19863444? ago

I am sick of the muh "99% of rank and file are good people..." garbage we hear all the time. If 99% are good, they out number the corrupt pieces of shit and would take action because they truley are "good people" right?

19863493? ago

I agree. If they know and do nothing they are complicit and just As guilty.

19863087? ago

Aka: Boomers.

19861738? ago

In some places all of the Top Police, Judges and Beaurocrats are all members of the same lodge....

19861059? ago

THIS is by design.

19859382? ago

Pretty much, this. But you fuckers are still trusting in some LARP to save the day.

19857755? ago

No shit. Who here hasn't figured that out?

19856969? ago

I got assaulted recently, I talked to the officer, and he basically said the system is fucked.

Because I didn't get seriously hurt when being attacked out of the blue, at work, and with a weapon (not a gun), they'll do nothing except basically put a stronger form of a restraining order on them.

Yay a piece of paper to protect me from a drug addict schizophrenic.

What the fuck is the point of a police force when they cant keep people who literally fit the description "violently criminally insane" off the streets.

19857466? ago

Let's not give the state responsability over justice. They are incapable of doing any work. Take justice in your own hands. Nature's law.

19857868? ago

Judges seem to be the biggest problem, not juries, which says a lot considering how cucked people's minds are from MSM propaganda.

19864052? ago

I want to believe you about juries. Observing reality prevents that.

19857050? ago

I was stabbed. He got 22 years. He was out in 3. Justice is an illusion.

19856275? ago

WAS shielded>>> NO MORE

19856106? ago


19855305? ago

More and more sex offending / pedophile cop cases coming out

19855172? ago

well, no shit.

19854895? ago

You know part of the corrupt globalist agenda is to destroy all religions and force only one religion onto the world. Their choice is satanism. That will foster in their depopulation agenda as well as the destruction of marriage and children to further create less world population. They are working on this agenda 365/24/7. They will continue tirelessly unless we as humans bring a halt to it. Unfortunately they have the funds and the power, but most of us have the masses. This is a war for our human existence.

19854550? ago

^^^ This ^^^

19854373? ago

I've noticed in any large organization the high you go the more politics plays a hand. If you can control the politics you can control the organization with only a few people knowing what's really going on.

19854336? ago

I was a cop in the military. I found two types enter law enforcement: white knights and bullies. After a year or two the white knights are beaten down. Too many times sneaking up on couples parked, making out, jades one! (E.g., Turns one into a Total ASS!) All that is left after is the bullies. I also understand they are pressured to become Masons, though it was not a push in the military at the time. My view of Masons is there has been a shift away from White Freemasons toward Prince Hall masons..

19855745? ago

Death to catholics

19861746? ago

Why do I have this feeling that when we eventually get to the bottom of this rotten Barrel we are going to find Jesuits....

19854313? ago


Everyone needs to read this post. Immediately

19854917? ago

You sure do like the sound of your own voice. Sorry, but you do not understand WWG1WGA and we are all in this together, whether you trust the plan — or not.

19855011? ago

Thoughts have no sound and neither do typed words.

If you're hearing voices I suggest seeing a doctor immediately.

19855633? ago

doctor? kek

19853956? ago

Same applies to Freemasonry. It is not an innocuous brotherhood for social and professional networking and comraderie.

It is presented as that in the beginning levels of superiority and I believe ninety percent of Freemasons who join the organization have great intentions. The higher the Freemason rises in the heirarchy the more deeply he is indictrinated into the real purposes of Freemasonry. Let me tell you-it's some evil shit. The lower level Masons aren't privy to the debauchery involved at the higher levels.

It started out as an innocent organization that morphed into Luciferianism over time. As time progresses the rituals are getting worse and worse.

19855620? ago

Please correct if I'm mistaken: I have read that there's a "Jesus test" -- a member is positioned in front of a statue of Jesus Christ. He is told, "you can kiss his feet, or spit on him."

Those who spit, are the ones who move on to the "higher levels" of this debauchery.

I was almost suckered in, a head injury saved me...

19876340? ago

I'm not sure but I would definitely not be surprised. They believe in a higher power and call it the Great Architect of the Universe and from what I understand, Jesus is not welcome there. There's an older ex Mason guy that reached the 33rd degree and left at some point afterward. He described a bunch of crazy rituals they do. Most of it is fucking retarded nonsense and driven by dark, demonic shit.

