20221243? ago

"Deleted by author tomorrow? It says Deleted by author at 8/18/2019 2:13:11 AM wtf?

20220093? ago

dramafag ^

20220071? ago

Would it be weird if that were true? Yes.

Would I need to go to the hospital after learning that? Not really.

There are already people that believe in reptilians, as far as I know they haven't been checking themselves into hospitals because of it.

20219850? ago

Yeah I'm pretty sure Q means that: the religions of the world are so loyal to their scriptures, that when they realize their scriptures may have been falsified their cognitive dissonance will kick in and they will go on "tilt" so to speak and defend the scriptures because it's all they know. We are sheep after all and our DNA has been altered. Even now I see Christians defending their beliefs based on the "bible", because the "bible" warns them that people will try to take them away from their "faith". So they reject anything that is not in the so-called "word of God". What they don't realize is that this is a holy war of regular (God-created) humans against the Archon slave owners of this planet. Jesus was trying to warn us but he never intended for us to worship him . Our sheeple DNA causes us to look for a leader but in fact we are all God's creation, all truly loved and adored just for being on this Lucifer-owned planet. God help us all.

20219537? ago

It's almost easier to imagine reptilian bipeds doing inhumane things than it is to realize that it's preachers, and judges, and policemen, and politicians, and people that claim to be protecting children doing the inhumane things to fellow humans. I'm feeling sick after just a couple of Portland antifa facists videos, but what little truth I think I know has been taking it's toll. I pray, but I don't have any thing near the patience of the saints.

20219458? ago

Far more likely we are descendants from SIRIUS and history gets rewritten every couple thousand years to keep us in line.

Imagine if that was true

20219341? ago

Show me let it go where it will no more lies.

20219206? ago

IMHO They are interdimensional beings. YMMV

Pray you never see one of the things i saw. Because if you see one like I saw, they SEE you noticing them.

It wasn't just me that saw it. We discussed it later, and realized we both saw the same thing.

Taller than a normal human. Blacker than any black that ever was. Oddly flat..an empty darkness. 4 Regular people walked by it as if it was not there. It either revealed itself to us to frighten us - and it did! - or God allowed us to see, so that in the future it will not be the same reaction.

Flat, angular..like zoot suit shoulders. And the awareness of its malevolent focus on me..yet the other person felt as if it focused on them.

God allowed us both to see it.

It saw us see it.

The instinctive terror feeling was overwhelming. Maybe that's why we saw it then..because if i ever see one again, i am not running. I am confronting it.

I am not saying that Satan is not real. He is. But he was once an Angel, beloved by God, and he was once a being of light.

This than was never that. Ever.

Call me crazy, but I know what we saw.

We still get goosebumps when we talk about it, and our eyes tear up.I do not fear it now. God wanted us to see it, of that I have no doubt. It sounds ridiculous, but ..there ya go.

20219203? ago

Second blink with eyes open.

Starts at 2:20.


20219181? ago

Food for thought isn't quite right.

Food is though.

20218910? ago

I think reptilians do exist. (I also think that ghosts, ufo's and the dream-state are all connected, but that's another diatribe.) Some of you goats may follow Linda Paris, whose you-tube channel is called "Deplorable McAllister". She was censored by youtube and so also uses "Red Pilled Dog" as an alternate youtube channel when they take the former channel down. Anyway, I love her videos, she's a legit journalist with over 20 years of experience with the big networks. Sometimes she has a guest on named Juan O'Savin. From listening to one of the videos of her interviewing him, I was referred to these links: https://thesoulunveiling.wordpress.com/ <and> https://augtellez.wordpress.com/ That first link talks about what the soul is, the second link is hard to read due to the writing style but it talks about what is alleged to be our true reality. There is a lot of material there and I am still reading it. But some of the things described sound pretty terrifying. As an example, the writer talks about advanced AI technology that can attach itself to our DNA, lowering our vibrational frequency by different means to a degree it can take over and pretty much replace our souls, possibly destroying humanity itself eventually. It's described as a parasite. It's a scary can of parasitic worms.

Still, I'd rather know even if something as horrific as that exists so that we could formulate a plan to fight it.

