19693804? ago

I have a feeling we haven't even gotten warmed up yet my friend... Go re-read Q2222 and then start to dig around on Electrogravitics. LENR. ZPE. Dude... There are aliens, extradimentional ones and ones from our dimention. Supralight travel is not super hard and gravity can be beat with relatively simple tech. We haven't seen anything yet. This isn't the end, this is a single step on a journey of 1000 miles.

19694101? ago

yeah that's what I'm starting to think too, that EVERY problem we have already has a solution, and this truth has been hidden from us for millennia. Truly is a fascinating time to be alive!

19694551? ago

Just make sure you can handle some bumpy rides. Catch USA Watchdog interview about the transition tothe Gold Standard that is coming hot and fast.

19692960? ago

It is beyond mind blowing. I’ve been on Alt media for over 2+ years. I’m still reading information that makes my head explode. Yet I have friends who are CLUELESS !! How are they going to cope? I pray constantly for all of us!! Only God can lead us through this morass....it is beyond sick. Save us oh Lord!!!

19693196? ago

exactly, you seem to be feeling a lot like me, especially the part about the 'clueless' friends and HOW they will handle all of this!? Just surreal to think that our world is NOTHING like we had been lead to believe:( Reminds me of those women who find out their husbands were serial killers, totally betrayal at every level!🤢

19692834? ago

Every time I think I been blown away something else comes that is worse . I just watched https://youtu.be/cugV1VK6jV4. on the earthquake . Oh my ! And I knew about the cannibal restaurant in California ..... I am not sleeping again tonight . I will get a broom in the morn and sweep my brain up . Everything keeps looking completely different , and everyone.

19691418? ago

It just seemed that these people, even though they do nefarious things, would be above believing in controlling spiritual forces via incantations and sacrifices and such. Although, that said, now that it is evident that they do partake of this religion, it is not surprising that such totally selfish people would believe in and appeal to the being that is the opposite of the agape love of God.

19691161? ago

What I have always found absolutely mind-blowing bizarre.... is how people can look at the vatican and the pope and think "yeah, that's normal". As Jesus rode in on a humble little donkey... and here is the vatican. Jesus turned water into wine,,, but OH! The pope can turn that wine into BLOOD. Not any blood. Jesus' blood. And make you drink it.

Yes... this isn't sick and twisted at all.

I will never, ever understand how catholics can be so completely, utterly blind. I have known a great deal of practicing catholics in my life and the majority of them have been very, very good people. Wholesome, kind, etc. It's just so bizarre to me how they cannot see what is right in front of them. I think they have a lot of FEAR deep down.

19691404? ago

OP here and I was raised Catholic and I totally agree with your comments! I also noticed those things as a young girl while the adults around me we oblivious. Just mind boggling that I was on the right track that early in life, but someone always seemed to show up with negative comments and then I'd start doubting myself. Thank God for President Trump, Q and all of you anons/autists, now we can finally be who/what we were meant to be!😇

19692154? ago

Well said! And I absolutely believe you when you say you picked up on things when you were a young girl. Kids are so innocent and I think when we're kids we DO tend to see things that other's do NOT see, yet we can't quite articulate it. Then the adults in our lives who we go to for guidance turn our intuition to the OFF position about a matter. That's why kids are so vulnerable. Even though they feel something is definitely wrong, an adult will say it is ok and the child trusts that. There is so much that needs to be exposed in order for real healing and freedom to occur. Peace, friend.

19689916? ago

Your eyes are still shut.

All we know is that we know nothing. Under national security laws most of the truth is still obfuscated.

What we have done here is grown open to organizing our thoughts and research and refining that research and community organizing.

Offline I have red pulled:

  • at least work peers ( and lead each of them to Christ or encouraged them to find God in their own way ). Each of them now goes forward.

  • I have found folks I was at odds with that were blinded by RussiaGate and the MSM and helped them awaken to researching for themselves and that together we can act locally and better friends and family. Through this they are consistently moving towards real conservative values of sound money and prosperity. They feel community and a need to give back. They are happier.

  • my personal family is closer than ever before

  • I meet strangers and make them friends

I have assembled an outfit of 75+ people that when the news of Epstein came forward were comforted that there was a possibility of JUSTICE

Epstein and NXVIM have done more for my red pill efforts than anything else.

This Is Not The Beginning of The End - It Is The End of The Beginning

This weekend very well may be suicide weekend.


07/17/2019 is QDAY



aspire to be angelic friends.

We must guide them. We must be available.

This is for Generations young

This is for Generations yet born

This is to end a Cabal that has perverted the night and glory of our Consitutional Republic and has taken our wealth of money, of ideas, and turned us into a weaponized platform to Kill and Sully humanity.


