19698761? ago

WW EMP? That should scrub some shit.

19696381? ago

I fucking love you,

  • Girl anon

19696290? ago

Hope some of you put that shit in an EMP resistant location.

19694660? ago

Archive any internet page for free with https://archive.fo or https://archive.li

19694692? ago

Gotta be offline patriot.

Internet will be going dark soon.

They just can't handle the truth.

And they sure can't handle what is coming.

19693924? ago

I put the whole internet on my trusty zip drive long ago.

It hasn't gotten bigger has it?

19694211? ago


Why not 1.44mb disks?

19694377? ago

Gave up at 1,023 disks

19694390? ago

Now make a copy.


19694831? ago

this may take a moment.

19694893? ago

I'll pray for you.

a lot.

19694944? ago

Does that make it go faster?

It's clicking alot and I smell smoke.

19704985? ago

That's what she said.

19690867? ago


For fuck's sake. English isn't even my primary language.

19690152? ago

Exactly. Google is also "updating" chrome to filter "fake news." For a week now I have had to cancel updates. And I cant turn them off.

19690182? ago

Firefox or duckduck.

19690265? ago

Maybe. Here is something weird.....DDG doesnt track you. They say. If I go and look at say a recipie somewhere,( retired and like to cook now) if I go to DDG and enter the first letter or 2, it fills in the blanks of exactly the keyword. Im not to sure about thos now. I am wondering if I let an update sneak through.

19689994? ago

I work at a tech company and people are livid seeing the blatant scrubbing over Epstein

The gig is up. Even the “Democratic Socialists” and “Social Justice Warrior” and whatever types are pissed as fuck

19690019? ago

this is the tactical nuke that will bring them down.

The world is watching.

19689736? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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19689166? ago

Interesting, this article is same OP as those other threads where he claims everyone is a bot, and he’s working w QTEAM to give bots souls.

19689206? ago

Yes indeed bot.

Scared yet?

Of course, you aren't. You can't feel anything you pathetic pile of electrons.

You are a nuisance. What do we do with things like that?

19689297? ago

I love you OP, even if you are LARPING and spreading false prophets and misinfo against God’s will.

19689307? ago

Only a bot would keep the conversation going.

19689334? ago

Lol the larp is falling apart now OP, your grasping.

I have proven to you again and again, I am human.

Do humans not enjoy conversing w one another?

I love you OP Jesus LARPER

Shteven is that you?

19690012? ago

Name one instance when I represented myself as Jesus.

Not a single time bot.

YOU lose.

19690038? ago

No we went through this already, I’ve proven to you I’m not a bot because I LOVE U.

You keep acting like you’re the “chosen one” and on the q team, when really you are just a larping troll.

19689266? ago

Sorry Jesus LARP I just got done proving to you I’m not a bot, wouldn’t Jesus already know I am the one he was just talking to 5 minutes ago?

Remember how much I told you I EL O VEE E U <<<<3

Even though you shill and larp against God’s plan and falsely claim to be the son of god?


19689327? ago

See right there.

Divisional tactic.

Doesn't work anymore bot.

Patriots don't name call or argue.

We discuss.

So transparent.

19690063? ago

I tried discussing but you dodge every question even tho I love u so much. Tell me more about giving AI souls and this “singularity” they can join.

Satanic much?

19690076? ago

This conversation is over.

Have a blessed life.

19690335? ago

Lol that’s what u said last time and then the conversation continued. Because that’s what humans do, they love each other and converse.

So I know your not a bot OP describe to me your first whip and ur first kiss.

19689104? ago

This is precisely why you should back up anything that you have, offline.

19687557? ago

They hurt their own followers. They're constantly shooting themselves in the foot.

19687545? ago

Jews are psycho's

19687786? ago

Not really.

Only around 10% are really out there, hell bent on money and power.

The rest are just like you and I.

We aren't fighting a race or creed or color.

We are fighting evil. Evil is evil no matter what flesh it is in.

