20133677? ago

valid! could do without the sex. this paints quite a positive light on this matter, thats for sure. the Admission of evidence seems to be the crux given how you have described it. dead appears to be better than alive. think of all the info they extracted from him during this process?

well the theory you present will prove true if indeed the trials continue and (((salacious))) evidence becomes public. if that doesnt happen, (((justice))), then my theory he is alive and well just going under the knife for a shapeshift.

now based upon what you have presented my theory looks a little far fetched, i agree. im not doubling down im allowing for the possibility of what you have given with pathos and what appears to be lot of thought to be true. One its def more positive and two it might mean the good guys may win.

20132757? ago

...and yet dozens of children you think could beat me at checkers get terrorized, brutally raped in in some cases murdered every fucking day that your 10d chess players move pawns, delay, play fuckign spy games and psyops with the public and position themselves for the no-risk victory dance.

every fucking day...

20132846? ago

Ok ok we get it.

"Why won't they take down the biggest, most dangerous global criminal organization that's ever existed on my timetable?! Waaaaa!!!!"

Your emotions override your logic. Kind of like a leftist, incidentally.

You clearly have either no appreciation for the scope of this shit, or you just can't really contemplate the scope.

Either way, doesn't change anything.

20133023? ago

nope - point is any man or woman with a conscience would not let a day pass without forcefully doing all in their power to stop a child from being terrorized, raped and tortured - especially those with that "Have it ALL' and have the means, might and power to do so.

Q is a big fucking psyop and while you sit around passively group masturbating over gematria, 5:5, air Q's by Trump, sky events, initials, deltas, killboxes, suicide weekends and assorted random characters alluding to a special global force ready to activate for the correct secret decode....while all this happens for coming on 2 years now of this fucking psyop - hundreds if not thousands of children have suffered horrifically and will continue to do so while you retards chase mirrors and rabbits, chew your popcorn like cud and think this is a movie you should enjoy.

you people are mentally ill...as much hope as I had initially something was here, i thank gawd I never took it seriously, ruined my relationships, lost sleep or developed such a deeply disturbing reality that some secret organization was working on my behalf, on behalf of humanity to fix the evil among us. I learned from a lifetime of experience and historical study that governments are inherently against the people and mankind has been and always will be enslaved. There is NOTHING this or any government has done throughout history that has been honest, moral, ethical or beneficial to it's population.

For your benefit, let me add - carry on Patriot, WWG1WGA

20132512? ago

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20124607? ago

i do like your post, but, it supports the DS keeping him alive for blockage. I know these people are stupid but are they really that stupid to remove obstacles to their downfall?

20124681? ago

It doesn't support them keeping him alive or not keeping him alive. It supports the idea that either way, alive or not, it doesn't matter.

Did you even read it? Cuz it kinda doesn't sound like you did if I'm being honest.

Because nowhere did I posit that him being dead "removed an obstacle to their downfall."

I made the point that they have certain risks if he's alive, certain risks if he's not.

So if they decided to kill him, it's bad for them for a particular set of reasons.

If they decided not to kill him, it's bad for them for a particular set of reasons.

You're missing the whole fucking point of the post, which is that they were put into such a situation where no matter what they did - kill him or let him live - it was going to be problematic for them.

And that's not to mention the overarching fact that they were already fucked anyhow from the moment those search warrants were executed.

I really don't know how I can explain it any better or more clearly.

20124738? ago

Oversensitivity to your idea much? I was just pointing out that your post says they are fucked either way but more fucked with blockages out of play. Yes i read it, its not that long or very complicated. I just dont understand why they would make it more difficult (your theory)

20124813? ago

Well, you're assuming that they are the ones who "killed" him. I never assumed that. Because again, it could be problematic for him to be dead, only in a slightly different way than it would be problematic for him to be alive.

But for all we know, he did kill himself. Or he's in witsec.

The point being that we don't know, and there's no way for us to know. But more importantly, it doesn't even matter where he is or if he's dead right now, who killed him, or who didn't.

