Europa is the Tsar Bomba of red pills; the god-meme against ratfuck commies. No guff, no lube, just raw uncensored facts. It's an episodic series, to watch like a TV show, that names the hell out of the kikes and it's even better than TGSNT. If you're some CivNat boomer half-measure fence-faggot, hold onto your diaper, bite down on your dentures, and tense up your prune toes cause this Twister tornado will blow your fucking socks off.

Europa gets graphic and gruesome because war is graphic and gruesome, and it does not pull its punches, so spare your clicks if you're a soycuck mangina who can't handle the truth nor stomach the violence. It's facts and war you retard nigger, not a Saturday morning prance-out of Tinky Winky the faggot Teletubby.

The episodes on the linked Wordpress are from Bitchute and YouTube. They're also mirrored on archive.org, and have been for a long time. Whole variety pack of sites, that.