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19737046? ago

UK Has Real Problems.

There's a new King that wants his throne back.

19737347? ago

I remember seeing all the photos about 20 years ago, of all of the masonic symbolism and all the occult crap the Rothschilds put all over Israel. They're like dogs marking their territory. Which I suppose makes Denver airport their territory because it's even worse than Israel!

Anyways, every time I hear someone claiming to be a mason go on to preach about how they're all just these nice community do-gooders that have no connection to high level Satanist pedos? I'm like, why would you friggin idiots belong to the same club as the most evil people in the world? Makes NO SENSE unless you realize that even low level masons are at best careless selfish rat bastards.

They wanna be in the same club and enjoy the benefits? Let them join their overlords when judgement falls.

19742443? ago

I was pushed out of my church because I taught the truth about masons. First a deacon who proudly wore his mason buttons on his suit collar, then I found out the "pastor's pastor" was a Mason faggot and my information to the church was held. I left. "Don't rock the boat." Guess what denomination... INDEPENDENT BAPTIST. "KJV ONLY". Holding to a particular Bible version can't and won't save your soul, only the Lord Jesus Christ does that.

19738189? ago

i was invited, and chose not to join, not knowing what i know now. fucking, wow!

19738113? ago

I think the masons and Shriners that we all know are just a spinoff. I could be entirely wrong, but that's my take on it. I have friends involved in both - each because their father was. I think it is honestly just a "Thing to do" or "Rite of passage" from father to son, where they teach the sons how to get away from their wives and out with the boys a few times a month.

Again, I could just not be reading them properly (Doubtful) but they honestly raise money for the community/nationally for causes that seem to be of worth, and drink heavily while doing it.