult and claim anything about how old the practices are based on borrowed symbolism and shrouded in the 'need' for secrecy.

The main point that it is all evil Luciferianism is true and important, but there is no proof to their occasional claims that they are part of any awesome societal continuity. This distinction doesn't matter for some but to me it makes Masons in our times weaker due to the apparent fraud.

19244541? ago

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18597801? ago

but there is no certainty that they are of a continuous lineage.

You can't be this naive. You're telling me that the world is in the fucked up state it's in by sheer "Winging it"?

Reconcile how it is that the average UK male shares 70% DNA with King Tut the Egyptian Pharaoh, while the EGYPTIANS, share less than 3% on average.

18598308? ago

By lineage of tradition I mean what practices and teachings have been handed down directly from teacher to student, from generation to generation regardless of DNA/bloodlines. There are some great sushi cooks in London that have not a drop of Japanese blood in them.

18596863? ago


All powerful, fantastical, nameless, faceless, Nazi Luciferians are such a silly scapegoat for the crimes of the Jew.

Nobody is convinced, you dull kike.

19224848? ago

Transgenderism, the homosexual agenda, transexual is pushed by elite Baphomet worshipers, it connects to an older religion from Babylon, Jew Occultists, Rome & Bacha bazi of Afghanistan https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3279811/19196822 Absolutely satanic

18597096? ago

Bottom line and most ironic twist is, the Zionists and the Nazis serve the same master.

Bill Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" series is most enlightening for those willing to take the time to listen to it. (pretty dry in places)

18597271? ago

Give us a fucking break!

Jews own EVERY mainstream news agency, EVERY central bank, EVERY open boarder humanitarian foundation, EVERY deep state and are the only people who need dedicated antisemitism laws to prevent us from shining a spotlight on their crimes... yet your fantastical, secret, Nazi, Satanists are in control?

Jews have all the wealth, power and influence, so why do they choose to do what your fantastical secret Nazi Satanists want?

Answer me that?

18598149? ago

Did I say anything about the Satanic Nazis (see also Thule Society) being in control? No. Their last big shot at that ended in 1945. I merely stated that both serve the same master.

See the movie "Dragnet" for an allegory of what I actually said. The utterly corrupt televangelist that ran M.A.M.A., who was also secretly the leader of P.A.G.A.N. said it best when he laid out his plan to control both sides.

Hmmmmmm. It just occurred to me this allegory would also work for the Dems and Reps. Interestingly enough, the grassroots Dems seem to be buying into supporting the openly Satanic side.

18597375? ago

If they have all that and are just 2% of the global population then they truly are the chosen people.

18597495? ago

they truly are the chosen people

Poisoning your neighbors children and then robbing their home while they are attending the funerals doesn't make you chosen and it doesn't make you smarter.

It makes you evil.

Jews are evil.

18597513? ago

It has nothing to do with admiration.

It has to do with egalitarianism.

If anyone else could do it, they would do it. They can't. The Jews earn the title because they can.

18597578? ago

It has nothing to do with egalitarianism.

Anyone can murder infants but those who do are not special or chosen for committing the act.

More people die from Type 1 Diabetes than die in wars, yet that doesn't make Type 1 Diabetes "chosen" either.

18597648? ago

So, you're saying you don't want control of those many things you listed that the Jews controlled?

18598044? ago

I'm saying that Jews are evil.

Judaism promotes Christian genocide and Jews act on their beliefs.

193 of 195 of the world's nations are being strangled to death by the Jew, stealing more and more because their god of usury greed knows no limit.

Jews are the enemy of humanity.

Mankind has endless potential to reach out across the universe, while the Jew parasite only wants to enslave and immiserate mankind to make themselves feel superior and sleep on a mountain of shekels.

18598139? ago

Hogwash. We're moving towards more people than ever being educated, employed, and moving towards middle class. Our health numbers have made steady improvements for decades.

If they're in control of all those things, they're doing a fine job.

They managed to be successful.

And you're not crossing the universe. You're never even going to live on Mars. Distance matters. We're going to go extinct. Get over it.

18597839? ago

No one should control those things you daft fool. Control is illusory. You think you control things because you think you know the Universe you're in. Your arrogance is a mark of that.

18597924? ago

Of course they should. Without control, shit falls down. That's why we have rules for society. Anarchy is just fucking retarded.

18600601? ago

Just your shit would fall down...

And that's what your afraid of...

You have to get Greater Isreal Before we perform the Final Pogrom!

You won't make it.

You're to arrogant.

18600685? ago

Nah, I'll be fine. You're deluded.

What, you're going to go to war with them? You have no money, no understanding of logistics, no backing power, are few in number, and don't have control of anything significant according to your own declaration.

You're not doing shit but crying on voat.

Save that shit for someone who believes it.