20170136? ago

keep it flat bro







20163256? ago

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20161577? ago

You’re competing with tranny porn shill. Lol

20161474? ago

You're all faggots and nitwits. This is a Q forum. Go play with yourself.

20161280? ago

Who gives a flying fuck about LSC flat earth bullshit? Don’t feed the trolls!

20161225? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

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20160434? ago

We are in a giant crater, with mammoth ice walls surrounding us, on a much larger “round” planet. Nah but that’d freak me out 👀

20160399? ago

I’m not saying I believe earth is flat or anything, but my best friend is a commercial pilot (not a flat earther either) and he says you would not believe how flat it looks all over.

20160375? ago

NASA says we have a space station right? Turn the fricking camera around and show the globe spinning. They have never done it and never will. They cant. Its flat.

20160251? ago

How about this messed up NASA hoax.


20160021? ago

And the NASA lies continue.


20159989? ago

If NASA lied about one thing maybe they lied about a lot of things.


20158269? ago

I love how huge this thread is. I've been a conspiracy theorist for 40 years, it is wonderful to see so many fellow truth seekers outside the realm of politics.

20158237? ago

If you walk foreve, you will end up where you started. The world is round you fucking losers.

20158496? ago

Space-time is curved and the edges wrap into themselves. Reality is not as it seems.

20158167? ago

If the earth isn't flat then how the fuck did Jews do 9/11?

20158068? ago

Could someone show me with a basketball, how water and people will stay in place while the Earth is spinning a thousand miles per hour?

Bonus question: how come when a plane travels against the Earth's spin, it doesn't knock a thousand miles each hour off of the journey?

20158550? ago

Atmosphere moves with the earth. At the edge of atmosphere, there is no friction to disturb it, since it’s just space outside of it. Just because you’re lifted above the ground does not mean you escaped the earth’s spin. You need to leave the atmosphere to do that. And satellites DO travel faster in comparison to earth when traveling against the spin, just as they must travel to be in geosync with earth.

20158011? ago

Sorry to burst your bubble OP, but many here believe the earth to be flat, or at the very least, not a sphere.

Show me measurable curvature please. Pythagorean Theory math and our actual reality in this realm do not match up.

Why the big lie? Well, if the earth was flat, you'd definitely know we were created for a reason. This whole big bang, evolution, ball earth bullshit is to take you away from your creator and keep you blind and dumb about where you are and what you're doing.

20157863? ago

This whole thing is dumb, like comparing Christianity to Islam. We know which one is peaceful. If you want to believe the Earth is flat, be my guest. I support your belief in that you believe this. But I have my own belief that the Earth is more elliptical than round. A perfectly round planet comes with it's own set of problems and challenges. Just like a perfectly flat one does.

20157242? ago

You'd think when you are in flight at 36k that you could see some curvature. I don't.

20157227? ago

I have a 168 IQ and can think with the best of them. I think the Earth could be flat.

20157048? ago

Don’t say nobody because I for one don’t think the earth is what we have been indoctrinated into believing that it’s a ball spinning at top speed and then spinning around a stationary sun. God is the center of everything and he made us in his image so the sun is at the center of ourus. Just the Satan worshipers want it that way. Don’t tell me that everyone believes what they don’t really know to be true with their own eyes because only astronauts that are high Masons have seen or not seen anything and they are expected to lie into death for their secrets.

20156825? ago

How come Nasa's eclipse web page gets its data from a guy who uses the Saros cycles (Bottom of the page).

Wikipedia page on Saros(astronomy): "The earliest discovered historical record of what is known as the saros is by Chaldean (neo-Babylonian) astronomers in the last several centuries BC".

Did the Caldeans believe the earth was a globe at arround 500BC?

20156586? ago

We didn't go to the moon. It was all a jew lie.

20156486? ago

FE has been a mockingbird project since the beginning

20156401? ago

Show me the curve............that's right you cant.

20156388? ago

What do your senses tell you personally about earth's shape.........

Nuff said

20156356? ago

It's not flat, it's not round........ita a teroidal sphere.

8"per mile cubed......my arse

20158196? ago

Oblate spheroid. I think Terry Pratchett's Discworld series was meant to preemptively set up flat Earth believers as nutters, as technology to test the globe theory becomes more readily available.

20156227? ago

Well I guess the theory that nobody on QRV believes in Flat Earth just went right out the window! The Earth is flat do your research.

20156207? ago

Love it when the shills tell us how to think.

20156099? ago

So let me get this straight. The Earth is a giant bubble-covered platter ... Sitting on what? Turtles? Elephants? Tea table?

As noted, FE exists to make all the other facts' being uncovered about conspiracy theories seem phony and frivelous. A veil to throw over all other citizen curiousity and and research in order to conflate the ridiculous with what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING.

20159934? ago

God said it's sitting on foundations.

20158504? ago

So let me get this straight. The Earth is a giant bubble-covered platter ... Sitting on what? Turtles? Elephants? Tea table?

Dont know that answer. For that, you'll have to ask your neighborhood friendly cabal. You think they just share their secrets to the uninitiated? Why would they do that?

Just because we don't have all the answers, doesn't make the theory untrue. That type of thinking is holding you back from the truth.

Pythagorean theory. Learn it.

20156742? ago

Your stuck in the heliocentric huge universe model. FE believers dont think of a flat disk floating in space. Why dont you do some research before stupid turtles and elephants unoriginal humour.

20157037? ago

So you got NOTHING.

I thought not.

20157081? ago

wow you got me.

20156010? ago

Lol, implying Q researchers don't have a couple of crazies among you

Every group does, suck it up.

20156583? ago

fair enough

20155798? ago

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

Any Evidence it's round?

Any Evidence it's flat?

Any Evidence that JE is a pedofile?

Stay over target anons, posts like this are for down times.