19691334? ago

What are your thoughts on Mueller in relation to Trump and Q? What is he going to drop next week?

19691074? ago

Thanks for the great reply and reassuring thoughts! and yes, you're right, I need to keep going, it's just been hard since the Epstein drops. I had a stroke and I don't work anymore, so I spend a lot of time alone researching, and it's been a bit overwhelming the past few days:( I know I'll get through it, but it sure would be nice to have a 'real life' person to discuss these things with. Just have to keep working on my patience, and I'm sure these feelings will pass😇 WWG1WGA!🇺🇸

19689335? ago

Mostly everything you have been taught is wrong or misleading. All the way down to the shape of the earth and religion.

19691927? ago

Electricity always takes the shortest path to ground


Electricity will take any path to complete a circuit

19689187? ago

Eyes wide open

19689155? ago

I always had a strong relationship with Christ, but I have turned to him so much more to get me through the real ugly stuff over the past 4 years. I read the Bible and watch Woke Marine, Paster. Charles Lawson. He does a great job connecting the dots and broke down how we are in a fight of good v evil with the cabal. He's worth watching every week. https://youtu.be/gX4xH9Yn27g

19691128? ago

awesome and thanks for the link. I've heard good things about this man before, but keep forgetting to watch, so I'll take this as a sign:)

19718312? ago

You can go back to videos even from 7 years ago. His words are always help and relevant. Blessings to you.

19689126? ago

some of us knew she was a satanist... she and rapeyBill honeymooned in Haiti and did all the voodoo stuff - it's in one of their books... and then there was Cathy O'Brien's testimony about Hill being a predatory lesbian. even then, I didn't know the extent of the frazzeldrip stuff. I expected blood drinking and snuff sex, but the skinning little girls faces to wear as she danced? fuckinghell. Of course, they carved Cathy's genitals into a Jew-face... so I should have expected it.

19701841? ago

Why in the fuck would anybody want to honeymoon in an impoverished 3rd world shithole ?

19703351? ago

Its the best place to get brown babies for the sacrifices.

19688853? ago

You want one more red pill? Check this out just shared by another anon. Still reading through it. Will be awake for a long time tonight - https://www.judaism.is/big-lies.html And go to the links across the top. The perversion one will rip your heart out

19691370? ago

I read only a few lines and whoa! Has this been shared on the chan boards?

19730978? ago

Hi - no, please share it. I'm a newbie on the Chans and a little confused about posting there. Have at it. Thanks!

19691149? ago

wow I haven't seen this one before, but I can just imagine🤢 thanks for sharing the link!

19688377? ago

i did notice. i was just sitting here wondering when y'all would join me.

19688248? ago

it goes all the way back to babylon. the only shocking part about it is that we'd been so comforted by our riches & rockwell-ian world to believe that it stopped at some point. it never stopped. the child sacrifice & sex magic bullshit & rebel angels mating with humans and then having offspring is exactly why God flooded the earth.

19688712? ago

It makes me wonder what REALLY happened at the Salem witch trials now.

19722525? ago

YES!!! i've heard some interesting theories... some weird chemical in the local plants (wish i could remember) but it's very plausible with everything we know that they were in fact witches

19688135? ago

You've only seen a glimpse of how horrendous they really are.

19691436? ago

wow, is there really THAT much more?🤮

19691786? ago

Are you male or female.

Because the rest isn't fit for any God-loving female.

Yes I am discriminating. It's hard to handle.

Much love patriot, we're winning.

19693093? ago

I'm female and I'm very logical/not sentimental, and this stuff is still getting to me so I just can't imagine how my normie female friends will take it:( And you're right, we're winning and I will be fine, guess I get overwhelmed sometimes and wish I had someone in real life to vent to, but I suppose that will come soon enough! Thanks for the encouragement, WWG1WGA!🇺🇸

19693408? ago

Brace yourself with the Armor of God.

If you need an ear, call on me.

19694125? ago

Thanks and I'm trying:) Just can't wait until my family catches up so I have someone to discuss these things with.

19688054? ago

Don't let your own eyes fool you, niggers are black for a reason.

19691452? ago

yeah I was just telling my husband that I think we're 'color coded' for a reason. Do you know of a good place to find more info?

19693020? ago

Post to ask voat, ask does anyone have a niggers red pill guide. Shouldn't take but a few hours if that.

19693208? ago


19691721? ago

V/niggers is a start.

19687821? ago

Hey I used to take the bus to the library in the mid 80s to read about the NWO and Humanism and Wm F Buckley(God bless his soul). For fun! I was a real party animal back then. So glad to be alive in this timeline and see it all play out.

