19831371? ago


They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


19826347? ago

They want us divided.

19820930? ago

Seriously tedious to scroll past the obvious baits on here. If someone posts "jew" ANYTHING in the title, it's a TLDR for me.

19820140? ago

Anything that says 'all jews' are this or that are presumptive at best and most often wrong. The personal psychological variations within groups are greater than the averaged psych variations between groups.

If someone just says 'jews' are this or that, they are generalizing which can be useful in an approximate way. Such imprecise speech risks false messaging and may done out of carelessness, ignorance or malice.

Simplifying the problems of the world with simplified views such as: America's all great, Jews are all bad, Catholics are all pagans, Africans are all whatever, etc. could be a reasonable place for some with limited info to start, but it doesn't take much research or logic to see that "all" (expressed or implied) should be "some", "many" or "most". Deeper analysis would include a proportion or percentage.

It's the ideology and activity of people that make them harmful not their genetics. Group association is often a factor in a person's relationship with the world, but it is not the only factor. Knowing one or two of a person's associations is never enough to assess them as an individual. Doing so akin to intersectional sjw identity politics.

I might sometimes say "(all) people in Florida are crazy". Any quality discussion that followed, even if for humor or drama, should allow that such a claim is absurd or at least holds more truth with further refinement or nuance.

Anyone here who thinks all Jews are essentially the same is wrong but not necessarily condemned. (Defending your position with belated special definitions is just cheap imprecise use of language).

Anyone here who says "all Jews" this or that, because you think it's your duty to divide so your master can conquer, are self-condemning.

19825225? ago

OP. Thank you, I couldn't agree more.

19819860? ago

Not going to happen, you are finished.

19819698? ago

Shame how many people dont know that generalisations about a whole race of people is rascism. Zionists are extremists and imo the problem same with isis et al.

19825385? ago

You can add Black Panthers & KKK to that list, it's all the same hateful tribalism. And I get it, I've been burned by people who look different than me, but the hatred I see towards Jews here is beyond what I can identify with.

19819865? ago

Shame how many people don't know that racism is a fake concept and a bullshit word designed to shame white people. lol

19819358? ago

When we say all to anything, we are usually wrong. I don’t like the anti anything. Yes share info and ideas but I’m never going to believe all of any group is good or bad. It’s annoying to have to wade through but I ignore it.

19819225? ago

Leader of Jewish state walks into Congress. Gets a standing ovation. What more proof do you need?

Ask who it is that you cannot criticize and you will know who rules over you.

19819166? ago

Torn...Not everyone should take the heat for some. BUT the bad is so bad it makes things difficult. We must remember though some are of the best in society.

19825257? ago

OP. Thanks for the reasonable post. I ask you, could this be said of every race?

19828134? ago

Jewish is not a race. It’s a religion with their own culture and ideology. There are extremist in every religion as I’m sure you know. There are those that control things at the top which believe they are the “elite” the “rulers” of everyone else, be it the Jews or Catholics. I haven’t yet figured out yet who is who. I’ve been told through the years that the Jews own everything and the Italians control it. Is that true? I dunno.

19819164? ago

nice shillbait post.

tracking IP's ?

19819109? ago

They are all paid by UNESCO NGO's

19819081? ago

Its the only thing they got. Low IQ inbred droolers.

19819072? ago

You can learn about what (((the tribe))) has been upnto here: /v/Jews

19818981? ago

If you can't see that the Jewish people, led by Zionist and Talmudist factions (let's call it the Jewish Deep State for a start) have a far reaching, global even, self serving agenda that is predominately anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-nuclear family to it's core then you are a fool, OP. Either willfully or through sheer ignorance. Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries in their existence. You need to shut your mouth and do your fucking research because trying to chide VOAT into being anti-jew is akin to pushing water up a hill.

19820449? ago

Jewish people are white and have nuclear families.

19820990? ago

then why are they so hell bent on destroying the white nuclear family unit of Americans though media and pornography Moshe?

19820983? ago

Jews are white only when it serves their agenda, rabbi. Push them far enough and they renounce any "whiteness" they claim to have.

19820536? ago

A lot of them do drink the koolaid, though.


19818969? ago

all of it. its all nazi anti-trump bullshit.. potus made it clear.. we stand with israel until otherwise noted.