19853702? ago

The state is deeply captured.

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem but the power to abuse.

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

19853905? ago

FIFA Corruption, the Panama Papers, the Mossad, and Nicole Junkermann https://voat.co/v/QRV/3332510/19725038 Name one thing emitting from Europe that isn't corrupt?

19853940? ago


19854363? ago

by (((Them)))

19855841? ago

Power corrupts. Power will create evil to pursue it.

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem but the power to abuse.

19853616? ago

The numbers, I'm sure, would startle anyone. But, we must remember there are a great deal of them who believe "they are just doing their job", given only enough info to do that. Unaware they are doing the DS's work. Actually, many have no way to tell, they simply respond to their superior administrator. Many of these need to be protected. So, the question would be how to sort them out.

19854138? ago

Sort them out the same way we have been sorted out. Provide them, if you know one, a red pill and nurture til it grows. I bet there are many already aware (i.e. NYPD that have seen Weiner laptop)

19853335? ago

The good cops stop being cops.

19855740? ago

They were never good to begin with

Stop drinking the bullshit flavored kool aid conservatives spout about the lea

19852896? ago

OP is correct. This is Mark Passio 101 knowledge right here.

19853074? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3346499/19848742 I remember a video game for the PC which had a "Marduk" character.

19852966? ago

What is the temple religion on that Island?

19853781? ago

Satanic jews

19859003? ago

There are two sulfur-headed cockatoo statues flanking the dome (which blew off in a storm) of the temple. When you put the two statues together they look like an owl - Moloch.

What is Moloch worship: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Moloch-ancient-god

So, yeah, it's Satanic Jews

19853014? ago

What are you getting at?

19852797? ago

Don’t trust law enforcement ever. Black Lives Matter. Fry PIGS! ACAB

19854076? ago

Found he DinduNuffin. Strop breaking the laws, and you won't get shot. Stop trying to grab a cop's gun and you won't get killed... Comply with their commands and you won't have any problem 99.9992% of the time...

19855794? ago


You Christ cuck boomers are fully brainwashed eh?

19858068? ago

I'm a militant atheist, but its cute that you tried, moron.

19852855? ago

Some cops have been corrupted but the Dindoo sub thread goes here /v/BlackLivesMatter

19852773? ago

Aka catholics

19853333? ago

Jews, faggot.

19852957? ago

Did you see a lot of Arab and Jew Occult symbols in his church. Ritual Gone Fatally Wrong Puts Light on Masonic Secrecy ... They pray to Mahomet? sometimes using quotes including in "The Man Who Would Be King", by Rudyard Kipling, and War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy. A mix of cuttings from a Bible, Quran, Talmud, Vedas or other text, the initiation rituals at the Masonic lodge had been bathed the hush hush until they made a bang even the neighbors could hear, the Mason reached into his right pants pocket, pulled out the wrong gun and shot William James, a 47-year-old fellow Mason, in the face, killing him, in 1877 at the St. George Temple, Brigham Young related LDS temple worship to the story of Hiram Abiff and Solomon's Temple, pigpen cipher was used, a Rope, Guns, a Knife, a Baphomet Jabalon Goat, a guillotine and mechanical rat traps played a regular role in the secret Masonic ritual, people die but they try to bury it like the criminal roman catholic did.

19853977? ago


19852755? ago

ACAB. DONT TRUST PIGS! Black Lives Matter!

19854456? ago

Most black shooting deaths (>95%) are black on black, just for the record!

19854093? ago

Black lives don't matter a fucking INCH, as proven by the black community. All you racists care about is hating whitey, and use extremely rare events to push your racial agendas. ALL LIVES MATTER.

19852779? ago

Suck the cops cocks no matter what!

Police are always in the right!

19852474? ago

They have been studying and practicing for thousands of years while providing "panem et circenses" to the cattle. Just get your Rx filled, ready for some Football, or binge eat and watch party?

19854268? ago

A power cut in NYC...What is the conspiracy? https://files.catbox.moe/hr5tyf.jpg

19853043? ago

“Bread” and “circus”.

19852436? ago

Doubt is the greatest enemy of the 3rd dimension

19854480? ago

Hope, too.

Time to wear the Shield of Truth.

19856251? ago

Those who live on hope alone

Die starving