20849482? ago

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20849509? ago


20278714? ago

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19938229? ago

Another MA goat? Pinch me I must be dreaming.

19938516? ago

Yeah, the Cape Cod variety...the worst kind.

19939465? ago

I haven't been to the cape in years but it can't be much worse than Boston

19939699? ago

Parts of the Cape still OK, but other parts have issues with young white heroin addicts, black gangsta punks who sell it to them, etc.

When I was a little kid in the 70s we had two "black kids" in the whole school, and they were Cape Verdean blacks...usually a better sort than your typical "African" black. They were also hugely outnumbered, so they had no choice but to assimilate into white culture. One grew up to be a decorated cop, the other a sports writer for a major newspaper.

I go by a bus stop these days, and at a lot of them the white kids are outnumbered by black and brown. I don't know where they came from, but the demographics have changed dramatically over the years.

19939869? ago

It's terrible, we're definitely losing ground, I just hope people are waking up in the process. I remember as a kid it was great to live in central mass but nowadays it's getting overwhelmed by goblinos and muzzies. I wouldn't want to raise a kid where I once grew up. Boston is just full of angry niggers nowadays

19940427? ago

Ya know what's scary? The thought of the grid going down for any real length of time (terrorist attack, EMP, etc), and how fast the cities would turn into savage war-zones. The food would run out within days, and you'd have a full-blown apocalypse of black and brown hordes pillaging for what's left, like post-Katrina times 100. They'd be the only ones with guns beside the police (assuming they stick around) and they would take what they wanted...including pretty white women.

19943028? ago

Exactly why I moved away from the city, still looking to get further, but 40 miles is a good start. I was so paranoid of a SHTF situation when I was living within city limits. In an instant I would have been trapped, all highways bottleneck and become useless. Not just Boston, literally all cities are death traps now that you have so much 'diversity'. Cops would take areas for themselves and let us deal with the bulk. They would be the only immediate hope for the white city dwellers, which is very scary to think of.

People are waking up around here though, saw another guy lecturing a muslim in target the other day

19943142? ago

It would make one hell of a horror movie if you could actually portray how it would go down. Hollywood would never show the racial aspect, but there's no doubt that the inner-city blacks would be the first to go on a rampage of looting and raping while the cops stayed hunkered down safe somewhere. People starving, dying of thirst, locked in their dark apartments while the animals roamed the streets...scary scenario.

19943159? ago

Exactly, makes me think of the movie 'The Purge' except replace everyone out on the street with pavement apes.

19937994? ago

Disney drew some fire in the past few days.

19937831? ago

Anyone know who the guy is in the pic with JPII and Slick Willy? I'm dying to know, because he really looks like a former PA state rep...Thanks in advance...

19937679? ago

Before the attack yesterday, I could not upvote for weeks. Today, magically I can upvote again.

19937522? ago

That was Pope Pius II with Hitler. He knew Hitler was trying to save Western European Culture and Religion from these (((Cultural Marxist))). Don't equate Hitler and Pius with (((them))). WTF

19937591? ago

Agreed, just showing there has was a connection between the Nazis and the Vatican, which corresponds to the stuff that was attacked yesterday.

19937487? ago

Great post anon. The bigger problem for the bad guys isn't the news breaking, it's the little people discussing it and researching further. VOAT having a time out is one thing. Just wait for the day when "breaking news" shuts the whole net down. I'm told that has been predicted.

19937572? ago

I think the masses will flip out if and when they ever "shut down the internet".

BOTH sides of the political spectrum would rebel against that...I don't think they'd dare.

19937712? ago

Ha! I can appreciate that brother. When the flipping out becomes inevitable, TPTB will prefer their version of events to be the catalyst.

Shaping the cover story has never been their weakness.

When there's nothing left to lose, they'll dare it all. IMHO.

19934927? ago

Before the voat blackout I read a post from v/army saying the Marines arrested recently were part of a plot to smuggle in an ISIS sniper to assassinate the president. Anyone have any info? I tried to find it again and haven't yet.