20155964? ago


20155758? ago

Well Hillary Clinton does speak of a “glass ceiling” multiple times in different speeches. YouTube it.

20155550? ago

the most compelling evidence to me are the people putting cameras on drones, goin up to sr71 altitude, and seeing no curve. unless its a gopro, with fisheye lens.

that kinda baffles my mind.

20158104? ago

Have you seen the cameras on balloons that go Clunk at a certain altitude and start falling back to earth?

20163352? ago

i have seen it, several different times, with both rockets and balloons (i think) dome firmament.

20155753? ago

either this globe is much much bigger or....

20155456? ago

My niece lives in Malawi, Africa. She comes home every couple of years and never questioned why, from the 'Southern Hemisphere', she has to travel to the UK before flying to California. I showed her on a Gleason's map that, in reality, it's almost a straight line from Malawi to the UK to California.

20158120? ago

Gleason's map, very similar to the UN logo.

20159913? ago

Indeed. Curious, isn't it?

20155275? ago

The UN uses the flat earth map in their logo. Laughing in our faces. Earth is flat. There's no evidence that it is otherwise.

20155188? ago

This post is exactly why WE know that YOU know N O T H I N G.

Should we be so quick to dismiss the voices of those who say they’ve been beyond the veil? Is it possible that what we dismiss as their mad ravings may, in fact, be… the wisdom of prophets?

It is a common scientific belief that humans use but a small fraction of the brain. You wanna compare brilliance? Just for the record, this is a very bad idea. Most people live in fear of what they do not understand.

NASA ADMITS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPMoIv1lxI

20155184? ago

Richie from Boston is that you? Is this me? 😂

20155103? ago

You don’t want shills getting mad at us for thinking elites eat babies for their adrenochrome or that we think a trident missile launched off the coast of Washington... so maybe we should be a little more understanding

20154954? ago

JFC Qews are retarded

20154652? ago

I don't believe it's flat...but I sure don't believe it's a globe. I just choose not to discuss it here. I am a long time anon and researcher before Q hit the 8chan. It amazes me that with so many lies told to us about ABSOLUTELY EVERY DETAIL OF OUR LIVES that people judge others so harshly for following a conspiracy/truth that they don't hold to themselves. So it's not your thing? Great...that's what makes the anon community so effective....everyone has an area of interest or expertise to follow.

I can only say that there is no curve when viewed from .....well pick.... an altitude. If there is not a curved lens being used that is...or if corrective software is run on the video.

I taught 6th grade science. The model in the text books can't explain why just a couple days ago I saw a lovely sliver of a moon in the early afternoon. A "full" sun mind you....but a sliver of a moon. Once you start pulling the loose threads it all comes apart for the globe.

Just because one wacko talks about a subject doesn't mean it's not true. I think they are not only trying to distract and harass Q followers....but also trying to get people to not consider another possibility of the earth's shape.

Is it flat? I leave allowances for the fact that my God is completely capable of creating something that my mind can't conceive. His word says He is.

True anons allow others to explore without attacking. There is much more than political deception going on.

I have to wonder if a true anon even created this post.

20155236? ago

Amazes me too, but they did a good job with the mindcontrol.

20155652? ago

And the people control...censorship...removing noisy people. If they can't control a few minds they just take them out! I wonder who has the tally of the scientists who have died in the last decade....or two?

The level of mind control that they were able to achieve is shocking ...absolutely.

20155706? ago

I discovered it through a combination of Kubriks movies, Vincent Van Gogh and my art training with perspective and light/shading. Im glad its out in the open now.

20156257? ago

I think that artists and photographers will have the most valuable input in regards to the truth in this matter. Especially artists, who not only have to understand about lighting, but must also recreate it. I have screen shot many artists for evidence of truth. The older the art the better....best to get pre-mind control era. Building a case for a later date :)

20156493? ago

Theres a reason Kubrik has Kidman wrapping Van Gogh christmas presents in EWS. Research Vincent. He used to write meticulous letters with sketches to his brother about his latest painings. However there are differences when you actually look at the sketch and the paintings or the colours used/described etc.

Kubrik did the same in his filming, type writers changing colour etc.

They are both trying to get your attention.

Back in the day artists hung around with scientists and intellectuals in the cafes. So you can imagine the conversations.

Vincents starry night series is very telling. He painted the big dipper constellation then painted over it and flipped it! They knows this from X rays. Big dipper creates the swastika and points to polaris.

Sidenote. Most of the greatest artworks were done by using projectors/camera obscurors etc. Today people would say thats cheating. Watch David Hockneys Falco Thesis about this.

The moon cannot possibly be fully lit up like it does from the suns rays or even Earth Shine.. if its a sphere.

20154643? ago

I'm in Australia...standing upside down on the ball

20158211? ago

Lol. Wait for the "there's no upside down in space, idiot" shill squad in 3,2,1

20154605? ago

When standing on the bottom of the globe, you're standing upside down. How's come the blood doesn't rush to your head and you pass out?

20154370? ago

Lol so now you are the boss of how everyone thinks on QRV?

20154331? ago

Not all FE believers are shills. However I agree this is not the forum for this subject. dont want the 99% going to hospital now do we.

20154308? ago

Fuckin' lawls dude, one upvote from me

20154252? ago

Flat earth has very obviously always been a psyop... "Yeah that thing about Hillary is interesting BUT WAIT, the REAL secret is that the Earth is flat!" fuccxxxxxkkkkk offffff

20154208? ago

How can i skype somone in china and be night time while daylight in the states 🤔🤔🤔

How are other planets in our solar system spherical, while earth is the only flat planet ever witnessed..

flat earth sadly has eroded the mind of some

20155291? ago

ever wondered why you only ever see one side of the moon? Thinkman think!

20155248? ago

go take a look at te FE proofs for your answers. Dont be so close minded.

