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20218910? ago

I think reptilians do exist. (I also think that ghosts, ufo's and the dream-state are all connected, but that's another diatribe.) Some of you goats may follow Linda Paris, whose you-tube channel is called "Deplorable McAllister". She was censored by youtube and so also uses "Red Pilled Dog" as an alternate youtube channel when they take the former channel down. Anyway, I love her videos, she's a legit journalist with over 20 years of experience with the big networks. Sometimes she has a guest on named Juan O'Savin. From listening to one of the videos of her interviewing him, I was referred to these links: <and> That first link talks about what the soul is, the second link is hard to read due to the writing style but it talks about what is alleged to be our true reality. There is a lot of material there and I am still reading it. But some of the things described sound pretty terrifying. As an example, the writer talks about advanced AI technology that can attach itself to our DNA, lowering our vibrational frequency by different means to a degree it can take over and pretty much replace our souls, possibly destroying humanity itself eventually. It's described as a parasite. It's a scary can of parasitic worms.

Still, I'd rather know even if something as horrific as that exists so that we could formulate a plan to fight it.

Another thing that might hospitalize folks is if it turned out to be true that we live in a "matrix". (Like Westworld for those of you who have seen the remake. ) How many have heard of the alleged "Soul Trap" that catches us (light at the end of the tunnel ?) when we die so we can be sent back here to reincarnate and produce more "loosh" for the demons? Loosh being the energy we put out when we suffer, like during endless wars and other suffering that happens on this planet? What if we are not the top of the 'food chain'?

To me, this might be what Q means when he says the truth would put 90% of people in hospital. But also, I'm not saying any of those things are true, they are however some of the theories that are out there. Anything's possible.

20221265? ago

As an example, the writer talks about advanced AI technology that can attach itself to our DNA, lowering our vibrational frequency by different means to a degree it can take over and pretty much replace our souls, possibly destroying humanity itself eventually. It's described as a parasite.

Could this be related:

Grassley pens letter accusing HUSSEIN of selling/giving military anti-vibration technology to China