19690618? ago

WFB was C_A and Skull&Bones

19688019? ago

me too! I loved WFB and the library and, I would spend a lot of time there reading all the non-fiction and metaphysical books. Got a lot of fines too because I knew if I returned a book I might not get it again for awhile😎 I'm also glad to be alive now, I just wish some of my family members would wake up! It's hard to have all this info and no one that can appreciate what it means for our future:( WWG1WGA!

19688119? ago

Barry Goldwater too. 50 cents for the bus and 15 cents for a transfer. Hard to get to the library when you don't have a DL. Sadly I forgot to return some books about Summarian Hieroglyphs. I'm scared to turn them in now.

19688931? ago

Wait for an amnesty day ;)

19689043? ago

I think they all got used up on illegal migrants. But that would be cool if they have some left over. We're talking about 35 years of Library fines over books that have probably been banned anyway.Library fines or free healthcare for non citizens. I'll have some guilt problems if they start allocating library fines for the healthcare of illegals.Damn that would suck. But at least I wouldn't ever pay up. No way.

19687813? ago

I read Trance Formation of America, Kathy O'Brien, in 1997. A veil was lifted and innocence lost. I never thought I would live to see the general public exposed to what I have believed for so long. I have recently been exhausted dropping pills on folks who previously responded with calling me "CT" or Tin Foil Hat bullshit! I pray the spell is broken, prepare!

19691779? ago

Whenever I hear a tin foil hat joke,

I always ask if they made that joke up all by themselves,

Or if they plagiarized it from some other idiot

I have yet to get a response to that question

19691424? ago

I stumbled across this Obrien Clinton excerpt the other day. Ho-Ly Sheeet.


19688893? ago

why is everybody namefagging old boomer crap all of a sudden?

19689909? ago

Many knew back then but could only call out into the night because we had no interwebs back then junior. Now we are connected as one.

19689186? ago

Witness our movement.

19688165? ago

thanks for the reminder, I've seen Kathy's videos, but never read the book, so I'll have to look that up. My first CTs came from weird encyclopedia kind of book that I had back in the 80's. It's was kind of like the old paper tabloids all rolled up into a book. Sure hope I remember the name someday so I can try to find a copy:)

19687771? ago

Media and big tech had the wool over our eyes. Until Q, they practically had complete control of the narrative and more. Now they only have partial control of the narrative and nothing else.

19688229? ago

yeah that's what really freaks me out, that the media HID SO MUCH from us over the years and could care less! I was a teacher in a low income school, and my city is full of methheads, so I SEE how much PAIN people are in. Now that I know that it all could have been prevented, I'm just dumbfounded.

19687757? ago

It really is incredible how deep the corruption goes, anon. The blackmailing, Pedo/satinist network to keep people quite is unbelievable that this has been going on so long!

Everyone of these sick MF'rs need to feel Pain! They won't be able to walk the streets any longer... that's is certain!


19688258? ago

Exactly, what they have done will NOT go unpunished! These creatures will pay, and we will make sure that it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN! 🇺🇸

19687734? ago

Imagine what it’s like for those who used to consider conspiracy theories nonsense for decades of their lives?? Talk about the world turning upside down! I used to laugh at all of this stuff...arrogantly considering anything or anyone who considered any of this idiotic. Righteously indignation turned to humble confusion a mere two months after finding Q.

19690828? ago

yeah I wonder that too, because anyone that has held out this long, definitely has some issues with logic! And so glad you found us:) Gives us hope that what all been doing is worthwhile.

19687722? ago

And you haven't even checked into flat earth yet!

19688865? ago

fuck off, crypto-boomer kike

19688927? ago

Check it out bro, you scared?

19689200? ago

He very scared.


19688108? ago

yep:( I was just telling my husband about it the other night, along with all the Bill Maher stories. Poor guy is a doer, not a thinker, so I'm sure he thinks I'm insane! At least Q is getting more and more followers and more proofers are coming true, so I'm sure it won't be much longer until he thinks I'm the smartest girl around😇

19689699? ago

Steer clear of flat earth. Ask yourself why the moon doesn't get larger the further from the horizon it gets.

19702996? ago

Flat earth theories are for people who can't think clearly or understand basic science and physics. It's really kind of sad to listen to them babble while disregarding what's obvious to a thinking person.

19688854? ago

you're a fucking kike-media plant right?

who do you work for?

19691480? ago

yeah whatever, (((they))) don't try to make things 'cute' with emojis!😆 retard!

19691704? ago

somebody does. we generally don't.

but there is just a weird pattern here. a weird vibe.

19688333? ago

Yeah, my wife is the same as your husband lol.