20154198? ago

I cant help but notice how much this thread follows the typical daily ADL / Jewish "dont question the jews. Dont listen to muhjoo nazifags" type threads we see every day here.

Funny that the hebrew word NASA means to lift up/decieve

Coincidence i guess

20160331? ago

Another coincidence is in the official NASA logo. Add that little swirl looking T and what word comes to mind?

20160373? ago

Satan. God of the jews.

20155269? ago

Nasa started by the Nazi scientists too.

20155333? ago


Remember that. How much has WW2 benefited jewry???

20154185? ago

secret space program research goats https://voat.co/v/QRV/3373229

20154160? ago

Lord Steven Christ, a shill of the lamest order!

20154013? ago

I do, so STF... oh wait, FE? never mind... (evil grin)

20153831? ago

I just came back from an ocean vacation and I stared at that horizon line for hours each day. I saw Zero curvature. I had 180 degree view. Now the o p made me look this up before I got to work because I just had to. Mainly because it's amazing how certain theories get belittled super hardcore with nothing but nasty words to back them up. I don't have a dog in the fight I don't care if the Earth is round or flat I really don't it doesn't affect my life one bit. But I like to engage in thoughtful discussions. I like to entertain ideas. Entertaining an idea and accepting idea are two different things altogether. Discussing two points of view and coming to a better understanding of the other View is a good mental exercise. It helps us from becoming dogmatic a know-it-all or a jerk. For example just think about when you have discussed a certain conspiracy that you know is true like 9/11. Those buildings were taken down it is as obvious as the nose on your face. Now speaking to other people there like absolutely not you're a truther. End of discussion I think your crazy certifiable. That's my point.


20158117? ago

Don't ever link to FES unless you're calling them out for being controlled opp.

20159452? ago

O comeon don't be so serious. Think of all the people Alex Jones redpilled. Hack even Hannity and Tucker play their role in red pilling people but they're all controlled opposition. Shit I remember with Alex Jones used to have David Ike and aliens and UFOs but that still doesn't change the fact that he called bullshit on 9/11 and on Sandy Hook and on this whole terrorism LARP

20155400? ago

Flat Earth Society is a well known controlled opposition site. No FE researcher uses it!

20154206? ago


20154401? ago

The point being is when the narrative is so aggressively pushed it means they're hiding something. They're trying to induce a mass hypnosis and essentially their words are like Sheepdogs keeping the sheep in order in line in a herd. If a sheep gets out of line a sheep dog will nip the ankles.

20154567? ago

Truth doesn't need legislation in order to spread. That some things do, tells the critical thinker a lot about motivations of those making the legislation!

20153780? ago

We can all agree that Lubbock is flat though, right?

20153774? ago

Ha ha. Another time-wasting distraction thread. Why not take your argument here: quora.com/According-to-flat-earth-believers-how-thick-is-the-earth-disk

20153752? ago

OK, lets say the earth is flat, and apollo 11 was all faked. Are you going to tell me that in 1969 they created over 460 DAYs of audio(11,000 hours) just to convince us that it was fake, 10's of 1000s of individuals that worked on the systems...just for a moon landing LARP. Maybe just being alive at that time was enough to know that it was real. I spent a good amount of time listening to many of the various channels on the audio replay site below during the recent anniversary of Apollo 11.

These FE idiots will never convince me that it was all faked. It was easier to go to the moon than to fake it on video. Here is the link to the live audio replay https://apolloinrealtime.org/11/ This is a video of a film producer explaining how video worked in 1969. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_loUDS4c3Cs

To all you FE, I get it. It looks flat. The earth is big, really big. Many parts of it are flat. The earth is not perfectly spherical. But it is globular. Nature makes globes. In free fall, water will make a globe. Most fruits are globes, the zygote of a fertilized egg is a globe.. Why would it be different scaled WAY WAY UP.

FE is a clever way to dupe people into making all conspiracy theories irrelevant for normies.... "Oh, the cia killed jfk..yeah .right and the earth is flat too."

20154175? ago

Why would it be different scaled WAY WAY UP.

That's not logic. If that worked, then you could argue from the appearance of a pool ball, that the pool table was round.

20169204? ago

I was referring to nature's manifestations being scaled up. ie a ball of water the size of earth in space, would by standard physics form a sphere. If it was rotating it would be oblate, like the earth. What logic are you applying to a flat earth. a pool table? made by man... "because where I measured the world appears flat, therefore the world is flat" That is one big assumption.

20169302? ago

Yeah, but "in space" doesn't exist. You've never been there, you've never done experiments on it, you are trusting the words of others.

It's difficult, because I was on the other side of this argument five years ago. No idea how I could have convinced "me, then" of what I know now. So, anyway, God bless!

20153705? ago

Have You Ever Seen The Curve with your eyeballs?

20153697? ago

From: doglegwarrior

Im not fully on board with the Qfolk because Q has not openly named the jew even though it is obvious and right in your face that jews are at the core of americas problems. That being said flat earth is a psyop in my opinion i have looked into it there is some weird shit they claim that is hard to explain, but i knew it was a psyop and shill thing when every time i said something that was considered a conspiracy theory the shill or troll would almost always say. I bet you believe the earth is flat too. It happend way to many times for it be just random. It was their way of lumping people calling out shit like pizzagate which was real with flat earthers.

Just my 2 cents

20153694? ago

I hate to see this but the o ps rather aggressive vulgar and hyperbolic comments are one of the main reasons that Flat Earth is catching on. When anyone belittles attacks and the demeans an opposing view for many including myself wonder why. We got to look it up. I let me tell you something the Opie is in kindergarten compared to the information that the Flat Earth Society and others have out there. You cannot win an argument yelling obscenities. Guys just think about this. The Opie has clearly never been in a debate club. And is deficient in his understanding of rudimentary psychology. If you want something to go away you ignore it you do not address it head-on especially like this.