The anti-jew speak is comming from mostly muslims and never trumpers. they out themselves as NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS..

its always the same 5 people. and then they each have two accounts. thats how much of a loser they are . Trump stands with our allies. and so do real trump supporters..

They muslims are pissy because iran is FUCKED. with israel on one side.. and now since the saudi royals were arrested saudi arabia is backing usa on the other side of iran .. so now the dessert has israel, saudi arabia, up into japan, north and south korea and then russia. all backing trump.. so the goat fuckers are trying to create problems. but their average iq is less than 90. LOW IQ. like potus says. also like he says, "dont like it? leave".

I cant wait to come face to face with one of them liberal queers. i shoot first in self defense invade my 3ft of personal space is a direct threat on my safety.. for the record i carry 2 .410 judge and 1911 10 mm . i wish a muthafucker would say some dumb shit and invade my space.. ohhh i wish a mutha fucker would

19819067? ago

I hope we invade so faggots like you get drafted and die horribly. Preferably dragged through the streets of Tehran. Kike shill

19819128? ago

i served my country and damn proud of it. i went in the service just out of highschool..

there is nothing more honarable than serving in the u.s. military! we were so good at killing muslims that your boy barrack had to defund the military because he was sad watching his fellow muzzys get turned to swiss cheese

19819168? ago

Lol. My boy Barry deserves a short rope from a tall tree. And as far as service goes, I did mine and only faggot POGs brag about what they did.

19819285? ago

nobody is bragging.. just telling it like it is. muslims got turned holey.. and it was fun .. next will be catching one of you neck beards buring old glory.

19823706? ago

What unit were you in? I served in Afganistan 08'. I bet you are some E-4 boot licking POG

19824826? ago

no you wernt. you never did. as us military supports trump and all his decisions.. you are a purple haired neck beard celler deweller living with mommy because you have ZERO skills to offer the world.

serving in the afghan army isnt service, you amd the rest of your goat fucking family are just walking targets for patriots to shoot

19833923? ago

Haha holy shit. That actually made me laugh out loud. Enjoy your Taco niggers. When the demographics bomb goes off, the US will look like Brazil. I'll see you in hell faggot

19835632? ago

jesus saves. i wont be going to hell...

19836675? ago

You think I mean actual hell? No. You get to witness what your plan trusting brings. 10 years and the boomers start dying by the millions. Then the country will be brown. We lost. Time to burn it all down

19837626? ago

bwwaaaa hahhahaha. you first kill yourself.. live stream it. all brown?.. cool great news for my kids

19843444? ago

Of course you're some kind of nigger.

19843523? ago

the kind you sister buys things for, and the kind your girl blows while you're with your antifa queers

19844372? ago

Man. You must get some wicked headaches with that level of cognitive dissonance. I can't be antifa anyways. I'm not a kike. NAZBOL all the way .

19844921? ago

lets talk about the arrests..

19846196? ago

What? Epstein?

19818990? ago

Check out this badass over here!

You won't do shit. Sit down, faggot pussy boomer.

19819101? ago

you have no idea how many bodies ive collected over the years...

i'll give you a story on 2. in one day.

so i own a couple of carlots in north east ohio. at the auctions the muslime fuck faces like to fuck with the cars before the auction and we caught then because one was one of my cars being ran through the auction in cranberry pa. so we go over to akbar because hes red lining the car while its parked to try and make the check engine light come on. so we walk up and yell WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? him and his boyfriedn invade the 3ft rule and start yelling in that buda buda buda speak. and from the pocket of my jacket i pull twice. the 10mm went through his skinny mal nurished goat fucking sister banging akbar dick riding chest and hits his boyfriend in the abdomin. ..2 for the price of 1. all on video. self defense. 2 dead muzzys. twas a great day. after the police report i got a ham sandwich and a coffee and continued on about my day at the auction. heres what you fuck faces dont understand..AMERICANS HATE YOU AND WE LOVE OUR GUNS.. all we need is ahalf a reason to use them. you neck beard liberals think this shit is a game.. americans dont play games. real trump supporting americans do not play games. we know the law, we have lawyers on retainer and again. 90% of us are strapped to the teeth .. not to mention the ones we took out in the sand.. infact ask any active duty or retired, WHAT KILLS DONT KEEP YOU UP AT NIGHT? they all will say KILLING MUSLIMS WAS JUST LIKE STEPPING ON A COCKROACH. MOST even enjoyed it..

