19861908? ago

"Most of you will not like this truth and will scream Shill-Shill-Shill Joo-Joo-JooNigger-Nigger-NiggerFaggot-Faggot-Faggot Traitor-Traitor-Traitor" ... what sauce have you provided. What facts have you presented? You tell us that we are "Q-tards" and that we are stupid for following Q ... but instead ... should follow an anonymous retard who posts in a forum they disagree with? A retard that provides nothing but thought and opinion? Who the fuck are you?

These people are stupid.

19854927? ago

I don't expect justice in this physical world. That happens when they meet their creator. It is not for humans to torture these people, or do to them what they've done to us. We will hang them for their crimes and God can take it from there.

I DO expect the cycle of hurting on this planet to end.

Unless you think Epstein is going to get away again like before, we won't proceed to arrest everyone else connected to him, and things will carry on as before even after all the awakening... but that just doesn't seem to be where this is going.

19854971? ago

Do not be fooled by appearances. If you honestly believe he is going to a prison. You are still asleep. Manafort nor Cohen are going to prison either. They are in a cushy underground motel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLy6AXjwQK8YouTube

They are paraded around in all the sway for the public's entertainment. The true Rulers the Overlords, the Satan, the Fallen Angels or Aliens and their offspring, the Elites in this material realm, make it appear as though it is something that it is not.

Should we be so quick to dismiss the voices of those who say they’ve been beyond the veil? Is it possible that what we dismiss as their mad ravings may, in fact, be… the wisdom of prophets?

19855012? ago

I'm not responding to you just copy-pasta-ing your previous comments. Have a discussion with us or not, but that's just retarded.

19855027? ago

The same answer applies. Why type it all over again? That is retarded.

19863029? ago

I think you are here just to promote the company in that video you linked. I mean, how many times did you put that link for their video on just this one page?? Are you trying to send business their way?

19855064? ago

Well have fun copying and pasting. See how convincing anyone finds you.

19855099? ago

It isn't my goal to convince you of anything. It is up to you to be able to SEE through the veil of deception pulled over your eyes.

19855257? ago

Ya, I gotcha chief.

19854838? ago

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19854821? ago

If you believe you are that body, then you are still asleep. You are not that body. The Real you is inside that body peering out. You are a Spiritual being from the Spiritual realm who has either been sent or has chosen to come into this Material realm to be tested and tried and take back this experience of knowledge for YOUR own growth. Your body is a vessel, a avatar, a tool for you to use whilst in this realm.

This is the only truth in your thread so I'll give partial credit.

19854946? ago

Should we be so quick to dismiss the voices of those who say they’ve been beyond the veil? Is it possible that what we dismiss as their mad ravings may, in fact, be… the wisdom of prophets?

19854574? ago

whoops, shill. this would have worked better before arrests and raids had already begun. Damn, you people are stupid.

19854673? ago

You wanna compare brilliance? Just for the record, this is a very bad idea. Most people live in fear of what they do not understand.

What arrests? The small fry to make it all look good?

Obama, Cilnton, Podesta, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stzrok, Page, Yates, Ohr, Lynch, Baker and Steele are all free birds doing their thing.

It is obvious you didn't research Political Theater and Controlled Opposition and this post is way over your head.

Calling everyone a shill isn't working anymore. Just another term being used to shut down the obvious that the Powers that be will never be held accountable.

What is the deal? Is it just me, or are a predominantly large amount of people in general going off the deep end?

19854735? ago

Yeah, Epstein is no small fry having been connected to literally everyone we're going after. Take a gander at the covert ops over DC today. I have known the ways of controlled opposition for years, pal and one thing you should always do when running such an operation is give the public every opportunity to know about and sympathise with your op. I'm game to compare brilliance.

19854925? ago

Do not be fooled by appearances. If you honestly believe he is going to a prison. You are still asleep. Manafort nor Cohen are going to prison either. They are in a cushy underground motel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLy6AXjwQK8

They are paraded around in all the sway for the public's entertainment. The true Rulers the Overlords, the Satan, the Fallen Angels or Aliens and their offspring, the Elites in this material realm, make it appear as though it is something that it is not.

19857316? ago

Epstein is going to prison. Fo Sho, dude. Very bold of you to claim he isn't on an anonymous forum. too bad we can't chat later.

19857533? ago

Nope. He is going to. a cushy underground motel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLy6AXjwQK8

Political Theater and Controlled Opposition

The Rulers have you people all screwed up. The Sawtawn rules this realm and all the Elites worship him. All in a position of power worship the Sawtan or they don't get that power, prestige and privilege.

Observe please:

8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Sawtawn the Devil is god of this realm. He offers the Elites their power, prestige and privilege.

You have no idea where you really are. Hence the veil is yet lifted from thine eyes.

19858620? ago

No, i have every idea where i am and what you don't understand is that mankind owns the deed to earth and we give it to whom we will. We consented to Satan's control but since the day Jesus Christ rose from the grave, we have always had the power to take it back. Now we will, thank you. Enjoy the show.

19854357? ago

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19854321? ago

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19853870? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sYOiOl_siTA :

(FEATURE): BEWARE...SATAN IS god of THIS WORLD | End Times Productions - YouTube

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19853851? ago

What do we do?