19935151? ago

I hadn't heard that, but something was up...they made quite a production of busting the Marines, pulling them out of formation and arresting them in front of their entire unit. Sounds like they wanted to make an example out of them.

19936989? ago

Yeah! Hope to find it. It had been on front page.

19933638? ago

I pissed Owen Benjamin off.

19932989? ago

All of what you have posted is sooo true. And, you can bet they have all of our names. But, Patriots Unite. WWG1WGA. God Bless each of you Patriots and May He protect you and give you peace.

19932603? ago

"Corn is ready for harvesting" per Q. Trump has put the 410 away and now using the 12 gauge... indicative that a full offensive now happening. Declass happening on piecemeal basis. Dems getting more vicious by the hour. Seems like a lot military ops going on in D.C. and power outages in major cities. Fox News going to full Dark Side with phony polls about impeachment. No quarter for the enemy. The DNC leadership is totally corrupt---in survival mode. Who will replace Nadler the nidler when he can't take the pressure anymore? (Already showing signs of health problems). God Bless Trump and may this evil cabal be confounded at every turn for their wickedness.

19932353? ago

I still can't believe they haven't released a cause of death for tony rodham. That is just so suspicious. How can people just ignore that?

19934729? ago

You know what? I follow this stuff like you guys do. Yet, I did not hear about his death. Imagine the sheep. They have ZERO clue.

19932058? ago

This makes no sense: DDOS Attack = Streisand Effect.

19942938? ago

The software? Christine sister of Ghislaine Maxwell Roger Malina Frank Malina Jack Parsons L. Ron Hubbard Crowley cult. A young NYC actress dead? Isabella Grasso?

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999– ) SVU investigates whether a wealthy and powerful defense contractor forced an underage French girl to give him an inappropriate massage, and whether he used his ex-girlfriend to arrange the encounter.

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357932 Vatican and Junkermann? Epstein's blue striped markings are symbolic of an age-old lucifarian transgenerational elite cult whose goal is to eradicate Christ - The House of Lusignan

19933110? ago

Right. You don't attack a specific page just because you don't like that page. You attack the server by whatever means causes the most server load. Also you want to make it hard to distinguish from human traffic. If you're just reloading the same page then that is easily identified as botnet traffic and you can block those IPs.

This is all so retarded. Voat is playing a little game.

19931997? ago

so drop the fucking bombs already! we've been flying in circles for years now. drop the fucking bombs!

19931521? ago

The settings in LOIC, likely the DDoS tool used, make it absolutely crystal clear that your target will know where you were aiming.

I know y'all are hyped up but there is a strong possibility that this is a red herring.

Investigate the OP from the targetted post.

19932212? ago

exactly this is all bullshit.

19931588? ago

so sbbh you must be very proud of yourself @andrew_jackson ban hammerings @Hockey_Sweater @thelma ? @DieselBustersYes @DOVahKiiN7

19931613? ago


19931332? ago

I missed VOAT yesterday. A lot.

19931535? ago

media slowly covering it with their own spin https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/1153995605468950528

19931061? ago

19933132? ago

And this guy from Rome, killed by 2 San Francisco teens.

Rega, a member of the storied Carabinieri paramilitary corps, was stabbed eight times, allegedly by one of the teens, leaving him bleeding on a street close to the teens' upscale hotel near Rome's Tiber River.

From this article:


19933649? ago

This may be reaching, I know. Here it is any way. Pelosi's "weaving" statement during the press conference after her AOC meeting.

At 7:20 https://youtu.be/YxJpW8FCXNo

From an Anon.

[–] 19917569? [S] 1 point (+1|-0) 1.7 days ago

‘wanted’ (2008) angelina jolie

there’s a weaver who calls the hits, the protagonist is an assasin among rag tag crew of the weavers wet workers. entertaining mindless action film with characters throwing curving bullets and

And AOC's dog post, (which in and of itself is completely normal).


