20097300? ago

True, but they had help from other organizations worldwide. It´s not the fault of the USA. As Q said, this goes worldwide. Every country has it´s own little CIA and they all working together if they need so. For things in the past it makes no sense anymore to think "in Countrys", it is and ever was the Deep State.

Because i´m from germany i really want to know what we had done in Afghanistan, Iraq, no not we, what our secret organization did there with our military.

I have hope that Q/Trump will give us some secret informations about the past. Everyone thinks the "bad" germans did really bad things in WW2, but it´s all a lie. A big lie that nearly destroyed my country, but Hitler was a puppet, the holocaust fake like 9/11.

I hate these bastards so much, i hope they all die slowly and painfully when the truth comes out. My whole life or the life of everyone of us ist a fucking big big Lie

20097098? ago

CIA/FBI is just an arm of israel

20097007? ago

Justice has not been served until every member of the CIA is in jail or executed for the crimes they have committed. In this country or in other countries. Being an employee of the federal government does not give you permission to break laws of any country.

20096641? ago

Not sure WE created it. Claims are that the Payseurs created it overseas and implanted it here. But no argument about how dangerous they are.

And look, they don't act alone. The $ecret $py Agencies in every country are tied together. Think 5 Eyes is an anomaly? Think it's recent? Think it's a "cooperating govt entity" org? NO. It's the SAME PEOPLE, different geography. All working for the Bloodline families.

(Oh, Hi C_A! how ya doin' buddy? Havin' a good Friday? Go home, you're drunk.)

20096017? ago

This all stems from WE THE PEOPLE falling for the narrative that our Constitution is a limitation on WE THE PEOPLE. It is not. It is a limitation on GOVERNMENT. We've allowed comfy and convenience in exchange for our Birthright. CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, DHS, CBP, IRS etc etc....only operate the way they operate as long as we continue to exchange our Birthright.


20096003? ago

If by we you mean they, then ya.

20095760? ago

Just a quick reminder what Poppy Bush did other things as well...

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3373229 Programs exist that are outside of public domain. Q2225 - Solar Warden, Tesla, Marconi, Nazis and Bush

20096004? ago

That MF was pure evil in the flesh.

20096079? ago

There's a video of him giving a speech at Ford's funeral and he let's out a laugh while taking about JFK's assassination and conspiracy theories. I can't dig for it at the moment

20096140? ago

Yes I know the video. And the look he got.

fuckers. JFK was a personal friend of my Father.

11+22 = 33 It's right in your face.

20095671? ago

We didn't create it. It was done by the same guy the started Israel Harry S. Truman

20095388? ago

If peace becomes the prize they are out of a job.

20094640? ago

We didnt create it. [THEY] have existed since the days of Babylon...its just one of their arms.

20094589? ago

Human trafficking too anon. Also, they’ve actually used research discoveries from tax payer funded think tanks like daarpa and have started billion dollar companies (FB, google, general dynamics all cia created) to continue to fund their black budgets and to bribe leaders and pols. They’ve also sent agents to infiltrate existing companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing and the likes of Goldman and hsbc in the banking sector. Their tentacles r enormously long anon. They must be eradicated in my opinion. Great post sir/mam.

20094512? ago


20094493? ago




20094191? ago

We did not create or control SHIT. Quit playing fucking word games you fucking roach. I know what you are doing - pushing responsibility and collective guilt on all.

You can associate yourself with this wicked vile organization all you want - while you swallow collective guilt you dirty white supremecist bastard for this you also own slavery, indian genocide and small pox in blankets, colonialism and are everything other god damn thing that evil elitists and rotten fucking

20094054? ago

remember we made the drug trade by making things illegal.

20093924? ago

With there being 7 branchs of CIA,which one are you referencing?

20093873? ago

Also the largest producer of kiddie porn, because thats really the only thing kikes are good at.

20093596? ago

jews and white satanists created it. not we.

20093565? ago

I dont think the explosion of Opiates in America was by accident. They knowingly pushed oxys on white, middle class people... and then after they had our soldier secure the poppy fields of Afghanistan... they (DS) brought in thousands and thousands of tons of heroine. While at the same time cracking down on prescription opiates, leading so many to seek their drugs on the streets. The war in the middle east was about drugs, not oil.

20095749? ago

It's also how the English took over China/HongKong during the Boxer Rebellion (Opium) 1900. These things are in addition to money, they are used for power and taking over.

20093807? ago

Yeah. It was completely thought out. Sickly thought out. Evil.

20093532? ago

Not all c_a. The majority put their life on the line for your country. The bad apples are a DS minority.

