19743529? ago

Ghislaine? what kind of name is that? Lets make it easy and call her Jizzlame.

19743644? ago

The name Ghislaine is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ghislaine is: A French name derived from the Old German 'gisil', meaning pledge.

Related to Giselle, a German name derived from gisil (to owe, a pledge, a mutual obligation). It was a practice in the early Middle Ages for rival factions to offer a person, often a child, to each other as a pledge of peace.

19743875? ago

Everything I needed to know about the name Ghislaine .... thanks

19743959? ago

It also makes one question the truth behind supermodel Gisele Bündchen's name and rise to fame.

19740852? ago

Pull it!

19740847? ago

A Week To Remember

This is gonna be so good! 🍿

19740562? ago

Explains why so many people are “globalists”. Compromised by foreign powers. History repeats itself. About 1/3 of French govt officials compromised by Germany prior to “invasion” of France by Germany. Made it easy for Germany to walk in and control France through France’s own government officials.

We are watching the same happen here in 21st Century United States. Trump was the monkey wrench that has slowed this takeover down.

19740525? ago

FISA means foreign interference reason. Epstein blackmailing US figures on behalf of UK?

19742995? ago

Not only UK, but Mossad (Israel) or at least a rogue faction of Mossad

19740516? ago

((( Ghislaine Maxwell )))

19740479? ago

“Did you catch it?” - fuck off mossad shill wanna be sb2 nigger

19740323? ago

Strange mask with triangles and spirals in Ghislaine Maxwell’s home


19740283? ago

Everybody in the Airborne knows that the 4th point of contact is your ass.

She's up to her ass in this.

19750666? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3327830 Chandler, Eminem, P Diddy, Feinberg & Dyncorp Pedo isle. Waris Ahluwalia? Abramovic ...Weinstein trained by EB, Jeff was Ehud Baraks personal pilot...he also bought the Biig island....St Barts Island

19740235? ago

Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pimp'?

Ghislaine Maxwell 'Groomer'?

19738722? ago

I don’t think fisa warrants are for criminal cases. This isn’t the Obama admin. But point taken. If

19738825? ago

Her FISA would not be for a criminal civil case. It would be a foreign Counterintelligence FISA as, it has been suggested, that the whole Epstein operation is a Mossad operation. That changes everything.

19740195? ago

Not only that there may be other foreign actors involved like Prince Andrew

19740187? ago

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

a United States federal law which establishes procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of "foreign intelligence information" between "foreign powers" and "agents of foreign powers" suspected of espionage or terrorism


19740313? ago

Yes. Both Mossad and MI6 are involved in this issue, therefore it applies.

19738717? ago

if 1 and 2 are UK and USA, then # and 4 got to be Italy and Israel. thoughts?

19738575? ago

A FISA warrant simply means any evidence collected is all legal like and can be used in justice proceedings. That don't mean the beast system isn't being used extensively in all of this mess.

19738830? ago

The point will be, who controls the Beast system now?

19738277? ago

Four points if contact gets you ALL OF HIGH SOCIETY. The reach that you would have with that kind of range is huge. Especially cause that's such a small group.

Oh it's happening

19739929? ago

Consider that Maxine Waters had a driver who was a spy. That wraps up everyone in Congress pretty quickly.

19740272? ago

Fienstein (D-China)

19738144? ago

FYI, most people are mispronouncing her name. Virginia Roberts pronounces it "Gee-len". Just me being nitpicky

19738391? ago

Actually EVERYONE is mispronouncing her name.

"Ghislaine" is a French name and should therefore be pronounced "jheez-len"

19738096? ago

Yup 1.UK 2 USA 3.Vatican (Italy) 4.Israel

19737599? ago

Great work Friend, watching POTUS lay down the law in the UK as the queen and her minions fawned over him and FLOTUS was Beautiful. For a better understanding of the unGodly evil that is the queen and her cousins the bushes read Jim Hutchison_ The Real Terrorists http://www.sxolsout.org.uk/zreal1.html Best wishes Roy Belfast N I

19737398? ago

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19737336? ago

Columnist Mickey Kaus, definitely not a conspiracy theorist, just posted on Twitter that he's hearing Maxwell has flipped. He says it's just a rumor but a good one.

19743576? ago

We Mainstream Now Boys! US judge unseals files in case of girl, 17, 'forced to have sex with Prince Andrew' https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3333739

19740309? ago

Her and R Chandler? I don't think it could be both. They are just as big of fish as JE. They need to be put down

19737247? ago

Its gotta be someone in her outer orbit-4th hop.

Meaning, even the slightest interaction with someone on the public domain is a candidate for scrutiny

19737046? ago

UK Has Real Problems.

There's a new King that wants his throne back.

19739095? ago

May God have mercy on them. But not too much.