And then this picture from the scene with a similar dog. Coincidence, I'm sure. There are thousands of dogs like this. I just happened to notice and think the posts/pics with dogs are somehow a part of their comms, as in, "I'm you dog", "here's your dog", and being someone who is willing to take orders, or do whatever they're told.


Not sure how the dog references tie in, but they have been noted. If anyone knows, what dog means in their comms, please post.

19935733? ago

perhaps a little too simple, but "think mirror" == god?

19930982? ago

Heck yeah! Over the target... this movement is a pack of bloodhounds

19930783? ago


We can never forget we need to burn down the Vatican and oven all Catholics on maximum


19932110? ago

That comment is as stupid as blaming all Democrats for Pelosi and Schumer.

19931601? ago

and whats with the Masonic and Arab Jew symbols, seems Britbongs, East Euro fags are also deep in this shit. Not one group but multiple clown faces

19931042? ago

Oven all Catholics? That would be half my family. They know nothing of this evil connected to the Vatican.

19931447? ago

Well, they need to pitchfork their pedophile priest and bishops

19940650? ago

Catholics need to told Jesus is no longer on the cross and Mary can't save you.

Beware of idols - symbolism is everything.

19932200? ago

That's reasonable.

19930510? ago

It's like the movie Conspiracy Theory!!!

20278733? ago

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19930381? ago


19930218? ago

archive everything you can offline, especially big redpill graphics/pictures. I think the time will come that they'll shut down the internet and we'll be forced to go IRL. I'm planning on getting something that can roll glue and sticking pics of shit to poles and buildings.

19932380? ago

I wish someone would explain to us non-tech, having nothing more than c/p abilities on the devices, HOW TO ARCHIVE OFFLINE. I keep seeing this, but I have no clue how to do it....

19932502? ago

save everything to your HDD you feel is important and thumb drives etc. Google Drive et. al. is just garbage that can be wiped in an instant, print it off it you're paranoid.

19933597? ago

Ah, thumb drives! That makes sense. I have one of those.... I need to get more.

19935717? ago

once one's filled up, put it in a "faraday cage" (which could be as simple as an ammo box)

19939733? ago

Good advice.

19932286? ago

Q will never allow the internet to shut down, even for a day. The effect on the economy would be catastrophic. Chaos would result.

19932527? ago

don't be complacent or stupid, did you not see that VOAT got attacked/taken down in the last 24 hours? THAT is the net being taken down, save everything. It's only going to get worse and don't assume that Q will save you from the internet going down, we're at war mate.

19940484? ago

It isn't down anymore.

Moves + counter moves

Everyone stay calm.

19931164? ago

I am building a HUGE fucking flow chart on my newly painted white walls, a string spider's web with photos of the white and black hats, and ALL the Q posts in order with pictures.

My housemates want to murder me ATM... :)

19930364? ago

Start doing that now. Why wait?

19930292? ago

I think if/when they shut down the internet, all bets will be off anyway...Americans will NOT stand for it. That will be a certain sign that we've turned into China, and both sides of the political spectrum would rise against it.

19940458? ago

Patriots are in control.

Hold the line. 🇺🇸 The pain won't last long - for US

19931719? ago

and guns guns guns

19932021? ago

it's about fucking time!

19930165? ago

Trump also called out Cummings and their corruption in Baltimore. The media is going nuts about this calling Trumps tweet racist. The spot light is on Cummings and his gang of thieves and it’s obvious Trump is over the target on many fronts at the same time. D5

19932681? ago

Cummings is in Italy right now. After what we found from the red cross and Vatican connection... maybe potus was calling him out not only for the city troubles but something else?

19931801? ago

Bernie Sanders also called out the corruption in Baltimore, and MSM praised him for it.

19930610? ago

If he called Cummings out, that probably means that all the dirt has been gathered and his ass is grass. He should probably shut his damn trap and hide somewhere cuz the sheriff is coming for him. kek He should be real skeeeeered.

19931672? ago

This. Any time he reaches the point where he’s directly calling you out, the info has already been gathered and you’re on borrowed time.

19930400? ago

Trump's modus operandi for sure.

