20242533? ago


I was expecting to finish your sentence with something like "IT ALL WREAKS HAVOC WITH..."

But you didn't. So what did you mean?

20242500? ago


20241000? ago

It wreaks havoc on real science and it also reeks to high heaven.

20241107? ago

That's what I meant, lol

20238809? ago

You mean, "It all REEKS"

20238407? ago

It all about one world government by the Globalist Fascist elite as well has there wealth extraction from the masses through cap and trade.

20238392? ago

Yes. Very old news.

20238315? ago

Why is global warming reminiscent of the holocaust claims? I smell a lying juden rat.

20239626? ago

Yea I wouldn't doubt it. Haven't looked into that but I'm certain it's there

20237588? ago

You fucking Qtards who think this is a red flag sign that the guy might have been lying think this doesnt matter.

NASA destroyed all its fucking telemetry data that could have proven at least partialy how they made it to the moon. So if your theory stands that a scientist who destroys their fucking data is hiding something then nasa nd their fucking moonhoax shit one of the biggest fucking robberies in history also should raise eyebrows but the sheeple retard boomerd qtards etc. Think na no big deal they just deleted all the fucking data from mankinds biggest acheivment

20237314? ago


20237557? ago

Indeed. Is OP some kind of illiterate faggot?

20238795? ago

^^^^^^when one cannot argue against the facts ^^^^ PERSONALLY attack the messenger > DNC Playbook.....

20242692? ago

Not attacking anyone. Just making the point that using the wrong word changes the meaning and makes us all look like idiots. If you don't like having gross errors pointed out, don't make the mistakes. Of course a shill is going to make the error deliberately, wait for the corrections then use the "attack the messenger" gambit.

20244470? ago

WOW such love and tolerance towards others..... YOU PROVED my point

20239456? ago

Do you happen to have a link to that playbook?

20241374? ago

Sure do > https://qmap.pub

20238863? ago

Oh no! I have been found out.

20239350? ago

so tell me Why do you support Global COOLING/WARMING/ MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE?

20237596? ago

Honestly, misspelling and using the wrong terminology makes us look retarded. I'm convinced half of them who do this are spooks. The other half are just complete degenerates. I mean we have spell check at our fingertips, there's no excuse.

20242643? ago

A dictionary would help. But you need to know the order of letters in the alphabet in order to use it. I agree that the culprits must be either spooks or retards and they make us all look like retards.

20238446? ago

I saw that right off. I really don't understand seemingly intelligent people who make such blunders.

20237698? ago

A dumb spellcheck would not have caught this because "wreaks" is a correctly spelled English word. "to wreak" is a verb which means "cause or inflict, especially damage or injury".

20237752? ago

Yes, I know that. I'm talking in the general sense. That's why I mentioned "misspelling" and "wrong terminology".

20237047? ago

Climate Change is Real. Man Made Global Warming is a Hoax but research Grand Solar Minimums ( Starts 2020 but effects already being felt in Agriculture Industry ) and Ice Ages. Now for chits and giggles , research the effects a weakening Magnetosphere and a Magnetic Polar Reversal has on our Planet. ( You won't be laughing trust me ) We are under attack on Earth from our Star and Solar System and there is very little we can do about it. If ( When ) the Magnetic Poles reverse , all bets are off. No one really knows what happens but I can bet it ain't pretty.

Peace Y

20236919? ago

Dont fret This cat has been fighting it for a long time https://www.mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org/videos/34729/ivar-giaever-global-warming-revisited/meeting-2015 Notice ALL WE get to see is Bill Nye telling us how Climate Change is.. Never do we get to see or ask REAL SCIENTIST questions.. Mr. Giaever is a Physicist and a NOBEL Laurette

20238713? ago

NObel Laurate huh? Like OBAMA?

20238768? ago

I hear ya and i agree Barry was given one for no reason .. However Mr. Gaivier Earned his in the 70's IN Physics, His is real

20238785? ago

Thats cool. Yeah, I always gotta needle Obummer and any obummer supporter regardless. But yeah there are some good Nobel folks, likely the old ones.

20237399? ago

Axial progression....nobel awards....

20237804? ago

your point is?

20238369? ago

Fake science.... jew awards

20238582? ago

since when did the EARTHS WOBBLE become FAKE SCIENCE?

20238603? ago

Well it didnt "become", it always was. Idiotic fiction. Sorry to break it to you.

20238632? ago

And the fact the earth has an ELLIPTICAL Orbit around the sun is fake science as well?

20238644? ago

Yep. All jewish horseshit.

20238622? ago

and the earth rotating on its axis is also FAKE SCIENCE?

20238631? ago

Well yeah, ofcourse.

20236837? ago

All climate data and analysis needs to be on a public distributed ledger (blockchain?) to help avoid climate hoax, carbon tax, and other bad public policy.

20236608? ago

Did You know the Global Warming hoad was created in south America?

And a Russian Blew the whistle to Save America?

