LSC Concave Earth shill here. I trolled you flat heads hard, made it to Top page. Nothing can stop Concave Earth and LSC. Repent from your flat ways! (
submitted 5.5 years ago by 3381558?
20162997? 5.5 years ago
woooooo look at the edge lord
I’d peg that
20162860? 5.5 years ago
Hi, I'm Greg,
Thinking the earth is any other shape than a spherical is disturbing. I believe you should have your guns taken away.
Sincerely, Greg
20163268? 5.5 years ago
Hi Greg,
No worries. Concave Earth is a sphere. I don't own guns, only a missile launcher or two.
Sincerely, Shill
20161484? 5.5 years ago
I noticed that you no longer post your gay videos, somebody have words with you faggot?
20162037? 5.5 years ago
Got yur vidyahs banned from here dint ya faggot
20162997? ago
woooooo look at the edge lord
I’d peg that
20162860? ago
Hi, I'm Greg,
Thinking the earth is any other shape than a spherical is disturbing. I believe you should have your guns taken away.
Sincerely, Greg
20163268? ago
Hi Greg,
No worries. Concave Earth is a sphere. I don't own guns, only a missile launcher or two.
Sincerely, Shill
20161484? ago
I noticed that you no longer post your gay videos, somebody have words with you faggot?
20162037? ago
Got yur vidyahs banned from here dint ya faggot