They are in such a situation that nothing they can do, kill him or not, is going to make it easier for them to survive this.

20125247? ago

The LSM reports he suicided. The sheep, of which there are a fuckton, therefore, believe he suicided. This, in no way in sheep world, implies a Clinton hand.

20127600? ago

Yeah you haven't been paying much attention to the way people are reacting if you believe that.

Even liberals.

20124565? ago

So will the dick of justice fuck the swamp creatures in Fort Smith, Arkansas?

20124747? ago

If Fort Smith is one of many tentacles, and those tentacles are attached to a monster..

Which one makes more sense? Which is a more efficient use of time and resources to accomplish the goal of killing the monster?

A) kill the monster with a headshot, IE go for its brain with a single shot


B) cut off thousands of the monsters tentacles, one at a time

Obviously, A makes more sense. If you headshot the monster and kill it, all the tentacles die as a result.

C'mon man, this isn't that complicated.

20124911? ago

I agree. I wouldn't want them to do the slow mo choice either - that is why I was so depressed by the news today, oh boy. Because I thought, because I thought, that with Epstein dead, the whole thing with the evidence and taking down the beast would crash and burn without their star perp.

I hope they get to Fr Smith soon though. And I'm ready and waiting to help, as any good patriot would!

20124975? ago

I understand. Just always remember, our people are smarter than that. They will always have more than one way to accomplish a goal at any given time.

They will never be so stupid as to let one man's fate control the fate of the entire plan.

20124986? ago

Yeah there's more than one way to skin a witch! Which is a MUCH better saying. I think.

A little info on where I get the "skinning a witch" thing. There's a movie called Silent Hill. It's a fucked up movie but in one of the scenes there's this witch that's running up to a church and the devil grabs the witch and literally pulls the skin off of her. Clothes and all. I like to think of that as Hillary. Or the Sasquatch bitch who loves to rip families apart with the wrath of her fornication with transvestites. But anyway, I prefer that saying much more.

I hope Fort Smith is on the agenda to clean the swamp, and that Epstein had a shitload of evidence against Obama's monkey Cameroon nigger boy and the vote for pizza joke of a police department there.

20125019? ago

You could always report their actions to the FBI. Surely it couldn't hurt.

20125069? ago

We have been getting the word out to anyone we could. My friend actually got in touch with Linda Collins-Smith back in February and gave her details of everything, especially about Blatt, and the lawyer who wasn't working for his client but for the enemy! Didn't bother to bring the evidence, didn't bother to ask the perpetrators if they struck the real victim, and then went out of his way to ask if the victim had ever hit the thug who was foaming at the mouth in court, acting like the jackass vile thing he is. The lawyer went out of his way to protect Belinga's thug and got an extra 500$ for it.

Meanwhile the piece of nignog shit still cannot manage to pay taxes on any of these multiple properties in his regime that he brought over from Cameroon, to have an entire city controlled by him.

20125094? ago

Right. But nothing you just mentioned involved the FBI. A local lawyer in a local court, right?

And didn't you just explain that local government was corrupt?

See the problem?

Call the FBI. And avoid the local AK field office. Call the main FBI and tell them you don't trust the local office.

I don't know what else you can really do.

20125114? ago

I can't really call in place of the actual victims. I can only offer testimony but...I'm sure that trying to reach a bigger FBI is nigh on to impossible.

Also Linda Collins-Smith was a senator who was looking into this. Yeah. She's dead now. And the reason my friends had to get a lawyer was because the violent thugs who assaulted and attacked her wanted to further destroy her life so they got their corrupt kangaroo court system and made it to where if she tried to visit her mom again, they could carry out violence without being arrested because Belinga's THUG calls himself the "property manager" which is another word for "maintenance jerk".

20124302? ago

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20122121? ago

Good analysis.

Q always asks: How do you get evidence admitted into court?

