20133060? ago

Epstein's death replaced the gun control narrative.

20132720? ago

oh look, some kid discovered echoes and thinks they're the greatest thing ever

20132422? ago

Whether or not DS was actually involved in whatever did happen, this narrative does not help them. And certainly doesn't help the Clintons.

Also, the investigation and other prosecutions continue :)

20132470? ago

well this is good if you and others see it this way. If he is safe and sound watch the prosecutions go away some low level managers perhaps getting (((scapegoated))) and basically story is over. this is the barometer im using to determine if hes in NZ or if hes in a freezer.

20132508? ago

He could be alive or dead, it doesn't even matter.

Read this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3377034

20132343? ago

Time will tell, and YMMV, but frome where I'm sitting, it's lookin' stormy with a chance of frogs.


20132378? ago

nice image! Pandoras Box! Did (((they))) risk opening it to save (((their ASS)) et?