19738632? ago

There is no other way to sugar coat this folks

Robert Maxwell = MOSSAD

Jeffrey Epstein + Ghislaine Maxwell = MOSSAD

19775469? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3322099/19622391 Because one guy didn't do it. This was a coordinated, well funded,and to them a religious necessity. They believe it increases their power.

19736457? ago

I remember seeing all the photos about 20 years ago, of all of the masonic symbolism and all the occult crap the Rothschilds put all over Israel. They're like dogs marking their territory. Which I suppose makes Denver airport their territory because it's even worse than Israel!

Anyways, every time I hear someone claiming to be a mason go on to preach about how they're all just these nice community do-gooders that have no connection to high level Satanist pedos? I'm like, why would you friggin idiots belong to the same club as the most evil people in the world? Makes NO SENSE unless you realize that even low level masons are at best careless selfish rat bastards.

They wanna be in the same club and enjoy the benefits? Let them join their overlords when judgement falls.

19737354? ago

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19734116? ago

I don't care where they are from. Bring anyone perpetrating these atrocities to justice.

19733569? ago

Steve Pieczenik is CIA.Not ever to be TRUSTED. Research this Clown and expose him.

19736088? ago

Steve and his partners in ops, helped save this country, and the planet. When it mattered he donned the hat of a PATRIOT
Kind of guy you want on your side. GOD BLESS STEVE

19736672? ago

Research him.He helped create the problem.

19746940? ago

He helped solve it as well.

19748391? ago

Trying to save his own ass nothing more.

19734812? ago

I wondered that too when he started reminiscing about the holocaust...

19732898? ago

Saving Israel for last. Trust the plan.

19744368? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3321373 'This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker.'

19732829? ago

jew, do not trust

19732663? ago

"[Trump] knew which jews were involved... he knew which units of the Mossad were involved." -Steve P. on 9/11


19732331? ago

Steve Pieczenik is a Neo Con.

19733983? ago

In order to run undercover counterintelligence you have to befriend and become your targets in order to infiltrate their operations, how they work, contingency plans, etc etc etc

I mean, look at Trumps past. Who he partied with, donated to etc.

Anons need to stop discrediting people due to surface level shit (research!!) or if they are Jewish (this is a battle of good vs evil which is prevalent in all humans).

19733005? ago

You have no idea what you're talking about. Steve P. was ejected from the establishment when neocons started rising to power,

19732627? ago

They don't want you naming names @BentAxel @Goys-R-Us ? @Broc_Lia @IAmMightGuy they wanted to ban wikileaks

19734958? ago

Stop pinging me

19732273? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3330470/19713687 Wasn't Naomi Campbell once the girlfriend/beard of Robert DeNiro?

19736922? ago

A Florida home, NYC, Also a Ranch to the island.... They also went by boat...maybe a Sub? All flights, Kevin Spacey, Naomi Campbell https://files.catbox.moe/rqqexn.jpg Logs https://files.catbox.moe/aa8l2v.jpg , https://files.catbox.moe/fzrabp.jpg , https://files.catbox.moe/3ggnbv.jpg logs https://files.catbox.moe/rqqexn.jpg ? @Conspirologist @TREDDITFIRST @AppliedAspergers

19736498? ago

DeNiro probably likes little kids better than full grown "elite" hookers like Naomi Campbell.

19732160? ago

72 Acre Privately-Owned Island - Little St. James, US Virgin Islands 1998 - 1999 Generated schematic designs that included elaborate underground fuel storage/ utility/maintenance buildings https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3333477/19731783 Lisa Geiger?

19732208? ago


The ADL was started as a defense for Leo Frank. A pedophile (what a strange word for adults who rape children) and rapist.

What else would you expect from a group of people whose leaders drink blood off of newborns cut penises as part of their "religious tradition"?

19733058? ago

The ethos of semites - Jewish and Muslim - is constant, full spectrum tribal warfare. They do not believe in coexistence.

19733188? ago

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19732093? ago

and running an industry of illegals and pornography and rugs in Commiefornia @Conspirologist so they were black mailing USA, black mailed royals, abusing American girls @DirectPressure WTF .... @Splooge @salvia_d ? @BitChute could there be a Jimmy Savile Mossad connection?

19732963? ago

could there be a Jimmy Savile Mossad connection

The most likely explanation by far.

19734088? ago

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19732387? ago

At this point I wouldn't doubt it. I don't think Epstein was a lone wolf pedo/human trafficking jew supplying pedo pussy for the "everyday working Joe". Money & young girls opens many high level doors. Nothing would surprise me.

19732176? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3333355/19732017 all pedos and the "people" who stand up for them deserve the rope.