20120299? ago

You are correct. In addition, the DS revealed something by making the choice that they did re JE. But Barr has been protecting Clinton since the 80's so its hard to factor that into play. Unless he was offered a deal. I'm sure Q said "no deals" to keep people like Barr alive. So confusing....

20120347? ago

As Q has mentioned, there have been many people, good people, forced to give shade to evil. They were slaves.

Maybe Barr was one of them.

In any case, he's not there to protect them. If he is, then either Trump is stupid (which we know he's anything but), or there's another angle that we don't yet see.

20120232? ago

One thing it really does, it saves the CIA, MI6, and Mossad a tremendous about of embarrassment; so the operators are off scot free.

20120276? ago

Your statement assumes things that we couldn't possibly know. For example, that he was actually killed and who did it.

And again, IT DOESN'T MATTER for the reasons aforementioned.

20124055? ago

Everyone does realize what just happened today, don't they????

Even Trump Doesn't Believe "The Official Narrative"!!!

Even worse, Trump is indicating a CONSPIRACY to Murder Epstein!!!!

Yes, I know to many people who totally BELIEVE CNN and SNOPES, that the word CONSPIRACY is a VERY, VERY BAD Word, in fact it is total Lunacy, for anyone who believes in them. However the Legal Dictionary defines them, and Q has been teaching us all about them, and obviously POTUS believes in them too. Shock and horror to some I know. But, these FACTS seem to escaped many on this board. It went right over their heads.

Some still think CONSPIRACIES = LIES.....but TRUMP doesn't think so, in spite of Q pounding these FACTS into us for what?......2 years???

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":


Yep, SB2 Message: Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.


Ouch that's going to SCARE a lot of people on this board....who fully TRUST in lame stream media's SPIN!!! (not to mention SNOPES...whom some think is the last word on TRUTH.)

HERE WE GO, the OFFICIAL Pronouncement by SNOPES (and CNN):


TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":


Yes, this is very interesting. EVEN TRUMP DOESN'T BELIEVE THE "The Official Narrative"!!!!

This is truly funny.....although I realize it shatters the illusions of many on this Board who hold Fox News, and CNN and even SNOPES as the absolute LAST WORD ON "THE TRUTH", even after all of Q's warnings to the contrary!!!!!!!!

We should really bow our heads in a moment of prayer for these people who "just haven't caught on yet", and are in a DEEP, DEEP Depression tonight, realizing their ILLUSIONS of these BASTIONS of TRUTH and EVIDENCE just got shattered to pieces today BY......not Q,... but President TRUMP!!!!

Our Hearts and Prayers are with them.

My only hope is that they WAKE UP, before it is too late.


Yes, this is very interesting. Even Trump doesn't believe "The Official Narrative"!!!!

Trump is pointing the finger at the Clintons, and indicating it is not suicide but MURDER (Arkancide).

I don't think Trump would do that if Epstein's death was faked by the White Hats to put him into witness protection program. Or would he?

But then again, a little voice inside my head says, leaving Epstein out where he could get bumped off, knowing the Clintons's body count history, seems almost like dereliction of duty to me. Trump is not stupid.

On the other hand, maybe Epstein did sing his head off, and the white hats faked his death, so he could go into a witness protection program with the clintons no longer hunting for him. Not that Epstein will be set free, but he will be hidden away in a safe place while he cooperates in the take down of the bigger fish. And Trump is just pointing the finger at "the usual suspects" in such cases, to help seal the cover story.

I think Epstein was only put into the prison to get him to agree to talk. He hates the low life of the prison, and worried all the time the Clinton Assassins will get to him first. I think he finally agreed to talk, so now the white hats faked his death, and moving him as a cooperating witness to another secret safer location.

Jim Stone thinks Epstein is probably winging his way to Israel/Mossad where he will be under their witness protection program.