20158137? ago

FES is controlled opposition and mixes truth with lies to poison the well. Period.

20159506? ago

Anyway I was just using that as a reference not for people to swear allegiance to it.

There's one in the spotlight he don't look right to me get them up against the wall.

20159485? ago

Half the stuff that we read mixes truth with poison. It's up to us to sift through the chaff 4 little kernels of Truth. With the number of jidf on voat people could call voat controlled opposition. I don't have a dog in this fight I don't give a shit about Flat Earth Society or anyone else that's talking about Flat Earth I just like to talk about ideas and dogmatism is the poison to creative thought. Just ask Galileo.

20157084? ago

Flat earth is not catching on accept for the <80 IQ crowd.

20159392? ago


20158023? ago

164 IQ here. It's catching on with people a lot more intelligent than you, they just stay quiet to avoid mockery.

20158309? ago

I love that he confused “except” for “accept” in a post trying to make a point about others he disagrees with having low IQ.

20163939? ago

Auto spell correct. But don't talk about the actual issue, deflect.

20165104? ago

Deflect from what? What issue?

20165311? ago

Well then we are in agreement. I don't really care either.

20155419? ago

Flat Earth Society is a well known controlled opposition site. No FE researcher uses it! Please do not try to push this site.

20155560? ago

I just used that name because it's a common reference not because I have any investment in it. It's what got the whole ball rolling so to speak

20155654? ago

Its where they try to send people who are curious, its full of looney information to make the FE theory look bad...Thats why Google has it at the top.

20154154? ago

Agreed, which is why I'm partially thinking OP knows the truth, and is using a "subversive" method to spread it!

20154379? ago

So that the o p is skilled at reverse psychology! And I fell into his trap and he's laughing his ass off right now! LOL fucking a I love this shitt!

20154551? ago

topkek, indeed!

20154576? ago

The entire clown world structure is based on one giant LARP. We would be fools not to question everything we've been taught.

20157916? ago

Never stop questioning. I will tell you this though, 99% of what you've been taught is false. Have fun.

20159420? ago

I call bullshit on this entire clown world which probably began at the beginning of the Russell Trust in about 1850 but we didn't see the effects until 1963 of course the world wars were something to look at and the depression but it was 63 when they took out Kennedy

20153664? ago

Upvoate for use of "cockgobbling" to define FErr.... Pole smoker is also an acceptable euphemism. I got a chuckle out of it for some reason...

Seriously, when the flat earth shit first started making its rounds, I looked at it briefly, like I'm sure a few others did. And I felt totally stupid for even thinking about the possibility. Eric dubay is a glowclown nigger. Shame on him.

20158441? ago

I looked at it briefly

That explains it all. You didn't spend enough time investigating this.

I would start with the Pythagorean Theory. Learn it, and learn it well.

Next, start using your new found math skills in the real world in relation to size of the earth and alleged "curve".

That should get you started. Good luck!

20158421? ago

It’s funny how you admit to turning your mind from the notion after only looking at it briefly and then feeling stupid for even considering the possibility.

Mind control 101.

20154140? ago

Dubay's an ass but that doesn't mean the information is inaccurate. Please try to debunk this experiment: http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za06.htm

20158242? ago

But what if Earth is a wobbly disc where the sun dips below the flat horizon as the wobble rises above the sun?

20158647? ago

Lots of unanswered questions

20153499? ago

I know I will be called a shill for this but if flat earth is such a crazy out there theory why is it being censored just as heavy as real conspiracy theories like pedogate 9/11 WW2 Revisionism and jewish/communist subversion.

Really makes you think really activates those almonds perhaps OP is a glownigger who wants us to look the other way.

The earth may or may not be flat but it's certainly isn't as we are told. If these fucking satan worshipping kikes can lie to us about the holocaust then what else are they lieing to us about. now is the time to be questioning everything flat earthers bring up some valid points you should atleast hear what they have to say before dismissing it as crazy. because at some point you probably thought it was crazy to believe a group of satan worshipping jews run the world and have totally subverted most goverments.

20157054? ago

It isn't being censored, it is just so utterly and completely stupid that people don't want to talk about it. Only a nigger would believe such nonsense.

20168563? ago

Funny, the only ones throwing insults and screaming like mad men are globalists. Why not have fun with the idea and see what it's all about. No need to get so angry.

20158050? ago

Pythagorean Theory math does not match observable reality.

Go look up land masses that should be well below the "curve" from a specific distance but are there in full.

The spherical earth model was literally made up to take the creator away from you. Keep you blind and dumb. Once you see reality for what it is, you can never go back.

20155212? ago

It ALWAYS gets shilled hard. I do believe that the corruption/pedo/cannibal/satanistic level of deception needs to be revealed first. If everything in a normie's paradigm unravels at once there will be full hospitals indeed. I don't agree with Q that truth needs to be withheld...but I absolutely see the necessity of pacing and timing. If we make the red pills too large we all could choke!

You are not a shill :)

20154123? ago

Or -- perhaps OP is trying to get us to out ourselves.

Or, perhaps OP actually understands that there's no curve, and chose a "subversive" method to spread it.

20153848? ago


20153743? ago

Probably thought these were crazy too

  1. Circumcision has fucking ZERO!!! medical benefits! It is a jewish religious ritual and does absolutly nothing for a human medicaly

  2. Pizzagate: probably thought no fucking way they have a pizza place were they do evil shit to kids? Well turns out they did and tons of high ranking democrats were involved

  3. 9/11 if you believe the official story you are a fucking retard

  4. Sandy hook. Just do 1 hour of research and you will not believe the official story... how the fuck to 24 of the 26 kids parents all start anti gun non profits. My numbers might be off but it is something insane

  5. Uss liberty we ended up apoligizing to isreal and paying them money. I wish i was making this up

From: doglegwarrior

20153486? ago

Scary thing is some ppl believe this. I have a fren who thinks Saturn and Jupiter are a hoax. but on that note, I do not hate this person for trying to find truth on their own, isn't that how we all got to this point?