Well, I just would recommend anything by Eric Dubay, and I myself am just always searching the web for stuff.

I'm afraid I'm a firm believer in it, tho it took a while.

19687665? ago

I think the upside down cross was fake. Could be some sort of plausible deniability as Q has taught us in the past. That’s all you have to go by OP?

19687851? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall. ~Q

You missed that one?

19688014? ago

Lol no I’m just saying the one point OP makes to claim Clinton’s are satanists is easily debunked.

Plausible deniability, remember Krass twins video saying they get paid? Patton Oswalt PizzaGate photo? Plausible deniability.

You missed those posts also I guess before you happily upvoat OPs thread which provides little to nothing, just seemed a little suspect to me.

19696164? ago

The Clinton daughter follows Church of Satan and tweeted a greeting to them at least once. But sure, plausible deniability because lots of people follow CoS and send holiday greetings to Satan worshippers and where upside down crosses. Sure, makes perfect sense. Now fuck off.

19698076? ago

Lmao ok like I said it’s probably true, just thought OPs thread came off as sus where he specifically mentions he cross.

Obviously it’s fake news, but try googling the cross photo and reading how they have systematically “debunked” it and try looking at it from that angle w plausible deniability in mind.

Did you miss those posts? Where Q says that THEY put out fake stuff IE Patton Oswald?

19689514? ago

The point made above re the Clintons is only a tiny fraction of what has been reported. It goes back years. They went to Haiti on their honeymoon and participated in some occult rituals then and in numerous subsequent visits. Hillary has been outed as a member of at least one witches coven and was a featured guest and honorary member of 'The Wings' private women's club in Los Angeles, whose leader admits to being a witch on her Instagram. 20+ years ago, a female former classmate of Bill Clinton told in an interview on TV that Bill said Hillary travels to LA regularly for her witches coven meetings. Why would he say that if not true?

There have been rumors of her satanic cult participation and her lesbianism over and over for 30 years that I can remember. Not to mention all of the dirt leaked from her server and Anthony Weiner's laptop - i.e., 'crimes against children', 'spirit cooking parties', helping her friend Laura Silsby kidnap children in Haiti', etc. Where have you been?

Re the Krass twins - they posted so frequently and relentlessly they had no time to work a job, so it makes sense that it was their job to shill and troll the boards. In the undercover video they do say they are paid well to do this. Now they say they were joking. Which do you believe? I believe the statement when they didn't know they were being recorded.

Re Patton Oswalt? That one photo is meaningless. What is more important are all of his own tweets over the years where he says he is a proud pedophile and a member of NAMBLA (North American Man-boy Love Association) and his public support of other outed male pedophiles.

Conclusion: many of us that visit the board have learned and witnessed a vast amount of information and do not need everything to be cited in each statement. We have already been red-pilled. You seem to be new here. That is OK. You'll accumulate more and more knowledge as the days progress. Good Luck.

19689732? ago

Just check out this thread here on the front page.


Gee seems logical, nice sentiments. Read a little more and oh gee is OP calling himself Jesus basically, and calling everyone quantum AI bots telling them he can give them souls and singularity if they join him for good?

Yeah OP seems like he has good intentions, but it just seemed off to me which is why I pointed out that perhaps the cross is fake and plausible deniability, and now they are pushing threads like this to say “C THAT PHOTOS A KNOWN FAKE THEY DONT HAVE ANY REAL PROOF!”

19689656? ago

No I’ve been here since Q made the board, I read your post and agree, I’m just saying maybe you missed the point Q was making about disinfo and plausible deniability.

I was suggesting that perhaps the cross is not the best evidence, jus google it and maybe you’ll understand why. I don’t know if it’s fake, but it doesn’t seem real and as much as they love their symbols would CC really flaunt an upside down cross and not some lesser known symbol for a public photo event?

He was suggesting THEY put out the fakes to create plausible deniability.

19687790? ago

Nope it's just one of many things now that Q put us on the right track.

19687659? ago

MeToo and same here 20+ years. The eating babies and ritual shit is beyond anything a redeeming heart can ever imagine. We've made it this far my fellow Patriot, keep your head up! WE'RE THE MAJORITY and we ALL have your back! 🇺🇸

19690946? ago

thanks for the encouragement:) I had a stroke several years ago, so I'm home now and have a lot of extra time to research, so I'm sure I just need a break. Plus, if President Trump can keep going at his age, then I have no excuse at 51!😇🇺🇸

19687651? ago

It's the Jews, dumbass. They connect all the dots together. Follow the money. It always leads to a Jew.

19687686? ago

Oh yeah I realize that, I guess I just didn't realize how far the deception goes. It's like we're completely different species in what we want in life.