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20084278? ago

There is no such thing as 'alien' technology.

If 'aliens' possess a technology, it can be learned and duplicated depending on conditions.

"Alien" technology wouldn't necessarily even work on Earth...........depending.

So 'aliens built the pyramids' doesn't tell us HOW. So it's an answer that doesn't answer, but brings up MORE questions.

Like your story. Why did poppy Bush grow up as Sherf in Germany if his home was underground?

Why mess with Tesla's work, when aliens like him had that all down pat a long time ago?

Why place an electro magnetic belt that science calls the Van Allen if you plan on going to and fro?

You get a pass that lifts the gate like a toll road?

Chimera is an Occult vocabulary word that has been used by Earthmen for a long time.

Funny they would use our myths and terminology.

Real underground bases. Real secret technology, scalure and otherwise. Real secret plans to take over the world.

Real 'supersoldiers'.

Real items in a fake story doesn't make it real.

My ancestor invented a machine that used so-called orgone energy..........and guess works.....

and guess what else..........he didn't need aliens to do it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... the black hats stole it from him to develop

the Spirit of St. Louis to test. That clunky copy of Hendershot's remote control model.

They didn't use the Pleidian Plymouth with hyperdrive, delivered from the bowels of the Earth.

Flying a plane from a distance using invisible waves........................spooky alien stuff.

One can only hope that one day, mankind will be advanced enough mentally, that he'll be able to correctly interpret the symbols of ideas that have been turned into literal stories by the profane and those who would mislead and/or control.

Like the word chimera. Traditional Code renders your interpretation to zero.

Learn the ancient writings for what they ARE externalized symbol for internalized ideas............they are not alien sightings.

And "the god"s are the ideas themselves........the forces behind them.....they aren't anthropromorphic comic book supermen 'handing down'

actual objects or blueprints. The 'blueprints' are contained WITHING the system as ideas. Invisible ideas.......give it a name......'gods'.

Why don't you ask your sources "What comes next" and then pass that on to us. And then ask why a 'promise' of non-interference "on the surface" is prime directive........only to constantly counter that with the very interference you refer to. Constant 'contact' by mistake AND intentional prying into politics and technology and such........inhabiting bodies (that already exist)..........

You can't see them. You don't know how it works. Must be aliens.

The terrorism scam is falling apart, so hey..........might as well begin playing the next psyop.

This is an extention of elitism and desire to control through fear mongering, and a continuation of the Great Work by Luciferians led by Blavatsky and Crowley to bring a "Master Race".............who would be considered 'godlike'.

Why didn't the aliens clean up their own mess on the home planet instead? Afterall they're 'gods".

We're all getting tired of life and history being played like a bad science fiction movie.

Truth on the LAM.

Knowing what others don't...............'godlike'.

Go to the 3:00 mark of this video if you want to see a "god". listen carefully

20084522? ago

here is no such thing as 'alien' technology.

semantics, talking about origin? if you buy iPhone from China is it alien? what if it comes from another planet

If 'aliens' possess a technology, it can be learned and duplicated depending on conditions.

hence famous blueprints

"Alien" technology wouldn't necessarily even work on Earth...........depending.

do summer tires work in winter?

So 'aliens built the pyramids' doesn't tell us HOW. So it's an answer that doesn't answer, but brings up MORE questions.

really makes you wonder how you connected pyramids to secret space program

its another topic fren

Like your story. Why did poppy Bush grow up as Sherf in Germany if his home was underground?

"citation needed"

context awareness matters

Why mess with Tesla's work, when aliens like him had that all down pat a long time ago?

you are calling Tesla alien? but that is contrary to first sentence you wrote

Why place an electro magnetic belt that science calls the Van Allen if you plan on going to and fro?

You get a pass that lifts the gate like a toll road?

not understanding you

Chimera is an Occult vocabulary word that has been used by Earthmen for a long time.

funny word you used, earthmen

Funny they would use our myths and terminology.

makes you really wonder about origin of myths, like what Indians believe about origins of their myths and stories

Real underground bases. Real secret technology, scalure and otherwise. Real secret plans to take over the world.

did you watch Phil Schneider video?

Real 'supersoldiers'.

again semantics

Real items in a fake story doesn't make it real.

you are repeating yourself

My ancestor invented a machine that used so-called orgone energy..........and guess works.....

your ancestor was Wilhelm Reich? that's amazing

and guess what else..........he didn't need aliens to do it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... the black hats stole it from him to develop "Government Secrecy Orders on Patents Have Stifled More Than 5,000 Inventions"

not only yours

the Spirit of St. Louis to test. That clunky copy of Hendershot's remote control model.

explain more

They didn't use the Pleidian Plymouth with hyperdrive, delivered from the bowels of the Earth.

hyperdrive, what about ancient indian Vimanas

Flying a plane from a distance using invisible waves........................spooky alien stuff.

spooky like first movie with train coming to station? people were running away because they were scared that train is coming into cinema

One can only hope that one day, mankind will be advanced enough mentally, that he'll be able to correctly interpret the symbols of ideas that have been turned into literal stories by the profane and those who would mislead and/or control.

that's today

Like the word chimera. Traditional Code renders your interpretation to zero.

using your internal logic of course

Learn the ancient writings for what they ARE externalized symbol for internalized ideas............they are not alien sightings.

no reference for which ancient writing you talk to

how many ancient texts you read

And "the god"s are the ideas themselves........the forces behind them.....they aren't anthropromorphic comic book supermen 'handing down'

what if you show up for hm hm lesser developed civilization as a god

let say you visit planet of talking squirrels

will you appear as god to them if they have god gene present?

actual objects or blueprints. The 'blueprints' are contained WITHING the system as ideas. Invisible ideas.......give it a name......'gods'.

there is word for this


Why don't you ask your sources "What comes next" and then pass that on to us. And then ask why a 'promise' of non-interference "on the surface" is prime directive........only to constantly counter that with the very interference you refer to. Constant 'contact' by mistake AND intentional prying into politics and technology and such........inhabiting bodies (that already exist)..........

you must be really curious about this

do some research pal

You can't see them. You don't know how it works. Must be aliens.

well there is research in article not only deus ex machina explanation present as yours

The terrorism scam is falling apart, so hey..........might as well begin playing the next psyop.

again, article states that events started at beginning of 20th century which is earlier than manufactured terrorism

This is an extention of elitism and desire to control through fear mongering, and a continuation of the Great Work by Luciferians led by Blavatsky and Crowley to bring a "Master Race".............who would be considered 'godlike'.

hiding this information certainly is

research is liberating

Why didn't the aliens clean up their own mess on the home planet instead? Afterall they're 'gods".

maybe they are retarded

like some people on this planet

not all tho

We're all getting tired of life and history being played like a bad science fiction movie.

so you want improvement?

Truth on the LAM.

Knowing what others don't...............'godlike'.

Go to the 3:00 mark of this video if you want to see a "god". listen carefully



20084583? ago

That's what I thought.

You're sophomoronic.

20084740? ago

lets use quick SHILL CHECK LIST

  • not using any arguments

  • using verbal attack

  • projection

  • repetition over replies


see for yourself

20084761? ago

Lets use QUICK CRYBABY test and add it to I DON'T KNOW WTF I"M TALKING ABOUT test.

I'm not about to try to prove a negative......I'm not required anymore than anybody else.

Burden of proof is on the bullshitter. Not the one who calls bullshit.


20084788? ago

I see you improved your algorithm

so you probably calculate responses before to have Instant Shill Response

admirable creature

crying tears of happiness

20084860? ago

So you're like....12?