19930279? ago

Yup...play dat ol' race card anytime yo can! You can be the biggest, fuck-up loser piece of shit, and when someone points it out, you just call them a racist.

Shuts 'em up every time...unless you've got brass balls like Mr. Trump.

19931929? ago

That face when everyone who calls you a racist turn out to be pedos.


19933287? ago

With your consent, I'd like to use your idea for a meme. I switched up the wording a bit, but want to give credit where it's due...just too funny to pass up.


19933373? ago

Nice! Spread it far and wide!

19933668? ago

Thank you! If you ever want to do your own memes, great site is https://imgflip.com/memegenerator.

Real easy, no registration bullshit and simple as shit, just upload pic and type in the text.

Better living through meme-istry!

Thanks again!

20277570? ago

Holy shit...are you the guy who gave me the idea for that?

20286920? ago

Team work!

19930149? ago

EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections | pizzagate




19930246? ago

I know this is huge, but do me a favor...wrap it all up in layman's terms. I see the names, etc, but how does it all fit together in 50 words or less.

Not asking in a wise-ass manner, just want a better grasp on it.

19937874? ago

Epstein is linked to Junkermann who's family has deep ties to both the Vatican and the Red Cross. It's alleged that they all co-conspire in child & human trafficking and sacrifice - the OP also points out the thousands of human bones unearthed at the Vatican last week.

19930339? ago

Then watch the video

19930073? ago

It seems pointless to take out Voat for a day, unless there is a very specific item you don't want to get any traction.

I agree the Epstein arrest is huge. He's definitely one of the anointed elite, and he's definitely a huge pedophile. He is an example to the normies of what we've been talking about for over a year.

19930959? ago

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19930733? ago

Wrong. It was a distraction. Now faggots will be circling back to that thread forever, whether they're on the right track or not.

19934200? ago

Do you know for a fact why the attack was done?

Because I don't.

19930355? ago

I've told tons and tons of normies about Epstein for years now. Since we learned about it... Pizzagate I guess? People barely react.

I thought since he's arrested now people would pay attention. Not really. They're all focused on whatever anti Trump talking point they've been programmed with though.

Normies are so slow.... We need to figure out a faster way to snap them out of the spell.

19934321? ago

Normies are so slow.... We need to figure out a faster way to snap them out of the spell.

I think Q is doing a good job, although we all wish everything would move faster. But it is difficult. Remember when Dr. Phil's Satanic Ritual Abuse episode was going to air, there was a brutal terror attack in London, pre-empting the episode and it was never aired. I'm sure (they) have a fleet of video 'experts' standing by to call any video evidence a fake, to give the news media an angle to call it debunked.

19935405? ago

was that 7/7/7?

19930520? ago

No we learned about it when he was originally arrested in like 2008, you learned about it when some wack-job conspiracy theory piggybacked on it.

19930767? ago

What conspiracy theory about Epstein has proven to be false?

19935271? ago

The one that I never brought up. Pizzagate on the other hand, that is some wack-job shit.

19932027? ago

He doesn't really like little boys best, as was earlier reported. It turns out he likes little girls just as much, as long as both are under twelve.

19930223? ago

it hit when Nicole Junkermann and Epstein Vatican links were surfacing.

19930160? ago

I’m sure the goal was not to take Voat down for the day. The goal was to take it down period. Fortunately, it seems there are great administrators fighting those attacks and keeping Voat up. Thank you!

19934399? ago

I’m sure the goal was not to take Voat down for the day. The goal was to take it down period.

DDOS attacks cannot do this, though. Even if you wipe the servers, everything can be brought in from backups.

19934492? ago


19930110? ago

As far as taking it out for one day, don't be surprised if it goes down again. I don't know jack-shit about cyber attacks, but I'm guessing it's two opposing teams of geeks trying to outsmart one another. We seem to have regained our territory, but for how long I wonder.

19930097? ago

Exactly, the average normie never even heard of NXIVM, or if they did they didn't give a shit.

EVERYONE is watching this one.

19935392? ago

to be fair, most of my normie friends and family knew who allison mack was