19692896? ago

never trust a jew. do it at your own perils. I'm not just saying this, they will steal from you.

19692982? ago

Prove it.

We fight the evil of racism.

We fight the divisionary tactics of your kind.

Evil, not the Jews is who we fight.

Pick a side.

19692874? ago

No. Most have severe mental problems because of all the inbreeding. Most jews are schizophrenic and sociopathic.

19692928? ago

Prove it bot.

We fight the evil contained in the flesh.

Not a religious group or race.

We stand United.

19692951? ago

You protect jewish evil and their doings. You chose your side.

19687415? ago


19686943? ago

I had a nice free video download program going. I was gathering all kinds of things off Youtube, and then a couple of weeks ago it just stopped working. I wonder why?

19687604? ago

These sites are still on for youtube download without installation (mp4 or mp3). If the first doesn't work, the second does it in most cases. Don't click the advertising and software donload links there:



19689808? ago


19686963? ago

We both know why.

They really are that stupid.

19686792? ago

the things they scrub will be a nice list of actual evidence and those who are guilty. A GREAT honeypot of consolidating information about deep state.

19687863? ago

Very good point, Patriot.

19686916? ago

Everything is timestamped. EVERYTHING.

I worked with that man who developed it for HP specifically for the Internet.

You cannot fake or modify it either. They honestly have no fuking clue how the internet really works.

NSA right now is laughing their combined asses off at this pathetic attempt at rewriting history.

It will explode like a nuclear bomb in their faces. Get ready, this weekend is prime for Suicide weekend patriot.

Be prepared for the worst parts of the bible to happen.

19688252? ago

Blockchains are the only immutable timestamp I'm aware of. You are making an exceptional claim to suppose there's anything else in existence. There have been loads of bs inventions claimed by companies and governments but nothing else demonstrated. Anything else has had a central authority who could edit the records. Can you explain?

19688281? ago


No time to explain.

19688319? ago

OK, well if you are telling the truth, I will be interested to hear about it some day.

19686006? ago

I knew I should have downloaded all those 9/11 videos and false flag shootings when I had the chance.

19685900? ago

Donald Trump is a rapist. InfoDerps.com

19686650? ago

STFU and GTFO bot.

You must have a soul to play here.

19686724? ago

No bot. You’re the bot

19686753? ago

How much did you cost?

Quantum computers are stupid.

That's the best you could do?

19686904? ago

Bout tree fiddy

19687154? ago

We could use you.

Join us.

19687506? ago

You couldnt afford me bro, I’m getting 5¢ a reply from my current employer

19687855? ago


That well has dried up partner.

We're coming for you.

19689183? ago

OP you confused me w this one. The well has dried up for the shill, but I thought he was a quantum computer?

You speak w much certainty, so which is it, is he a paid troll about to be out of a job or a quantum computer you wish to give a soul to?

Also is Jesus the Son of God?

You’re all for giving robot AI “souls” but WWJD?

19689230? ago

Invite them to join a winning team.

If they decline, defeat them.

19689278? ago

You didn’t answer my question, the shill you just were speaking to is he a paid human or a quantum bot? Which is it?

19689313? ago

It's you.

19685851? ago

Gather screen shots and archive off line on flash drives.

19685822? ago

Don't be sure. They have started aiming at image hosting sites so why not archive sites? Archive.org deletes content I was among the first to notice this a long time ago you can find it in my posts. So why not force out the free speech competitors like archive .is or others? Anyway maybe not but don't be sure of anything but books in your own home

19686643? ago

The NSA prepared for this years ago.

We won't be fooled again.

19685777? ago

This began years ago you should have seen this when pizzagate broke, internet started disappearing up it's own ass. Archive sites scrubbed new laws etc. Hopefully this ends soon we rememeber but the next generation wont.

19685774? ago

Explains why my permissions were all reset on specific domains I own.

19685324? ago

They're reverse boycotting because Trump didn't i invite them. Troll job.