19737347? ago


I remember seeing all the photos about 20 years ago, of all of the masonic symbolism and all the occult crap the Rothschilds put all over Israel. They're like dogs marking their territory. Which I suppose makes Denver airport their territory because it's even worse than Israel!

Anyways, every time I hear someone claiming to be a mason go on to preach about how they're all just these nice community do-gooders that have no connection to high level Satanist pedos? I'm like, why would you friggin idiots belong to the same club as the most evil people in the world? Makes NO SENSE unless you realize that even low level masons are at best careless selfish rat bastards.

They wanna be in the same club and enjoy the benefits? Let them join their overlords when judgement falls.

19742443? ago

I was pushed out of my church because I taught the truth about masons. First a deacon who proudly wore his mason buttons on his suit collar, then I found out the "pastor's pastor" was a Mason faggot and my information to the church was held. I left. "Don't rock the boat." Guess what denomination... INDEPENDENT BAPTIST. "KJV ONLY". Holding to a particular Bible version can't and won't save your soul, only the Lord Jesus Christ does that.

19738189? ago

i was invited, and chose not to join, not knowing what i know now. fucking, wow!

19738113? ago

I think the masons and Shriners that we all know are just a spinoff. I could be entirely wrong, but that's my take on it. I have friends involved in both - each because their father was. I think it is honestly just a "Thing to do" or "Rite of passage" from father to son, where they teach the sons how to get away from their wives and out with the boys a few times a month.

Again, I could just not be reading them properly (Doubtful) but they honestly raise money for the community/nationally for causes that seem to be of worth, and drink heavily while doing it.

19736913? ago

Good catch anon!

19737111? ago


19736685? ago

Or She is one of the step 4 > that implicated Trump Team

19736799? ago

Yikes did I stumble back in time to 2016? This comment sounds eerily familiar.

19737373? ago

Right, almost like every other word out of a DemonRats mouth.

19736884? ago

My understanding of the process is this > under fisa they can cover up to 4 deep correct? Bad Agent > 2nd person > to third ( goes to Trump ) > trump would be 4th deep > BINGO they can Serval ( please forgive my spelling)

19736641? ago

Follow the bloodline.

Ghislaine Maxwell's Father was Robert Maxwell. A Jewish media tycoon and politician. Her mother was Elisabeth Jenny Jeanne Meynard (while not Jewish herself), became a "Holocaust expert" after her husband's death. Publishing books and giving lectures.

Follow the bloodline -> Jewish.

19737376? ago

US Virgin Islands Little St. James....had been to Little St. James as part of Epstein's circle, the Maxwell woman, Woody Harrelson, Duke of York, Saudi Prince Solman, Maria Shriver, Kevin Spacey https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3325779/19730086 what a strange temple

19737715? ago

That's the first time I've seen the "door" closeup. I never knew that it's just painted on. Or that it's made to look like it's locked from the outside.

I've seen that since attention has been brought to the island, the temple's roof has been removed. I guess it looked too much like an ancient Jewish synagogue.

19740366? ago

Islam dome of the rock comes to mind


19739958? ago

I read that the huuicane blew the top off the temple. God works in mysterious ways.

19737362? ago

Bill Maxwell was a character played by Robert Culp in the TV show, "The Greatest American Hero."

Strange that the names match, although not directly...

19736610? ago

This is not another 4 year election…. "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC…. GOD WINS. >>>>shills cry and take their keyboards to hell to puff up once again; and play tough Q

19742805? ago

Do we know Elon M is among them? Easy to catch 2 people talking at a party who otherwise have nothing in common.

19744162? ago

Well EM has been mentioned by Q, and appears on the qmap list of players. So far his involvement is unknown. There's a chance he may turn out to be a patriot, but somehow I doubt it.

19740865? ago

Does this mean Musk is part of their club? Should I not hold him in high regard or as a personal hero? I figured he was an imperfect decent man.

19736916? ago

Is that Musk?

19737348? ago

yes, although the smell is atrocious...

19736702? ago

They are ALL in this; all the "powerful" people.

19736443? ago

Payback for Five Eyes. Better use some of those lingerie profits to lawyer up, and tell your family, friends, neighbors, and business contacts to lawyer up also. Leapfrog, baby.

19736405? ago

Agreed. If it’s being made known, then they must have what they need, except more witnesses to come forward on all.

19750646? ago

Even before the crime, blackmail, island .... some of these people were know for the weird events? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3331947/19720566 Kubrick was trying to tell us

19736207? ago

Major shit show about to take place and the panic is reaching critical levels.

19736393? ago

Hope you've been practicing with your arms.

19738076? ago

Use them every day, patriot. I could easily knock out 25 push-ups at the drop of a hat!

19737330? ago

yeah, just flew in from chicago and boy are they tired!

19736647? ago

Hopefully we won't even need them, and the patriots in control have everything planned out for a peaceful takedown of the traitors