20158464? ago

Have you seen stars through a fully zoomed in P900? They're like little orbs, not suns.

How much time have you put into investigating Flat Earth? Do you know the Pythagorean Theory well? Have you used that math in the real world to measure distances of land masses and such?

20154421? ago

Wait so you believe we landed on the moon but flat earthers are stupid?

20154936? ago

I never said anything about the moon landing, and I wouldn't say stupid. We here know the flat earth push is meant to discredit and smear, the ones who actually believe it are just like the people who think socialism is a good idea, they are misguided.

20155374? ago

Well your logic makes zero sense. How can you assert all flat earthers are socialists??!!

And how do you "know" it is meant to "discredit and smear"? Oh of course, (((They))) to,d you, so it must be true.

What a numbskull you are. Do yourself a favour and do some genuine research - read/watch 5-10 hours of pro flat earth material with an open mind and then wake up!!

I'm not saying Earth is "flat" but it sure isn't what we've been told! It could be concave, a continuous plane, a much larger ball or oval shape or who knows. But stop asserting the crap you've learned from birth is the truth. You don't know. Be honest with yourself. If you can...

20155171? ago

Yet you believe we landed on the moon. You know how insane that is right? Literally nobody with two brain cells believes in the moon landing.

So don’t be so hasty to discredit the FEers as kooks when you believe in just as kooky theories such as moon landings and I’m guessing aliens.

For example, why is it not crazy to believe in aliens and crazy for me to believe they don’t exist because we live on a Flat plane?

This is simply to illustrate how everyone believes in crazy stuff and the only reason why you believe the Flat Earthers are crazy is simply because you didn’t research it, and you could make the same exact argument for why you believe in Aliens and I don’t

20154197? ago

Scary thing is what you just said.

20153410? ago

Retired Geologist. Evolution and Helicentrism are BS "theories". Both are easily disproved with a little research but then why bother? Easier to go along to get along.

20158094? ago

Yes, they are BS. Pythagorean Theory math does not line up with observable reality.

Those who deny have simply not done the math. They us ridiculous experiments like 2 sticks in the sand while assuming a certain distance for the sun.

Can you imagine being so stupid, you didn't realize you were assuming the distance of something in an equation?

Thanks to God for blessing me with a brain...

20153892? ago

As a geologist you should know what peneplane is! Who was that Liddell or Hutton? Or someone else.?

When I view the peneplane remnant as I drive home every day over the highest elevation in my county and see all the flat tops of the hills that surround my view sometimes at 360 degrees it's hard not to think about the flatness of the Earth. Especially given the fact that the original features which are the hills that we see according to the pene plane Theory eroded from a flat plane. Think stratigraphy and using a sight level. My prof when we traveled west asked us to calculate a sea level rise that would flood the interior of the North American continent. It wasn't much!

20153390? ago

I don’t believe it’s flat, but there’s a staggering amount of evidence that it’s not a spinning globe or at a minimum much bigger than we’re being told.

Lighthouses in ME that are 120ft above sea level can be seen from 26mi. However, there should be a drop of 263 feet for every 20mi.

This isn’t conjecture.

20157119? ago

The light can be seen from that far, not the actual lighthouse you fucking retard.

20153907? ago

That's a tall lighthouse.

20154109? ago

could be on a cliff

20155296? ago

Here’s the lighthouse. Tour guide said 119ft, 26 mi. This information is validated by the Coast Guard- people’s lives depend on the accuracy of this information.


20155379? ago


The math: 8 inches per mile squared. So: 8 * 26 * 26 = 5408 inches, or 450.66666667 feet.

(But then you need to correct for the height of the lighthouse, and the height of the observer.)

20156450? ago

Fun fact. People have used lighthouses to estimate the size of the earth. Fairly accurately too.

So much for thread OP's theory.

20161636? ago

if it's a fun fact then i'm certain you will link to it

20153276? ago

Someones always a shill and a faggott behind a keyboard.

20153265? ago

Lord Steven doesn't believe in concave or flat Earth; he simply mocks and litters QRV with nonsense posts, since he's a Democrat, who wants to ridicule readers of Q posts.

20153248? ago

That is exactly what someone who wants us to think the Earth is round would say.

20153108? ago

so ....you and Facebook and Google don't want anyone talking about Flat Earth....what is the name of your organization?

20153005? ago

find the curve..

suez canal connects two oceans over 100 miles long (as the crow flies) .. it is found to be level over that entire distance.

ships don't disappear, but get covered up by a mirage type effect, also seen in the effect of a hallway that appears to get smalls..

perspective explains everything.

the sun is clearly a close entity that appears to be less than a 100 miles away as per the way the rays break thru the clouds.

there is no profit in flat earth..

there is much profit in ball earth and keeping the universe and you infinitely small.

e r ic du b a y . com is a name you won't hear in the media.

20157997? ago

The one that cracks me up is "the sun beams a gazillion miles but only lights up Earth while we're facing it." It's like turning your back on a light bulb and thinking everything will suddenly become pitch black.

And oh, a puff of condensed vapor in the sky can block the mighty sun's rays and drop the temperature 20 degrees instantly. I have no idea what our sun really is, but it's clearly not a gazillion miles away. More like a hundred thousand, if even that.

Just one more. Gravity. Holds us fast to the Earth, but a bird just has to flap it's wings to overcome gravity. Lol. Yes, I understand the mechanics of "lift". The point is it takes very little to overcome a force which binds everything to the Earth's surface. Really?

20156772? ago

Agree! So literally nobody believing FE is literally... wrong

20156256? ago

The earth is fucking hollow.