Another thing that might hospitalize folks is if it turned out to be true that we live in a "matrix". (Like Westworld for those of you who have seen the remake. ) How many have heard of the alleged "Soul Trap" that catches us (light at the end of the tunnel ?) when we die so we can be sent back here to reincarnate and produce more "loosh" for the demons? Loosh being the energy we put out when we suffer, like during endless wars and other suffering that happens on this planet? What if we are not the top of the 'food chain'?

To me, this might be what Q means when he says the truth would put 90% of people in hospital. But also, I'm not saying any of those things are true, they are however some of the theories that are out there. Anything's possible.

20221265? ago

As an example, the writer talks about advanced AI technology that can attach itself to our DNA, lowering our vibrational frequency by different means to a degree it can take over and pretty much replace our souls, possibly destroying humanity itself eventually. It's described as a parasite.

Could this be related:


Grassley pens letter accusing HUSSEIN of selling/giving military anti-vibration technology to China

20218814? ago

It has to be something super crazy, like something to do with our reality, where we are, and why we're here. That's literally the only thing that could send us over the edge. Everything else, we've heard already and know exists already.

I've made a couple of big threads about this very topic you may find interesting.

Reading through the comments of the first thread i made, i can't believe how many people thought that the truth is the cabal feeding us human meat by mixing it in with our food, without us knowing of course. I totally disagree with this sentiment though. No way that would make me go to the hospital.

Thread #1:


Thread #2:


20218719? ago

Let's say this is 100% true and factual.

Let's say that there ARE reptilians, and they have permeated into every arm of our society.

Let's say we can unequivocally prove these facts. Convince the populace of it. Zero room for doubt.

How exactly does this land people in the hospital? Do they have heart attacks from the shock of it? Do the reptilians attack 99% of us? Have the reptilians been polluting the air with their spores, and they activate them, and we all get blood cancer?

Cause I don't buy it. I don't buy that people are that weak that the truth will break them. If they can be convinced slowly, they can be convinced fast. If they can't be convinced at all, they're already lost. Frankly, I don't have any use for someone too weak to survive the truth, let them be culled.

If there are enough reptilians to attack and gravely injure 99% of us at the moment of reveal, then we have already lost. Good Game reptilians, well played. Enjoy your filthy fuckin planet.

20221435? ago

How exactly does this land people in the hospital?

People are already being hospitalized for wearing the wrong hat.

If it's suddenly revealed by some authoritative source that some unknown percent of the population is composed of literal monsters who can shape-shift into your grandma or your Lyft driver, and who additionally want you to "suffer in unending agony," how long until people start killing each other for looking at someone wrong?

Doesn't have to be a Fred Sanford "Oh my heart!" moment Q's talking about.

20220202? ago

It’s probably for a vaccine (assuming we trust it).

20220634? ago

I mean... if THAT is what they mean, then doesn't that mean that we NEED the vaccine, and every day they delay is a further risk to our health?

20219054? ago

Exactly. It's just more Qew nonsense. Personally, I think it's open mockery of the members.

20218596? ago

This is the truth.


The symbolism they use is everywhere.

20222197? ago

This is very compelling. I have read several posts inferring that we are battling the Caanites, but never have I seen anything to support it until now. I knew we were up against pure evil. This puts the BIBLICAL drop in perspective. https://qmap.pub/read/3565



30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM


Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


20218035? ago

Those predatory creatures are the ones who enslave (break-in) some of our species to "sacrifice" children for them. Predators stay hidden, as we know. All this means is, we're not the top of the food chain (for now). Is that so impossible? Being natives of the food-chain planet of the universe, I'm sure we are inherently prepared at some level to deal with this, as we have done before.

That's my POV.

20218013? ago

The shapeshifting reptillians are jews who pretend to be aryan

20218044? ago


20218104? ago

so open minded that you reject the truth out of hand

The Bible is very clear in saying that Satan can disguise and deceive.

who disguises and deceives? Who changes their names? The jews

20218555? ago

All non jews oughta change their name just to mess with them, I'm gonna be Tavi Goldstein from now on.

20218010? ago

Ummmm... The serpent in the Garden is not Satan. That is Lucifer.

YHWH/Jehovah is not the father of Jesus.

Does Billy Corgan support Trump? Anyone know?

20218187? ago

If he's "Woke", he'd have to.

20218421? ago

Agreed. I don’t see a better game in town.

