19741514? ago

Is it too hard to make the link what pulls up when I click the title? I hate this shit.

19731968? ago

Dark to LIGHT.

God Wins.

God Always wins dammit.

19731116? ago

Wait... no.. not go to jail... executed painfully in public view. This guy organises cannibalism orgies. There has to be a very messy execution involving horses and chains.

19731236? ago

The Death of Damiens?

19730752? ago

Hope they all hang

19730552? ago

Here's an archived version of the article that hasn't been Jewed-up with surveys or a paywall.

19732848? ago

72 Acre Privately-Owned Island - Little St. James, US Virgin Islands 1998 - 1999 Generated schematic designs that included elaborate underground fuel storage/ utility/maintenance buildings https://voat.co/v/QRV/3333477

19731408? ago


19730543? ago

Just the tip

That's what Epstein said!

19730521? ago

The Record is a leftist rag

19731156? ago

It's a shite paper but as far as UK papers go it's not the that left. One of the only papers in Scotland that will criticise the SNP.

19730641? ago

That's why the article "counts Donald Trump" as one of Epsteins closest friends.

Another obvious attempt to manipulate the masses into further delusion.

How can a publication this large fail to research DJT's true history with Epstein? Its info that's readily available and easily found.

Amazing to me a big publication like this rag can make such a blatant and obvious lie that's so easily debunked. Yet there are people that will read this and believe it .

The consequences are coming for these journalists that have LIED LIED LIED. Soon they will be unemployable. And they will be exposed for the clowns they are.

19730364? ago

Sorry gotta hijack OP. From the Chans. Another anons good work. Baldwin. On the flight logs.


19730347? ago

Open secrets.

19730204? ago

You mad, Sis?