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20083659? ago


Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money:

The official Nazi space program was developed by Wernher von Braun. He was later paperclipped into the US along with many other scientists and absorbed into the US military-industrial complex. They have developed both the official NASA space program front and the more secret Solar Warden program (from more military faction of the Cabal) and Corporate space program (from more corporate faction of the Cabal), together with deep underground military bases. Both Solar Warden and the Corporate space programs were interconnected, but deeply compartmentalized. At the top, they were guided by the Unholy Four (Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld).

The real secret space program started in the early 1960s, when the Chimera group has given permission to the negative militaries of the USA, NATO European countries, USSR and China to build joint secret Moon and Mars bases in certain restricted areas. Also, a secret treaty was signed between the Cabal and the Draco/Reptilian/Zeta complex which gave the Cabal technical support in construction of Lunar and Mars bases whereas those negative alien races were given permission to build underground bases on Earth together with the Negative Military.

Joint USA/USSR Mars base was thus built in 1964 and then expanded over the next few decades, when more Moon and Mars bases were added to the program. The main lunar base was built on the far side of the Moon and was codenamed LOC (Lunar Operations Command).

The whole secret space program was named Solar Warden and top supersoldiers were accepted into the program and brainwashed with the idea that they are defending Earth from the negative aliens. Some UN diplomats knew about the existence of the Solar Warden and they naively believed it to be a global program for Earth defense against an alien threat. In reality, the purpose of the secret space program was to build joint human/Draco infrastructure throughout the Solar System for the Archon invasion which happened in 1996:

From the human side, the program was directed by the unholy four (Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney). The unholy four are actually Draconians who took human incarnations 26,000 years ago and are the four most visible Draco/human hybrids.

The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon, Blackwater…

The man behind the curtain of the secret space program was John Dale Halpern. His front company Halpern, Denny & Co. still controls Halliburton, Monsanto, Raytheon and Academi (former Blackwater).

The secret space program involved the development of many advanced technologies as you can see here:

Dick Cheney was the leader of the Mars Corporation and claimed to be the owner of the planetary debt that Earth owes to the Mars Corporation and to the breakaway civilization, which has milked the Earth workforce through the Rothschild central banking system:

The Light forces have infiltrated the Solar Warden space program in many ways. Eisenhower, cornered by the Cabal and forced to team up with the negative aliens, formed some secret cells inside the Solar Warden program which were working for the Light.

Also, the Organization (forerunner of the Resistance Movement) had secret teams infiltrated into the Solar Warden program. The Organization was also cooperating with positive Andromedans who were well aware of the situation in this Solar System.

After the Archon invasion in 1996 our Solar System was filled with Draconian and Reptilian entities. Their main military base was on Charon (Pluto's moon) with many strongholds in the main asteroid belt. In that timeframe, many key people were taken to the underground military bases and trauma-based mindprogrammed against the Galactic Confederation and against the Ashtar Command. This is the reason why many people are now so strongly against the Ashtar Command.

During a massive liberation offensive between 1999 and 2004, the Light forces of the Resistance Movement, Pleiaidan, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet and the Ashtar Command cleared the vast majority of the Draco/Reptilian presence from our Solar System.

After 2004, the remaining Draco/Reptilian forces were working closely with the unholy four to defend planet Earth from the liberating fleet of the Galactic Light forces and they have been manipulating Solar Warden supersoldiers against the Light. Between 2004 and 2012 the Light forces cleared this Solar System from all Draco/Reptilian presence except for those working directly with the Chimera group. In that time frame, Solar Warden was operating primarily from two locations.

Sublunar operations and operations in Earth's orbit with X-22A, SR-33A and TR3-B sublunar vehicles were directed from Peterson AFB in Colorado which happens also to be the headquarters of the NORAD (radar network for UFO detection) and Air Force Space Command:

Solar System operations were directed from the Kings Peak underground base in Utah, where most personnel and infrastructure were moved to from Area 51 and S4 when these two locations became too widely known.

In 2012, the Light forces closed down Solar Warden and since then the Cabal is grounded on the surface of the planet and now heavily relies on the Chimera's (empty) promises that they will save them off planet from the mass arrests. They now feel stranded and are starting to get worried:

Since early last year, the Light forces are dealing with the Chimera directly. Since late January this year, as the physical strangelet and toplet bombs have been cleared, they have started operations to clear this Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness. This operation is codenamed MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System). This operation is still ongoing. Important breakthroughs have happened in the last few days. After the successful completion of MOSS and around the time of the Event, Disclosure and First Contact will happen and this will be the end of the quarantine status for planet Earth.

20084524? ago

Is this why the SHuennan resonance spiked at 74(11)? Number of Insight and Rebellion.

20084687? ago

not sure why you misspelled Schumman resonance

it really varies recently



also since you are using just 1 arbitrary number how do you explain all those spikes and so on

20090918? ago

Because they are a shill and this is a slide thread.

20095732? ago

typical projection from a shill accusing someone of shilling

20087038? ago

I'm curious about todays spike, which was the highest on record.

Not sure why it matters when you fucking understood what I wrote to begin with.

20087155? ago

highest on record? oh

what about that one among many others

20084490? ago

I was wondering why the Event Chronicle went offline. Is Cobra for real?

20085042? ago


20084700? ago

research yourself anon

20090685? ago

You’re a faggot. Sliding the fuck out of this board.

20095741? ago

faggots are writing on some threads and not showing respect to other goats

i talked with you enough in this thread shill

why you are so persistent

20095936? ago

This is the first response you made to me. Clearly you don’t understand how this board works. You must be a new hire.

20096547? ago

right? i wanted to ask for sauce but now, fuck it