20221285? ago

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20218252? ago

Hope POTUS switches all music recordings back to 432Hz. Satanic Rockefeller, changed it to 440Hz, for the public masses, which is unpleasant and causes misery in its vibrations. You can bet, none of the elitists listen to 440.

20213898? ago

I wonder if Biden and Kerry can see the snare closing around them.

The Q-drops. The pictures. The anon-sourced timeline intersections between travel destinations of fathers and sons, and certain business/financial arrangements with foreign entities.

And now this formal query by Grassley.

Biden? Kerry? Do you sense the closing of the snare yet? It isn’t overt at the moment, but it is absolutely real.

I wonder if they have begun assembling defense teams. I wonder if they’ve begun strategizing.

20212702? ago

It is important that this letter start circulating. The MSM will not touch this. It's up to us.

20211927? ago

I love that the Executive Order he referenced, 13526, if you add the digits up you get "17" == Q! :)

20211512? ago

Grassley based Boomer!!

20211099? ago

Hunter Biden, a name that just keeps popping up. They want to audit Trump, probably because if we audit them, we won't find anything. But if the wives, husbands, and CHILDREN are audited, people are going to jail.

20212073? ago

Q has said, "follow the wives"...

20210919? ago

C, now D

20210729? ago

I need some of this for my fridge

20210472? ago

That fucker Obama should have been hung from the Washington monument when he was still our fake president and anyone who helped him should be executed as well!

20210138? ago

The entire DS was transferring all military tech, business mfg tech, IT tech, finance, food production, whatever to China. NK would be WWIII catalyst to go nuke war. Reduce population, infiltrate with mass immigration first causing chaos & citizen fears of easy street movement & power in voting booth with fraud voting to retain political control in all elections in all states. Own the MSM & social media searches to disseminate only their history, education, & truth to masses.

US military was being reduced, dismantled, & military tech metals, weaponry being weakened & remote electronically control abilities to crash planes & ruin power grid, start fires with laser weapon tech(CA fires melting homes & cars to nothing). White hat Generals fired, or controlled with family threats, replaced with DS sell outs. HRC was to continue our demolition, remove populaces guns & ability to fight back.

Chemtrail poisoning occurring for decades. Remember Rumsfeld & the billions in lost Pentagon $ to be audited. Oh yeah, 9/11 happened & bldg 7 collapsed with all the info. No audit. Under O even billions more missing from Pentagon but mentioned it was being investigated but MSM never elaborated. Money from Paris Climate Accord was 98% American tax % stolen to pay for world wide chem sprays(Monsanto) & the chem planes to spray us(not on jetliners thus we see evaporating contrails same days we see chem webs). Keep pushing end of world green cow fart carbon taxing by dems/rinos go along. Bee/insects-pollinators reduced/ disrupts entire food chain, poison land, air, water, plants, animals, humans. Notice far fewer chem sprays in last few months since Trump took over airports, skies clearing. Trump tweets we have cleanest air & water of anyone. Signed deal with GMO>spraying far less and spraying "manna" healing chems but mostly allowing nature to heal itself with no spray days.

They would destroy US from within. Silence the power of our Christian, conservative dominance having removed God from everything to weaken us further, dumb down our amazing education through progressive sex gender political left indoctrination to generations & infiltrate our Christian based religions from the top with sexual pervs predators(those we trust the most> teachers & preachers, nuns) & amend our Constitutional citizen powers(no free speech-PC>errode then remove 2nd ammend rights), kill those who fight back with UN military force with no affiliations to US citizens but vows to DS NWO only. When US power brought down with total civil disrest & division, few jobs, subsistence socialism.....Then elites would do nuke war AFTER they would all make the move into those stunningly High Tech cities that lie totally empty in China. They would rule the world as their satanic swamp & make our whole world one massive slave power grid to fuel their perv desires. In the Matrixxxxx.....satanic sexually perverted pedo sacrifice worldwide elite cabal, steal our earned income, profit wars & human misery for fun, greed, & power .....UNPLUG NEO...SPIT OUT THE NARRATIVE...NOW DO YOU GET IT? ......TRUMP /Qanon/US Godly patriot military....the saviors of mankind.....God places men in power when God's people PRAY UNITED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. DARK TO LIGHT......America first, then the world....WWG1WGA.......Conspiracy enough for you? The deeper we go the more unreal it all seems.

20212057? ago

It's funny you mention

Notice far fewer chem sprays in last few months since Trump took over airports, skies clearing.

Yesterday I saw a huge chemtrail in our (near Boston) sky.

20216882? ago

Yep, we still have days in upstate SC where trails are heavy still, then a day here or there that are very light trails, but more like 2 or 3 days a week with zero trails, stunning blue skies & normal cumulus, stratus clouds. Even the trails themselves are much lighter on heavy days rather than the totally thick milky mess with chem dog rainbows here & there that never seem to clear off.

So supposedly what we see now is healing nutrients rather than poisonous particulate junk. I will be able to tell more next summer if our bug population returns. Flies were not near our trash at all this summer till about 2-3 weeks ago. Almost no bugs near our outside lights at night, which means deathly hallows mode. A few more again in last few weeks, but way under populated for the sunny south. Next summer will be the tell if things are returning to normal. Either way, watch the skies, you should see more perfect crystal clear blue with normal clouds. Another plus is the sun doesn't feel like it is boiling your skin off. We have had hot and humid here as always, it just feels different.