The curve you're seeking is easily visible even from tall buildings.

The reason it looks flatter from binoculars is because you're looking at maybe 1/100th of the curve vs the view without binoculars.

The suns Ray's are affected by rayleigh scattering which makes it appear as a projection in the upper atmosphere.

The earth is obviously a torroid as this is the shape water makes when its spun in space. Thus a hollow center.

20168500? ago

Even your God Neil deGrasse Tyson says you can't see the curve until 100,000ft. There is no curve.

20155230? ago

We've been lied to. Earth is as flat as a pancake.

20154735? ago

Yup. Its level and motionless.

20157135? ago

Yes. Fountains fall straight down, unaffected by supposed 1000 mph movement

20159320? ago

Clouds move slowly in different directions too... Unaffected by supposed 1000 mph movement.

They say the atmosphere is moving too.... Which is why we can't hover in a helicopter for an hour to travel across the world...

Can't believe I was duped so bad into believing such bullshit for so long.

20176309? ago

The only thing I can't figure out are meteorites. Any thoughts?

20167191? ago

Once the spell has been broken and you can really look and see it is astonishing what most of us were brainwashed into thinking! You are not alone!

20154316? ago

I mean you can see the curve from a tall location, but sure.

20168533? ago

Your God Neil deGrasse Tyson says you can't see the curve until 100,000ft so wtf are you talking about?

20169177? ago

What's with all the faggots here today

20155195? ago

The "curve" you see is due to the curved shape of your retina looking over a distance, not the shape of the landscape!

20156211? ago

Yeah, that's not how light works you fucking abortion

20166501? ago

Funny how those with low IQ always resort to abusive foul language and name calling...

20168105? ago

Lick me nigger

20153844? ago

What is the point about a level canal? Water will find the lowest point. Level displaces water in all directions. What's more is that if your level were as big as the Suez canal, is would be raised on each end as you cannot level round. Level is with regard to a relatively small area.

20154091? ago

This experiment differs with your description of reality: http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za06.htm

Please, show us how the experiment is false.

20154310? ago

Ok, again, I realize that I am the idiot here for using my time here, but by that logic, rainbows would be rainstraightlines.

20154544? ago

No, a rainbow is a reflection from the firmament, which is curved above us.

20154909? ago

Good lord. I'm out.

20168512? ago

Why? Because you're being challenged to think? Just use your brain and prove otherwise if you can. Why run away from facts? I know it's scary but we are all in this together.

20168798? ago

The only thing I am scared of is harm to my wife and son. There is nothing else with which I can be frightened. Fear is premature thought. It's wasteful. As far as facts go, you and MSM followers have much in common. Facts are subjective and chosen or ignored. Beliefs are chosen to fit your narrative. Those that oppose them are rationalized, overlooked or tossed aside. Fantastical ideas sit beside mountains of evidence yet somehow, like irrational children, this small group of small minds cling to the loosely regarded patchwork of thought to create a false reality that has no hope and zero consequence while all around us, things that matter continue to destroy our fabric.

Maybe we are all in a computer program created moments or eons ago, set up and left to run it's course. Maybe we are thoughts in the head of another being or entertained by the universe. Maybe, but until more comes to light, I am going to study what is plain and obvious and tangible. I have traveled around, yes around, the world, and I have lain on mountain tops and stared out into the cosmos. Often marveled. Never feared.

20155328? ago

Truth is too difficult for some to handle at certain times of their lives. God bless, regardless.

20155990? ago

And too easy for some to buy into fiction. God bless you as well.

20153711? ago

Eri c dugay cant even get on with owen benjamin for fuck sake and owen started to drink thd flat earth kool aid. I did as well.. and for fuck sake the sun does seem closer then the crazy numbers thry give us for its distsnce. Anyways get dugay to stop fucking around and debate big bear.

From: doglegwarrior

20153579? ago

Pics of the edge or GTFO.

20156006? ago

UN Antarctica treaty of 1959 will make that impossible.

20156478? ago

Lol. So there is only one edge. Lol.

20162243? ago

Some of them claim to believe we're centered on an "infinite plane beyond the ice wall". Others claim that "the south pole" defines the circumference of our flat disc - again with an ice wall.

I claim that variability in human intelligence explains this whole "flat earth" phenomenon.

20156754? ago

You fail to understand the basics of the realm in which you live.

20153423? ago

Why do you think the sea and the sky meet at the line of the horizon? And why is the line of the horizon curved? And why am I dignifying this nonsense with a response?

20154782? ago

Female curves it what makes the world go round..... All the curves I need. :-)

20154076? ago

That Buzz and Woody meme: "CURVES! CURVES, EVERYWHERE!"

If you are asserting that you can see the curve while standing on the surface then I assert that you are lying.

20154112? ago

I can see the curve while standing on the surface, via the methods I described. Can you not see the sea and sky come together at the line of the horizon? Does the line of the horizon not appear curved to you? Do you prefer the Labrador or the white stick for getting around?

20154346? ago

You see a curve because of perspective and the way our eyes work. If you get a pair of binoculars the “curve” (which doesn’t exist) disappears and you can see even farther

20154578? ago

No, I see a curve cos it’s curved. And tell me, why even with binoculars or a telescope can I not see the east coast of the US from the west coast of Ireland? It’s 3,000 miles due east so should easily be visible with aids if no curvature exists. In fact, I can’t even see wales or the Isle of Mann from the east coast of Ireland with visual aids, and Wales is less than 100 miles from Dublin bay afaik. And just one last very modern take on the whole issue - why is the shadow of the earth on the face of the moon circular during a lunar eclipse? Aristotle just came up with that proof of a spherical earth quite recently so don’t worry if it’s new to you.

20168277? ago

Lol. Even your god Neil degrees Tyson says the curve can't be seen until 100,000ft. But sure... you see it at 5' 8". Who's crazy now?

