20169041? ago

We are in filter mode. at 7 am mountain time we have 375 users. compared to the last 10 months that is actually about 100 more than a month ago and 150 higher than 5 months ago. Most of the bots are gone. most of the shills are gone. As another anon stated "we are on an island" This is not an accident, they are protecting our group and at the same time letting the structure of QRV clean it's self up. We are the "leader board" Not in numbers or anything like that but in personality. Our own individual personality. We are not here for fame, just look at the numbers on Great Awakening. The main difference is the structure. No fame here, no recognition, no participation trophies. Q is a military Opp, think about that for a while. We are a tool in their tool box. They are tempering and sharpening the blade preparing us for the future. We are still in the beginning stages of this war. Most people have no idea anything is changing. We are well ahead of the masses, yet we kind of forget that in wanting more, now. We gained only 6,000 subs in 10 months and yet Q sent us here? How many people on qmap.pub ? 4,200 now? Did Q send anyone there? Reconcile

20167907? ago

Could be down to the fact that nothing of any interest or credibility is posted on QRV and many have now come to the conclusion that ‘Q’ is either a psy-op or a larp.

20180487? ago

Fine, I'll check...

.. but I've grown to love posting anon.

20167654? ago

I've got notjing to say to you ass hats

20167497? ago

I'm still trying to understand how I've had this account for two years and I can still only have one comment a day. Damn, there goes my one for today.

20169077? ago

I hear you. Same problem here. Apparently you can get a lot of points by going two other forms on voat.

20168165? ago

Anon board doesn't give Comment Contribution Points which are used to determine how much you can do.

20167489? ago

When q is is posting rarely it happens

Happened in past

Check out in few days when 8ch will be back online

20167472? ago

It's because lurkers cant access the site right now. If you dont have an active account, you can't view Voat and you can't create a new account. I have a couple friends that are Voat enthusiasts and they are asking for constant updates on whats getting posted because they can't access anything here

20168403? ago

Same here

20167356? ago

Speaking for myself, I enjoy reading and sharing theories based on known facts and the interaction that occurs within those posts and following up on the sources provided. I despise posts of speculation with no basis of fact, it reminds me of the current media, which I also despise. What if this and what if that is a waste of time to me. I spend a lot less time on Voat than when Q was actively communicating because we know what events are to happen just not when.

20167691? ago


20167354? ago

YES just before ddos I literally could not keep up with all the massive new Info, hundreds of upvoats on almost all front page posts, come back in a few hours and those are all on second page. Now it's VERY inactive and the front page doesn't change much in 6-8 hours. :(

20167348? ago

There is literally a sticky at the top of every page explaining what's happening


20167328? ago

I honestly dont know, but if I wanted to deduce some, I'd say the constant attacks, knocking the site down intermittently, is changing people's habits. I know it changed mine, I'll come home, get active and all chatty... then bang... attacked bigly screen.... So I tend to do something else and might even forget about voat until the next day. The odds would dictate that I am not the only one behaviing this way.

20168539? ago

I do the same.

20167292? ago

Voat on lock down

20167103? ago

No. Right now, it's an island due to ddos.