20093315? ago

Well as soon as everyone stops doing Cocaine the Cocaine Import Agency will be going out of Business

20094343? ago

OR, we could let adults do what adults want to do without the threat of violent response?

20093297? ago

Um, I'd love to know why people love to take responsibility for something they were never involved in creating.

20093281? ago

Reminded me of "Everything is a rich mans trick"

20092845? ago

So, the middle east has hated the west for centuries and has terrorized us since Islam was born. We are infidels to them, and jihad is not new. Therefore, our CIA did not cause this, they just exacerbated it. Getting rid of our CIA will not cause them to stop their violence though it might help with the rest of the more sane areas of the world.

20092836? ago

Yup, it’s the CIA vs We the People 🎯

20092785? ago

Rick “Freeway Ricky” Ross did everything but name them when he stood trial for creating the crack epidemic in Los Angeles. He said nobody in the ghetto has helicopters. How did it arrive here by the ton?

20092778? ago

The C_A was just another one of their groups they've created and used through all time.

They all serve the Master of this world and that is an evil called by many names.

Most know him as Satan.

These "people" are all selfish sick Satanic, Luciferian, Babylonian, Zionist, Communist, cannibalistic, pedovores & vampires and descendants of Cain.

Black and White.

Duality system of consciousness.

So... in a nutshell, it's GOOD VS EVIL in the most real sense.

Race, religion, class, and all means of division must fade away and we must all awaken to that very simple and apparent fact!

We have to unite together as "Humanity" and stop the infighting and bring justice back to this plane.

The goal of this evil is the enslavement and use of the human race and end of all that makes us special.

We are more special than we know and have forgotten.

The internet and the age of information gave us the means to attempt this break from the matrix they've put us in and we are in battle now!

Dark to Light.

Be on the Right side of history.

Where we go one, we go all.

What an amazing time to be alive!

"We must defend the Republic of these united States of America!"

Godspeed Patriots!

#TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #MAGA #MEGA #Truth

20093736? ago

You nailed it. I started to respond to this post and then saw your words and realized I could not say it any better. I’m just sorry I only have one like to give.

20093320? ago

I always find it confusing that Vegan Cain killed his meat eating Brother...

20093304? ago

What is jungs shadow?

20094694? ago

The shadow is your "Negative" or Lower Vibrational desires, the parts of you that allow you to hurt others. Knowing your shadow is essential, because in order to grow closer to Gods light, your shadow must increase in size. All things cast a shadow, the closer they are to light, the further back that shadow is cast, you understand?

20093064? ago

Please Q, do it.. break them up !! They cannot be reformed.

20092580? ago


20092535? ago


There is no greater terrorist organization that Mossad.

And we don't control the CIA - even a Somali could see that!

Mossad agents hold positions of power within our Congress and within our Deep State.

(((Federal Reserve))) - enemy of the American people

(((Mainstream media))) - enemy of the American people

(((Refugee foundations))) - enemy of the American people

(((Democrat paymasters))) - enemy of the American people

(((Gun grabbers))) - enemy of the American people

(((Child sex traffickers))) - enemy of the American people

(((Judaism))) - enemy of the American people

(((Our Deep State))) - enemy of the American people

(((Our Zionist Owned Government))) - enemy of the American people

20095787? ago

Tell us how you really feel!! BTW, what country made Israel?? Hmmm Balfour Declaration, Lawrence of Arabia....yes England!

20093138? ago

Pharisees to the Pharaohs in the bigger picture.

20092411? ago

"We" didn't create the clowns. Though we have funded the sick SOBs directly and indirectly.

20092404? ago

The CIA is the root of all evil

20092381? ago


Do you really think our CIA is coordinating the Jew owned mainstream news media in EVERY white country to push a Zionist, white genocide narrative?


Our Deep State is just the North American branch of Mossad's global terrorist network.

Why would OUR CIA want to destroy America by flooding it with 3rd World refugees and socialism? They wouldn't because no dictator aspires to rule over a powerless shithole in the same way nobody who owns a sports car chooses to scratch the paint off with their keys.

Mossad uses financial and pedophile honeypots to control powerful CEOs and politicians.

20092317? ago

Truman created CIA with National Security Act 1947. He later said it was the greatest mistake of his life.

20092335? ago

The Greatest Mistake in History.

We own it too.

20092261? ago

Project paperclip. After the wa we brought in 2000 national socialist who became the clowns in america.

20092311? ago

My daughter did a paper in 4th grade on the subject. We're well versed. My father's boss was Einstein's handler. We have stories. BTW, I'm old too.

20092234? ago

We didn't create it. We as taxpayers funded it. Bush turned it into a globalist intelligence agency.

