19998039? ago

March of 2016 is when Rogers shut down the FISA database access and Team Zero started scrambling for cover. I wish Tom Clancy was alive to write this whole thing up. It's a page turner.

19996962? ago

He said it on Hannity. This was know to happen and discussed last week. Mifsud, or Misfud as he is often called, sure has a nice story to tell.

19996025? ago

My guess is that there were multiple intelligence operations going on at the same time, and Team Trump was being besieged from all directions. One operation discovers “Russian collusion”, when really it was some other operation.

19995487? ago




19995004? ago


Not everyone on the right follows Q. Just saying. I actually do.

19993486? ago

So someone inside the Durham investigation is leaking?

19992816? ago


19992733? ago

Oh my.

19992662? ago

So So So? Weinstein got arrested. Manafort and Flynn got arrested. lots of CEOs and Pols have resigned. All of NXVIM got arrested. Tony Podesa has disappeared from the earth. Einstein got arrested. ................... Got anythinig useful in the political arrest arena??? All the Clintons are at large. Obama and his Husband just banked 60M on a book deal. Some State Dept low life from HRC era pled guility. Otherwise............dogshit. No major arrests since 10 2017. .... No doubt when we get close to the 2020 election "Oh we cant make arrests now. Its too close to the election."

19995683? ago

What about a slush fund accounts in Vatican Bank in Rome? Allegedly, most of funds transferred into them by from Treasury Dept...

19996435? ago

Again, I don't know. I just want some fuckers arrested. We have been watching this shit since Lois Learner IRS and No Fucking Arrests. There IS and interested tidbit floating around that Pedo Bill Clinton was arrested in Greenland or some S place on 7 26 2019 and is being held by the military.....................On story is that if he didn't talk they were going to make him live in a cell with Hillary.

19993903? ago

Once 50m Americans are calling for arrests with the same passion with which you are, then the arrests will not trigger riots and accusations of political meddling by Trump.

20001789? ago


20001141? ago

↑This poster gets it. Thank you!

19993050? ago

Which do you think should have happened first, the arrests of NXVIM or the Epstein arrests?

19992980? ago

U speak truth

19992736? ago

Rumors Bill Clinton is in custody.

19992784? ago


19997363? ago

Hillary handcuffed him to the bed. Level Red5 torture.

19992883? ago

Bill Clinton arrest comes from this threadreader: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1155892472402403329.html

Plausible, I guess we'll find out soon enough. I've noticed that Bill hasn't tweeted since his grandson's birth.

19992350? ago

This is the biggest criminal conspiracy within our government since its founding. The tentacles of corruption are so intertwined that new pieces are put together weekly. It's a major process. I do believe we will see arrests. Though it doesn't happen fast enough, there will be arrests, prosecutions and convictions. Former government Anon, here. Even the most common sense things take a long time to make it through the whole process. In essence, this is a RICO case t anspiring within the government(s), potentially bringing many layers of government and countries' around the globe - making this one of the most complex cases to bring to justice. To those on these boards who say simply, Arrests or STFU!, you need to chill. I get your frustration. The criminal elements will be brought to light.

20001813? ago

What he said................

19996649? ago

The answer to this problem for the future is to not have so many layers of government.

19995475? ago

"Everyone's home for the summer so let's not do nothin' illegal." Symbolism will be there downfall. The shitty music wasn't for us.

19995156? ago

GITMO - "We have plenty of Space". :)

19993300? ago

What about:

1. Arrests

2. I'll just whine a lot

19993455? ago

Timing is everything you halfwit. Patience is a true virtue.

19997192? ago

Yeah and there a countless crimes that should have been exposed and brought to light years ago to have maximum effect. The timing on those has all expired.

19998711? ago

Hussein. Remove the keystone and their arch of satanic lies collapses.

19992987? ago

Yes, a close second is the titanic.

19993691? ago

And 911

19997119? ago

And Roswell

20000108? ago

And Oklahoma City

19992973? ago

It's truly a house of cards though. It's the only way evil can operate on their lies. Q team has numerous plans of attack to this, when the cabal has only one. Everything was built on "our guy being put here, our guy covering for so and so, Hillary must win for X to happen" and it all went to shit.