20217802? ago

BBC The Adventure Game 1980

Planet Arg was inhabited by shapeshifting dragons known as Argonds. As a reference to this, most proper nouns in the programme (including Argond) were anagrams of the word dragon. To avoid scaring contestants, Argonds commonly shifted form, mostly to human, a few minutes before the contestants arrived.

It was a puzzle gameshow with hidden references to the flat Earth theory. Reverse speech as the satanists use and egyptian symbology etc.... the creators were obviously in a secret society.

20218676? ago

Have you ever been to Paris? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387591/20217441 Literally all of the buildings look exactly like this.

20217746? ago

How could anyone listen to Billy Corgan's nasal whine?

20217756? ago

It's only there when he sings, not so much when he just talks.

20218335? ago

He is bff’s with that clown AJ. That should tell you all you ever need to know. The aliens are the Nephilim.

20217696? ago

Just asking the question seriously, IS the 1st step to finding Truth. However, when "POWERful" people are eating our precious babies, does it really matter if they actually turn into reptiles while they do it?...

NOT saying it couldn't happen, BUT do we want to get hung up on details? Let's focus on stopping the cannibalism and pedovores BEFORE we figure out how twisted they really are!

Look Fren, I AM THAT tin-foil-hat GUY, I've seen all the documentaries, read all the articles, I could make One HELL of an argument based on known history that what you speak of is real and happening in our midst. BUT, would it help us get The Plan done? Its SOOOOO very hard surfing these boards, knowing what I've seen, and heard, and read, and not be able to write an essay about it with links, because I don't want to slide the topic..... (FFFFFFUUUUUU!!!!)

Too many Pepe's here are still below the 20,000ft view, any time information comes out above their level, they don't see Truth, they see a monster crawling on the wing of their plain, but the stewardess can't see it..... They just freak out. Cognitive dissonance is BITCH, and you can tell 'er I said that!

Find a good forum with like-minded folks if you got the tin-foil itch Fren. Pepe is getting there, but we aint there YET! It's important because WWG1WGA is Truth! Godspeed Fren!

20218595? ago

Think about the level of Evil...that would eat a baby alive!

That would kill millions of there own people!

If Evil could occupy a human being... could it not also occupy a clone of a human? Yes, I said Clone! How many of those are running around? We've been seeing little red pills on clones... I think because it's a much bigger problem then we can imagine.

20218063? ago

What is the best source of information you have come across?

How do we defeat them?

20218450? ago

LOVE! Love conquers ALL Patriot! Literally. Not Marian Williamson style. I mean unconditional Love Like Jesus preached! Demons literally feed on fear (YUCK). So do the 'elites', the terror they cause children is what makes the adrenochrome drug they are all addicted to. Free will is respected by God, and ALL the Angels (fallen ones too), so if We All Loved our neighbors, the demons would have no authority to do what they do to us. It's LITERALLY authorized in Heaven because we are DIVIDED. We All have more than we know.... (like the power to stop all this by sticking up for people we don't like, but aren't hurting anyone.)

LOL "The powers that be don't want you to know this One simple trick...." Just ask yourSelf... WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) Standing in Christ (Unconditional Love) really IS the best thing we can do, just as OP stated. This is a spiritual battle! DARK to LIGHT!

20219675? ago

Amen! Amen! AMEN! I do not want to be full of hate and discontent! There's something about my knees hitting the floor that drains the negative and refills my heart with some of His borrowed patience. I couldn't make it in this world if I wasn't aware of HIS plan.

20218469? ago

Yep. You know exactly what you are talking about. I got that impression when I read your post.

20220364? ago

Thanks Fren! Not my will, but His, be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Just spreading the Good News, the real way. "You will know them by the fruits of their labors" if I put out hate and judgment I always get it back... because you reap what you sow. I do my best to sow Love! (I don't always get it just right, but humility and keeping at it helps.)

Love to (You) Fren!

20229181? ago

You are a being of pure love and a messenger of His message. God loves you. I love you. I love you like a brother.

20217832? ago

Also, if this shit is true and Satan is such a "serpent" as the Bible states, it's not really an insignificant detail, as you put it.

If it's true, and if it's true according to the biblical account specifically, that matters more than anything seeing as the Bible clearly states how to fight it.

20220643? ago

Think this over, satan is Evil, God is Good. Like Ying and Yang, Light vs Dark, Good vs evil. God vs satan. Everything is balanced and counter balance.