Either way, someone wants us to think Epstein is dead, in spite of the coincidences (all security cameras malfunctioning https://bigleaguepolitics.com/report-camera-malfunction-in-epsteins-prison-cell-prevented-recording-of-his-alleged-suicide/ ) and the photos of him don't quite match previous photos of him and official photos are apparently photoshopped:


Eye witness account, thinks they switched bodies....and a soldier in military uniform picked up Epstein:



And then there is this curious Q post:


Why did Q draw our attention to WHERE Epstein was being held, IF Epstein was where the press said he was???

There was an 8Chan post that at the same time as the power outage, this prison where Epstein was held (which was no secret it was splattered all over the press), was surrounded by many many police officers. We wondered if this power outage was a distraction (and to shut down communications) while Epstein was extracted and taken to a safer prison. He would subsequently go to and from court via helicopter.

Maybe Epstein was replaced with a body double that night? And that is why the photos today of his ears and nose don't line up exactly?

We know Hildabeast and Billy the rapist have body doubles.

SerialBrain2 says Epstein's Death was FAKED: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3376775

Message? Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Eye The Spy says Epstein's death was faked too:




Do not jump to conclusions about Epstein.




10:04 AM - Aug 10, 2019



Epstein's Longtime Girlfriend (and Mossad Hangler): Ghislaine Maxwell Queen of Sex Trafficking Elite is Missing


I have to post this. NOBODY (who has been following Q) is buying the Official Narrative!

These are really funny tweet posts:



20124143? ago

GodsAngell, go away. Seriously. You're just shitting all over my thread.

20119989? ago

This is some good theorizing!

20119885? ago

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20119803? ago

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20119706? ago

You missed one point, though. There will be no case against Epstein. There will be no JE lawyers doing anything. His current charges will be dropped and the case dismissed. There will be no future charges.

20122587? ago

One point you missed one point though, recently two of Epstein's former sex slaves have already fingered two top former office holding Democrats in Richardson and a guy that was the former head of the Democrat party.

As more and more former sex slaves come forward more Democrat political elites will be exposed for the child sex predators they truly are.

Between flight records and pilot records, and with other witnesses bolstering their claims it will not be very easy to dismiss their claims very easily without an anal investigation of the sex trafficking charges they are making against these politicians, this will draw more and more perps into the public domain.

20123079? ago

I don't know why you're saying I missed that point, respectively.

The entire point of my post is to say precisely that the rest of those assholes are going down regardless of whether JE is alive, dead, kidnapped by aliens, or living in a submarine in the Mariana Trench.

Their fate was sealed the moment he was arrested and those search warrants were executed.

You just rehashing in greater detail the very point I originally made.

20122223? ago

You missed one point, though. There will be no case against Epstein. There will be no JE lawyers doing anything. His current charges will be dropped and the case dismissed. There will be no future charges.

Op didn't miss that point, he explained that it doesn't matter. Epstein was simply a tool used by the cabal. The goal is to take down the real players and all the pedophiles that feasted at Epstein child buffet. His lawyers were only going to drag this shit out forever. No Name was a traitor but he never got charged with treason and that doesn't matter because he got dead. The only complaint I have is that No Name didn't reach room temperature back before 'Nam.

"We have everything" - Q

20119875? ago

Who cares about Epstein. For all we know he was executed military style. Everything gathered at his estates will now be allowed in the next round of court cases. Watch the dominos fall.

20120155? ago

Which is my point. Thank you.

20120474? ago

Yes OP, my comment was more for the lurkers.


20120514? ago

Roger that, patriot.

20119737? ago

Not against him, no. But this whole shit was never really about him anyway. It was always about nailing those around him. Which can and will still happen using the evidence they got from his properties and whatever else they may have coaxed out of him.

Again I say, the white hats would never have been so stupid to hinge the entire plan on the life or death or one guy.

20119603? ago

I Agree! If he is WITSEC he is as good as dead and the level of classification regarding any aspect will be so high we will probably never know fr sure.

20119661? ago

Sure. But see my broader point: it doesn't matter if he's in witsec or on fucking mars. The result for the DS is the same either way.

20119710? ago