20093158? ago

Nope. CIA was evil from the very beginning. And as soon as Eisonhower appointed Allen Dulles, he built up the CIA into the criminal organization that killed JFK, of which Bush was just a part. Bush didn't CREATE MKULTRA, Project Monarch, Project Mockingbird.

Many of the CIA ills came out in Congress in 1975, but the press ignored the worst of it, and THEN BUSH came in and turned the CIA up another notch.

20095691? ago

Your 1975 reminder made me think of Richard Nixon (Oddly enough born, January 9, 1913, same year as the Fed Reserve). He was an up-and-comer Congressman that Prescott Bush thought had lots of potential. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/watergate-revelations-the-coup-against-nixon-part-1-of-3-2012-5 Of course Ford was President (a Yale graduate) during that 1975 Congress.

20092271? ago

We are Americans. THE CIA is an AMERICAN organization. We own America, the people do.

Tell me that again. Whether we agreed to it or not, we created the CIA

20094682? ago

This right here is some Jew magic. Word Wizardry. Go mcFuck yourself OP.

20094455? ago

No, we didn't. It was created before I was born.

This is democrat logic.

20092172? ago

We didn't create them, they were inserted long before ww2. We had the stay-behinds They had what became the Clowns and then used Paperclip to get the rest over here.

20092462? ago

England doesn't control the world

Is hilarious each time some retard tries to say it.

Look, MOS, MI6 and CIA are all connected. They all serve the same master - the bank of London.

20093189? ago

Its the jews stupid

20093310? ago

i suspect we will discover that the Jews are a Subsidiary of the Catholic Church....

20095600? ago

You are correct, anon.

Catholics ARE JEWS.

Let me explain something to you and everyone else willing to read: our world religions worship three idols who form one. This God-trinity is found in basically all major developed religions, but the trinity is popularly obscured. The hebrewmasons' and goy/genitlemasons' secretive trinity is jehova-molech-osiris. Jehova = Ra = Zeus = Jahweh/yahweh. Molech was a giant who the Hebrews used to offer young children as sacrifice as well as animals. This is a strange one to me and doesn't seem to fit because in other god-trinities the one in place of molech is Mary, Tanit, Ishtar, Luna, Venus, etc. Then that leaves us with Jesus/Lesus/Yeshua, Osiris, Lucifer, Dyonisis, etc.

This is why Christians are unique - they broke the wheel. They praise the light-bringer - Lesus/Yeshua (Lucifer) exclusively. Naturally, the Catholics were invented by Hebrews to reverse what the Christians had done and to rob them of their liberation. This is the reason they designated a particular human to oversee the whole religion and interpret what is and isn't gospel, what God thinks or doesn't, etc (yes, you read that right. Now read it again slowly).

The Bible was written by the Council of Nicea.

Do not let these organizations and their rulers confuse you. These "gods" humans speak of were organic persons.

20101536? ago

Which is why the babel start to make sense when "Invisible God" is replaced by something like "ET's that Genetically Engineered the Indigenous Humanoid they found on Earth"

What I find most interesting in the bible is the use of Blood/Flesh Sacrifices to placate the Gods which is still done today in isigenous/tribal areas where they will Sacrifice a Pig to placate the local Spirits.

Generally they will give the blood to the Local Spirits and Eat the Flesh

20095825? ago

Problem is, every religion is fundamentally broken, because they externalize your own innate power as a fragment of God itself. By following the rules as proclaimed by the many "Holy books" that have been given to us by the cabal in some form or other, we keep getting trapped here.

20096447? ago

So many of them acknowledge the soul/ki/chi, but somehow don't extrapolate from there.

You are so much more powerful than you know.

20094202? ago

No, youre just retarded.

20094332? ago

At least I'm not a Subsidiary of Stupid....

20092820? ago

The bank of London is only one of the three city states.

Financial - London.

Spiritual - Vatican

Military - DC

The city states serve a higher master. They are not the masters in and of themselves.

20095364? ago

Kabbalah hebrewmasons/hebrewsaxons AOA, OTO and China's HONG hyperlodge

My God this one is deep.

Still, the bank of London controls the financial world, which is the catalyst through which they have conducted these mechanisms of control.

20093291? ago

20093111? ago

Swiss Pharaohs, no joke.

20093298? ago

Or babylonians. Search William cooper babylon

20093613? ago

Thanks, appreciate that

20092295? ago

You have a long way to go.

We, our fellow Americans created the CIA for just such a purpose as mentioned above. To control the world through drugs, terrorism and MK Ultra brainwashing programs.

Do more reasearch and when you are crying from frustration, come back and talk to me again.

20092500? ago


20092466? ago

Dude, don't fucking copy me. That's my shtick.

20092098? ago

No shit Sherlock. Why do you think Trump is cleaning the place up?