19958421? ago

Who's to say he won't?

19958355? ago

Why doesn't Q arrest Hillary Clinton?!?

19960417? ago

Why doesn't Q send me popcorn?

19958333? ago

Because you are a nigger.

19958150? ago

Probably because one has nothing to do with the other.

19958215? ago

Ya sorry, not buying it.

19958109? ago

Patience man. Christ, there are multiple fronts and lines in this battle.

19958079? ago

Trust the fucking plan whatever that is. Q got your back... when you drop the soap in a Federal Penitentiary shower room.

19958013? ago

No reason to.

We know what 's going on.

19957951? ago

Why would he?

19957958? ago

Q officially endorsed QRV. It's Q's forums.

19957969? ago

Yeah and? We expect attacks, why would Q address them?

19958010? ago

Q is not talking about the thread that attacked the website and the woman it was about Nicole Junkermann.

19958305? ago

Well, can't speak for Q but if I was ever thinking about catching up I never told the folks I was chasing.

Jes sayin'.