20236589? ago

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their 'Science'


This is almost related to the OP's point.

20236941? ago

Thx I'll check it out and at it to the pasta somewhere. Here's the archive


20236648? ago

This is could be even more of a red pill for some leftist people, because it is from Forbes, which is leftist in my opinion and generally falls into the "never trump" camp / delusion.

20236596? ago

We live in a full-on clown world. Never forget.

20236429? ago

Did you know Q is a psyop?

20236450? ago

Whatcha doin rabbi?

20236470? ago

Takin a shit.

20236477? ago

All over western civilization by importing low IQ shitskin Niggers into our beautiful civilization

20236502? ago

Yep. Game over.

20236284? ago

They infiltrated NOAA and similar governmental organizations all over the world with SJWs. They proceeded to make 'adjustments' to historical data to make the case for global warming. And then they delete the original data so nobody can compare to see what they did. They have done this over and over again. That really pisses me off.

20236243? ago

This is not news...

20236457? ago

I guess the complete disregard for the truth by the world's leaders and media despite being completely proven wrong ten years ago isn't news. Oh and it's not like these kikes don't talk about global warming or climate change every chance they get. Go destroy someone else's civilization rabbi

20236414? ago

Exactly so! I wondered how this poster could NOT have known this!

20236191? ago

Good morning fossil fuel company shills!

20236044? ago

Global warming is not just big, but HUGE business. Follow the money!

20235972? ago

It's the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, not global warming, like they've been proselytizing.

First it was 'the ice age is coming!'


Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'



But this was debunked spectacularly.




But this has been going on for a long time


It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming. 




The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too


And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too





The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely https://youtu.be/oYhCQv5tNsQ

CO2 In perspective


CO2 is actually greening the earth, according to NASA


And now it's 'devastating man-made climate change!'


And here are some of the environmental signs they say prove the earth is warming and the climate is changing.

Sea levels are rising and countries will be destroyed...



Temperatures are rising...

During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C


And glaciers are disappearing...





Think of the polar bears!


So if it's not an ice age, and its not global warming, and its not anthropogenic climate change, what is it?


What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?


The sun has cycles


In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:

· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally

· Weaker jet streams

· Increased volcanic activity

· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes

· More erratic and unpredictable weather

· Substantially increased precipitation and drought

· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods

· Massive crop loss and food shortages

· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal https://archive.is/OeGiu

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles




US history has been significantly impacted by the last two GSMs


So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.



The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.


Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.


Like the 'year without a summer'


But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones


More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel


Ice Age Farmer Channel


Adapt 2030 Channel


So why the grand lie?

This is what it's really about. Destruction of western nations, their people, and the theft of it's wealth.



20238425? ago

You should add Maurice Strong to your list of links. Q mentions him in post https://qmap.pub/read/549.

[Maurice Strong, the Father of America’s Destruction](Maurice Strong, the Father of America’s Destruction)

20239693? ago

Ok. What should I add?

20237905? ago

Wow. Best collection of climate red pills. Holy shit. I just wish people had the patience and logic to listen to a few points and think about it.

I can't even get my mom to talk about it. She's SO emotionally attached to this stuff, it's incredible.

20238202? ago

Yep, it's both frustrating and sad. Just prepare and you'll be the life boat when it can no longer be ignored.

20237331? ago

"Even NASA admits"

Lol....well good thing (((NASA))) concurs. Maybe they asked one of their masonic astronauts.

20238332? ago

oy vey how dare you goys not believe that (((NASA))) went to the moon!! If they didn't go to the moon then what happened top all of that money? oy vey israel is bestest ally and jews are Gods chosen. Not Christians.

20237390? ago

You dumb nigger. That's in there to give credibility to the un awakened NPC. they drool at NASAs feet.

20237411? ago

Lol ok ok sorry

Ill pipe down

20237569? ago

All good fren. Just spread the info

20237202? ago

I wish coat was open so I could archive this

20237456? ago


20237501? ago



whenever you try to archive anything when voats closed just gets you the login screen

20242607? ago

Print -> Save as PDF (Macintosh).

20237544? ago


20236123? ago

Been following Ice Age Farmer & Adapt 2030 for several months now. Very informative and refreshing to see people not kowtowing to the narrative. I did my own research many years ago and realized it was the sun that had the most affect on our atmosphere, but no one would mention it (no money in it).

Stock up on long term food storage and seeds. Learn how to grow your food and you will be much better off!

20236260? ago

Hey man, I'd just like to recommend Suspicous Observers, a massive research team with daily updates on their channel:


Thanks so much for the post, Anon20235972 - my problem is convincing my brother of this alternative theory. He is very open to dialogue & encourages me to email it all if need be, so this would be a useful resource. The thing is I have very little understanding of the current studies in the narrative they're pushing, so I have to read a lot just to debunk his initial claims. Man, I hate writing about this stuff. :P

20236471? ago

It's a lot, but it could save his life depending on what latitude he lives on.