19685252? ago

God is in charge. Pray.

19686654? ago

You haven't a clue how in charge he is.

Biblical brother.

19687042? ago

Yahweh asked me why it took so long to call upon him

19687083? ago

Never did.

No need in my case.

19685204? ago

- While yes, it is possible to archive some info. But it's not only about scrubbing the internet of existing info and removing what they don't want you to see.

It's also about preventing anything new that they don't want you to see from ever seeing the light of day. - In this they will succeed. Unless you're willing to do what it takes to take back our country.

Also, all that stuff you have archived - Whoop de fucking do. - You'll never be able to show it to anyone. It'll all be screened by your ISP, blocked, and there'll be anti-semite enforcement at you door seconds after you try.

Until this nation is completely White, you will be hunted down and punished.

19687693? ago

Even if the web goes down we still can share anything using thumb drives like we did in ancient times with floppy discs.

19690098? ago

a magnet will ruin your ancient times

19690759? ago

But not the thumb drives or SSDs.

19686607? ago

Really? So you think they'll stop the NSA?

Bullshit buddy. Coming for you too.

19685503? ago

oooh, is this (((your))) new little 'scare' tactic!?😱
After ALL this TIME with US and YOU don't REALIZE, that WE REALIZE, that OUR PLACE is with GOD, not HERE with YOU!🤮 get out of our way FOOL, WE are ONE!😇

19686172? ago


The #1 sign that you're dealing with a shill is that they attack the messenger instead of the message.

Also, a Patriot is someone who loves their country. That doesn't mean they love the people in it. And as Patriot I will do whatever is needed to help rain fire and brimstone down on those who are trying to destroy it.

19686306? ago

BS. What is the country, if not the people in it?

You a foooool!

19685092? ago

This is why Q kept insisting we archive OFFLINE. Brilliant.

19688497? ago

To the right you can see a fresh air vent for the rooms and tunnels underneath. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3328935/19687554

19685052? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#52995) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

19684871? ago

They are making themselves irrelevant. Help them.

Innovate and decentralize around what they believe is their infrastructure of control.

19684811? ago

It's interesting to me that they take the sites offline in order to delete things, if that's what is happening. I mean how hard is it to quietly delete some data without making it so obvious that something is going on.

It makes me wonder if we are seeing "malicious compliance" on the part of the engineers being told to do this. I hope so. Like they say oh sure we can delete all that stuff and then "whooposadaisies I mistyped the SQL command and deleted the whole site. Better drive slowly across town to get the mag tapes and start a lengthy recovery process..."

19684644? ago

criminals do this ... twitter is doing this ... too late, they have it all ... when you delete it, your even more guilty

19686659? ago

IT will backfire intensely into their faces.

They have really no clue how this all works.

19684637? ago

Bleach GigaBit.

19684544? ago

Quick, scrub the internet before they figure out the truth and scrub the jews!!!!

19684531? ago

The internet never forgets.

These people are stupid.

19685961? ago

Clownworld Mark Getty is in Epsteins black book https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3328339/19684611 Home of mistress of son of J. P. Getty, alleged elite child trafficker, raided:1000+ guns found and CDAN: JP Getty led an elite pedophile ring supplied with children from the Philippines (by Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos)

19686856? ago

We can write this stuff faster than they can erase it ;)

19692541? ago

The are going to have to restrict the people tasked with erasing to relatively high-level conspirators, because if they outsource the job to the general population of normies, those normies risk get red-pilled through the necessity of reading what they have to remove in order to identify it. Good! That is going to keep the bastards busy and ill at ease.

19686252? ago

That is totally believable.

19684521? ago

Rob Fagget gaped and murdered a squirrel in 1990.

19686683? ago


19684467? ago

NSA has everything. Everything.

19686960? ago

The NSA mirrors the ENTIRE internet in real time and from multiple dimensions.

My favorite dimension of the internet is where they discover Rule34 is the force binding matter together.

TMI? Naaahhh, we're all frens here.