Satan is not the serpent. The serpent believes in Satan, evil. They eat us for food. We are their sheeps. serpents live underground. They were here with the dinosaurs. We are the aliens. Big war. Truce. Humans was created. Didnt work. About 6 versions to get us to this of what we are now.

We have reptilian brain. We also have the neo cortex. Our creators created us this way because reptilians wanted us to have a reptilian brain. Our Creators with great insights planned for us Humans to have the neo cortext to control and dominate us. Hence the great awakening.

If you look at all those brainwashed, they are controlled by their reptilian brain. They have no logic. Just get spoonfeed talking points.

The serpent has minions. Human evil cabal members eg killary. killary also has her minions.

20222973? ago

You got it Anon! The Creator is in Us All! "God bless Us, every One!" We ALL make it through this or none of Us do! AKA = WWG1WGA! God bless Us All, every One!

20219829? ago

I don’t think most people truly believe that Satan exists or can even begin to understand what it is.

20218112? ago

All in good Faith Fren.

I'm just saying, the MSM is going over these boards with a fine tooth comb.

WHY do you think the shills put up "lord steven christ" and flat earth and nazifag shit on here?

HOW is THAT going to look to the passing normie NPC? How's that going to look to an un-informed Patriot, who may or may not have the ability to cut the strings at VOAT?

Listen to me, or don't Fren yur choice, BUT "Mr.Tin-foil-hat-guy" is asking you to be careful about sliding the topic POTUS or Qteam has put a laser pointer on. You do (You) anon, but I've heard the wise man learns from the mistakes of others, and I'm telling you the Truth community didn't get very far until Q came along. (I know because I've been part of it over 30yrs!)

When ever I say "Trust The Plan", it's NOT Q's plan I'm talking about.... Use your free will wisely Anon. Godspeed! Good Hunting! Good Luck!

20220267? ago

18 years myself. We've come further and faster since Pizzagate happened than ever before.

The reason ANTIFA is being riled up is to shut us up.

That's not happening, I'm going to the Gulag or the grave before I shut my mouth.

I don't know what changed, something weird has been going on with the Schumann Resonances since ~2012. People listen now.

I have a buddy who was a hardcore CNN watcher, he still is, now he just sends me links to segments saying "can you believe this shit?"

20229142? ago

I have a buddy who was a hardcore CNN watcher, he still is, now he just sends me links to segments saying "can you believe this shit?"

Wait till you explain the Jew problem! He's about to woke AF once you explain how they control the world

20218160? ago

I get what you're saying.

20222982? ago

WRWY Patriot. I've had SO many dreams about the days we can ALL come out of the tin-foil closet! I can TASTE it, its SO close! We've made SO much progress (the real kind, not what the libs push on us!) 30yrs,......NOTHING (but more giggles). Then Q came along, and 2yrs later here we are, SO close!

I've SEEN some really weird stuff, but the amount of red-pills Q has handed out is way more mind-blowing! You are NOT alone Patriot!

P.S. Please DO find a great community you can talk about this with, it really is important for (You)! (Helped me make it through, Thanx conspiracy Frens!)

20217781? ago

Hey man, I agree that ending the shit is the priority. Never said it wasn't.

Just postulating on why Q says the full truth is too much to disclose, and agreeing with him that something like this would certainly explain such a comment from him.


20218802? ago

AFAIK the reptilian theory was started as a cover for naming the Jew.

Something that would put 99% in the hospital could be how poisoned our food has become, how toxic our mental tendencies have become through media hypnosis, how broken our history has become(we have been taught lies), or how completely unhealthy we all live sitting on our asses day and night with minimal physical activity.

Our bodies have self regulatory healing processes, if we are slowly breaking down those self healing processes and that becomes known worldwide it would be more than enough to send the masses in to a health shock.

20217634? ago

Anons bring this subject up once in awhile. I believe it’s a bit of everything. I myself do not believe in the supernatural or aliens. We are mere mortals some of these people are just pure evil history proves this.

20217663? ago

You're free to believe what you wish and I will not put you down over it.

I will tell you, however, that the supernatural is real. God is real. That realm is actually more real than the one you're sensing and living in right now.

I know from experience. I don't expect you to take my word for it, but I would be a shorty person not to tell you this.

20219168? ago

Can confirm. I asked God to let me feel his power. He gave me my wish for a split second. That was all I needed. I can’t even describe it.