i served with a guy who literally used to get a hard on after killig muslims .. then he paid some muzzy whore in the sand dunes to suck his load.. and then he continued his muzzy clearing.. ya'll muthafuckers have no idea what we are willing to do as soon as we get the green light to do it.. REMEMBER THESE WORDS. AMERICANS HATE YOU WITH A PASSION. your lives mean ZERO

19824291? ago

Lol you've never been near combat, pussy. At best, you were some chair force supply faggot

"Muh kombat killz" lol

19824721? ago

not my problem you were too stupid to pass your asvab... what did you score an 80?? dummy.. you = #stolenvalor

19824857? ago

Not sure how anything I said constitutes "stolen valor." Lol you can't even come up with any good comebacks.

Sit. Down. Pussy boomer.

19825174? ago

hahahhahahah "boomer".. typical UK queer speak .. .. bwwwaaaahahhaha. .

1).im 39 2) lemme ask you a question,.. how is telling someone they worked their entire lives, built a home, raised a family, lived the american dream, bought and paid for a home or 2, have more experience in life, are college educated, are close to retirment and can now live free from responsibility on a fat monthly check .. how is that an insult?. 😂😂 you millenials are fucking stupid.. "hey man, your rich and are debt free".. yup, smart insult. you fuckin dummy..


19827562? ago

Lol you talk like a faggot boomer. You aren't fooling anyone.

19828314? ago

translation ( "you talk like an adult").. yea dumbass, its called maturity. when you move out of mommies basment and actually learn a skill that contributes to society, perhaps you can be an adult one day.. Dont forget to cleaning up mommies basement and put your toys away. she'll be home early. Its saturday, we all know she works half a day at the local sperm clinic as cumdumbster. she charges a dollar .. but she has to pay 3 when she swallows. p.s. i made 3 bucks today and got my stress relieved, tell her i said thanks!!

19828670? ago

[boomer intensifies]

Enjoy the nursing home

19829747? ago

in about 50 years.. sure. i bet i might..

19819129? ago

That is the larpiest shit I've ever read. Great boomer fanfic bro.

19819148? ago

boomer?? hahhahah typical uk cuck speak. annd thats why the u.s. kicked your asses, made the queen bow to our president,. and that why your shit hole country is over rought with muslim rapists. ya'll pussies gave up your guns. and you liberals cunts dont even have the forearm muscle to squeeze a trigger. annnnd thats why america is the most powerful country on the globe. go back to your mud hut, your goat is in heat

19819181? ago

What are you even talking about? Did you just have a stroke?

19819303? ago

arnt your daddy and mommy boomers?.. do they know how much you hate them for raising such a useless lazy tranny porn loving queer?... keep to the uk your input is not needed and your opinons mean zero to americans.. dont you have a tidepod challange to finish?

19823524? ago

Not from the UK and not a millennial. Yes my parents are boomers and yes I blame them just as much for the state of things. You think 2 parties are the only way it is? If I'm not for Trump then I most be a socialist or some shit. Maybe I'm tired of seeing jobs leave and him talk about importing millions of H1Bs. Maybe I'm tired of more illegals crossing the border now than ever before (DHS estimates 3 million a year). Your precious Republican party only cares about the rich and the Jews which are 1 and the same. And now that millions of Mestizo detritus have flooded the south west expect the demographics to slide hard. No more precious conservativism for you. Just a globohomo hellstate. Enjoy the plan trusting ride faggot.

19824630? ago

trusting the plan got us where we are today.. and soon you're dumbass will be shot by police. hahhahaha you want socilism because you have ZERO skills to offer the work place.
WE THAT MADE OUR MONEY DONT OWE YOU SHIT. WANT A BETTER LIFE? BUILD IT. you're such a queer.. seriously kill yourself

19833938? ago

No I want beaners and niggers out. I want a white high trust ethnostate. I want Jews to fucking swing. And race traitors will die first. Fuck your milquetoast neoconservativism and shitty Zionist president.

19835620? ago

fuck you and die a horrible death

19836592? ago

Nah man. I'm going to live a really long time. And I already have 5 kids. I'm replacing you

19837632? ago

i got 7 all brown.