Remember Trump saying we have the cleanest air & water anywhere these days. I won't be 100% sure of the healing until I see way more totally unchem days & our insects begin to return. Really strange, very few lady bugs when we are usually over run. Few lightening bugs, zero potato & stink bugs, or Japanese beetles, very few moths , bees, wasps, or butterflies. Even mosquitos are minimal. I never thought I would miss all the pests, but that is just scary. Our area does not spray for skeeters & we have had rain this summer. What's deadly to bugs must be really bad for everything.

20212984? ago

Supposedly POTUS now has control over the chemtrails since the white hats destroyed the China Lake Base that housed the chemtrail homebase factory. Any chemtrails seen now are supposedly spraying beneficial chemicals for us and the environment. This has already been discussed on Voat and thru other websites. Should be an easy find for you.

20214158? ago

Heard/read about that, not sure though...

20209241? ago

Additionally, according to publicly available information, from June 2015 to December 2016, the Obama administration cleared CFIUS transactions involving Chinese acquisitions of electronic and pharmaceutical companies, a 93.4 percent approval rate. In contrast, from November 2017 to May 2018, the Trump administration cleared 9 out of 18 CFIUS transactions involving Chinese acquisitions of electronic and pharmaceutical companies, a 50 percent approval rate.



20207687? ago

Trust Grassley!

20207521? ago

The letter appears to target Biden's son, not Hussein by name.

20206783? ago

Gee this might help explain Creepy Joe’s Animus toward POTUS...

20206456? ago

Obama was trying to bring down the Chinese economy , This technology devastated China's number one export to the United States, the vibrating dildo.

20206404? ago

anyone involved in this MUST be hanged.

20206376? ago

He's not accusing, he is simply stating the facts.

20205338? ago


20205309? ago

Anti-vibration technology to China? Does that mean they found a way to enhance Chinese men?

20204999? ago

He did not accuse Hussein, although his line of questioning regarding briefing may implicate Hussein.

THe doc clearly focuses on the actions of the vice president, now 2 matters:

  1. Bidens work to push his son in a lofty place plus boatloads of money regarding Ukraine

  2. Henniges being sold to the investment vehicles Hunter Biden obtained after no 1.

Biden is going down. His pres run is over and so is his health. Hunter better change his name to hunted.

This indeed is going to be fun. Where is my popcorn.

20208578? ago


^^DIGITS!^^ Trips of truth! Biden is going down confirmed! Hunter is now the hunted, confirmed! Desperately looking for more popcorn because of high fun levels CONFIRMED! Done! KEK! Shadilay!

20205831? ago

I hear on tv that Biden is taking a break from campaigning. Then I read this letter. Yep, he's toast.

20204962? ago

So a firm owned by Hunter Biden and John Kerry were involved in this deal. Interesting.

20204918? ago

Seriously, first Uranium One now this. How is it that if you are wealthy and 'powerful' you can get away with any and all treasonous crimes? This is only the tip of what these anti-American politicians have done I am sure. I am sure that many in Congress/Senate/House knew this went on and said nothing. There is only about a handful of senators and congressmen that we Patriots can say we trust and are pro-American. Who is being blackmailed? Who are the real blackmailers? Clean out the trash and save America. MAGA.

20207712? ago

I think that's the biggest flaw in capitalism money =power. If you are rich enough the law just doesnt really apply to you, atleast not to the same extent it applies to the peasants.

20224045? ago

Money equals power in any system. Communists like money too.

20207094? ago

Because there are three tiers of justice: (1) for ordinary citizens; (2) for Democratic Party Apparatchiks; and, (3) for Democratic Party Nomenklatura. Tier (1) is administered by the DOJ and individual state justice departments and courts, and applies laws strictly with ordinary proprietorial discretion. Tier 2, is likewise administered, baring Nomenclatura level intervention according to political benefit, such as demonstrated in the Smollett case. Tier 3 is always subject to Democratic Party review and intervention depending on rank, position, and decision of the Central Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Democratic Party, which has assumed leadership of the international communist movement, evidently and by demonstration.

20211524? ago

(((They))) arrest you for speaking out. Example? Patriot Prayer leader arrested in Portland for defending himself from AntiFA. Number of AntiFA members arrested? zero

20208555? ago

I think you forgot the Secret Society Justice System of you betray them...

20205585? ago

They somehow went around the basis of our government, the separation of powers and checks and balances. Obama should've been impeached.

20206560? ago

He should be tried for Treason along with Hillary.

20206733? ago

...and hung by the neck until dead.

20206810? ago

Twice just to be sure.

20204862? ago

Anti-vibration tech? Sounds juicy.

20206670? ago

To stop fat people from jiggling, also known as weight loss.

20204716? ago



20204683? ago

To those interested in classified tech type stuff, paying attention to details on stuff like this gets you a pretty good idea of what is out there.

20211941? ago

Both Barry and Michael are experienced with vibration technology.

20205493? ago

I had to read it 3 times because I thought it said anti gravity technology! lol

Perked my interest thats for sure!

20205027? ago

Although, some of it is in use everday in your headphone. ....

20204595? ago

Go Go Grassley

20204181? ago

two week timeline - this should be fun