20217547? ago

I know I'm going off on a tangent here, but am I the only one that fears Q might have been assassinated? #3568-3570 to me read as someone who know they were on their last stint.. And with 8chan 'suddenly' going down..

I don't like the way things are going Patriots :(

20222331? ago

Q assassinated?..... lol what happens when you a hydra head? (count the # two hands)

Try again Mr. Brock (or emissaries) ; )

20217619? ago

I don't get that impression nor am I worried.

20217603? ago


20217481? ago

And yes their is a fallen angel, but he is more like, eat that cake, and your good side says, I really should eat that salad. If you keep listening to that fallen angel voice, you get further and further away from center, to the darker side, and enter the 7 deadly sin area.

20217528? ago

He does do the sort of thing you mention, but that's not all he does.

20217453? ago

As far back as authority began from self made royalty, they interbred with their own, to keep the bloodline, pure. Well, to the brain, that is sheer madness, and that is what happened to them. Whether thru lsd type plants, along with delusions from their schizoid brains, one saw an evil figure, and so satan began. 'Hey sis, (who he just boned), do you see that creature, too?' as he describes it, her dizzy schizoid brain says yes, so if they can fear a delusion, what would this delusion do to their minions? A dark religion began, and through the centuries, only go worse. If you see it happening, and are of sound mind, that is a fact. If you get witnesses, even better. They scare you with Haunted Houses, and a Black Hole, the boogey man, and good ole' Satan. I am a SRA survivor, died many times as a babe, and never saw satan, looking back, at the flames they made for their ritual. Only drugged hippies with evil in their bones. Who you think you know, as evil, most likely is a Rothschild. They change their name so 'we' don't know. Hillary, Hilter, the queen, all rothschilds. So now, why do you think they love to make ONLY horror films, psychological horror filled video games, to keep your mind afraid of the unknown. It is unknown, it's also not factual, none of it. But all will believe what they want to. By the way, there is no evil outside of the human body, no dark forces ready to capture you. But if you sell your soul, the sin is, you are forsaking God, and he ain't so forgiving with that, vengance is my saith the Lord.

20217444? ago

I was thinking about this the other day. What hospitals would be able to handle something of that size? If 99% of the people were in the hospital, how would those hospitals be able to run. I mean without a lot of help. Even then. I'm just trying to think of how big that would be.

20218255? ago

Have you seen the size of clinicians? Is there some kind of weight requirement I'm not aware of? They're all way over weight. I have a clinician in my family and...well whale comes to mind.

20217523? ago

I think that is the entire point of the statement: civilization would have a very big problem on its hands as a result of the observations you made in your post.

So based on that, it's not unreasonable for Q team to calculate in a risk assessment that this sort of shit isn't something that can just be disclosed with no downside.

20219027? ago

The claim is logically impossible on its face. First, there aren't enough hospitals to contain 99% of the population. Second, what would be the reason they would be in the hospital? Heart attacks? 7 billion people would all have heart attacks? Call me skeptical...

There's more, but that's just the typical Q nonsense. If it's not, I'd like to hear the "think logically" explanation.

20217437? ago

Reptile metabolism = shit. Cannot compete against mammalian metabolism.

20219270? ago

They Live is a documentary

20217423? ago

I too base most of my belief systems on the lead singer smashing pumpkins

20218441? ago

Voat sez:

You have recently submitted a similar comment. Please try to not use copy/paste so often.

I apologize, but occasionally someone says something particularly witty, and I feel compelled to raise a metaphorical BIC lighter above and beyond slamming the like button on my way out.

20217995? ago

Don’t forget he’s also a wrasslin promoter. Those guys are the most honest around!

20217460? ago

I base mine on the Bible, much of which I know to be true from my own experience.

I don't necessarily believe Corgan, but I don't necessarily not believe him either.

I do think it's interesting that it seems consistent with biblical accounts of Satan.

But hey, if being a smartass over your keyboard makes you feel intellectually superior, then by all means..

20218228? ago

Hey if just believing anything spewed by anyone is the way you want to live, go for it. There's a reason boomers are ripped off more than anyone else.

20218444? ago

Never said I believed it. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

20217381? ago

wow, sounds like real

20217430? ago

If you watch him talk about it on Rogan's show and then on Stern's show, it appears that he absolutely believes it. It's very matter of fact and he doesn't give a fuck if you believe him.