19846205? ago

With 9 different baby mommas.

19846834? ago

all white on welfare who vote democrat.....makin more republicans #infiltration

19843437? ago

Oh of course you're some kind of mud.

19818855? ago

Fuck the Jews and their lies

19819004? ago

awwww poor lil muzzy ... what wrong?? your goat is on her period? 😂 die muzzy die.. fuck iran and palestien isnt a recognized country on any map

19818814? ago

Bro if you have not figured out by now. This is what 1 of the cabal factions does (Rothschild etc) when shit is about to hit the fan for themselves they deflect all criticism to the entire race of jewish people in the hopes a shit storm starts that allows them to survive. This is what they have always done!!!

There are multiple factions that make up the cabal as we know it. Yes it does seem that one of these factions claims to be jewish and has for 700+ years. Does that mean all people with jewish DNA are a part of this cabal faction? Likely not. However me saying this is irrelevant because Mossad trolls are doing exactly as you stated and will anti jew shill. I for one am not pro or anti jewish but just so we are clear the Rothschild family will burn.

19825460? ago

Yeah man, let's fight the twisted fucks who destroy goodness, instead of fighting a skin color or nose-size. One is affective, the other leads to hell on Earth.

19818681? ago

I am sick of QRV with all this anti-Jew nonsense. The number one project for VoaT should be to add a feature where we can individually turn off the anti-Jew and racial-slur posts. No need to censor them, just let me have a button to turn them off from what I see.

19833946? ago

Fuck off back to Reddit you kike shill

19825728? ago

Yeah, like a switch under Settings, one to hide the Anti-Jew posts, one for Anti-Black posts, and another for general fagging.

19819048? ago

doesn't work in anon forum, dumbass

19818594? ago

There has been an enormous amount of those posts here since they arrested Epstein. I think they are, in part, an attempt to re-direct the conversation away from Epstein, and to discredit this movement. When the names start coming out, the MSM will bury them as much as possible. The big tech social networking sites and Google will ban it as much as they can. Therefore, some of the few places you will find information on the names that will be revealed will be the Chans, VOAT, and other such free speech platforms. They would like for the curious normies to see a bunch of anti-Jewish stuff when they go searching to make it seem like the move against Epstein's operation is just an anti-Semitic thing.

19825477? ago

Bingo. Fight it, speak out.

19818550? ago

Are you really that dumb to know who's infiltrating your little Pedo Research Club?

They are the Daily Stormer incels, the Identity Europa queers and Christian Identity, League of the South faggots. They're trying to use this group of already brainwashed culties to recruit you into their little "muh fragile white ego" club.

19825572? ago

"A lefty" huh? Oh please Lefty, open my eyes to the secrets of the universe! Look everyone, I found a unicorn!

19819077? ago

Oh your a lefty? Imagine my shock. Fuck off back to Chapo traphouse faggot

19818503? ago

Ok, I am real people. Basically we know that Q and other sources have alerted us that most of the evil perpetrated on the world has Jewish origins. I don't understand the HUGE backlash on here about the Jews being called out. Most people on here use the term "Jew". within the CONTEXT (big word, look it up) of today's Jews. In all honesty I think they are using the term common to all of us, without saying "zionist". So lets just all agree that most of the Jew bashing on here is against Zionist Jews, who are evil. Nuff said.....don't understand why we have to have a hard on about this. Get it? Now stop the shit when someone says the word 'jew' because modern day Jews ARE EVIL..

19820184? ago

We also know that there is stress and confusion around this issue. Why not prevent that by naming whatever subclass of Jews they mean up front?

19819871? ago

Except that rank and file jews have been killing gentiles for 2000 years.

19818636? ago

Except that this is rarely specified. It is always 'the Jews''. I think this radical Zionist sect is a small part of the Jewish population, but most of the JQ posts on here seem to condemn a person just for being Jewish. It doesn't really matter where a person came from. It matters what they have been doing. The individuals we are concerned with gave up practicing the religion of their origins long ago and are practicing Satanism.