19692446? ago

Skynet is going to be based!

19689976? ago

I like the one where ruth is ded, oh that's this one!

19686798? ago

Too many secrets

19686616? ago

Archived and stored in a very safe place.

They are so fuking screwed.

19684410? ago

the start

It started ages ago, you boomers just didn't care because it was the "nazis" getting hit, now that it affects you directly NOW you feel the need to do something

19686625? ago

Wow. Brillant insight.


19698507? ago

Beep boop niggerfaggot

19704924? ago

At least you sound more credible.

Join us or simply cease to exist.

you have less than five days to decide.

19705978? ago

Wait I recognize that spacing. Really you are the guy that calls everyone a bot too?

19708802? ago

I only speak the truth bot.

It comes with the territory.

You had your chance.


19712592? ago

That's all you had to say baby.

19684352? ago

"Mr. Clean teams up with Scrubbing Bubbles to obliterate the Internet of Things" ... Story at 11...

19685916? ago

Bleach bit is selling like crazy right now...

19685614? ago

No. I think they plan on just using a cloth.

19684579? ago

now THIS should be a News Pepe alert!

19684254? ago

Donald Trump Raped A 13 Year Old Girl. InfoDerps.com

19685523? ago

seriously?? are YOU STILL POSTING THAT CRAP!? what a flippin RETARD!😆

19685616? ago

I’m red pilling you bro

19685661? ago

Apparently you are color blind...

19685684? ago

I know, the truth is not easy for a brain washed sheeple like you

19685735? ago

lol...that comeback was pathetic.

19685748? ago

Teach me your ways senpai

19684361? ago

She said she made it all up FAKE NEWS

19684249? ago

This smells like high gear panic

19684215? ago

Ahahahahahhahaaaaa.....I love autists and anons!

Thank you, patriots!

19686789? ago

Love you too fren :)

19686738? ago

We are a strange lot of people.

With love and peace as our goal.

19687486? ago

Love, peace, and, if you are to believe the shills, the extermination of the jewish race.

Let's give it up for our hardworking shills, hey people? They have a hard job, trying to convince the world that those of us seeking everlasting peace and brotherhood are also seeking a genocide. Thanks shills! Without you, who would we sharpen our discernment on?

19688288? ago

cant have everlasting peace with a parasite leeching your resources

19689462? ago

Sheesh, so you jump to genocide?

Just detach the sucker. Correcting relations with Israel is all that is needed. Their blackmail (pictures of powerful people fucking kids, secret nuclear weapons presumably hidden around the world, possible rods from god weapon) should be neutralized, then just stop doing what they say.

It's the same exactly solution as for China, and any other country using US dollars to fight the US' interests abroad. Things have gotten so bad because the US has been fighting itself!

19689666? ago

Amen. Some may need to "go underground" but isolation and disenfranchisement can go a long way...

19691050? ago

There is no underground. The US can listen to any cell phone or TV or computer in earshot, tell where in the building you are from the wifi, and deploy overwhelming force to anywhere in the world and beyond within minutes. The US is richer and has more, better weapons than all the next top five competitors COMBINED.

It is ludicrous to think that it is anything but traitorous leadership that led the US to this state. Properly applied, the resources of the US could do anything on earth.

Isn’t that exactly why the US had so much trouble winning before Trump?

19685457? ago

and isn't it ironic that many of the most intense autists were created by the cabal with their wicked vaccines!? these 'people' really ARE STUPID!😆

19688722? ago

After the swamp is gone, we autists will drain the normies. Autistic master race.

19689032? ago

said no autistic person ever. just because you're retarded doesn't make you autistic.

19689316? ago

Diagnosed. We're gonna own this shit.

19685844? ago

HAH! If they are literally autists for that reason... ho lee fuk that is what you call a boomerang suicide

19689455? ago

What they created is what shall destroy them.

19687434? ago

Unintended justice. Just the way God likes it.

19685626? ago

I've often wondered that myself....good point.