20155223? ago

You can’t see it because of atmospheric pollution. It’s the exact reason why these mega telescopes are high up in the mountains and in the middle of nowhere when trying to look at the stars.

And just one last very modern take on the whole issue - why is the shadow of the earth on the face of the moon circular during a lunar eclipse?

Speaking of eclipses and shadows riddle me this first, why is the moon shadow during an eclipse ONLY 70miles when the moon is 2,300miles across? The shadow of the moon has to be a minimum of 2,300 miles or greater because that’s how shadows work. So explain why it’s only 70 miles on earth?

20155556? ago

Em because that’s the umbra, and that’s just how light and shadows work. The penumbra is a lot bigger. Great riddle. And no, I can’t see wales cos it’s over the horizon - why is there a horizon? Why is our shadow on the moon round? Try answering them before posing anymore of your ingenious “riddles” yeah?

20162056? ago

That’s not an “umbra” it’s a made up concept that never happens on any other object than the moon shadow during an eclipse. The umbra was invented because it’s the only time that an objects sgadow is smaller than the object.

That NEVER happens. Try an experiment yourself with a flashlight and a coin. The shadow will always be bigger yet ask yourself why the moons shadow is less than 10% the size of the moon

20167446? ago

Lolwut? Mr. Dunning meet Mr. Kruger, Mr. Kruger, Mr. Dunning.

20168294? ago

Do we need to slow down so you can follow?

20168341? ago

Yes please. You’re denying fundamental laws of nature now to support your incredibly moronic hypothesis. I would expect a little more support when denying fundamental laws of nature than simply capitalising the word “never” while dismissing said fundamental laws. So, could I trouble you for an explanation of how you think light travels, particularly including obstacles? Honestly the flat earth thing was funny enough on its own, but thanks for the additional denial of observable reality, I think this one might actually be funnier.

20154219? ago

the line of the horizon

The "horizon line" is a line, not a curve. Busted using your own words!

20154289? ago

Ha ha are you just trolling? In case you’re just severely intellectually challenged, a line doesn’t have to be straight, only a straight line has to be straight while a curved line can be both a line and curved. Decent level of trolling if that’s what you’re doing, and if that’s not what you’re doing you have my deepest sympathies.

20154534? ago

You globalists are silly. Some say "you can't see the curve until you're higher than airplanes can fly!"

Some (you) say "you can see the curve everyfuckingwhere!"

I'm the one that's being trolled.

20154669? ago

That’s called an association fallacy, it’s what morons do when their nonsense is challenged. Why can’t I see wales or the US from Ireland? Why is there a horizon? Why is the shadow of the earth on the moon round? I’ll patiently await further fallacy in lieu of actual responses from such a fine practitioner of “science” as your good self.

20155317? ago

  1. You can't see Wales from Ireland because of perspective. Items "vanish into the horizon" -- take an art class to understand better.

  2. Why is there a horizon? It's due to the shape of our eyeballs. The horizon is always at eye level.

  3. Are you certain that the shadow being cast on the moon comes from the Earth? How do you know this? Look into "Rahu".

To your ending: go fuck yourself, troll. Adults are talking science in here. True science, not "scientism."

20155491? ago

10/10 trolling well done. :-) Now do how I can fly from Australia to Chile in about 17 hours if the world is flat? Shouldn't it take a bit longer than that?

20155639? ago

A better question would be: why did that plane with the pregnant woman land in Alaska?

The azimuthal equidistant projection map shows the answer to both: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection_SW.jpg/600px-Azimuthal_equidistant_projection_SW.jpg

An even better question would be: why don't planes use the "shortest distance between two points", a straight line, and fly over the north pole?

And the best question: why don't they fly over the "south pole"?

20155866? ago

11/10, deflection. Fantastic.

20161625? ago

So you're okay with the Antarctic Treaty System? Where countries which are at war with each other agree not to fuck around "down there"?

Makes as much sense as the "space station" where US and Russia are at peace, while we're "at war" down here on Earth.

20155473? ago

Why do things “vanish into the horizon” exactly? Do things vanish if you bring them too far down a hallway? If I use a telescope should I see things at the end of the hallway that I can’t see unaided, and why doesn’t this apply to wales?

The horizon being a result of the shape of our eyeball is quite literally the most hilariously stupid thing I have ever heard. Have they managed to correctly diagnose you yet?!

Believe me, what you’re discussing could be described as a great many things. Science is not one of those things.

20155434? ago

Intardesting. When on the ocean, why can't you see a ships more than 12 miles away?

20155570? ago

They have "vanished into the horizon" which also includes the waves obscuring the bottom of the vessel first, and then the top of the mast disappears last. Same phenomenon happens on land -- on a straight road, with telephone poles into the distance, you will still be able to see the tops of the furthest poles.

With a zoom lens, in both instances, you can "bring back" the bottoms of the poles, or the hull of the ship. If the bottoms were not visible due to "the curve" being in the way, then no amount of zooming would restore them to your sight!

There are many "little insights" like this one that led me to the truth. You've gotta be open to it though...

20153850? ago

Ya, I'm an idiot. I did it too.

20153238? ago

Where is the profit in globe earth? Because it makes me feel materially small? Size is relative. That’s retarded

20154067? ago

Satan profits by removing God.

20154204? ago

i don't think the earth is flat and yet i still worship god every day. he also doesn't cease to exist simply because i deny the flat earth model. how much money is in satan's bank account?

20154235? ago

"Profit" isn't always money.

20153100? ago

it feels good to not to stand alone with the truth. Keep up with your work. I am on your side :)

20153631? ago

20153058? ago

Why we gotta put up wit dis?

20153089? ago

If you are a christian and believe in a spinning ball you support Satan and evil.