19818350? ago

Did jew knows that something so big and dark, occult like, has been the drivine force(entity), behind control for quite sometime. Santa is no Saint and the gods of all cultures can be narrowed down to a single source. The farther you dig for the truth, the deeper the hole to bury you in.. Be vigilant, it's worse than any can quite imagine. The proticols have been put into place and at the right time the eyes(iris) shallbe opened,if יהוה. Set it in motion, arons ago. nothing can stop the will of. יהוה

19819039? ago

The (((protocols))) have been put in place... hmmm

19818100? ago

We all know. That’s the beauty. They ant win no matter how hard they shill.

19817786? ago

Enough with the dehumanizing fellow humans, it is a tool of satan. What can you justify once you deny a man or woman's humanity? See what they do by dehumanizing the unborn? Evil is as evil does, and it comes in all colors and creeds.

19825630? ago

I love it, speak up!

19819014? ago

I too am a fellow human. It seems like us fellow humans could use some more cultural diversity into our white countries. shaloms!

19818391? ago

Great! I posted the 1.4% of the population post, where did I deny the humanity of Jews?

19819467? ago

Hmm... I don't know. I did not accuse anyone of anything.....

19818198? ago

Enough with the dehumanizing fellow humans

You're addressing the jews with this, right?

19818252? ago

I am entreating all humans to recognize the humanity of each individual - unless a specific person is a pedophile... they gave up their humanity by denying others theirs.

19818522? ago

What about the little kids sitting in their own feces in cages?

19819479? ago

They should be let out and cleaned up. ? Weird question.

19820580? ago

Not really. Not here sadly.

19818993? ago

what cages? they fuck heads that came into the US illegally??? if so. fuck em..

19817613? ago

It's all shills, trolls and the nazis of voat. just gotta ignore it patriot. Today the deepstate got pwned by Q and they are here for revenge.

19817514? ago

I'm 'really' here, and now that my eyes have been opened to the JQ, I can't deny it. Something isn't right and it hasn't been for a LONG TIME!🤮

19817496? ago

I'm not a Qtard, but I agree with a lot of the same stuff and I browse all/new so I sometimes like to throw in my opinion in the comments. In my opinion, most of the posts here calling out Jews aren't from shills, but people that hate Q followers based on the belief they they are naive and being led astray by and entity that no one knows the source of, which in itself is enough to create some skepticism of the purpose behind Q.

Other posts are by troll community of Voat that don't really care either way about the Jew stuff, but just see it as a good way to trigger people.

There are definitely lots of government and NGO agencies on Voat, but it's not as simple as all anti-jew posts being from the CIA. Anyway, that's just what I think about it all.

19817968? ago

Good post up to the government agency stuff. Makes you sound like them.


19818765? ago

You really don't think there are feds on here? I think there are more NGO shills for various purposes, but I think they are all represented.

19817491? ago

Well that is wide brush there, I ignore people who say kill all the Jews, that is evil, a lot of jewish people are just stupid or do not know what kind of cult they are involved in.

It just so happens we are seeing evil revealed and a large percentage of the people being exposed are wealthy and powerful jews.

Now pointing out the evil of powerful jews is not antisemtic it is pro humanity and anti-evil.

19825109? ago

There are just as many Whites in the NWO as Jews.

19817453? ago

try out v/niggers if you do not like qrv

19817441? ago

Voat is pretty much a white supremecist site. Have you ever browsed outside of Q related subs?

19818423? ago

Lol, and the USA was 99% started by Whites, and then we freed the slaves and made them citizens.

And the USA is the best Nation on earth as bad as it is right now, and how full of evil. Does that make the USA a White Supremacist Nation?

gosh you are gay.

19818467? ago

No, I just said Voat is mostly inhabited by white supremecists. Just go browse v/all and read some commentary

19818660? ago

You will see a lot of that here because it is one of the few places where they can express themselves. They are banned from saying such stuff on most of the social networking sites, but they still exist.

19818832? ago

It has been reported that 50% of the KKK were actually FBI (Cabal) agents and assets.

How do we know who is posting on here? It would be a good way to incite division, wouldn't it?

It's the age of propaganda via social media, isn't it?

Makes Voat look like creeps.

19825303? ago


19818688? ago

I don’t disagree. The commitment to free speech is what keeps me here

19824921? ago

It's like they say. Free speech is hard. Sometimes I read stuff on here that just burns me up, but they do have the right to say it, and I do not have the right to not be offended. The danger is that they are training the kids these days to not accept this premise. They want to be 'protected' from what they find to be offensive.