19992962? ago

Why doesn’t it happen faster? How long have they had this fucking tape? Logically thinking, couldn’t this have dropped months/years ago and saved everyone all of this bullshit over the last two Years? And amazingly they still haven’t fu king released it? We shouldn’t even be having to read this from Solomon, this shit should’ve been released the moment it was found. All this info and they r sitting on it? Wtf?

19994221? ago

reread the first comment.

19992827? ago

Exactly This^

19994322? ago

The roller coaster ride never stops. After I got disappointed by the aconey news, I got excited about this, only to be disappointed that Ratcliffe withdrew from the intel chief position today. Also the news about 50k illegals getting registered as voters is extremely frustrating. All these near daily “damning evidence just uncovered” revelations will mean nothing if we get voted out of our own country by illegals or if nothing is done with the evidence. I know I know, timing is critical, but this whole thing is a giant fucking nail biter all the way so far.

20006441? ago

Illegals getting registered as voters? Why thank you for telling me where to send ICE ;)

19997357? ago

It most definitely IS, a giant fucking nail biter!

19992165? ago

The gateway pundit is kind of suspect.

20001799? ago

Agreed, along with true pundit

19992760? ago

Solomon is solid, trust him.

19993259? ago


19992680? ago

John Solomon works for The Hill not The Gateway Pundit. Most likely, this is a reproduced story. Check out The Hill to see if Solomon's story is there.

19992650? ago

Suspect of what?

19992799? ago

Of being effective.

19992904? ago

Ask Dan Rather..... I bet he'd rather not answer. ;) LOL

19992520? ago

Not at all. They simply are ahead of other "news outlets" on stories.

19995529? ago

And gross, disgusting ads.

19992514? ago

They typically provide good links

19992075? ago

That audio needs to be released.

19992205? ago

We need to make meme songs with samples of the audio, and drive the left crazy with the audio clips.

I want to see one with the dancing Trump meme video playing song clips of Mifsud spilling the beans.

19992035? ago

March 2016

That date keeps moving further and further back....

Was it just trumps crowds that scared them or did they KNOW they were f'ed...

19993642? ago

When did my favorite President offer a donation to charity for Obama's birth certificate? That's probably how far back it goes.

20001043? ago

I was cheering our fav President, Arpaio, and the Posse on at the time of the questionable birth certificate. No way anything about that imposter was legit.

19993283? ago

I would have to assume they did the same for all candidates

19992652? ago

IMHO; (((they)))knew damn good and well that the polls were total BS. (((They))) knew the truth and knew there was a good chance that they were screwed and needed a back-up plan. The insurance plan as such.

19992268? ago

Disinfo. Part of the strategy is what I think.

The cabal is off their game you can see it happening right now. Epstein is just the tip. Geffen and his "emergency meeting". Stuff is happening right now!

19992988? ago

Leo sure has come a long way from Critters 3.

19991836? ago

Tick Tock Mother Pluckers ! ! !

August will be a BOOMING month of continuous truths that will

Cause further darkness to be extinguished. From darkness to Light


19992789? ago

Bongino has been on Mifsud for nearly a year. Did anyone hear Limbaugh yesterday?

Paraphrased This cannot go on much longer without people being charged & arrested.

That came across as an "Arrests of GTFO" to me.

19992909? ago

Did u happen to catch any 23and me ads when listening?

19993730? ago

Emailed Dan when he first started running 23 and me ads...tried to tell him to do some homework and told him about the sauce anons found. Sad to say, he is still running them.

19995796? ago

I emailed him as well.

20000094? ago

Oh nice, patriot. Glad to know I wasn't the only one.

19993876? ago

So he knows who they r but yet still takes their money? What’s the definition of “to sell out”?

19993111? ago

Yeah, they have a special right now.

19992854? ago

Or it could be taken as, "This giant pimple has got to pop pretty soon!"

Something's gotta give.

19992758? ago

Tick Tock

Please stop! Hannity played that out. Just stop...

19998584? ago

Ticki Tocki

19998045? ago

Perhaps he's referring to "Tik Tok". The app.

19997016? ago

[tick tock.....

tick tock ....

tick tock.....](https://invidio.us/watch?v=D7jVqok1bqw)