Flat Earth is biblical and the only theory that has science and facts to back it up.

20154111? ago

So stupid, IMO the whole random spinning ball in the middle of nowhere that just happens to have tons of water and beautiful food and we are made up of water and energy from said beautiful foods just reinforces a One Source Creator IE GOD and The Holy Trinity.

Never understood the whole “muh apes and ball means god doesn’t exist!” Assholes.

20153787? ago

Not one place does the Bible say the Earth is flat in an astronomical sense.

20154060? ago

Look to Isaiah -- in one verse he says the Earth is "scribed like a circle" and in another, "you will be tossed like a ball" -- the writer obviously demonstrates that he knows the difference between a two-dimensional circle, and a three-dimensional one, and describes the Earth using the two-dimensional word.

Genesis also describes the "waters above" and "waters below" and the firmament above which separates them.

There are a lot of "little hidden gems" like this that you're not going to find until you decide to investigate.

And, by investigate, I mean: I challenge you to debunk the theory! A theory is a hypothesis with data behind it. There are over 100 experiments in the book "Zetetic Astronomy" written by Dr. Samuel Rowbotham over 100 years ago, linked below. Please -- consider attempting to reproduce just one of them!

The first, the Bedford Level experiment, was attempted a year or two ago using lasers, and they obtained the same results -- over six miles of straight, flat water in a canal (the "Bedford Level"), a flag was transported in a boat from one end to the other, and a telescope at the beginning was able to see the flag throughout.

Astronomers' math says the curve is 8 inches, per "mile squared". So at 6 miles out, the curve should be 8 * (6 * 6) = 288 inches, or 24 feet. I just double-checked the experiment and the flag was 5 feet above the water in the boat, so it should have been 19 feet below the curve -- i.e., the flag should not have been visible after around 2.7 miles (i.e., 8 * (2.7 * 2.7) = 58.32 inches, or 4.86 feet of drop).


Direct link to Bedford Level experiment: http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za06.htm

If you just parrot what the globalists say and don't investigate it yourself, you are propagating lies.

20156993? ago

Do us all a favor and stand on a beach and watch a ship sail away. Explain that.

20168489? ago

Light compression. Watch it sail away below your horizon... then get out your telescope and watch it come back into view completely. Want to see something cool? Setup your phone on one side of a long table so that the lens is in line with the table. You should be able to see down in. Now start filming. Grab a salt shaker and move it along the table from beside your camera to the end of the table. How did your salt shaker's bottom begin to disappear after only 8 feet? Was it the table curve or... light compression?

20161654? ago

I can explain it using a video!

except i can't find it any longer on youtube, funny that...

20154174? ago

What if, that section of earth is flat. Its not perfectly round, and may have some spots flatter than others.

20158209? ago

“Earth” can be flat, but not water. Water will follow the curve no matter where it’s at, because of how gravity pulls on it and it’s a fluid. Just seriously think about it... why would a body of water ever be flat and not follow the curve of earth? It’s a fluid subject to gravity.

20161690? ago

That's not completely true. Gravity isn't the same at every spot on earth. Theoretically it could create an illusion as such, where it happens to be perfect and produce these results.

20162948? ago

Gravity will not fluctuate enough in such a short distance to cause any change in curvature to be flat. Changes are extremely minor and are because of the changes in mass around you, mostly a change in sea level. Changing sea level does not apply to measuring bodies of water, and even if it did, it would not be nearly enough to physically see a change in curvature.

20154230? ago

Good question! It should be measurable, but for some reason, (((they))) don't refute the experiment; they ignore it, and ridicule any who attempt it.

For what reason? I now know about the Holomodor, but it was not taught to me in government schools!

20158235? ago

Water on a spherical planet will never be flat, it is a fluid and will always follow gravitation pull. There is nothing rigid in a body of water to conform it against the curve.

20161674? ago

Yes, that makes perfect sense and I agree!

Therefore, when we find water level here where we exist, we can therefore conclude that we're not standing on a "spherical planet"!

But some won't follow logic to its conclusion...

20163219? ago

To be fair, if FE is true, the spherical model does make an astounding amount of sense.

And concave earth is just as explainable as spherical earth when you assume the center of our earth (that we look “up at”) is the vast universe that it is, space time just gets infinitely more dense in the center, causing light and everything else to bend inward, which would make it appear to us as if it’s actually bent outward. So when the sun is on one side, the light that you would assume would hit everywhere on earth actually doesn’t because the light gradually bends more and more inward because of the dense space time in the middle. It’s like earth is the outer edge of a black hole. The center of earth in the spherical model is actually the true outer edge of the universe in the concave model.

I like concave too because all the biblical verse used for FE, like four pillars holding up the directions, makes sense for concave. The pillars would be in the center of the earth in spherical earth, and it’d look like a molecular model from the outside of earth with the concave earth.

20168697? ago

Thank you for this comment. I have not looked into concave Earth, pretty much due to the antics of the popularizer.

Was almost pushed away (violently) from the FE learnings at the beginning when I created an accout at Dubay's site and was banned after my "welcome" comment! But the information is out there, and does not necessarily need to be connected to crackpots.

Do you have a pointer for more info? Thanks!

20152948? ago

They are shills adding their FE content to make anons look like conspiracy fools.

Same MO as what was done to Trump's people. Plant spys and moles to dispense misinformation and disinformation to be used against them to sway public opinion. Divide, confuse, cause mayhem. Taint reputations so the normie's don't want anything to do with them (us) lest they too be looked upon as fools.

20156400? ago

Part of it is to destroy our history and demoralize people. One of the greatest technological achievements in history, by very brave men, suddenly goes away. I guess we're just like Africa then.

20153922? ago

"looked upon" exactly, perception is reality in this realm, even if water always finds a level!

20152889? ago

20152868? ago

Guess who this troll faggot is ^^^^^^